Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

An extremely tired and sore Olivia Hastings slowly climbed the steps to her house, thankful that her mother's car was gone. "Thank God for small blessings," she thought as she pulled her house key from her bag and unlocked the door.

Shedding her shoes, Olivia made a beeline for the bathroom and ran the hottest bath she thought her battered body could take. Leaving her pile of cum-encrusted clothes in a heap on the floor, Olivia climbed into the bathtub and settled into the steaming water. Her crotch stung when the hot water hit it, but it was a good hurt and one she welcomed as she'd been leaking fluid from her abused holes the entire trip back in DeShawn's SUV.

Sliding down into the tub, Olivia tilted her head back and allowed her blonde locks to fan out into the hot water. Judging by the sticky knots of hair, some of the guys had used her beautiful blond hair as a receptacle for their seed and unloaded their stream of cock-juice into her main. The clumps of cum gluing her hair into tangled mess gradually dissolved as the hot water worked its magic.

As she sat there soaking, a sense of calm came over her as she pondered what she'd gone through. Aside from a little pain, Olivia Hastings, the Queen of the Sluts had taken on over two hundred guys and was still in one piece! It's almost inconceivable that anyone would actually be happy about getting fucked by that many guys in such a short time, but Olivia was. It was just the pain that temporarily marred the enjoyment of the moment. It was also a feat that no regular woman would be able to do. That it was done by a girl as young as she was a source of pride to her; a small smile crept over her face at the thought. "I'm the Queen of the Sluts and nobody can touch that title. Take that Stacy, see if you can beat that record," she thought as she closed her eyes and basked in the warmth that started spreading throughout her body. The quiet and comfort of the delicious heat made all the aches and pains of her overnight ordeal suddenly seem so far away...

There's nothing worse than waking up shivering in cold bath water and realizing you missed all the enjoyment of a nice hot bath. That was the thought going through Olivia's brain when she looked down at her naked goose-bumpy flesh submerged in cool bath water. Still slightly confused she sat up and looked around while trying to clear the cobwebs from her hung-over head. The house sounded empty thankfully, so mom hadn't come in and witnessed her hung-over big-titted slut of a daughter with all her sexy bits pierced with diamonds and gold, asleep in the tub, Olivia thought as she slowly and painfully extracted her shivering body from the cloudy water. "Cloudy water? What from? I hadn't even gotten to the soaping up part yet before I dozed off," she wondered. "Leaked out cum? Really? Could it be? I suppose it's possible. Oh well, goes with the territory I guess," she thought as she finally arrived in the vertical position.

Letting the water drain out, Olivia turned on the shower and finished cleaning herself up, making sure to wash all the cum from her hair, and to soap her tender bits as well knowing that she probably still had dregs of male seed buried on her holes somewhere. While soaping her breasts, Olivia was glad to discover that her breasts had indeed lost some of their turgidity and actually seemed smaller than the previous day. "One less thing to worry about if they are indeed getting a bit smaller."

Grabbing her dirty cum encrusted clothes and her backpack, Olivia headed into her room and grabbed a long t-shirt to wear to bed. Throwing her clothes on the floor and dropping her backpack by the bed. With her t-shirt quickly pulled over her tired body, Olivia slid under the covers and drifted off to slumber.

"Are you sure she's ok?" Stacy asked.

"Positive. Just a little tired is all. She looked like a million bucks when I last saw her and DeShawn was taking her straight home."

"Thanks Alfred, I was so worried about her all night."

"Ya ain't got nuttin' to worry about with me. I make sure all my girls are taken care of, even when they's getting a little straightenin' up like your friend got."

"Ok, call me if you need me for anything. Bye."

A still-worried Stacy Bennett quickly got dressed and busted her ass out the door and jumped on her friend's bike that was still parked in her backyard. If DeShawn was taking her home, Olivia might have a hard time explaining why her bike wasn't there. If she could just sneak it back to her house without Olivia's mother seeing her, she might get away with being out all night.

Rounding the corner by her best friend's house, Stacy let out a sigh of relief, Olivia's mom's car wasn't in the driveway.

Parking the bike in the backyard, Stacy hurried to the front door and rang the bell. Nothing. She rang it several more times before deciding to let herself in using the key under the doormat.

