Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Olivia Hastings was beside herself with anguish. Her neighbor Steve had just caught her masturbating and got it on video. What was worse, he was planning on using the video, and the subsequent pictures to blackmail her into God knew what. Now she found herself dressed in nearly nothing, and being led like a lamb to the slaughter.

Steve led the scared girl down into the basement where he told her to sit down on an old sectional couch. "Welcome to my humble abode," he announced. "Let's relax and get comfortable, can I get you a drink?"

"I guess, can I have a coke?"

"With what in it?" he asked.

"Huh, I don't get it?" she replied.

"You know, rum, whiskey, etc... , well what will it be?"

"Rum I guess," she answered not knowing one from the next.

Olivia choked on the harsh drink as Steve put some lame reality show on the TV. "Drink it down, it will make you feel more comfortable," he said.

"You try and feel comfortable with your bare crotch hanging out from a too-small skirt, your boobs ready to fly out from an equally small halter all the while sitting next to your black-mailer, yeah you try and feel comfortable," she thought with a large dose of sarcasm. She sipped at her drink hoping it would get less harsh the more she got used to it. Steve refilled her glass hoping it would help her to relax. It didn't help much, he knew two strong rum and cokes should have a twelve year old half in the bag, but thought he needed some help.

"Here try this," he said as he lit up a joint. "Put between to your lips and suck in the smoke, good, now hold it, hold it, there you go." Olivia coughed up the harsh acrid smoke, it was so dry and bitter.

"How could anyone like that stuff," she thought.

"Do it again," he ordered.

Six or seven tokes later with the joint finished, Olivia was starting to feel the effects, time slowed down and she suddenly did feel relaxed. She leaned back into the couch and felt her arms and legs go slack. She felt herself drifting off.

She must have been dreaming because she felt pleasure coming from her pussy. The sensation was very familiar, it was the sensation she got when she rubbed her pussy only she knew she wasn't doing it herself. She lifted her head realizing she wasn't dreaming and looked down to find Steve toying with her pussy, and it felt good, really good.

"Ohhh, that feels nice," she purred. She could feel every brush of his fingers over her love bud. Her cover-up was hiked up around her waist and her halter was undone, she could clearly see the white outlines of her tits in the dim light. Instinctively she reached for her tits trying to cover them up, her modesty taking over. Only as she felt Steve working her slit, her hands went to her nipples and began to squeeze them, first gently, then roughly as the sensations in her new tingly titties grew.

Steve expertly manipulated her clit, working the little nub between his finger tips. He traced up and down her slit caressing her more gently than she would have ever expected. He slowly inserted his index finger into her steamy channel, marveling at the tightness, bumping up against her hymen with every stroke. "That's not going to be around long," he thought.

Steve's efforts on her nearly hairless quim had her in the final stages of sexual meltdown. She knew she was going to blow big, this was going to make her previous orgasms look small. Steve never stopped working her clit until at last she nearly launched herself from the couch as her whole body was wracked with convulsions. "Holy shit, I've never seen anyone cum like that before, this chick is something special," Steve thought to himself.

Olivia could still feels the waves of pleasure rippling through her body as she came down from the enormous orgasm. Her foggy brain was trying to figure out where these gigantic orgasms were coming from, each one seemingly more powerful than the last. Her limp body spent for the time being. She didn't care that she was naked on a couch in some strange place, away from the safety of her own home. She had just discovered a new kind of heaven, and it came from her pussy.

Olivia felt something smooth and soft rubbing up and down her slit, and it felt good. Her world was just a bundle of nerve endings centered around her pussy, culminating at her apex, her swollen clit. She purred at the feeling coming from her slit as the mysterious finger traced its way up and down her slit. She felt the thick digit begin to penetrate into her vaginal opening. It only made it in a short distance before it was pulled out and reinserted. She felt the intruder repeat this motion many times, each time creating a degree of pleasure she had never felt before. It bumped over and over again against an unseen barrier at the entrance to her tunnel. She started pushing back against the thick finger, trying to lodge it deeper into her slit, sensing that it belonged inside her, needing it inside her. She felt a tremendous pressure suddenly give way replaced with a fullness she had never experienced before, only knowing that it was right, and that this was what she had been needing all along. At the same instant came a short lived pain that quickly dissipated only to be replaced by a pleasure that seemed like a blessing from heaven. "Oh God yes, give me more," she moaned.

