Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

"What an asshole, my pussy's worth more than thirty or forty bucks, isn't it?" Stacy asked. "Hey, cab driver, how much would you pay to fuck my pussy?"

"Miss, are you asking a serious question?" the man behind the wheel asked. Eyeing the two girls, they looked like they were barely in their teens, but they also looked and smelled like they just mopped up a whore house.

"In your current condition, maybe fifty bucks. Cleaned up, we'd have to see, likely more," he replied. "Why, you offering?"

"I never turn down a dick, especially if he's willing to pay," Stacy added.

"Stacy, haven't you had enough today already?" Olivia asked.

"Had enough? Coming from you, that's funny. How many guys have you fucked in the last week? Two hundred? Three hundred?" Stacy joked.

But underneath the joke, there seemed to be a tone that Olivia had never heard come from her best friend before. Was it the expectation that she'd be making money for her fucking and was disappointed at the total? Stacy had fucked tons of guys for fun and for free, and never batted an eye at it. Now that she was doing it for money and drugs, she suddenly felt her pussy had a price tag on it? And a high one at that too!

Grabbing her baggy of coke, Stacy scooped up a little with her fingernail and sniffed it up her nose. Her pussy was sore and she was coming down hard from her afternoon gang-bang and needed a little pick-me-up. "Want some Liv?"

"Sure, why not," she replied and imitated her friend's method by snorting some up off her fingernail.

"You girls better not be doing drugs in my cab! I'll throw your asses out of here and good luck getting home safely in this part of town!" he shouted as he glared through the rear view mirror.

"Sorry, won't happen again," Olivia replied glancing over at her friend; stifling a giggle at the same time. Stacy had the same goofy expression on her face as the humor of the moment faded and the drugs kicked in. It wasn't much of a hit, but it felt good just the same.

Pulling into the driveway, Olivia couldn't wait to get into the shower and get cleaned up. The last thing she wanted was for Reed to see her caked in dried cum. It was everywhere, clumps in her hair, white flakes plastered all over her skin; it itched and pulled at her skin like glue.

Stacy made a deal with the cabbie to pay for their fare and to cover a ride home in exchange for a quick fuck. Both girls dashed inside for a quick shower, Olivia on the main floor, Stacy in the basement shower.

The hot water felt great as it washed away the day's activities. Olivia stood with her eyes closed and let the water cascade down her back, its searing heat felt amazing as it peeled off the layers of cum that had dried on her golden skin. "I could stay in here forever," she thought as she let her mind drift away while the rivulets of water flowed all over her.

The hot water made her piercings a little tender, but overall, it was one of the most pleasant parts of her day so far. "I wonder what Reed wants to do tonight?" she thought as she finished soaping up her body, making sure she gave her pussy and asshole a good scrubbing. Her boobs really had grown more she realized as she lathered the soap around them, feeling their new larger shape, bumping her new diamond studs in the process. The studs made her nipples almost permanently erect which did nothing to still her overactive libido. Even after their busy afternoon, she still had a hunger for more sex and the accompanying orgasms. "That coke really gives me awesome orgasms," she thought as she finished rinsing off the soap and relished the steamy water as it returned her body to its pristine state, ready to be soiled again.

Wrapping a towel around her torso, Olivia wasn't entirely surprised to hear the sound of sex coming from the living room as she spied Stacy "paying" the cab driver for his services. Stacy was fresh from the shower herself and surely there would be a wet body print on the sofa after she was done. "That girl will fuck anyone, anytime," Olivia thought as she headed for her room and dropped the towel in front of her mirror. "Damn I do look hot with these diamond studs," she said aloud, twisting and turning her body, checking her figure out from all angles. Her tits were getting pretty fucking big as she hefted one in each hand, and heavy too! She knew it was from the pills Dr. Sanders had given her and obviously they were the same hormone pills Stacy was taking, but the question remaining was, "Do I stop taking them, or keep going and see just how big and beautiful they get?" Thinking back to her mother's tits and how huge and beautiful they looked when she was in the bathtub after the beach house orgy, Olivia was at a crossroads. They were spectacular as they were, and she loved them, but how much bigger would they get and would she be happy with what she had if she knew she could keep taking the pills and get to be as big as her mother?

