Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

"What a crappy sleep," Olivia thought as she became aware of light streaming through her window. Her body still ached, her tummy felt crampy, and it felt like her sheets were wrapped around her body all night. To top it off, her underwear felt like they were glued to her skin.

Kicking the covers off, Olivia understood why she felt like she'd been wrapped up in her sheets all night, her night gown was stretched tight across her chest. "Oh no, please God no," she whispered as she sat up and looked down. Her nightgown was tented out in front of her body by what could only be her breasts, only today they were larger than she ever thought possible. "Dear God, what have I done?" Olivia whispered in disbelief at the shelf protruding from her chest. Her hands reaching up to verify the obvious, her tits had blown up to ridiculous proportions. At the same time, Olivia felt the squirting sensation from her crotch back again as her full weight came down on her bottom. "I'm a mess," Olivia said out loud as she stood and walked over to her mirror and lifted her nightgown over her head.

"Oh shit. What the fuck am I going to do?" she said as she stared at her breasts. The big dose of hormone pills she had taken the previous day had worked their magic, her tits had blown up overnight to a degree she would never have believed if not for the obscenity reflecting back in her mirror. Her mother would be envious of the glorious orbs adorning her chest this morning. If they were D-cups yesterday, they were at least one, if not two cup sizes larger today she figured. Sure they looked spectacular, but there would be no hiding these gigantic tits from anyone, especially her mother. "What's mom going to say when she sees these? There's no way to explain this. She's going to make me show them to her. I gotta get this jewelry off," she thought as she gazed at the large breasts perched on the chest. The diamond and golden nipple studs suddenly looked a lot smaller in proportion today with the enormity of her swollen breasts.

Twisting the diamond caps off, Olivia pulled the little gold bars out of each nipple, instantly missing the look it gave her breasts. "At least now if mom checks me, there'll be one less question to answer," Olivia thought as she put the diamond studs in her nightstand drawer. Going back to her mirror, Olivia did something she hadn't done in almost a week, she did her "squeeze test" and found her tiny hands could barely cup her swollen tits, they were very firm to the touch, almost hard they were so swelled up.

Thankfully they weren't sore like yesterday, a little tender because of how tight they felt, but not sore to the touch. Speaking of sore, Olivia reached down and pulled her underwear free of her crotch and felt her labia, and amazingly they didn't hurt. Last night her pussy had been pretty tender, today it seemed like it was perfectly fine, back to normal and ready for another busy day, not that she had any plans for today, but her pussy was ready nonetheless. Checking her fingers, Olivia was surprised to see a creamy white residue on them. Sniffing them she found they smelled like semen. "That shouldn't be, I never have cum leaking out of me after a full night's sleep. What the hell is going on with my pussy, why am I still leaking cum?"

Standing in front of the mirror in just her underwear, Olivia had a million questions going through her brain that a normal twelve year old should never have to think about, not the least of which was how to continue hiding everything from her mother. "I just gotta keep away from mom today and hope that with the pills all gone, these things go back down to normal. Normal, ha, ha, what's normal for me now? What's normal about anything I'm doing these days? I fuck countless numbers of guys everyday for money, for drugs, and just for the fun of it. Yeah pretty normal for a twelve year old, well, almost thirteen in three months."

Noticing that she still had flecks of dried cum on her body, Olivia threw on her bathrobe and bunched it up in the front, trying to hide her gigantic tits as best she could as she headed for the bathroom. Passing by her mom's room, Olivia was glad to see her mom still sleeping, at least she could avoid her for the moment. "I got come up with a plan to get out of the house today so mom doesn't see my tits," she thought, hoping that her boobs would go back down now that she was done with the pills.

A nice hot shower later, Olivia felt clean and fresh and was thankfully cum free for the moment as she closed the door to her room, her mom still sleeping soundly. Grabbing one of the 34DD bra's she'd purchased the day before, Olivia strapped it on and found that she had indeed gone bigger, much bigger, the DD wasn't quite enough to hold her new large tits and her cleavage spilled over the top of the cups. Pulling on one of her pairs of sexy bikini panties, Olivia sat down at her computer to check her email, something she hadn't done in days. As her butt hit the seat, she felt the same squirting feeling coming from her crotch, and sure enough within a minute, fresh cum was leaking from her pussy.