Steve had never felt a pussy quite like this one before, it was very hot, very tight and she was flooding his cock with her secretions. "Damn this chick is soaking wet," he said. He began pounding into her knowing that he wouldn't last very long, not with this pussy.

The pleasure between her legs seemed to last for an eternity to her alcohol and pot clouded brain. Steve pounded into her freshly deflowered pussy savoring the tightness of her love canal. Her untested pussy muscles exerting themselves for the first time, gripping him like a hot vise. It felt incredible as he felt his cum building. A few more pumps and he couldn't hold back, his surging seed bursting into her delicious tunnel as his own orgasm washed over him. Her first sexual encounter only lasted for a few short minutes, but to both parties, it was the most incredible experience they had ever had. Steve climbed up the couch and said, "Suck me hard babe, I want to fuck you again."

She had been lost in the pleasure of the moment and looked up and saw Steve naked with is limp penis just inches from her nose. "What are you doing?" she managed to say.

"I want to fuck you again and I need you to suck me hard, got it?"

"No she didn't 'got it', what did he mean fuck you again?" She giggled because in her fog she had just realized what had happened and the thick 'thing' that had given her so much pleasure was this wilted 'thing' in front of her face, and it suddenly seemed funny.

Without much consideration, he shoved his flaccid cock into her still giggling mouth. "You better not bite me bitch," he said. "Just suck on it like it's a popsicle, or something," he ordered.

It seemed slimy and kind of squishy, but she sucked it because that was what she was told. Soon it seemed to grow in her mouth, and now it wasn't so squishy anymore. "Stroke your hand up and down the shaft when you give a blow job, give me some friction," he instructed. He guided her hand to his shaft and helped her stroke along his length. "Aahh, that's better," he answered as he felt his cock begin to respond. Just as quickly as the cock was in her mouth, it was gone and then she felt it sliding into her slit again.

If she thought the first ride was exquisite, then she was not prepared for each of the successive rides after that. Steve fucked her five times that night and sent her home with cum dripping from her reddened slit with her ass barely covered by the wrap and her halter just held in place with her arms. Luckily the house was still empty and her only thought was to get some much needed sleep.

Olivia woke the next morning and recalled the events of last night. "Oh God, Steve forced me to have sex, I'm not a virgin anymore, what should I do!" thought a distraught Olivia. "What has gotten into me? If it wasn't for my damn pussy, none of this would have happened!" she thought.

She pulled back the covers and looked down at her nakedness, she had dried cum all around her tender crotch. She jumped into the shower intent on cleaning herself up and then try her best to put the events of last night behind her. As she bathed her tender crotch, her slippery soapy fingers unavoidably stimulated her sensitive parts firing up her desire to have another orgasm. Only this time she knew there was something else she could have that was equally pleasurable, a thick cock in her pussy. "But I can't do that, I can't have sex again, I'm too young, I'm still just a girl," she reasoned. She shut off the water and stepped out of the shower. As she wrapped a towel around her torso, she heard her cell phone ring and hurried to grab it.

"Hey babe, that was awesome last night, you make me so horny that I just gotta fuck you again, right now" came the voice over the phone. Expecting it to be her friend Stacy, she was startled by the voice and the message she had just heard. Realizing it was Steve from next door, she yelled, "You raped me!"

"You certainly seemed pretty willing after we got started, wait until you see the video," he replied. "I'm giving you a ride to school today so wear a skirt, something sexy, and get over here early and if you aren't over here soon I'll start posting the files online that I just e-mailed to you, so everyone will know about you," he threatened.