"Liv, you here?" she called out. Again nothing.

Opening up her friend's bedroom door, she was delighted to see her best friend wrapped up in her bed (alone too!) and sound asleep. Tip-toeing across her floor, Stacy gently shook her friend's shoulder. "Liv, are you asleep? I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Liv?" Her lips looked a little puffy and swollen and her hair was still wet from presumably a shower as she surveyed her best friend's outward appearance. Gently shaking her shoulder again, "Liv, wake up. It's me Stace."

"Wha... , what ... d ... ya want?"

"I just came over to see if you were ok. I was really worried. Alfred scared me when I talked to him last night. I thought he was going to hurt you or something. You sure you're ok?"

"Ok enough, just really sore all over," Olivia whispered. She was bone-tired and although she was glad to have her friend come to her rescue, she just really needed the rest.

"What did he do to you?"

"Look in my backpack," Olivia squeaked out of her tired voice box, her eyes were narrow little slits as she located her backpack and pointed.

"What am I looking for?" Stacy asked.

"Big envelope, read the note."

Looking through her friend's backpack, Stacy found the envelope and was extremely confused by the piles of severed wrist bands with various notes and notations on them. Confused that is, until she found the note and read through it from beginning to end. "Are you serious? You fucked 200 plus guys last night? Where, when, how???"

That Joey guy took me to City College and had a bunch of guys fuck me everywhere, all night long," Olivia managed to say as she seemed to be coming around and could now keep her eyes fully opened.

"That is sooo cool. Do you think he'd do that for me too??? Oh, I so badly want to see if I can do that many guys too!"

"You wouldn't want to, unless you want your pussy to hurt as much as mine does now," Olivia commented as she lay there, her pussy still throbbing a little, although nowhere near as bad as it did when she woke up and found herself in the same position as the night before, still draped over the back of the couch with her feet tied to the couch legs."

"Show me," Stacy said, as if asking your friend to show her your pussy was the most common thing in the world.

Lifting the covers, Olivia spread her legs as much as she felt she needed to for her friend to get a look.

"Wow, it's pretty swollen, and red too. Your clit ring is like standing straight up from your puffy skin. Does it really hurt?"

"Not as much as it did, but it's still pretty tender. It should be back to normal by tomorrow I think. I'm definitely taking the night off though. No more dick for me tonight!"

"That's what Alfred figured. He said he'd have us both work tomorrow night for him, but tonight he has a job for me to do alone. He texted me on the way over here and is sending DeShawn to get me after dinner. If anyone calls, tell them I'm sleeping over here, ok?"

"Sure, is he going to have you out that late that you need me to cover for you?"

"He said only a couple of hours, but you know me, I can always hope to pull an all-nighter like you!"

"Yeah, not something I want to do anytime soon though!" Olivia said, but deep down there was a part of her that was very proud of herself. She'd done something that only a few people had probably ever done, and she did it willingly. And up until the time she passed out, had done so and gotten great pleasure from doing it. Her countless orgasms proved that. It was something only a true slut would be willing to do.

With the hormone pills two days behind her, she couldn't chalk it up the hormones controlling her impulses anymore. No she was who she was meant to be, a slut through and through and last night proved it. Did she want to pull a train like that again... ? Maybe someday, just to prove she was able to handle it again of course. "Someday I may grow out of this slut-phase, but right now, it's too much fun and it feels too good to stop," she thought as she lay there, her cunt and ass still hurting from the experience, a reminder of her accomplishment.

"Really, you don't want to do it again? It kinda sounded like fun?" Stacy said with a mild pout on her face.

"I do, some day I'm sure, just not like right now. At least not until I fully heal." Pulling the covers back down over her naked loins, Olivia put her head back down on the pillow and felt her eyes getting heavy again.

"Can I go back to sleep now? I'm really tired."

"Sure Liv, I should go anyway. If your mom comes home and sees you in bed and me here and I'm all bright and chipper, she might wonder what's up."

"How are you going to get home?" Olivia sighed, sleep desperately trying to take over her consciousness again.

