Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

The walk back to the mall offices was made uncomfortable by the constantly buzzing egg. Olivia was still pissed about the events in the hallway — "amateurs," she thought. Their inexperienced fondling in the food court had only fired up her horniness due to the public nature of it. The fact that anyone walking by would have seen her exposed sex and two boys hand's jamming away into her privates, was what had turned her on. She so badly wanted to have everyone watch her public display of perversion and sluttiness. It wasn't the first time she'd had this fantasy and she certainly had not yet achieved this. Her youtube video and the gangbang on the beach brought her back to the thoughts that followed, about how hot she would look doing a porn movie. Knowing that countless men would watch her getting fucked over and over again, had her entering into yet another fit of sexual desperation.

She needed the cum that she was denied just moments ago. In a way she was relieved that she hadn't fucked her schoolmates and that the whole event ended in her being raped in front of witnesses. That would serve to protect her reputation at school and although they all saw her willingness to be publicly molested, and she had admitted to wanting to have sex the whole group of them, nothing close to that ever occurred and so she hoped she had escaped with some shred of dignity. Still, her fantasy about masturbating and orgasming in public had been so close to a reality, that she gladly would have agreed to any act they could have dreamt up for her to do; so desperate was she to cum. Had they recognized that she just needed to get fucked, she would have let them fuck her right there in the hallway. But no, they just pinched her nipples and clumsily fumbled around in her vagina, getting her more and more frustrated with every passing second, and pissing her off. "Boys were stupid that way," she concluded. "I'm only going to fuck men from now on."

That desperation was returning again as she walked along on unsteady legs, the egg buzzing away, doing its job of creating stimulation inside her pussy walls. She owed Fred another fuck and this security guard was who was helping her along, he was going to get it too, whether he knew it or not.

Unlocking his office door, Fred Murphy guided the young girl inside and held the door open for his security guard Ron, as he escorted Olivia through. Fred went to his little fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and said, "Here you go dear." As he turned around to hand her the bottle, there stood Olivia in all her topless glory. In front of him, the beautiful blond had already stripped off her shirt and had her skirt hiked up with her fingers digging deeply into her pussy. He watched in fascination as she pulled something white and egg-shaped out of her pussy. It was buzzing audibly and stopped soon thereafter. She casually pulled her skirt down her shapely legs and dropped it on the floor leaving her naked aside from her sandals which she casually kicked off.

Ron the security guard, stood there with his mouth hanging open, shocked at this girl's boldness. They had just rescued the girl from being raped and here she was stripping off her clothes in front of perfect strangers like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. Her body was to-die-for he thought as he scanned her from head to toe. She had the body that only fitness and the metabolism of youth can provide. He watched as she sat down on the leather chair that he himself had sat in on numerous occasions, and spread her beautiful legs and stated, "I have got to cum so badly that if one of you guys don't get over here and fuck me right now, I'm going to die."

Fred had been hard for the last hour waiting for his turn to fuck the girl for a third time. He was on her in a flash and sunk his chemically enhanced erection into her steamy muff and started pumping into her with a forceful rhythm.

"Fred, what are you doing?" Ron asked incredulously. "She's obviously traumatized and doesn't know what she's doing, stop that right now."

"Shut up Ron, do you think this is the first time I've fucked her today? She's the hottest little slut I've ever met and this is my third time in her sweet little pussy already. If you shut your mouth, I'm sure you'll be next," he said as he pumped away into her quim. Her luscious tits swaying in time with his every thrust.

Olivia loved being called a slut and it just fired her up more as she reached for her slit and stroked the little nub like crazy. "Yeah, that's what I needed, someone who knows how to fuck a pussy," she thought. She felt it coming fast and went into her characteristic whole-body spasm as the ferocity of her orgasm rippled through her.

"Holy shit, look at her go!" Ron said from his ring-side seat.

Olivia was just finishing up her fuck with Ron when her cell phone rang. Climbing off Ron's deflating cock, she scooted over to her purse and grabbed her phone. "Hiya Stace! I've been waiting for you to call me back. So what's up?"