Olivia sprinted to her computer and saw a new e-mail showing. She quickly clicked on it and saw a number of pictures showing her in various poses including some very revealing close-ups. There were also two videos, the first being the masturbation scene Steve shot with his phone, the second a fairly high quality video of her getting fucked and apparently loving every second of it.

She was beside herself in anguish, "Oh my God, what can I do?" She was so upset, she knew it was so wrong, it went against every moral fiber she had, but her hormones were betraying her sensibility. Even after all the sex she had last night, she couldn't even wash her pussy in the shower without wanting to have another orgasm, or was it sex she wanted? "No, I can't think like that, it was wrong and I have to find a way to stop him," she decided. "He's going to make me have sex with him this morning too, he'll tear my poor pussy up, what can I do?" she wondered. Her quandary was interrupted with a knock on the door, "Honey, breakfast is ready," her mother said.

Olivia dropped her towel and reached for her bathrobe, catching a glimpse of her outline in the mirror. "Holy crap, look at my boobs, they really have grown," she noticed. She grabbed a swollen breast in each hand and could feel the increased weight as she hefted her globes. She pinched her nipples and loved the new sensitivity she felt in them, her skin tingling from the touch. "These new boobs are awesome," she thought as she traced lazy circles around her areola reveling in the exquisite sensations. She threw her robe on over her naked form and headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart," she heard her mother say. "Take your medicine and don't forget about the cream," she reminded her. She popped the pills and thought about the medicine the doctor gave her.

"The cream, of course! The doctor said to use it before and after I masturbate to help the healing and to lessen any pain, that might help with my tender kitty and maybe help me get through this morning with that asshole Steve!" she thought.

She gulped down her breakfast and hurried to her room. She found the jar and slathered on a heavy dose of the cream onto her vagina. The tenderness immediately lessened and within a minute, the tenderness was replaced with another sensation, arousal. "Maybe a little more will help get me through this," she thought as she slathered another dollop onto her young pussy. "Yes, she could definitely feel it working on her tender tissues, this might be ok after all, I can get through this," she thought.

Olivia only had one skirt that might be considered sexy, barely, a black one that she wore to her cousin's wedding the previous year. It came to just below mid-thigh and only then because she had outgrown it the previous year. She squeezed her new boobs into the biggest bra she had, which still wasn't big enough, her new cleavage spilling over the top of it. Over that she wore a simple white blouse, and prepared to leave to face her black-mailer.

"You're ready awfully early today aren't you dear?" her mother questioned. "What's with the fancy outfit, special occasion that I should know about?"

"Yeah, sure my black-mailer wants to fuck me in a skirt this morning on my last day of school," she thought with more than a hint of sarcasm. "There's an end of year assembly and Stacy and I are presenting some awards and we were asked to get dressed up and come in early to rehearse the presentation," she replied.

"I haven't had a shower yet, but I can give you a ride like this if you don't mind me looking like train wreck?" her mother asked.

"That's okay mom, Steve said he was leaving early today and offered to drop me off on his way to school," she replied. "Yeah, he'll give me a ride alright," she thought.

"He's such a nice boy, thank him for me, have a nice day dear," her mother said as she headed for the shower.

Steve answered the knock at the door and found his new sex toy waiting. "What are you dressed in?" he asked. "It looks you're going to a funeral or something."

"You said wear a skirt, that's all I have," she replied.

"Well go shopping and get something sexy, I want you dressed sexy at the bare minimum, slutty preferred," he ordered, and let her in the door.

She followed Steve down the stairs returning to the scene of her deflowering from the previous night. "I was up all night thinking about you," he said as stood closely in front of her and ran his hands over her shoulders and down her slender back. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Kiss me," he said. She tried to push him away but he forced his lip upon hers and gave her a powerful kiss. Olivia had never thought of Steve in a sexual way before and the thought of kissing him kinda repulsed her. It's not that he wasn't good looking, but she was more interested in boys her own age, not a guy old enough to be considered an adult. She felt his lips working hers and her revulsion quickly subsided and she returned his kiss. Within a few minutes she was kissing him with a passion she didn't expect to have for someone who was black-mailing her for sex. She felt his tongue probe into her mouth and she sucked on it and toyed with his tongue with her own, all the while his hands roaming over her ass. She had such a supple and delicious ass, he could kneed that thing for hours.