"This is fucked up, where is this cum coming from?"

Pulling her underwear down before yet another pair were coated in cum, Olivia stuck two fingers up her pussy and sure enough, her fingers were coated in creamy white goo. Tasting her fingers, she was positive she still had cum up inside of her somewhere. Sticking a finger in as far as she could go, Olivia was unable to reach the bottom of her canal. "How the hell am I going to get to the bottom if my fingers aren't long enough?" Realizing that the only way to get her fingers deeper was to get her fingers in farther, Olivia attempted to push more fingers in and push as much of her hand in as possible. With the activity stimulating her own lubrication, combined with the small amount of cum, Olivia was able to finally get the four fingers of her hand inserted into her very tight, and very stretched tunnel.

"What the fuck is that?" Olivia wondered as her finger tip came in contact with something at the end of her pussy. "Oh yeah, the plug Reed put it, but what's that?" she wondered as her finger nail found the opening and sunk in a little. "It's a hole. But Reed said it was a plug. Why would a plug have a hole?"

Using her fingernails, Olivia was able to find the edge and get her nails underneath it. Pulling gently, she could feel the little device resist her efforts. It felt like she was pulling her insides out as she applied more pressure to the soft edge of the plug and felt it give a little, a little squirt of cum along with it. "Now or never," she thought as she pulled hard on the device and felt it break free and pull out of her cervix, along with a gush of fluid. The crampy feeling in her tummy instantly went away as the gush of fluid attempted to escape around her hand.

"Oh shit!" Olivia gasped as she immediately released her grip on the plug and pulled her hand free, cupping her fingers over her vaginal opening. Knowing that she just unplugged a gusher, Olivia looked around and saw her empty glass from last night's drink of milk, sitting on her nightstand. Feeling the liquid starting to leak around her fingers, she grabbed the glass and let the flow release. It was only a few ounces, but it was a few ounces of semen that was jammed up in her womb she realized. As the flow reduced to a slow drip into the glass, Olivia reached up into her vagina and felt for the plug and finding it, pulled it free.

"How about that, it's hollow," she observed as she rolled the soft device around in her fingers. "No wonder I had cum leaking out of me all night, this thing kept it all inside."

With all of the cum apparently done leaking out of her womb, Olivia held up the glass to examine the contents. "So that's what a glass of cum looks like!" Olivia joked as she put it down on her nightstand and proceeded to pull her panties back into position. Finding some comfortable shorts and a loose t-shirt, Olivia finished getting dressed and grabbed the glass of cum, intent on getting rid of it as fast as possible.

Opening her door, Olivia saw the bathroom door closed and heard the shower on and realized her mother was up. "Oh shit, this t-shirt isn't going to hide these babies quite well enough," she thought as she turned around and walked over to her bed where she'd thrown her bathrobe.

"That's a little better," she thought as she looked at her appearance in the mirror. The sound of the shower turning off go her attention back to the problem at hand, getting rid of the glass full of man seed. "I Gotta get to the kitchen fast!" she thought as she hustled down the hallway.

"Hi sweetie, how ya doing this morning?"

"Aw shit..." Olivia thought as she continued down the hallway.

"Hey, where ya going in such a hurry?" her mom asked as she stepped out into the hallway.

"Nowhere mom, just taking some dirty dishes to the kitchen," she said as she turned around to face her mom, her hand holding the glass hidden behind her body.

"Is that glass of milk fresh?"

"Milk? Uh yeah, it's fresh alright."

"Well, give it to me if you aren't going to drink it."


"I found your cereal bowl spilled all over the living room floor when I got home last night and it was a helluva mess. I'm not going to have you making messes and wasting good food like that so if you aren't going to drink your milk, give it to me and I'll drink it." Lauren lectured to her normally very responsible daughter.

