Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Lauren Hastings woke with a pounding headache. She wasn't much of a drinker, but she knew what a hangover felt like, and this was much worse. Her body ached all over as well. Not just her muscles, but especially her tits and crotch. She had memories of having sex, but they were fuzzy. She remembered Ryan's face and knew she had sex with him, but she saw other faces as well. She didn't know if she had sex with anyone else but her body hurt enough to make her think she might have. What about Olivia she suddenly thought? Had anything happened to her while she was passed out? She seemed fine and didn't give any indication that anything had happened to her.

Lauren crawled out of bed and looked at the clock; it was eight in the morning! She had slept well over twelve hours and still felt like shit. She went to check on Olivia to make sure she was okay.

Olivia heard her mother knock on the door and panicked. The last thing she remembered was her neighbor, Reed Johnson sleeping in her bed with his cock lodged between her legs. She rolled over and saw that she was alone and sighed audibly.

"Come on in mom," she yelled out.

"Hi honey, I just thought I'd check on you and make sure you're okay?" her mother asked as she poked her head into her daughter's room, seeing her daughter still cuddled up in her bed.

"Of course, why do you ask?" Olivia replied, huddled under her covers, naked as a jaybird, her hand cupped up against her crusty pussy.

"Well, I don't feel very good and I think I passed out at that party. I think those guys put something in my drink and I wanted to make sure nothing happened to you."

"No, mom, nothing happened. I think you just drank a lot. I went to check on you after I noticed you were gone for a while, and you were sleeping on someone's bed. We let you sleep it off for a while then some of the guys carried you outside and shortly after that, you woke up."

Lauren knew that much more than that happened, gratefully Olivia didn't bear witness to the events that left her tits and pussy so tender. She closed the door to her daughter's bedroom door and headed for the bathroom. "Oh my God, what if I'm pregnant?" she suddenly thought, knowing she wasn't on any birth control. When you haven't had sex in ten years, why worry about taking any? "What if he/they infected me with an STD?" A million questions went through her head all at once. She was still worried about whether or not Olivia saw her having sex. "She said she didn't, but she might just be saying that so as not to embarrass me?" she wondered. Lauren was already planning on heading to the local drug store to pick up a home pregnancy test and wondered if she should make an appointment with Dr Sanders to have a blood test done and check to see if she were drugged, and to check for STD's. "That would be so embarrassing," she thought as denial started setting in about the whole event. She was more interested in putting it all behind her and moving on.

Olivia checked her cell phone hoping to see a text or missed call from Reed. She was disappointed when she woke up finding him gone, but relieved that her mother hadn't found him in her bed. She wasn't sure what her feelings were for him. He'd always been a bit of a father figure to her, since she'd never had a real dad, but when she woke up yesterday and found him fucking her, she suddenly saw him in a new light. He had threatened to tell her mother with what she had been doing, and that put him in the same category as his son, a blackmailer that just wanted to use her for sex. But he also treated her tenderly when they were alone together. They were mixed signals and she wasn't sure what they meant.

He fixed up the meeting with the old man at the hotel last night, but that had been more of an adventure. He said it was up to her if she wanted to have sex with him and the old man left it up to her as well. It was her choice, something Steve hadn't allowed her, free will, free choice.

Then out by the pool last night, well that was just awesome. He had brought her some of the most intense orgasms she'd ever had and then made her feel special by telling her he thought he might be in love with her. She was so confused; did she really have feelings for him? She felt so secure in his arms, as she fell asleep with him in her bed. She wanted him to be there when she woke in the morning, but he was gone.

She could still smell his manliness in her sheets as she rolled over, her breasts pressing up against where his prone form had been just hours before. She loved the way he fucked her, tender, but at the same time vigorous enough to stir her animal lust for him.

She checked her phone and she had nothing from Reed, nothing from Steve, and nothing from Stacy. There were texts from the guys from the church again, they were relentless, but then again, considering the experience they had enjoyed with her, you couldn't blame them. Her beauty made her look many years older than her actual age. She had the body of a real-life Barbie doll, and with her insatiable sexual appetite, she was worthy of male obsession.