"Hi Liv, Alfred's here with me, he says he wants to talk to you, you got a sec?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Hey darlin', you got time to do me a favor?"

"Ya sure, what do you need?"

"I got someone I need to you to keep company for me. Where you at?"

"The mall over off Riverside"

"Cool, I'll send DeShawn over to pick you up. Oh, and Stacy said you might need a little pick-me-up so he'll have a little surprise for you."

"Alfred, can I ask a favor? I bought a bunch of stuff today and have a whole pile of bags with me, can DeShawn drop me off at home after?"

"I'm sure he won't mind ridin' your sweet ass home," he said laughing. "I'll have him call you when he gets there."

Olivia did her best to wipe the remaining cum dripping from her pussy and grabbed her clothes. Snapping her bra in place over her large breasts, she threw on her new outfit that she had been wearing around the mall this afternoon, and pulled up her skirt over her naked pussy. Whatever Alfred had planned for her was likely going to involve a cock going into her pussy so her lack of underwear wasn't likely going to be a problem. She thanked Fred for his assistance and promised she'd be back and even left him her phone number, gathered her purchases and headed for the main exit.

The cool breeze felt great on her overheated pussy as she strode towards the exit. It had been a successful afternoon, she'd bought some awesome new clothes, had a bunch of excellent orgasms and a few "okay" ones, added five new "cocks" to her stable of fucks, well, six if you include Jake's little rape episode. Now she was going to get her second most important "fix", something special from Alfred. She was starting to worry a little about her growing need for the drugs, her body craved it like it did sex, and one felt so good with the other. Her whole life these days revolved around getting one type of "fix" after another. She was starting to think she'd have a hard time living without either of her growing addictions. The cream had felt so good when she and Stacy had started using it; would they have continued using it if they had known it had illegal and addictive drugs in it she wondered? Olivia wasn't certain, but that road lay behind her and the road in front of her seemed intertwined with her two current addictions, sex and drugs. A laugh escaped her lips as a thought occurred to her, "I guess all that's missing is the rock and roll!"

Her amusing moment was interrupted by her cell phone ringing, looking down she saw it was Reed. "Hi Reed, whatcha doing?"

"I was calling to see if you had plans tonight that included me?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have plans with Stacy right now but when we're done, I'll call you or come over to your place," she answered.

"Sounds good babe, see you then, bye."

A honking horn startled her, Olivia looked up to see DeShawn's smiling face through the windshield of a big silver Escalade as he pulled up to the curb in front of her. Hopping into the leather passenger seat, she saw the big man reached over to give her a big hug. "Freddie's got something for you, and so do I," he grinned as he grabbed onto his meat stick. Olivia knew very well what he was packing under his pants and knew how much it stretched her pussy out the last time he stuck it in her. Whatever the evening's plans were, she was hoping it involved that giant tool getting jammed into her pussy again.

"Here take a drag on this," he said as he lit up a joint and passed it over to her.

"Is this what Alfred promised me to make me feel good," she asked.

"Nope, saving that for when we get to the hotel, this is just the warm up."

By the time they arrived at the hotel, Olivia felt like she was already pretty stoned. They had finished off one whole joint and part of a second by the time the big SUV lurched to a halt.

"Here's the treat Alfred send for you," DeShawn said as he broke out a little bag of white powder. He tapped out two lines of the white stuff and handed her a small glass tube. "Snort it up baby, this is going to take you to the promised land."

"What is it?" she asked as her pot-clouded mind focused on the

"No questions, one line up each nostril, do it now," he ordered.

Olivia complied as she put the tube to her nose and sniffed up the white powder.

"Do the other one right now!"

He switched the tube to her other nostril as she repeated the exercise and sniffed the whole lot up her nose. The first thing she felt was the sting through her sinuses followed by the intense rush as the cocaine quickly absorbed into her thin tissues. The crystal meth felt great, but nothing compared to this stuff.