"Uh no, I'll drink it," Olivia said as she turned her back on her mother and headed for the kitchen, looking down at the glass with the white creamy gel inside. Intending to dump it into the sink, Olivia heard her mother's footsteps behind her and knew she had no choice. "Bottoms up," she thought as she put the glass to her lips and tipped it back. The semen had cooled and congealed into chunky globs as it filled her mouth. Knowing she had just seconds to down the mass before her mother would be close enough to see the substance wasn't actually milk, Olivia chugged and swallowed as the best she could. The sticky cum coated her teeth and went down much more difficultly than she expected. It was one thing to drink down hundreds of cum shots straight from the source when it was still smooth and creamy and still warm; it was entirely another when it was cooled and congealed. "What a way to start your day," Olivia thought. She actually thought she could feel the chunks sliding down her throat. As if her day wasn't already hard enough with her melon-sized tits, now she had a tummy full of cold sperm adding to her understandably souring mood.

Gagging the last swallow down, Olivia turned on the tap and began rinsing the glass with hot water as she used her tongue to scrape the thick slime from her teeth. Surprisingly, she found the remaining cum stuck like glue to the sides of the glass and knew she'd have to clean it off or her mother would realize it wasn't milk. "Fuck, why is this stuff so sticky when it's cold?" she wondered as she squirted soap into the glass and let the water foam it up.

"You don't need to wash it too honey," her mother said from behind her. "You can just leave it for me to do, I don't mind. I was a little harsh back there, I'm sorry."

"It's okay mom, you're right," Olivia replied, her voice a little garbled from the slime still coating her throat. "I should have cleaned up my mess last night. I think I fell asleep in the chair and it must have fallen over. I guess I was so tired, I woke up and went to bed, forgetting all about it," Olivia replied while leaning over the sink, her arms hopefully hiding the mass of breast tissue protruding from her chest.

"So what did you do last night?"

"Just hung out with Stacy doing girl stuff, you know..."

"I like Stacy, she's such as sweet girl."

"All the guys fucking her think the same thing mom! As a matter of fact, the hundred guys who fucked your daughter yesterday thought so too!" Olivia thought sarcastically, and with just a hint of annoyance mixed in. "Um yeah, she is. Speaking of Stacy, is it ok if I go over to her house this morning?"

"Awww, I was hoping you'd like to hang out with your mom today."

"I got pumpkins for tits, are you crazy woman! I'm going to avoid you like the plague," she thought again. "Please mom?"

"Well ... that's fine," her mom replied. Secretly, Lauren was kinda glad she'd have some time to herself. After the beach house "encounter" a fire had been lit inside Lauren Hastings. Her dormant sex drive had been awakened and she was dying to put it to use. With her work schedule, traditional methods like hitting the bar scene were out of the question, so she had subscribed to a more modern method. Yesterday Lauren had gone online and had surfed around looking for a dating site she felt comfortable with. After going through several regular sites, she found most of them were designed to find the "perfect" soul mate, and she wasn't looking for a husband. She wanted to meet guys and if she felt the right vibe, maybe jump in the sack with one of them. She ended up on one called Cougar Hunters that seemed to specialize in younger men looking for more mature women. This was more of a hook-up-for-sex connection and it could be just what she was looking for. Figuring she'd attract more interest if she showed off all her assets, the picture she selected for her profile showed off her ample bosom as well as her still-attractive face.

Lauren was eager to check her email account and wanted to do it with some privacy, Olivia going over to her friend's house would be the perfect time for that.

Satisfied she had scrubbed the sticky cum from the glass, Olivia put the glass in the dishwasher and headed for her room, satisfied she'd escaped her mother's watchful eye for both the soiled glass and her protruding chest. Grabbing her cell phone she called Stacy's number and was pleasantly surprised when she picked it up right away.

"Were your ears burning Liv?"

"Why, should they be?"

"I was talking with Phil, remember him?"

"Steve's friend right?."

"Yeah, I haven't seen him in like a week, and he wanted to know if we'd come over. He's got a bag of weed and he has a pool."

"So what, we show up and there's fifty guys waiting for us expecting a good time?"

"No, I don't think so, but that that sounds like a great idea!"

"No, stop there. Not today, do you remember when we got home last night from the place?" Olivia whispered.