She had her own obsession and it was feeding her appetite for sex and the payoff was her earth-shattering orgasms. With Reed's help, she had discovered a new depth to her orgasms that she hadn't thought possible. His stimulation of her g-spot had brought her orgasm after orgasm, each one becoming more powerful, they almost became painful they were so intense. She had to beg him to stop before she passed out from that many consecutive orgasms. His play with her uterus was completely different. The intensity was beyond pleasure and pain, they were all-consuming, it over-loaded her mental and physical ability to deal with the surge and had knocked her out cold the first time. The second time she had held on, but barely. She was definitely going to have to investigate the boundaries of that sort of play soon. She wasn't sure if she had the fortitude to investigate it on her own, likewise with some of the items in her box of toys.

She was definitely curious about the piercing gun, but was scared to try it out on herself. Her brain had already figured out what body parts she might be able to pierce with it. She had seen the other women at the strip club with pierced nipples, and she already had friends with pierced belly buttons, but what intrigued her were the women at the strip club with the piercings in their pussies. She wasn't sure if she had the guts to try and pierce herself. Of all the things she had done to her body, or taken into her body, piercing scared her the worst. She was afraid of the pain, afraid of the unknown. When she had her ears pierced, they hurt, but it was quick and temporary. Her nipples were so sensitive and her clit remarkably so; she couldn't imagine how much that would hurt, or if she would take any pleasure from the act. Still, she was intrigued by the equipment at her finger tips. What would it take for her to try to pierce her own nipples?

Olivia climbed back out of bed wondering what she would do today. She looked down at her naked form and grabbed her breasts wondering if they were still growing. They were beautiful and large, but if they got any bigger, they might begin to look ridiculous on her small body. Her mother's were much larger than hers and they were gorgeous, but she was a full grown woman and had the frame to carry them. Still, when she felt them, they might have grown a bit since even yesterday. Steve had ruled her world for nearly a week and her time had belonged to him. This was the first time since that first day that she hadn't received some type of instruction from him before the day got started. She was at a loss; she had her sexual hunger that would need to be fed and without Steve's devious plans, she would have to figure a plan out for herself.

She got her day started with her pills and a hot shower and wondered if she could spend a day like a normal pre-teen girl doing normal pre-teen things, not a hormonally driven sex machine. She started out doing all the normal stuff, got dressed, had breakfast, helped her mom clean the house. But by ten o'clock, she found she was continuously distracted by her growing urge to orgasm, and her urge to "fix" herself with some of the heavily meth-spiked cream. She didn't like the thought of becoming dependant on drugs and fought to resist the urge to use the cream, but it felt so good when combined with her sex.

She puttered around looking for something else to distract her and was finding her brain directing single-mindedly towards sexual gratification and the enhanced feeling the drugs gave it. She was going to have to take care of herself quick. Timing was everything as Olivia's mother announced she was jumping into the shower. Now was her chance to relieve herself as she bolted to her room. She stripped off her shorts and her g-string underwear and plunged her hands into her crotch. Her horny meter was pegged at the red line and she hoped this "session" would bring the meter down to a manageable level as her talented and now very experienced fingers went to work.

A few minutes later she had a "nice" orgasm which brought her some degree of relief, but it wasn't the huge one she was looking for, needing actually. This day was going to be torture if she couldn't find some way to relieve her horniness. She tried calling Reed and got his voice mail, cursing as she remembered he was at work today. She called Stacy's number; she could always be relied upon to come up with a crazy idea for getting sex, but there was no answer. She was getting desperate and called Steve only to have him tell her he was planning on spending the day with Katy. "What's up with that?" she wondered. Could it be he had found himself some other object to focus his attention on? That could be potentially bad for her "need" fulfillment. Sure she had her box of toys, and she had plans for that already, but the Queen still needed the real thing and no latex phallus could replace the feel of a hard cock spurting into her loins.