She was aroused and blamed it on the copious amounts of cream she applied to her pussy. "I shouldn't be enjoying this," she thought. Especially at the hands of someone who was forcing her to do something she didn't want to do, or did she? She pressed her groin up against his and could feel his erection through his jeans.

Steve broke off the kiss and knelt on the ground in front of her, lifting her skirt up revealing her plain cotton panties. "No more granny undies, get something sexy, or don't wear any at all," he commanded. "Now let's lose these, you won't be wearing these things ever again," he said. She felt him slide them down her hips and down to the floor. Not knowing what to expect next, she felt him planting gentle kisses up her thighs and around her pussy. The sensations teasing her terribly.

"Oh that feels so nice, please keep kissing me like that," she whispered, surprised that she was actually encouraging him. Steve guided her back to the couch and laid her down. He lifted the skirt again and saw close up, the sparse blond pubes that had begun to grow. "I might have to shave these off soon if they get in the way," he thought, but for the time being, they were kinda hot.

She felt his tongue lap over her sensitive bud and just about went through the roof. He playfully teased her slit with his tongue bringing her close to orgasm several times before standing and removing his jeans revealing the fact that he wasn't wearing underwear and that he had a raging hard on. It was about 7 inches long and average in girth.

"You stuck that thing in me, it's huge!" she exclaimed. "No wonder my crotch was so sore this morning," she said.

"No talking," he said as he returned his mouth back to her pussy. "It's not that big, but if you think it's huge, who am I to argue?" he thought. This time there was no teasing, she could feel him attack her clitty and didn't let up until she had a very powerful orgasm.

"Strip, and get on my cock," Steve ordered. Olivia was standing on still shaking legs as she removed her skirt dropping it to the floor and then removed the blouse and the bra, her trapped breasts springing free from the undersized bra, dropping the articles to the floor as well.

"Wow, you are so perfect, look at those titties, your body is amazing," he said. "I'm going to enjoy fucking this sweet thing as often as I can," he thought as she climbed up onto the couch. Olivia was very confused, she found his compliments stirring a need from within, a desire to be wanted. Her body following suit, her hormones demanding she satiate her needs anyway possible.

Not knowing what to do next, she allowed Steve to guide her onto his lap and directed the tip of his cock until it touched the opening of her pussy. "Ok, get down on it girl," he ordered. She dropped her hips and felt the tip enter her opening, it felt large and she felt impossibly stretched out. "Keep going and relax your pussy muscles, you're going to crush my cock if you keep it tensed like that," he said. She tried to comply and felt her muscles relax and the pressure wasn't so great anymore. "Keep going, get it in there," he commanded.

"It was so much easier when I was stoned," she thought.

"Get on it, now," he ordered.

She gradually worked her way down until she had seated the whole thing in her lubricated pussy. She felt stuffed from the girth, and it felt different from last night, but it felt good at the same time.

"Ok, get a rhythm going, up and down, in and out, back and forth, I don't care which, but get it moving," he said. Not having a clue how to fuck, she started rocking her hips moving his cock in and out. The feeling was intense and pleasurable, "I can get used to this," she said aloud.

"Good because you're my new fuck toy and you'll do what I tell you, when I tell you," he informed the young girl as she rode his cock.

"Uh, huh she nodded, uuhhh, huhhh, whatever you say," she moaned. She couldn't believe the fantastic feeling she was getting from this motion.

"Try grinding on me," he said and let him guide her hips in the motion he showed her.

"Oh that feels amazing," she groaned as she crushed her clit up against his pubic bone, her hungry pussy enveloping every inch of his firm cock. Her hips went on auto-pilot as she worked her way towards yet another orgasm. She grabbed her nipples so she could get herself over the edge. Steve knocked her hands away and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it with force. That was all it took as she crashed through her latest orgasm. Her pulsating pussy muscles massaged Steve's cock to eruption, sending his seed deep into her pussy.