"I'll see if Steve's home next door, or maybe Reed can ride me home if he's there. I mean, give me a ride home, ha ha. Liv? Liv? Are you asleep already? Wow, that was fast," Stacy commented to nobody in particular since it appeared her best friend had sunk instantly back to sleep.

Lauren Hastings was running late, her second stud from the website had been able to fill her last hour with hard fucking, better than she'd expected. Now there'd be just enough time to whip up a quick lunch for her and her sweet baby Olivia, get cleaned up and head out the door for work.

"I hope Olivia had fun last night at Stacy's house. Those two are such good friends and such responsible little girls." Well maybe not so little anymore she reasoned, judging by how much her daughter's boobs had grown lately. "Just like mine at that age, practically sprung up overnight!"

Flying into the driveway, Lauren had just missed seeing sweet little cock-tease Stacy Bennett going in the side door of her neighbor's house by mere seconds.

"Shit, I'm really going to have to bust ass to get to work on time at this rate. Note to self, stop fucking your boy-toy a half hour sooner you big slut!" Lauren giggled as she raced up the steps and through the front door, her pussy still reminding her of all the action it had received over the past three hours.

"Olivia honey, I'm home!" she yelled as she ran into the kitchen and started making lunch for the two of them as quickly as she could. "Soup and sandwich will have to do," she said aloud, throwing together all the ingredients she figured would work for a turkey, lettuce and tomato sandwich. Putting a pot of soup on the burner turned down low, "That should have it ready by the time I step out of the shower," Lauren reasoned.

"Olivia, are you home sweetie?" No answer. "Olivia!" Lauren shouted as she made her way down the hall and into her daughter's room. There was her baby, covers up to her chin, sleeping away like the dead. "Precious thing, she looks so innocent like that. Mama's little baby," she thought as she smiled looking at her beautiful daughter, so innocent, so responsible, so pure.

If only she knew the real truth about her little girl. Her precious little baby could teach her mother a few tricks about the facts of life. Her daughter's pussy had more miles on it than GoodYear.

Ten minutes later, a freshly scrubbed Lauren Hastings was dressed in her nurse's uniform and quickly threw the soup and sandwiches for her and her daughter on the table and went to wake up her sleeping beauty.

"Olivia, wake up honey, I have lunch ready," she said while gently shaking her daughter's shoulder.

"Mom? Hi, I didn't hear you come in."

"Late night at Stacy's huh. Did you girls get any sleep this time?"

"Not much mom, I'm so tired. Can I just eat in bed?"

"Nope. Get your butt out of bed young lady. You want to stay up and late and party all night with your friends, you gotta pay the price and get your butt out of bed like the rest of us!"

"Oh I paid the price alright for partying all night with my friends, I got the red swollen pussy to prove it!" Olivia thought. It was funny how her mother always said things that made her want to mock her sarcastically. "Ok, just give me a second. I'll meet you in the kitchen once I throw some clothes on."

"Alright, hustle it up. I need to go in a few minutes and I want to spend at least a few minutes with my little girl."

"Little? Have you seen my tits lately woman? They're huge! Nothing "little" about me, and at the rate I'm going my pussy is going to be huge too!!!" Her inner dialogue made her chuckle as she pulled back the sheets exposing her panty-less crotch, thankfully to an empty room as her mother had scuttled down the hallway already.

Looking down, her cunt didn't seem as red as it had when she first jumped into the tub, and it wasn't throbbing like before either. Sitting down on a hard kitchen chair with her ass still on fire, "well that might be another challenge altogether!" Olivia thought as she quickly pulled on her bathrobe and followed her mother towards the kitchen.

"Is your rash back again honey? You keep squirming in your seat like you did two weeks ago when I took you to see Dr. Sanders. You might want to use that cream he gave you, if you still have some left."

"That's not a bad idea mom."

"You know, I should really make you another appointment with him. If that rash keeps coming back, it might be something serious."

"No, you don't need to do that, my butt just hurts. We were dancing around Stacy's room last night and I fell. I think it's bruised and it just hurts to sit on."

"Oh, ok. Well why did you agree with me then about the cream if it's just your butt?"

"Huh?" Olivia asked realizing her thoughts about using the cream were entirely self-indulgent and failed to make the connection that agreeing with her mother might have consequences. "Sorry, I guess I wasn't paying attention and just agreed with what you were saying. Sorry mom."