It was only a two week supply she started with, and if she doubled them up as her mother suggested, she'd be done them in another day or two. What harm could another day or two do? It's not like they'd balloon up past DD's in that short a time could they? It was hard for her to think beyond the urges her hormone driven mind controlled. The simple things that should have been going through her mind were: "What will my other friends think when school returns and I come back as a gigantic-titted slut? What if I get pregnant from fucking all these guys? What if I get hooked on this cocaine and what will I do to kick it?" None of these things registered at the moment, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. The only thing that registered was sex, how good she looked and how it would help her get all the sex she needed to keep her body happy. She also thought about her good she looked naked and how it would keep her stocked with the drugs her body was increasingly craving."Speaking of craving," she thought, maybe now is a good time for a little snort.

Searching through her closet for the sweater within which she hid her stash, Olivia pulled out the magic powder and poured a little out onto her nightstand. A cut-up drinking straw did the trick as the powder hit her sinuses. "Fuck that feels amazing," she whispered aloud as her body suddenly felt alive again, her neurons firing as the drugs hit her brain. The tiredness that her shower was unable to wash away, was quickly fading as the cocaine worked its magic. Hugging her arms across her chest as the warmth worked its way through her, Olivia's hands rubbed against her nipples sending sparks shooting straight down to her pussy. Her body was calling to her again, and it needed attention. The pills and the drugs would give it to her, give her the massive orgasms that fed her sexual addiction.

"The pills!" Olivia remembered she hadn't had her pills yet this evening. Striding out naked from her room, Olivia floated down the hallway in her high condition and headed into the kitchen and popped open the lid of her bottle of pills, there was five left. "Aw fuck it," she said as she popped the last five pills into her mouth and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and washed them down. That made nine pills for the day, nearly as many in one day as she'd had since Dr. Sanders had given them to her. "I wonder what that's going to do for me?" she laughed as she imagined waking up in the morning with tits as big as basketballs. She giggled at the thought as she grabbed onto her large mammaries and gave her nipples a pinch. "Fuck yeah, that's what I need," she moaned as the sparks from her nipples fired off the familiar twinges she had learned to live for.

Turning to head for her room and her collection of sex toys to scratch her itch, Olivia noticed a note her mother had left a note on the table.

"Don't forget to eat something! Love, Mom."

Funny, the drugs had pretty much killed her appetite since all she'd had to eat since breakfast was ten or twenty loads of man cum and she wasn't even feeling very hungry. Grabbing a bowl of cereal, Olivia wandered back out into the living room and watched as the cabbie finished shooting his load into Stacy's pussy.

Olivia sat down on the love seat cross-legged and watched as the cabbie climbed up off her best friend, pulling his wilting cock from her bald beaver.

"Wow, your tits are amazing. Can I give 'em a feel?"

"Yeah, I guess," Olivia replied as she spooned in another bite of cereal.

Standing behind her, he leaned over and gently grabbed onto each of her breasts. His rough and calloused hands were actually quite gentle as he massaged her thick breast tissue, his fingers avoiding teasing the nipples directly. Olivia leaned back as he worked his hands around her breasts, their sensitivity magnified by the big dose of hormones and coke as she sighed at his touch.

"Oh yeah, that feels so nice," Olivia purred as the hands of the anonymous man worked her into a frenzy. His fingers were suddenly on her nipples, rolling the diamond studs back and forth as he pinched and squeezed her sensitive nubs. Rolling her head back, she could see the man's soft cock at the same level as the back of her head. Dropping her cereal bowl to the floor, Olivia pushed her back up against the back of the love seat, her head going over the back of the couch, her breasts and nipples pointing up towards the ceiling. Picking her feet up onto the seat, Olivia continued pushing her body up and over the couch until her head dipped backwards, her view completely inverted.

Reaching out, Olivia grabbed onto the man's penis and pulled it towards her waiting mouth while he continued to massage her breasts. Suckling the soft tool, Olivia could taste her friend's vaginal secretions coating his manhood as she felt it stir to life. The inverted position allowed her to easily suck his growing length into the back of her mouth and into her throat as it filled with blood. Grabbing his hips, she encouraged him to rock his hips forward and back, fucking his cock in and out of her throat, all the while sparks were shooting from her tits as he toyed with her hard nipples. Her moans around his cock expressed her gratitude at his manipulation of her tits.