She was high as a kite as DeShawn led her down the hotel hallway stopping front of the room number he had been given. The door was answered by three gentlemen who looked to be in their forties or early fifties. Everything was a blur after that. Her clothes were off so fast she didn't know if she had undressed herself or if the guys had done it for her. She was on the bed and someone was fucking her pussy and another guy had his cock at her mouth. She was energized and everything felt perfect again. Stoned-sex, high-sex, whatever you wanted to call it, that's what she had been craving ever since the cream wore off at the mall today. Everything they did to her just fueled her desire for more. The drugs brought out the Queen in full force and she encouraged their every desires. Cocks were in her pussy, in her ass and in her mouth, several times all at once. It seemed to go on for hours, although pot always had a way of making her mind seem like time was standing still. The orgasms were magnificent; they were always so much better when she was stoned.

Looking down in a brief moment of clarity, Olivia recognized the lustful look on the man's face that so many men had given her since she had become the proclaimed Queen of the Sluts, and it renewed her efforts as she thrust her pussy down onto the man's cock with renewed vigor. Someone was pinching her nipples and it shot sparks outward throughout her body. Something hard was being shoved into her ass as she rode the cock. Looking back, one of the guys was pushing the neck of a beer bottle into her ass. It made her feel raunchy, and dirty, and she loved it. It gave her an inspiration for a show she could put on for them as she felt the cock in her pussy begin pulsing.

Climbing off the cock in her pussy, she grabbed the bottle out of the hands of the guy who had been feeding it up her ass and pulled it out. Immediately she inserted it up into her vagina and shoved it as far in as it would go, right up against her cervix. The fat part of the bottle was seated an inch or two into her pussy and it stretched her more than any of the cocks they were sporting. She heard them begin to chant, "More, more, more,..." She tried pushing harder and felt the bottle slide in a little further followed by the intense pressure she felt every time Reed played with her cervical opening. There was no pain, certainly not with all the drugs she felt coursing through her system as she pushed harder on the bottle and felt it slip in a little ways more. The feeling coming from her loins was reaching the point at which she thought she might pass out. "Rub my clit," she whispered as she tried forcing more of the bottle into her uterus.

Five or six strokes from one of the guys was all it took as Olivia was wracked with one of her crazy full-body uterine orgasms that sent her into convulsions that continued even after she had passed out from it; the bottle still deeply seated in her pussy and uterus.

When she came to and looked down, there was only about an inch of the fat part of the bottle protruding from her pussy, the intense pressure still present as the bottle was still lodged in her womb. It was a weird sensation that passed through her as she gently pulled the bottle out. He pussy lips hung slackly for a few seconds as her womanhood closed up from the extracted bottle.

"That was unbelievable," one of the guys said as the three of them sat there watching Olivia recover from her fiercest orgasm of the day. "Can you do it again, only this time with a full bottle?" he asked.

"I can try," Olivia replied as she was handed a sweaty bottle of beer.

"Hold on, shake it up first and then stick it in," one of the other guys requested.

Somewhat confused on how she was supposed to comply, the guy offered to do it for her, and so she just laid back and relaxed as she still felt the afterglow of her tremendous orgasm. Her curiosity got the better of her and she watched as the guy plugged the end of the fresh bottle with his thumb and began shaking it vigorously. The foamy beverage was leaking around his thumb, the pressure trying to expel the fleshy stopper. Somehow the guy managed to get the tip of the bottle including his thumb in her pussy before he pulled his thumb off and shoved the bottle hard into her muff. The wet bottle slid easily up to the flared neck before encountering the resistance provided by her elastic tissues. He continued pushing as the fat part of the bottle entered and the opening slammed into her cervix.

It took a second to register before she could feel the coldness. It was one of those sensations where it took a second for her mind to figure out of it was hot or cold, and then just as quickly, the coldness chilled right through her, down to the bone. Olivia had never had anything cold put into her body like this before; it was like jumping into really cold water, only this was from the inside out. The foamy beer erupted out of her pussy despite the bottle damming up much the pressurized contents. The expanding foam with nowhere else to go, shot up into her womb and stunned her again as the pressure was instantly followed by pain and then everything went back again.