Her options were running thin as there were only a few short hours left before her mother had to go to work. She went through them in her mind; she could call Alfred, the guys from the church, or even Mr. Mathews, he had a deviant mind. There were the phone numbers written on her ass from the beach house party from yesterday. She could try calling some of Steve's buddies, they always seemed eager enough, or she could try something "thrilling" as Reed put it. Maybe go freelance and see what she could find for herself?

That intrigued her and got her juices flowing. Yesterday at the beach was the first time she had "found" her own men. Up until then she had been served up by Steve like a piece of meat on a platter, and in a way, forced to have sex at his will. Well, that wasn't necessarily true was it? She opted to go into the biker bar after Steve and Stacy had left her alone in the car. She willingly let those thirty or forty guys fuck her silly. She willingly jumped out of the car after that and fucked the bums in the alley. It was depraved behavior; that she would debase herself to that level, letting those dirty men stick their filthy cocks into her, even piss on her, should be unthinkable, but she had loved it, loved everything about it. There should have been deep regret at such an unspeakable act, but there was none. She should have been worried about a hundred things, pregnancy, disease, what if one of the guys got violent? All those things should have concerned her, but in the heat of the moment, all that mattered was fulfilling her deepest and darkest desires. She had seen what depths men's sexual cravings went to, and she had met them all with her own, cumming during those acts every time. Nothing they had done to her yet had pushed beyond the barriers she was willing to go to.

Her mind was sinking down into those depths now thinking about some of the deeds she had done for the sake of filling her insatiable desire. Her little orgasm had done nothing except fuel her desire for more, and she needed more now. She also heard her jar of cream calling out to her, except she knew it wasn't the cream, but the drugs in the cream. She regretted putting all of her meth into the cream as the real stuff worked faster, it went through her like a freight train. Still, the cream had its benefits too, it required her to rub her pussy to get it worked in, and that in itself was reason enough. She was going to need a fix soon, and that was going to make her day that much more enjoyable.

Her mind was working on a plan of what to do today when she suddenly thought of the money Reed had given her last night. She had been paid to fuck that old man! She quickly dug out the bills and started counting. The old man must have been loaded because there was a thousand dollars there! She could do just about anything she wanted. She could get a cab, go somewhere and do something crazy! The possibilities ran through her mind were endless. Her mind focused on something other than sex for the moment. She could go shopping! She could go buy clothes, she had some super sexy stuff already but maybe she needed a whole wardrobe make-over!

As her mind worked over the possibilities, it inevitably came back to sex. Maybe she needed more slutty outfits for Alfred's club? Maybe she needed more extreme toys? Maybe she needed a visit back to the porn shop? That gross old man saw through to her, down to her very essence. He made her cum by peeing down her throat. Maybe it was time to explore her limits, push the boundaries and see what there was to be learned. She was getting hot just from thinking about what that dirty old man could do to her. What worlds he could open up for her. Olivia reached down and rubbed her pussy; it was literally dripping, she was so turned on. She heard the shower stop and knew her mother would be out of the bathroom soon.

Olivia pulled on her g-string and shorts and adjusted herself in the mirror. She scrutinized her reflection. She wore a pink tank top over a new Victoria's Secret bra that accented her curves. Her flat tummy enhanced the generous swell of her breasts. The slight flair to her hips gave her a shape more like a woman. Her shapely, toned legs completed the package. She looked up and realized she hadn't done anything with her hair yet or put on any makeup. She had never really worn much before, just a little lip gloss and some mascara usually. She sat down and actually put in an effort to do her make up as best she could with her limited supply. She used her curling iron to put a little life into her naturally straight blond hair and after fifteen minutes in front of the mirror, she was very pleased with the results. She could easily pass for sixteen with the way she had done herself up. Now, what to do? "I'm all dressed and nowhere to go, or is that no one to blow! Ha, ha," she whispered out loud. "Hmm, seemed funnier in my head."