Picking up the pace, the cabbie thrust in and out, the outline of his cock visible as it pressed into the throat of the beautiful blond girl splayed out over the back of the couch. He really wanted to fuck her sweet looking pussy, but this was a throat fuck he'd likely never experience again and was content to finish off down her gullet. He watched as the good looking brunette climbed off the other couch and approached the love seat.

Olivia was in her element as she felt the smooth skin sliding in and out of her mouth, her tongue providing friction as the bulbous head poked in and out of her throat. She was skilled in the art of sucking cock and sensed that she would be rewarded momentarily with the creamy prize.

Olivia felt hands on her legs and knew Stacy was up to something. The hands pushed her legs far apart and lifted her hips into the air, her ripe pussy spread wide. The wet warmth was her first indication her friend had latched her mouth onto her pussy. Stacy's tongue bathed her pussy from top to bottom as she settled into toying with her clitoris, and sucked gently on her tender folds. Olivia was already well on her way to cumming and now she was going to blow big. The tongue on her clit danced around and around, sending intense feelings surging throughout her body as her orgasm welled up ready to blast her with that which she had become an addict to.

Her body surged as the orgasm ripped through her. The moaning and groaning emanating from her throat massaged the cabbie's cock into giving up his load as shot after shot of ropey cum slid down her throat. Her tongue wrapping around the shaft of the cock as the pulsations slowed down. Her lips applying a gentle seal as she sucked at the last drop from the tip as he pulled his cock from her talented mouth.

"That was fucking amazing," the cabbie huffed out as he dragged his wilting cock across the blond girl's face, a slime trail beginning at the edge of her mouth and ending up on her cheek followed his retreating cock.

"I agree," said a male voice that Olivia instantly recognized.

"Steve, what are you doing here?" Olivia asked as she rolled over and spotted Reed's kid and the guy responsible for turning her into a mega-slut. Katy was standing next to him, her jaw slightly ajar as she held his hand.

"Dad sent me over to give you a message since you weren't answering your cell phone. Now I know why. He said for me to tell you to come over in ten minutes."

"Ok," Olivia said slumping back down onto the loveseat, wiping the string of cum from her cheek.

"I assume that's your cab out front," he said looking at the cabbie who was rapidly stuffing his cock back into his pants. "These girls are both twelve so get out of here before I call the cops."

"Holy shit!" he yelped as he busted for the door, running for his cab.

"Well there goes my ride home," Stacy commented.

"Ha, ha, that was hilarious. Don't worry about it, Katy and I are going over your house later anyway, you can tag along with us."


"So what have my two little sluts been up to since I last saw you a couple days ago? How many guys have ya fucked so far?" Steve asked as he viewed the two girls. Their nakedness was partially hidden by the back of the love seat, although neither made a move to cover themselves up.

"I don't know, since when?" Stacy asked as she crawled up from between Olivia's legs into a seated position on the love seat. Apparently all of the cabbie's cum had dripped from her pussy onto the hardwood floor and she assumed it was safe to sit down finally. "We each fucked like fifty guys today. Yesterday, like maybe five for me. What about you Liv?"

"I don't know, I didn't really count. Like maybe ten I guess," Olivia replied as she sat upright exposing her voluptuous breasts.

"Wow, you girls have some glitter on your tits, lemme see," Steve said.

Olivia thrust her chest out on command as Steve stepped up and grabbed onto both of her nipples, giving them a squeeze eliciting a "mmmm" from the girl.

"Nice, and they're bigger too, I like it. Still taking those hormone pills?"

"Yeah, actually I just took the last ones tonight," Olivia replied.

"Ones?" Stacy inquired. "You took more than one?"

"Yeah, my mom still thinks they're anti-inflammatories, so she said it was safe to start doubling them up, so I did even though we know they aren't."

"Cool, I'm gonna do that when I get home so my tits grow faster," Katy said.

"Me too," Stacy added.