Olivia returned to consciousness with a familiar warm sensation emanating from her loins. Looking down she could see a sheaf of dark hair parked between her legs as one of the guys appeared to be drinking the beer straight from her pussy. He had his mouth locked around her vaginal opening and the sucking sensation she felt was new, and very odd.

"Anybody else want to drink the tastiest beer you'll ever have?" he asked as he got up from between her legs.

"I'm next," one of the other guys stated.

"Could you please not shake it up this time, that really hurt," Olivia replied.

"Sure thing," he replied as he cracked open another beer.

The guys really liked "shot-gunning" beer from her pussy as they each pounded back a couple of beers apiece before they got the idea that maybe they could foam-shot a beer up her ass, just for fun.

Olivia felt like their plaything, it was sexy and dirty and she relished the attention. The beer enema felt intensely cold but refreshing after the pounding they gave her ass. None of the guys had the guts to drink the shit-tinged beer as she waddled over the bathroom and let it go into the toilet.

With their allotted time winding down, Olivia deep throated the three guys to one final orgasm each before she jumped into the shower to clean their spunk and the stinky beer from her body. They had been remarkably gentle on her body considering the number of times each man had fucked her. As she soaped her nubile body, there were no welts or bruises or anything marring her skin's perfect complexion.

Returning from the bathroom wrapped in just a towel, Olivia was surprised to see DeShawn waiting for her. "Hi DeShawn, I didn't hear you come in, are you taking me home now?" she asked, the drugs she had consumed were starting to wear off and she was becoming fully cognizant for the first time since... , well whenever she had smoked that pot and snorted the white powder. She'd lost track of time and had no idea how long she'd been fucking those guys, the pot altering her sense of time, the white stuff altering the rest of her world. In the back of her mind she knew it was cocaine, and with everything she had subjected both her mind and body to in the last week, she somehow couldn't wrap her twelve year old brain around the fact and admit that she was using hard addictive drugs, and so went down a path of denial.

"Not quite yet baby-doll, you got a couple more guys to fuck. Then I be taking you home and giving you a dose of this here black meat," he said patting his large cock like you would pat your dog's head for being a good boy. "You want some more of the good stuff?" he asked pulling the little baggy of white powder out.

There was no way she was going to be able to say no, not after experiencing the amazing high it gave her. No wonder Stacy said it was so good she was willing to give up the cream completely; it was everything she said it would be, and more. She nodded in agreement and stepped forward as he spilled a little on the table and pulled out the tube. Olivia hungrily snorted it down and felt the rush quickly consume her body.

"How about a little more," he asked as he pulled out his mostly erect cock and sprickled a little along its mighty length. Olivia snorted that down to, but noticed some of the white powder had clung to his skin. Dropping the tube on the table, Olivia sucked the monster into her mouth and felt the acrid sting of the white powder as she tasted it on her tongue. The rush of the additional coke went straight to her head and she drifted off into her dreamy world again, the world where carnal pleasure ruled and rational thoughts were cast aside.

Olivia ravaged the black cock like it was meal, trying to suck it down into her throat with every bit of effort her dreamy state would allow. Her dilated pupils stared up on the man as she sucked his cock with every bit of skill she had gleaned over the past week. "Please fuck me now," she begged.

"Sorry girl, a BJ will have to do for now, you got paying customers coming and you're all cleaned up. Don't worry girl, I'm gonna hit that pussy like you've never felt before after you're done here," he said as he felt his cum churning in his balls, ready to rocket into her mouth.

Olivia's efforts were rewarded momentarily as she felt the big cock pulse a split second before the first jet hit the back of her throat. Shoving her mouth forward as hard as she could, the big black head hit the back of her throat as the jets of cum continued firing straight down her throat. Not wasting a drop, she held the big phallus in her throat until the jerking member remained still. She sucked the entire length back out, careful not to let any remaining cum dribble out and be lost.