Momentarily confused, Lauren realized she'd seen a slight smile creep across her daughter's face when she mentioned using the cream on her rash. Why would that make her smile? Rash cream? But with no rash? No, not for a rash, she was thinking about that cream on her pussy! Oh my God! My daughter used? No wait, using? That cream ... on her pussy ... to pleasure... , masturbate??? Oh God! My little baby is masturbating! Using the cream just like I have! Oh shit, the cream!" In a moment of panic, Lauren realized she'd left her daughter's rash cream on her nightstand after her morning stroke session.

"Honey, do mind cleaning up for me? I need to getting going."

"Sure mom," Olivia replied. Of course her attention had been diverted to thinking about her cream and wondering if it would help her sore ass and pussy. Plus anything to get her mother off the topic of discussing her pussy. She'd gladly do some dishes for that, plus it would keep her prying eyes off her still-too-large boobs. Thankfully they seemed to be shrinking a little bit, although they were still pretty big. "I'll have to see if those 34DD bras fit properly now," she thought as she opened the door of the dishwasher and started putting the dishes inside.

Busting ass down the hall and into her bedroom, Lauren spotted the jar of "jilling cream" as she was affectionately calling it, sitting on her bedside table. It had worked wonders for her cunt and her libido following her application of it the previous two mornings before meeting up with her beaus. It had made her masturbation sessions extremely pleasurable and had jacked up the sensitivity of her privates, enough so to push her over that ledge between just meeting the guys she'd set up coffee dates with, to rolling in the hay with them very shortly after meeting them.

"No wonder Olivia smiled at the thought of using the cream again. She must be getting the same sensations from it as I am!" she thought to herself as she picked up the jar and hustled back out into the hallway and down the hall to her daughter's room. Realizing her daughter might be having a bit of a sexual awakening from the cream, she instinctually felt the urge to throw the jar away. "But if I do that, she'll know that I know that the cream feels great on your privates. Shit, she'll know I've been using it too if I make up some excuse why it needs to be thrown away, and if she sees how much is gone she'll definitely know I'm using it up. Fuck." The quick thought progression had her momentarily frozen standing there in her daughter's bedroom with the jar still in her hand.

From down the hallway, Lauren heard Olivia call out that she was all done with the dishes and was going to have a bath. "Shit again!" Lauren dropped the jar of cream onto her desk forgetting where she'd picked it up from and heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Looking around quickly, Lauren spotted some clothes lying on the floor next to the bed and scooped then up quickly and headed for the door.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Olivia asked seeing the pile of clothes under her mom's arm, knowing that they were the clothes she'd warn home from the dorm orgy. They had crusty leaked-out sperm coated all around the crotch area and she knew that one sniff would reveal much more than she would be able to explain.

"Just picking up some dirty laundry. I wanted to start a load before I left for work," Lauren replied.

"I'll get it mom, I know you're running late," Olivia answered back as she reached for the clothes.

Thankful that her daughter had bought the excuse, Lauren handed over the pile of dirty and somewhat peculiar smelling clothes to her daughter (who might be masturbating!) and smiled knowing she'd successfully returned the cream without getting caught. "Wait a minute, do I really want her having that cream back?" she wondered as she started grabbing her stuff to leave for work.

"Oh, one other thing honey, I might take Sunday off so that you and I have more than just the usual one day off to spend together on Monday. That sound ok to you?"

"That sounds awesome mom," Olivia said with her pile of dirty clothing clutched tightly to her chest, the scent of dried-up cum wafting up under her nose.

"Great honey, have a relaxing day! Oh wait, are staying home today or are you doing something with Stacy?"

"No plans," she said shrugging her shoulders and giving her mother her best innocent smile.

"Text me if you plan on going anywhere, k?"

"Sure mom."

Lauren Hastings was out the door and off to work. She'd had a busy morning - fucked some random guy from a web site specializing in setting up young guys with horny middle-aged women, spent a little quality time with her daughter and now was off to provide for her family. "A thoroughly fulfilling day!" she thought with a smile.