"Which place, the porn shop?"

"Yeah, well ... I kinda took the last of my medicine all in one shot and..."

"And what?"

"My tits blew up."

"What do you mean? Are they huge or something?"

"Friggin' gigantic! I just want to keep a low profile today and hope they go down now that my pills are all gone."

"GET OVER HERE NOW! I GOTTA SEE THEM!" Stacy shouted into the phone. "I'm so totally going to do that too. Fuck this two pills a day bullshit, I'm going to get mine right now and I'm gonna ... wait, how many did you take?"

"Five at once, but it made them really sore, plus they're really stretched tight, like overfilled water balloons. I mean they feel rock hard they're so stuffed."

"Alright, I'll only take four for now, but get over here right away, I gotta see those tits!"

"Let me just put on my bathing suit and I'll be right over."

Olivia went through her drawers looking for a bathing suit that would cover her gigantic melons and found one of the string bikinis that she'd got from the clothing store the night Steve took her and Stacy out shopping. It was white string bikini and it wasn't going to cover everything, but it would cover more than any of her other suits.

Stripping off the bathrobe and her clothes, she tied the bottom strap around her torso and slid it around. Adjusting the triangular patches of fabric over her bloated breasts, Olivia tied the top straps behind her head and looked in the mirror to see plenty of breast-meat hanging out all over the place. Anywhere other than a private backyard, the bikini top left little to the imagination and would be considered obscene. Pulling the bottoms up her semi-naked body, Olivia was pleased that at least the bottoms fit well, although the thin material gave her a very visible camel-toe.

Olivia sighed as she looked at the spectacle in the mirror. She was perfectly sexy as a C-cup. As a D-cup she looked even sexier, but bordered on being too Barbie doll-ish. In her current DD-plus size, she looked like she should be doing porn movies, and not good ones either! She'd done this to herself and had only herself to blame. Her pissy mood only got worse as she looked in the mirror at what she'd done to herself.

"Snap out of it Olivia. Stop being such a downer," she thought. "My tits are going to go back down in a day or two now that the hormones are all gone. It'll be okay, just get through it as best you can. Put a smile on your face and just do it you big baby!" she scolded herself.

Her sour mood was made just a little worse by the growing call from her brain and body for the white dust she'd been using to fuel her hormonally driven sex addiction. The coke made her orgasms monumentally huge, and her constant use of the drug over the last few days was taking its toll. She was edgy, and although she suspected it was just from the abuses she'd put upon her mind and body from the hormone pills and from all the sex, deep down inside she knew the white dust was calling and that just a little snort would make the edginess go away.

Going to her closet, Olivia retrieved the smaller of the two baggies of coke and opened it up. Dumping a small pile onto her desk, Olivia used the cut-up drinking straw she kept to snort up the little pile of powder. The rush instantly hit her brain and suddenly everything was right again in the world. Her big tits were no longer something she dreaded adorning her chest, they were sexy again, and begging to be touched and shown off. Her edginess melted away as the drugs intoxicated her brain; it was like consuming joy. The high was always followed by lots of sex, and her body involuntarily prepared for it, her nipples crinkling up, her pussy lubricating, awaiting the next intruder.

Knowing Stacy's plans to go over to Phil's house would result in her having sex, the drugs told her brain that sex was exactly what she needed. Removing the bikini, Olivia pulled her g-string back on and slipped her shorts back up her supple thighs. Looking in the mirror Olivia knew that she was missing something and then she realized, her nipple studs were gone. Figuring it was safe to put them back in, Olivia pulled them out of the drawer she stashed them in and poked them back through the holes. If not for her precious high, it might have hurt putting them through two day old freshly pierced holes, but the little sting was quickly gone as she went about stuffing her enormous breasts into the too-small DD-cup bra. Donning her loose t-shirt and packing her bikini in her backpack, Olivia slipped the baggy of coke in as well and grabbed a light jacket to wear. It was much too warm for a jacket, but Olivia hoped she could get out the door without her mother noticing her boobs again.

"See ya mom!" Olivia yelled as she headed out the door and went around the side of the house to grab her bike.