Olivia's thoughts returned to sex, as they always did. Her soaked underwear were a constant reminder of her horny condition. Her body was calling out for the drugs and her pussy was calling out for attention, why not kill two birds with one stone? She walked over to where she had left her beach bag and found the jar and opened the lid. It had only been two days since her refill and thankfully she had only used about a quarter of the jar. She dipped two fingers in and coated them liberally. Reaching up under the leg of her shorts, she was able to contact her g-string, albeit not comfortably. Maybe a skirt was in order for today, it certainly gave her easy access when she needed it. She was able to pull the g-string aside with her free hand and gain access to her sex. It felt great, but the shorts were just too cumbersome.

Frustrated, Olivia went to her drawer and looked for a skirt that she could wear in public. Sadly, none of the ones Steve had picked out fit that description. She loved the tight fitting clothing, but little of it was practical, or could be worn in front of her mother. That decided it, she would go shopping today and pick out clothes she liked, stuff that would be flirty and sexy, but more age appropriate for her than what Steve liked. Besides, it seemed like he'd lost interest in her anyway. She had mixed feelings about that. She was glad he wasn't controlling her anymore, but at the same time, he provided her with all the action she needed; and her pussy had needed copious amounts of action over the last four or five days.

Olivia was feeling the need for another "fix" and decided she wanted to get more of the cream into her pussy and the shorts were just getting in the way. Olivia unbuttoned the shorts and dropped them and the g-string to the ground. She decided to forego the g-string as the cream would only make them gooey and it was much easier to go without these days. She plugged a good size dollop of cream into her hole and grabbed the first tubular object she could find to push it home, her hairbrush handle. Stacy was right; it did fell pretty good and was a convenient size too. Not quite big enough, but good for her immediate needs. The meth hit her quickly; it must have been a pretty good dose as she suddenly felt swimmy in the head, and sexy too. Oh yeah, she was going to have to combine shopping with "sexing" today. "Damn that feels good," she said as meth coursed through her.

She was absently jamming the hairbrush handle into her quim when her mother knocked on the door. She yanked the hairbrush out of her pussy and reached for her shorts. "Yeah mom," she answered.

"Are you getting hungry honey, I can make you some lunch if you want?"

"Lunch?" She looked at the clock. It was after eleven! What they hell had she been doing for the last hour? Surely she couldn't have lost that much time jamming the hairbrush into her pussy? Could she? "Sure mom, that would be awesome. I'll be right out." Olivia grabbed her hair towel left over from her shower and wiped her pussy, she was soaked. She pulled her shorts back on, going commando.

Entering the kitchen and seeing her mother seemingly fully recovered from her gang-bang, Olivia asked if she could go shopping.

"By yourself?"

"No, Stacy said she'd meet me there."

"How are you planning on getting home? I'm leaving for work in two hours and I doubt you'll be finished by then. I mean I know how you girls are at the mall. You doddle around for hours."

"We'll take the bus home," Olivia said thinking that she wouldn't be caught dead taking the bus - you were virtually guaranteed to have some degenerate sitting next to you creeping you out.

"Nope. You'll take a cab," she said reaching for her purse, digging out two twenties and handing them over. "That should give you a few dollars to buy something with and have enough left over for a ride home."

"Thanks mom!" Olivia replied pocketing the money in her shorts. She planned on taking several hundred dollars from her stash with her shopping and her mother's forty bucks wouldn't be necessary, but she couldn't tell her that.

Olivia returned to her room to get ready to go, collecting her things in her purse. Her keys, money, cell phone, and on a whim, grabbed the vibrating egg. She'd already dosed her pussy with the cream but loved the feeling the meth gave her, and she wanted to take it with her. The jar wasn't going to fit in her purse but looking in the bottom of her purse gave her an idea. She had an old lipstick that she didn't like and pulled it out. She cranked up the stick and broke off the pink waxy goop and cranked the device back down. It made a nice hollow for her to fill with cream. She tested her theory by cranking up the stick slightly and saw the cream rising quickly. It would work just like a dispenser if she felt she needed another dose. "I'm ready to go whenever you are mom."

With six hundred dollars of her own money plus her mother's money, Olivia felt empowered as her mother dropped her off at the mall. She had earned that money with her pussy in less than an hour. It felt really good to go shopping with money she had made doing something she loved to do anyway. And now she was going to reap the rewards of that work with some new clothes!