Olivia had two things in mind, well three things really as she realized as she was still clutching her stinky clothes as she watched her mother pull out of the driveway, get these clothes in the washing machine and get rid of the evidence, slather some of her cream on her tender ass and cunt, and go back to bed, exactly in that order.

She was going to have to be more careful with her clothes she thought as she turned on the washing machine and headed back upstairs. Her body was recovering she realized as she climbed the basement steps back up to the kitchen. An ice pack might be good for her swollen tissues. "But why would I want to put an ice pack down there when I have my jar of cream handy?" Olivia thought as she walked into her room and wondered where she'd left her jar. "Hmm, I don't remember leaving it on my desk? In fact I'm sure it was beside my bed last I remember using it. Is mom using my cream?" she wondered as she opened the lid and looked inside. "Looks like it. Mom is using my cream? On her pussy? Gross." Without wanting to spend another second thinking about those possibilities, Olivia climbed up onto her bed and pulled her robe open to expose her naked loins.

A thick dose of cream later, Olivia's fiery cunt and ass started to feel a world better and even started to feel like it was ready for action again as the drugs started absorbing into her reddened tissues.

Sleep was definitely needed, but the rubbing of the cream was feeling pretty good too. "Do I really need to do this right now? I just got my brains fucked out less than 6 hours ago. Am I that desperate for sex?" she questioned as she continued her light touching around her tender swollen kitty. "I wonder if the inside is as tender as the outside?" Olivia questioned as she scooped up another two fingers-full and went for the dip inside. The cool cream instantly put out the fire burning inside her love tunnel and immediately made her head start to spin as the combination of methamphetamines and Ecstasy started absorbing into her bloodstream through her vaginal walls.

"Ohhhh, I forgot how good this stuff feels... ," Olivia purred as the soreness of her vagina was temporarily forgotten, although the friction from her fingertips was beginning to chafe a little. Thinking about her bag of tricks, or box of tricks as it were in her closet and wondering if she had something in there that would help her cum quickly, Olivia thought about the vibrators she had.

Stumbling out of bed on her sore legs, Olivia pulled out her partially hidden box, thinking to herself that she really needed to find a better place to hide all this sex stuff before her mother finds it and flips out. Grabbing her egg and a regular vibrator, Olivia closed up the box and hid it back in the depths of her closet, and climbed back into bed. Her crotch was tingling the whole time she was hunched over searching for a few toys, reminding her that her life was now devoted to the pleasures afforded by her sexual organs.

Using the cream still coated onto her exterior tissues, Olivia lubed up the egg and slipped it inside her vagina. Sparks of pain rang out as the walls of her cunt stretched to accommodate the body-heat activated vibrating egg. With the egg firmly in place, Olivia turned on the other vibrator and waited for the egg to come to life and pleasure her from the inside while she went to work with the vibrator on her clitoris.

The golden ring through her clitoral hood gave her a very intense and rewarding shiver whenever the plastic housing of the vibrator bumped into the metal hooked through her shroud. The vibration of the metal instantly sent shocks through her bud and intensified the feelings coming from it. It felt divine and relaxed her soul as the familiar building sensation of her impending orgasm began.

Olivia felt very much at ease as she lay there in her bed, all alone for a change with nobody else enjoying her body other than she herself. Her orgasm was hers to enjoy and enjoy it she would, at her own pace. A few minutes later the egg buzzed to life and rewarded her with a rush that very nearly sent her over the edge.

Knowing that she could cum any second and wanting to glean just a little more pleasure from her loins before drifting to sleep, Olivia teased her clit enticingly by slowing down the speed on the vibrator and selectively directing the stimulation. It was a lesson she'd learned the night before in Joey's car, prolong the cum, intensify the result.

Fifteen minutes later and nearly reaching her orgasm more times than she cared to count, Olivia let her orgasm wash over her body and fulfill her with an all-over body convulsion that brought with it every bit of the pleasure she'd grown accustomed to enjoying. It was the fuel for her engine, the air for her lungs, it was every bit of what directed her life these days. She was still a slave to her own pleasure and would go about getting that pleasure no matter what it took.

Still basking in her afterglow, Olivia Hastings drifted off to sleep with the shiny white egg still buzzing inside her soaking wet pussy.