"Are you going to take more Olivia? Those are beautiful and big, but I bet they'd look awesome if you went bigger," Steve commented as he continued fondling Olivia's breasts like it was a perfectly normal thing to do.

"I'm not sure, I'm up to a D-cup and I'm not sure I want to go any bigger."

"Fuck yeah, go bigger," Steve added.

"They look hot, I hope mine get that big," Katy offered.

Steve's fondling was sending sparks right down to Olivia's pussy, making her realize that she needed a good fucking. Which made her think of Reed and that he wanted her to come over in ten minutes, which brought the conversation to an end as she scurried off to her bedroom to get ready. From her bedroom Olivia shouted, "Did your dad say anything about what to wear?"

"Nope, but you know me, I like something slutty!" he shouted back.

Olivia grabbed one of the new skirts she'd bought at the mall, one of her new bra's and a tight t-shirt. As she grabbed for a g-string, she spotted her jar of meth cream realizing she hadn't used it since yesterday morning. "What the hell," she said as she scooped up two fingers worth and jammed it into her slit. Working the cream in, Olivia felt the surge from the meth add to her still-present coke high. "Whatever his plans are for me, I'll be high as a kite doing it," she thought as she stepped into the black g-string and slid the flimsy material up her toned thighs and snugged it up against her slick pussy.

Quickly throwing on her remaining clothing, Olivia blow dried her hair and put on a fairly heavy application of makeup. It was on the verge of being too much and entering into the realm of "slutty" but not quite. Throwing on one of her new pairs of wedges to complete the outfit, Olivia elevated her height by a good four inches and made her calves look high and tight. Glancing in her mirror, Olivia was pleased with how hot she looked and hoped Reed would think the same.

Waltzing into the living room Olivia asked, "How do I look?"

"You look fucking hot!" said Stacy.

"You're so beautiful," Katy said.

Steve just whistled as he knew his honest answer would probably upset his new "girlfriend" but truthfully, he wanted to drop the gorgeous blond on the floor and fuck her until his cock fell off. She was his dad's for tonight but hopefully soon he could get back into that delicious cunt. It'd been three days since he last fucked her, three days too long. At least he could take solace in knowing he had created this super-slut and that he could still have her anytime he wanted.

"Don't forget we still have that bachelor party Alfred wants us to work tonight," Stacy said as Olivia herded everyone for the door.

"Oh shit yeah, I forgot."

"No prob, just have your phone handy and tell Alfred where you need to be picked up at."

"My phone, oops," Olivia said as she hustled back to her room grabbing her purse and her phone and as she did that, thought of her stash and went a grabbed the little baggy of coke from her closet. Dropping the small baggy into her purse, Olivia noticed that she had used up a good portion of what DeShawn had left for her. "I hope I can get some more tonight from Alfred," she thought as she scooted back towards the living room and ushered the whole group outside before locking the door behind her. Out she went into the night for another night of fucking, her high-heeled wedges making her travel slightly more difficult than the usual flat sandals she liked to wear as her light skirt fluttered behind her.

Crossing the driveway onto Reed's property, Olivia headed for the front door as she watched Steve, Katy and Stacy head in the side door. It had only been a week since she had crossed that very threshold and entered into her life of constant sex, thanks to Steve's blackmailing. It was funny, at first she had had been the victim, forced to have sex, and now here she was seeking out her own gratification, fucking strangers for fun, for the excitement of it, and now for money and drugs. It was sad in a way that she had gone down this path willingly. She hadn't been forced to make this choice, it was her own, and here she was excited at the prospect of what her neighbor, who was old enough to be her father, might have planned for her.

The strange and bizarre world of sex she had experienced had brought new revelations and new levels of pleasure she hadn't thought possible. Every act, every new partner had brought with it a sense of discovery, something new and exciting she hadn't felt before. Where there should have been regret and doubt, there was only a unique desire to push the limits and she what she could accomplish next. The orgasms she lived for fueled her curiosity and her drive to continue down this path. Where it might lead she had no idea. There had been no penalty for her actions and her behavior. It was a joy ride, and one she wanted to keep riding as long as possible.

Knocking on the front door, Olivia's thoughts had gotten her all worked up at the possibilities that lay before her for this evening. In the back of her mind she wondered if popping all those hormone pills had been such a good idea, but the idea was fleeting as the meth and coke still worked through her body.