"Damn girl, I'm going to love fucking you on a regular basis," he stated. "I'd love to hang here all day and fuck you, but sooner or later your mom is going to look out the window and realize we haven't left yet and wonder what we're up to," he said.

"School, oh shit, I'm going to be late," she yelled. She hastily grabbed her clothes and started to dress.

"Hold on girl, I already told you to dress sexy, lose the ugly bra and the granny underwear," he ordered.

"But I can't go without a bra, everyone will know I'm not wearing one, my nipples will poke through!"

"But it'll be sexy, do it!" he demanded.

The ride to school felt incredibly awkward for several reasons, she had no underwear on, the cool breeze through the window made her nipples hard and poke out, she had a towel pressed up against her pussy catching Steve's cum so it didn't stain her skirt, and she was freshly fucked. "Other than that, it was a normal ride to school," she sarcastically thought to herself.

Steve pulled his Firebird up the front entrance of her middle school, there would be no sneaking in the back door this morning. He wanted his newly deflowered sex toy to make her grand entrance. "Come over to my place when you get home, and wear something slutty," he ordered as he drove off.

"Great, this is never going to end," she thought.

School was going to very different today and she knew it from the time she first stepped in the door. Her newly enhanced titties jiggled with every step, her nipples were still hard as stones. They poked out so noticeably that no one would miss the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, not that the thin white material left much to the imagination.

She could feel the last of Steve's semen trickling down her leg as she walked down the hall. She felt like her skin was still flush from her recent fucking. She could certainly feel it in her pussy as it was still tingling, but thankfully the tenderness was gone. "I guess that cream really helped," she thought.

"Good morning Miss Hastings," she heard. "My, aren't you looking lovely this morning," came again.

"Oh no, it's Mr. Fletcher, the principal," she thought. He gave all the girls the creeps, the way he looked at them, you felt like you needed a shower after he was done looking you over. Of all the people to see me first, it had to be him, she thought. She glanced over and his eyes were glued to her tits. She put her head down and picked up the pace. Big mistake, that made her tits jiggle even more, giving all those around her a good show.

"Nice tits Olivia," she heard from behind her. Her face turned beat red. "God, please kill me," she thought.

She heard more "good mornings" from just about every male teacher that passed her in the halls. Sour looks from the female teachers told her all she needed to know about what they thought about her attire. Word quickly got out that Olivia Hastings was showing off her tits and every guy in the school was chasing after her trying to get a look at her lovely globes. She heard cell phones snapping pictures as she made her way through the throng to her locker. None were bold enough to grab hold of one of her luscious orbs, at least they hadn't got that bold, yet. Her nipples were still hard as stones, but it wasn't cold inside. The problem was that they were staying hard because all the attention she was getting was getting her aroused. She couldn't help thinking that the only thing separating her bare pussy from the gaze of everyone around her, was the skirt that hung only eight inches below her crotch. She could feel the cool breeze from her strides on her pussy, making it tingle. She could feel wetness against her thighs from her lubrication that was starting to flow freely from her pussy lips. She had an urge to drop to the floor, hike up her skirt and frig herself in front of everyone. "What's wrong with me?" she wondered yet again. Her sexuality overtly on display was affecting her sense of right and wrong, "I shouldn't feel like this, I should be embarrassed to death," but a small part of her, a part starting to flourish, enjoyed the attention her sexuality offered.

"What's with the new look?" she heard her friend Stacy ask. "I guess if you got them, flaunt them, something like that?" she said with annoyance.

"Stace, I had a laundry emergency this morning and this is all I had to wear, my mom decided to do laundry last night and nothing was dry," she pleaded.

"Really, not one single bra was dry?"

In a hushed voice, she said "honestly, something is going on with my boobs, it's like they blew up over the last few days, none of my bra's fit anymore, I had no choice, I had to go braless!" she admitted.

"Well they look fucking huge all of a sudden," she replied. "Don't you have a sweater or something you can cover them up with?" her friend asked.