"That's my horny girl. Can't get enough of pleasing her own pussy. Even sleeping with no bottoms on so I can enjoy her pussy too!"

Olivia knew the voice, even in her half-asleep condition. It was Reed and she could feel a draft on her bare skin. He had the covers pulled back and was poking around in her pussy. His big thick fingers were irritating her still-sore labia as he prodded up inside her. Opening up her sleepy eyes, Olivia looked down and said, "Reed, what are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"I know where your extra key is and besides, I haven't had you in two days. I need some loving from my dream girl. I started to finger your pussy and found something stuck up in there and I was trying to get it out."

"You were fingering me in my sleep and I didn't wake up? Really?"

"You moaned a few times. That was it. Hold on, I think I got it," he said as he managed to pull the motionless egg from her tender pussy.

"Ouch, that hurts," Olivia groaned, her faced scrunched up in a grimace as Reed pulled his fingers, still clutching the egg, from her reddened slit.

"What hurts?"

"My pussy, it's still really sore."

"From the graduation party? That was two days ago," Reed commented while staring down at Olivia's swollen and reddened pussy.

"No, I got taken to a party last night and these guys got me drunk and fucked me all night long. They even tied me down at one point."

"WHAT? Who were they? Did they rape you? Tell me everything..." Reed was livid, his eyes bulging out, his fists clenching at the thought of someone taking advantage of his sex toy. It was ok for him to have her gang-fucked because he was there to ensure her safety, plus it was only one time (so far).

"Well, there was this guy Joey I met at Phil's pool party yesterday and he took me to his college dorm. Apparently he knows, or works for Alfred, somebody who I know. He said he was mad because I hadn't been answering his calls or replying to his texts."

"Phil? My son's friend?"

"Yeah, one and the same."

"So what did he do?" Reed barked, still pissed.

Reaching under her bed, Olivia extracted the thick envelope Joey had left for her, and pulled out the note. "Here read this, it tells everything."

Reading it thoroughly, Reed's mouth gaped open at the news the note contained. The look on his face suggested he either didn't believe it, or he was in awe of the spectacle that his young neighbor had participated in, and underestimating her nearly boundless limits.

"Can I see the DVD please?" Reed asked looking down at the beautiful and innocent looking girl next to him on the bed. If not for the generous swell of her breasts visible through her thin t-shirt and naked crotch still fully on display, one would never guess that this tween was likely the busiest slut anywhere.

"Yeah sure, it's in the envelope there," Olivia indicated, pointing down on the floor. Closing her legs and pulling the covers back up over her exposed crotch, Olivia settled back down with her head on the pillow, content for the moment that Reed was more interested in the DVD than playing with her sore pussy.

Looking down at the disk, Reed noticed it was a high capacity blu-ray DVD, indicating there was probably a lot of footage there. "Do you have a blu-ray DVD player on your computer Liv?"

"I don't know," she said propping her head up on her elbow, and watching her special guy fidgeting with her computer.

"Nope. I'll be back in a bit. I want to check this out at my house. We still have time before tonight's dates," he said before getting up and stepping back over to the bed. Giving her a quick kiss on the lips, Reed turned around to leave and said as he walked out the door, "Rest up that pussy, we have work to do tonight!"

"Work? What do you mean?" she called out, but got no reply. "Is he talking about fucking more guys tonight? Jesus, I don't think that's even possible," she thought as she squeezed her thighs together and felt the swollen tissue at the juncture of her legs press together painfully. "Definitely not possible," she thought as she pay back on her bed and once again closed her eyes.

"Unbelievable, truly unbelievable," Reed whispered as he finished watching yet another clip. The DVD contained over a dozen different files shot from various angles. Some appeared to be from different cameras as Olivia was thoroughly fucked by some big muscular dude with what looked to be the biggest cock he'd even seen outside of a porn flick. Well, that was exactly what this was, a porno flick and his neighbor was the star. The first clip was the one of Olivia reciting her sex history and was exceptionally erotic Reed thought, followed by four or five more of the two of them fucking. The sex toys clips were fascinating as his little sex-pot fucked herself on some of the thickest dildos he'd ever seen. The deep rooted dildo orgasm was sensational footage and worth its weight in gold.

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