"Girl, you are the only one who's ever deep-throated me before. You're a fucking champ. Now go wash your mouth out, nobody wants to fuck a girl with cum breath."

Olivia had three guys back to back, come in the room, fuck her silly and then leave her with a snatch full of cum. The first two must of have been on the clock and in a hurry to get home to the wife as they came in fucked into her pussy in a big hurry, and then left just as quickly. The last guy was a big heavy guy with a tool to match. At least he took his time, rocking his cock into her at a nice slow pace, grinding his pelvis up against hers, her clitty getting crushed with each stroke. Olivia was on the bottom the whole time and loved it, her whole body pressed down by his manliness as he pushed his generous cock into her silken depths. The tip of his cock pushing at her cervical opening with every thrust. The little mouth nipping at his bulbous head each time the time came in contact with each other. He wasn't long enough to get in, but he was thick enough to remind her that this was no boy-cock he was plumbing her depths with.

Olivia came on his cock as he was chewing on one of her sensitive nipples, the effects of the coke and the stimulation provided her with her umpteenth orgasm of the day. "What a day this has been," she thought as she remained squashed under his bulky weight, his cock shriveling inside her vaginal canal, his semen dripping through her open cervix into her womb.

Olivia lay there as the man dressed and thanked her. He threw her a hundred dollar bill as a tip and left the room. "That's the coolest thing ever, getting paid to do what I love," she said aloud as she dropped the bill into her purse and headed for the shower.

As before, DeShawn was waiting for her when she returned to the room wearing a towel. "Now, can I have that big monster you keep teasing me with?" she asked, as she did her best to do a sexy little impromptu dance and dropping the towel.

"Let's settle up first then go someplace more intimate," he suggested as he started laying out bills on the table. Your share for the evening's activities was $600, less a hundy for the coke, leaving you with five hundred. If you want a bag of coke to take home, I'll leave you with three hundred and we call it even, sound good?" he asked as he dug a baggy of powder out of his pocket.

"Uh, okay, that sounds good," Olivia replied as she started fastening her bra back on. "I've had the bra for what three days, maybe four?" she wondered. It was all she could do to wedge her ever-growing boobs into the restraining material. She pulled up her skirt and threw on her sandals and said, "Let's go then."

DeShawn drove straight to Olivia's house without stopping.

"I thought you said we were going someplace intimate?" she asked.

"This is about as intimate as it gets. I'm gonna fuck you in your own bed. I'm gonna make you squeal like the little girl that you are," he chuckled as he climbed out of the driver's side door and went around the grab all her stuff from in back.

Next door, Reed Johnson saw the Caddy SUV pull in the driveway and Olivia get out along with the big black guy driving. They carried a number of shopping bags in the house and then closed the door. He admired they way she moved in the short skirt she was wearing, the ruffled material flaring out nicely to show off her developing hips and her sexy legs. The top she had on looked new and accented her natural curves. He cracked a beer and waited for the guy to leave so he could go over and fuck that sweet pussy. He'd been thinking about fucking the little beauty all day long and couldn't wait to get into her puss again.

Inside, DeShawn helped Olivia put her bags of clothes into her closet. She stashed a bunch of it into the big cardboard box she had shoved in the back.

"Why you shoving all that new stuff in there?" he asked.

"I'm hiding it from my mom along with the other stuff I don't want her to know about. I don't want her knowing how much I bought, she'll wonder where all the money came from."

"From whoring that's where. What else you got in there? Bring it out, I wanna see."

Reluctantly Olivia pulled out the box with all her slut clothes in it along with all the toys and accoutrements from the porn shop.

"Damn girl, look at all this stuff. I never would have dreamed you'd be this freaky. You gonna use all this stuff?"

"I dunno, I guess so. I haven't tried it all yet, but I want to someday."

"You gonna use this too someday," he asked, holding up the gold chain with the bars through the ends.

"I haven't figured out what that's for yet," she said, lying through her teeth. She knew exactly what it was for, she just didn't have the guts to get her body pierced yet, and these were designed to go through pierced nipples.