Coming to the front door still in her own bathrobe, Lauren yelled out to her daughter as she began pedaling down the drive, "Are you coming home before I go to work?"

"We're gonna hang out at Stacy's by the pool all day mom, so probably not!" she said as she waved goodbye and headed down the street.

Lauren watched as her beautiful daughter rode away, happy that she had such a well behaved and trusted friend like Stacy. Going back inside, Lauren practically sprinted over to the computer they kept in the spare bedroom and turned it on, surfing to the Cougar Hunters website. She had twenty-eight new messages! Reading through some of the first messages, Lauren was astonished at the boldness of some of the young men who'd responded to her profile. The things they wanted to do to her shocked her rather innocent nature. She was used to the old men in her care at work making passes at her, and she'd just chalked it up to them being dirty old men.

These young men were saying things that were making her blush, and getting her pretty hot under the collar, not to mention and little moist "down there". By the fifth response, Lauren had opened her bathrobe up and had her hand deep into her sensible full-cut panties. Her untrimmed bush was coated with her excretions as she pleasured herself to the lewdness of these young men's comments. They weren't all handsome, in fact only a few of them were, but they all had one thing in common, they really, really wanted to get to know Lauren Hastings.

Nervously she responded to every one of the young men's messages. To the gross ones, she pleasantly thanked them for their interest, but told them she had already met someone. To the rest she'd requested their contact information and when she had time, she'd give them a call. She already had her favorites picked out and added them to her "friends list". She had no sooner clicked "add" to one of them when a small message box popped up on the screen from the same person she'd just added. It was an instant message and the first one she'd ever received.

They chatted for a while and before too long the young man had made some very suggestive comments and had her flustered and aroused at the same time. It was all happening very fast and although the old Lauren would have never responded with some of the sexy and flirtatious replies, the new Lauren had. Whether it was the excitement of the moment, or the fact the she had two fingers knuckle-deep in her pussy while they were chatting, Lauren found herself agreeing to meet the man that very morning for coffee.

"What are you doing Lauren? You just met this guy online. Why are you agreeing to meet some guy you know nothing about? Because I want to. I want to have meaningless sex with a total stranger. A HOT total stranger at that!" she said to herself as she scurried about putting on makeup and finding something sexy to wear. Her closet was the epitome of bland and boring and nothing in there would be even remotely sexy.

Waking into Olivia's room, Lauren wondered in any of her daughters clothes would fit. She didn't really have anything sexy either, but maybe something would fit that would work for the moment. Going through her drawer, Lauren found a few new skirts she hadn't seen before, and a few spandex numbers that she'd definitely never seen before! "Where did Olivia get these?" she wondered, and why? One of the skirts was very pretty and looked expensive and had an elastic waist that actually did fit, and looked really great on her. While she was searching for a top she might be able to borrow, Lauren noticed the jar of cream that Dr. Sanders had prescribed and remembered how it made her pussy tingle that day at the beach. "Hmmm, I wonder..." Lauren thought as she picked up the jar and walked to her bedroom.

Riding a bike stoned isn't the easiest thing in the world to do Olivia realized as she swerved along, heading towards her best friend's house. The curb kept jumping out at her and the grass along the boulevard was a fuzzy blur as the coke worked its magic on her nervous system. It made her pussy tingle as the soft but firm seat applied pressure to her loins. Pressing her pelvis down onto the seat in "just the right way" was distracting her from the already difficult job of keeping her concentration on the road. To make matters worse, the distinctive ring from her cell phone meant her mother was trying to reach her. Pulling over, and rummaging for her phone, Olivia answered, "Hi mom, what's up?"

"Hi honey, some boy just called, said he needed to speak to you right away. He said he didn't have your cell phone number but said he was in your class, I took down his number. Do you have it already?"

"Who called? What boy?"

"He said his name was Jake. I don't remember a Jake in your class? Who is this boy?"

"He's in the grade above mine. I ran into him at the mall the other day, maybe that's why he's calling."

"Well, do you want the number or should I just throw it away?"