"Hey beautiful, come on in. We have a big evening planned and I have some surprises for you. Come on," Reed said as he whisked her inside and straight down the hallway to his bedroom. Her skirt fluttered up exposing her golden thighs in his haste to get the evening started.

"I've been a busy boy lately as you'll soon find out," he said as he twirled her around and enveloped her in his strong arms, kissing her on the lips passionately. Olivia returned the kiss and wrapped her arms around the big man as she felt butterflies in her stomach from the intimate embrace.

"We don't have a lot of time, we need to get to the party in about twenty or thirty minutes and I want a few minutes of you to myself before we go."

"What party?" Olivia asked as Reed broke their embrace and gently pushed her back towards the bed.

"A graduation party for a friend of mine's son, you're the graduation present."

"Oh," was all she said like that was a normal thing to do, give away your neighbor's pussy as a prize.

"Alright lay back and lift your knees up and spread your legs sweetheart, I have some work to do," Reed said as he watched the beauty follow his instructions. She was easily the sexiest thing he'd ever seen and to watch her lying there like that on his bed was enough to make him cum in his pants. Her long golden hair spread out onto his bed from around her head, her large breasts piled high atop her chest, heaving in time with her breath, her silky thighs spread showing her supple ass cheeks, split by a thin strip of cloth that covered what he knew to be the most gorgeous little pussy he'd ever seen. He so wanted to pile shot after shot of cum into her depths, fill her up with cum until she flowed like a river. He couldn't explain it, maybe it was an instinctual male thing to want to possess a female and pour your seed into her over and over again. Either way, he had been thinking about it constantly over the last two days, and was the basis for the first part of his plan.

Pulling the thin g-string aside, he was reminded of how sweet this little pussy really was, with its golden tuft of hair on top of her mons, the silky little down that surrounded her labia. The labia minora were still developing and were still hidden mostly by the surrounding majora. In time they would develop and would protrude and eventually give her that womanly look, but right now, they were perfect just the way they were.

Grabbing the flashlight and the necessary instruments, Reed went to work.

Olivia's head was swimming as Reed began playing with her pussy, he was rubbing something cool and slippery around the entrance to her hole and felt him sticking his fingers in there. Then something hard which she thought might have been that plastic tube again. She could feel the cool breeze on her inner tissues again as the hard object pushed deeper into her vagina. She had felt this before when he had played with her cervix and then when he had put the snake into her. That had been really weird, but it had given her a tremendous orgasm which she was really starting to crave. Everything with Reed had been new and ultimately rewarding as he had made her cum harder than anyone had been able to achieve. Not even the creepy old man from the porn shop had made her cum as hard as Reed could.

Olivia could feel something blunt pushing up against the back of her pussy and knew he was playing with her womb again. She felt the deep pressure again as he was pushing something inside of her. If not for the drugs and her arousal, it might have been considered painful as the pressure continued to build. She looked up and he was deep in concentration as he tinkered between her legs. Suddenly the pressure was gone and she could see him pulling the turkey baster out from between her legs and grab a silver metal instrument and direct it at what she knew to be her pussy.

The pressure had returned again, only this time she could barely feel it as she could hear Reed mumbling under his breath. Whatever he was doing, he seemed pretty pleased with himself as he stood up and gently pulled the silver instrument and the thick round tube from her pussy.

"Sweet, it looks like a thing of beauty," he said.

"What does?"

"Uh, it's a plug, of sorts."

"A plug, for what?"

"It'll keep the semen out of your uterus so you can't get pregnant."

"I haven't had my period yet so I can't get pregnant."

"Oh yeah, you're right," he agreed, although he knew it was a lie. With all the cum that was being dumped into her pussy these days, she'd get knocked up the first time she ovulated he reasoned. "This ought to do two things to satisfy my perversion," he thought. Reed had sought the help of a friend who was an engineer and helped him create this little invention. It was a tapered hollow silicone rubber tube with a flat head surrounding the one end. The opening was about half an inch wide and the flat head was about an inch wide. The tube itself was close to three inches long and had little rubber feet along the outer sides, much like an anchor you'd use for anchoring screws into drywall.