"Let's play with this stuff later. Right now, I want to party with you girl," he said, pulling his shirt off over his head. Olivia pulled her top off in turn and then released the hook on her bra-strap, her big boobs popping out from the tight material. "Damn, those would look fine with a little bling in'em," he said. "Some other time, some other time."

DeShawn stripped down as did Olivia and they embraced like lovers, the two kissing passionately. His cock stirring to life as the beautiful blonde rubbed her large orbs up against his chest.

"Girl, I got an idea. Where's that cream of yours at? I want you to rub it all over my dick before I stick it in, I want that meth high you keep going on about."

Olivia scooted over and grabbed her jar and liberally rubbed it all over his big black pole before rubbing a think wad into her own genitalia. Laying her back on her own bed, DeShawn eased his big tool into her tight crevice. This being the twelfth cock to enter her pussy today, it was by far the biggest and stretched her as much as the beer bottle had. They felt the meth begin the take its effect as they began fucking like they were starved for it. They fucked like wild animals and every time it felt like the cream had absorbed in, they both slathered more on and in. They were both thoroughly stoned, Olivia more so because of her low body weight in comparison to DeShawn, a professional bouncer.

Olivia remembered at one point snorting more coke off DeShawn's erect tool, and then again as the world around her clouded over. She was loving the massive stretch his big cock gave her, and the spectacular orgasms it provided, and then she drifted off and everything went black.

Olivia opened her eyes wondering what she was hearing. It was her mother putting dishes in the dishwasher. The plates were clanging together and making enough noise that it brought her out of her deep sleep. Looking down she was in her own bed, thankfully no DeShawn in sight, and her room looked like it usually did, well except for the little baggy of cocaine left sitting on her bedside table. "Oh shit," Olivia said under her breath as she struggled to roll over and right herself. A shooting pain ripped through her crotch as she brought her legs up, a similar pain erupted from her chest as she scraped her naked breasts along the bed sheets in her attempt to get up.

Looking down Olivia was shocked to see the gold chain with the solid bars pierced through each of her nipples. Well that explained the excruciating pain coming from her chest; she was afraid to look down for fear of what had been done to her crotch. Breathing a sigh of relief, Olivia saw just a thin gold ring going through the tissue covering her clitoris. Gingerly pulling the tissue up, she checked to make sure the ring wasn't actually pierced through her tender little bud. She could barely touch the little ring without yelping pain.

It was like a nightmare she still needed to wake up from. "I can't believe DeShawn would pierce me like this when I was passed out," she thought recalling his comments about playing with the piercing gun. "I must have been pretty messed for this not to have woken me up," she said aloud.

Realizing that she needed to get both her new piercings and the coke hidden quickly, Olivia willed herself to get up and out of bed. The heavy chain linking her nipples swung wildly as she stood up, the pain from the motion shooting outwards in all directions. She kept her body moving as she grabbed the baggy and found an old sweater hanging in her closet in which she could pocket the drugs. Grabbing her bathrobe, Olivia sat down on the edge of her bed as carefully as possible so as not to disturb the little ring through her pussy. Inspecting her nipples more closely, Olivia noted that they were erect, red, and swollen to about twice their normal size. She hefted the large breast up so she could look at the device attached to her nipple.

The gold bar going through her tender nipple was attached at both ends to a gold U-shaped loop, the loop was attached to the chain by a small circular gold bead with a hole through the middle, through which the loop slid. The foot long chain was attached to the bead by a small delicate swivel. Hoping she could somehow detach the bar and pull the contraption off her violated nipple, Olivia looked closely at the bar and could see a very small slot at the end of the bar. Remembering the threaded end on the bar when she examined it the last time, she surmised the threaded end was screwed into the far end of the U-shaped housing. Some type of miniature tool had been used to screw the bar into the end of the receiver. "But who the hell had done this?" she wondered. "DeShawn seemed just as fucked up as I was," she said to herself. "Did he do this after I passed out? When did he leave for that matter? It had to be before mom got home or would've heard about by now!" she thought.

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