In the back of her mind, warning bells were ringing loudly. Even in her completely stoned state last night, there was no doubt that Jake knew it was her, Olivia Hastings he was fucking, the school princess, and that she loved every inch of his cock. Not wanting to raise any alarm bells with her mother and have Jake calling her mother again, Olivia responded, "Sure mom, I'll just call him and find out what he wants. Can you text me his number?"

"Sure thing honey. Have a fun day."

"Jake, it's Olivia, you called?" she said, still straddling her bike and standing with one foot on the curb and one on the road.

"Cinderella, how's it going? You feeling good today?"

"Uh yeah, why?" she asked nervously.

"Did you have a good time at the ball last night?"

"Jake, what are you talking about?" she asked, knowing full well he was trying to get her to admit to taking part in their little orgy last night.

"You know, Cinderella at the ball. You know the story right?"

"Uh yeah, what about it?"

"Well, Cinderella lost a glass slipper fleeing from the ball. You left both of your glass slippers at my house when your pimp ran your ass out the door last night. Care to come over and get your glass slippers, or should I take them to your house and tell your mom you left them at my house?"

Olivia was quite familiar with being blackmailed and was getting tired of the threats, even though his threat did carry some weight. "Jake, tell you what, I'll make you a deal, I'll come over to your house and maybe once in a while I'll fuck you, but I'll do it on my terms and only when I say! You aren't the only one who can make threats you know. I know people that can make your life very unpleasant! That work for ya?" she bellowed into the phone, not caring if anyone around her heard her rather crude discourse.

Doing his best to keep up the bravado, Jake replied, "You better get over here now and prove it or I'll tell everyone at school you're a slut and that you fucked just about every guy in the school."

"Look jerk, I made you a legitimate offer, so are you gonna shut up and take the deal, or should I call my bodyguard to come over to your house and beat the shit out of you?"

"Fine, are you coming over now?" he asked with just a wee bit too much eagerness in his voice.

"I gotcha, I got the control, not you, you little shit," she thought as she agreed to stop over on her way to Stacy's house. He was, after all, conveniently on the way to her house. I quick little wham bam and she'd be on her way in no time.

Knocking on Jake's door, it seemed like a bad dream as it had only been a little over twelve hours since she'd walked out of here, her holes thoroughly violated by a house full of teen boys. Opening the door was Jake and his shit-eating grin, "Come on in princess."

Entering the house, Olivia saw that they'd done very little to clean up the mess they'd made from the party, garbage was strewn about and empty bottles of all sorts still littered the floor. Fortunately the house seemed deserted as Olivia hadn't really thought about what she'd do if anyone else had been there, especially someone she recognized. Then again, she'd spent such a short amount of time with the mask on, and most of it with the blindfold on. Most of the faces she'd briefly seen had blurred together anyway, and she doubted she'd remember anyone but her schoolmates, and that was plenty enough. Jake hadn't been kidding when he said she'd fucked just about every guy in her school, she had, and only he and she knew it. Even blindfolded, it was easy to tell her schoolmates from Jake's brother's friends, their dicks were so little in comparison. Jake's dad on the other hand had put them all to shame with the great big monster he was packing. "I wonder if he's home?" she thought. Memories of his big cock filled her mind as Jake led her over to the couch.

"Why don't you strip down for me? I'd love to see that beautiful body of yours naked on my couch again." It wasn't really a question as much as a command as Jake watched Olivia shift her weight from one foot the other, her body language telling the tale of her uncertainty.

"Look Jake, I have some place I have to be right now, how about a blow job?"

"A naked blow job? At least let me see you naked."

"Fine," Olivia replied and began to quickly undress as she watched Jake fumbling with his own clothing, shedding it as quickly as he could. Within seconds, both were naked and Jake's hands quickly found their way to Olivia's body.

"I said a blow job, and you agreed right?" she said as she batted his hands away from her tits.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself," Jake said as he stared at what were much larger breasts than she was sporting the previous night. "What happened to your tits, they're so much bigger than last night? What did you do to them?"

"Nothing. If you're just going to keep asking questions, I'm outa here."

"Sorry, where do you want me, on the couch?"

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