He'd inserted it into her cervical opening which effectively would give any semen shot into her vagina, a straight shot into her womb. Her baby maker would be bathed in every drop of cum shot into her pussy. The length of the tube would penetrate nearly to the end of her womb, effectively trapping nearly as much semen as her womb could hold. He assumed the presence of the intruder would work like an IUD so even though she'd be bathing the walls of her uterus in semen, it would prevent her from getting pregnant too. "A double bonus!" he thought.

"Now, to give it a try," he said as he dropped his pants and fished out his steely cock, the pre-cum had been leaking the whole time he'd been playing with her pussy so it was lubed up and ready to go.

Olivia watched as Reed directed his large cock at her pussy. She had grown an attachment to the man and his talented tool and had been thinking about fucking him all day. He somehow knew exactly what she needed and right now, she needed a good hard fucking. The soft head felt warm as it brushed up against her folds, pressing into her softness. Despite engulfing cock after cock as little as an hour ago, none had filled her up like this club was starting to do. It split her open like few others as she felt inch after inch slowly penetrate into her hungry depths. "Oh yeah, that's it, that's what I needed," she sighed as the big cock plumbed her canal as deeply as she could handle.

Reed pounded into the young girl's pussy with the eagerness that nearly forty-eight hours of abstinence had produced. Her pussy felt like a hot velvet vice as it hugged his cock. It was slick and hot and felt better than any other pleasure he'd ever experienced in his life. He could feel the little silicone rubber plug bumping up against the tip of his cock with every deep push. He'd planned on sticking it into her pussy last night, but was disappointed when he saw her come home with the big black guy. He'd been disappointed that she hadn't come home earlier, or alone, as he'd really wanted to sink into her pleasure hole, but she had a life of her own and after talking to the black guy once he'd woke him up, he'd found out she was hooking for the guy's boss. Apparently she really enjoyed doing it too, so who was he to get in the way?

He could feel the cum churning in his balls, itching to bust out as he imagined it spilling into her womb directly from the tip of his cock. The moaning coming from the little hotty was getting him going too, she loved getting fucked by his big cock and he knew it. She certainly didn't seem to have any inhibitions in either her vocal eruptions, or with her actions as her fingernails dug deeply into his ass cheeks pulling as hard as she could with every forward thrust. His thoughts about cumming directly into her womb overloaded his urge to hold out to prolong the pleasure, as he felt the seed start to fire down the length of his nine inch cock.

Pressing his cock-head up against the rubber opening, Reed felt a torrent of cum blast from the tip of his cock as shot after shot fired down the length of the tube directly into Olivia's waiting uterus, coating her most precious place with his potent seed. Forty-eight hours of pent up cum lashed out sinking into her baby-maker.

"Babe, I just love fucking your sweet body," he said as the last pulses of his ejaculating cock expanded her snug tube. "We need to roll," he said as he pulled his manhood from her silken hole and slid her g-string back into place over her pink slit.

Olivia piled into the passenger seat of Reed's car as he drove over to the party he mentioned they would be going to. He only drove a few short blocks and a confused look appeared on her face as they pulled into a driveway she recognized. "Reed, I know this house, one of the boys I go to school with lives here!"

"I wondered about that but don't worry, I'm already ahead of you," he said as he pulled out a beautiful painted mask and handed it over. The mask was of a woman's face and it was painted to look very realistic. "Nobody will know who it is they're having sex with. It was commonly done by royalty for hundreds of years, so that the rich old married broads could have fun without anyone finding out. Put it on and let's go."

Olivia's head was spinning, so many things were going through her head at that moment, "Am I really going to have to fuck one of my schoolmates? The same guy who nearly raped me on the floor in the hallway at the mall, what if he figures out it's me, even with the mask on?" Adding to the confusion was why her crotch wasn't soaked through and through with Reed's cum. Any girl who's pulled her underwear on right after getting cummed into, knows it's just a matter of time before you end up with a soggy crotch. "Didn't Reed cum in me? I thought he did, it seemed like it anyway." Whatever the answer, she didn't have much time to ponder it as Reed led her up the drive to the door and into the house of the boy Jake, who'd nearly raped her the day before at the mall.

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