"I didn't bring one, I was running late this morning and didn't think anyone would notice," she said knowing full well only a moron would believe that.

"Let me see if I have one in my gym locker after this period, I don't have anything for you in this one," she replied. "I gotta get going to class, see you at lunch," her friend said as she walked away.

First period science class went by more slowly than she could have ever imagined. Her pussy had finally stopped leaking, that was a relief, "the back of my skirt must be wet though," she thought. Even worse, her teacher Mr. Edwards had asked her to come up to the board three times to assist him with a boring insect life cycle diagram he was showing. Her tits jiggling with every step as she walked to the board, she could feel his eyes following every jiggle. She felt his attention stir her hormones and her nipples hardened as a result. A grin spread across his face as he watched her approach. She just knew everyone could see the wet spot on the back of her skirt. "They're going to know it's from my dripping pussy," she thought with a touch of anguish.

Mr. Edwards made her hold the life cycle model and face the class, nobody saw the model, all eyes were glued to the folds of her blouse that hugged her tits, showing off every curve of her swelling orbs, her nipples standing at attention like pencil erasers. She was allowed to return to her seat, she could see every pair of male eyes focused on her hard pink nipples. Her hormones were raging and the attention she was getting just fueled the fire she felt growing in her loins, she needed a release in the worst way, or did she need a good fucking? As much as she hated to admit it, having sex this morning felt amazing, even if she was black-mailed into it.

The bell rang signaling the end of class and Olivia bolted for the bathroom. Her tits bouncing the whole way, everybody stopped what they doing so they could watch beautiful Olivia Hastings' display her goods. She made it to the bathroom and found it was empty, "thank God." It wouldn't have mattered, she was going to frig her clit whether it was empty of not. She hiked up her skirt and thrust her hands into her crotch, one hand going to stimulate her clit, the other to jam two fingers palm deep into her hungry gash. "Ahhh," she moaned. "I needed this in the worst way," she thought. All the emotions she felt from the morning, the embarrassment, the anguish, all the pent up desire, all melted away and forgotten with the pleasure emanating from her loins. Her manipulations unleashed by a fantastic orgasm, taking all her strength to keep from screaming out at the moment it peaked. Her hands were lightly caressing her vulva, savoring the lingering effects of her climax when she heard the bell ring.

"Shit I'm late!" she yelped. She quickly pulled down her skirt and bolted from the stall. Olivia realized that she hadn't wiped her soaking pussy off after she came and she could feel her wetness running down her leg. "Can't stop now, I'll really be in trouble," she worried. Her fingers were still wet from her pussy juices she realized, as she hurried down the hall. She brought them up to her nose and could smell the unmistakable scent that can only come from pussy. She found her scent strangely intoxicating. "Somebody's going to smell me too, great another thing to worry about," she thought.

"Ms Hastings, late again are we?" questioned her math teacher Mr. Fraser. "I'm afraid I can't let this one go, please come to my desk," he ordered. Her tits jiggled the whole way up to his desk, a fact not missed by anyone in the class, especially her teacher. "School policy states that we must report all lates to the principal's office, this will go onto your permanent record," he began. He paused in the middle of lecturing his tardy student and wheeled his chair forward slightly. "That can't be what I think it is, can it?" he pondered. "That smells like pussy," he thought. He caught movement as he looked at the gorgeous Olivia Hastings and saw something just become visible below her hemline. A drop of clear fluid trickled down her thigh towards her knee. He was mesmerized by it, "what is that?" "Did that just leak out of her pussy, did she pee herself, is it pussy juice, that can't be semen can it, is that why she's late, was she fucking someone during school hours?" A million questions went through his brain in a millisecond, the biggest questions of all was "How do I get some?" His cock jumped to attention at the thought.

"On second thought, let's not waste anymore class time, please come see me at the end of class," he said. She wasn't sure why, but that sounded a little ominous. Olivia took her seat at the front of the class and sat down. She could feel her lubrication squelch out of her when she sat down. "Great, my wet spot will be even bigger now," she thought. "Maybe a little fresh air will help dry it up," she thought.

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