Olivia went into her favorite store, Charlotte Russe, and perused up and down the aisles. She picked out several skirts and tops and took them to the change room. She stripped down and tried on each article. She loved new clothes, she loved the feel, the smell, she loved how it made her feel. She looked in the mirror and thought she looked really cute in them all, especially the current outfit. The skirt was a dark olive color and had lace trim along the bottom. It was really cute and flared out from her hips coming five or six inches below her crotch. It wasn't as short as the ones Steve had picked out, but it was still fairly short. It was soft, light and airy, and the elastic waist made it really comfortable, it also made her feel very grown up and sexy. She stood before the mirror and slowly hiked it up until her pussy came into view. She was trying her best to ignore her growing urges, but in public with your pussy hanging out, it's difficult to forget.

Olivia paid for her purchases, which came to over two hundred dollars. She couldn't recall ever spending that kind of money on clothes before, at least not at one time. She hit a few more of her favorites like Hollister and Forever 21 before she started getting low on cash. Plus she was carrying around all these beautiful new clothes and as she departed each store, she was putting her boring old white shorts and tank top back on. Why not go put on some of the new clothes? She found the public rest room and put on the gauze skirt and an embroidered peasant top. She felt very grown up as she left the rest room. The cool breeze blowing against her pussy reminded her that one strong gust of air or one quick spin around, and the light skirt would show off her feminine charms for all to see.

She walked around the mall and just watched the boys and men watching her. She had never noticed it before and she didn't know if it was her new breasts, the outfit, or the fact that she was aware of men looking at her now like never before, but she could see that their stares weren't just casual. They looked at her, scanning her head to toe. They stared at her bare legs, they stared at her chest. Some were bolder than others, and some thought wrongly that they were subtle.

She had masturbated once this morning, and that was it. Most days this week she had been fucked silly by now, and her hormones reminded her of that fact incessantly. She was having a good time doing a "normal" girl thing like shopping, but she was finding out that there weren't many "normal" things she could do anymore without having to answer to her sex drive first. The men staring at her were only making matters worse, much worse. She could see it in their eyes, they wanted her, they wanted to fuck her, they wanted to hold her down and fuck her until the spurt their seeds into her. They knew she was the Queen, and they deserved to be serviced by her. She'd been thinking about it ever since she got up this morning. "How am I going to find cocks to fuck today," she'd thought. She'd been thinking that all day, and despite the façade of going shopping, she knew deep down that a part of her wanted to come here because there would be men here, men she could fuck. She needed her sex fix, and she wouldn't be able to focus on anything else until she got it.

Heading back to the bathroom, she found an empty stall and entered, locking the door behind her. Her bags had barely hit the floor before she was knuckle deep in her pussy with her fingers strumming rapidly over her sex. She had been revved up for hours and needed a big release. She got it, or at least, got one, but it was like the one from this morning, just a good one. Not a great one. Was it the drugs that made her orgasms so great, or was it the sex that made it so great? She had cum over and over again at the beach house and she thought the meth hit she took in the car on the way up was long gone by then. And yet her orgasms had been huge. It had to be the sex, she needed more stimulation to get the orgasms she craved. Or she needed more drugs, or a good fucking to get that huge orgasm, or both. God, what if she needed both now to get that huge release? She didn't need the drugs to have those killer orgasms with Reed last night did she? "Shit! Yes, I did take a hit of the cream before I went outside."

Her desperation for one of her big orgasms made her next decision easy. She took the lipstick tube out and removed the cap. She inserted the barrel into her pussy and twisted the base, effectively dumping the whole wad into her pussy. Removing the lipstick, she cupped her pussy sealing it off, preventing the cream from leaking out while the drugs worked their way in. Moments later she felt the rush that her body had been craving. She leaned back against the wall and let the rush spread throughout her body. It felt amazing as she started slowly massaging her folds. She snaked her free hand up under her shirt and hiked up her bra so she could tweak her nipples. The sensations were immediate as her hands went to work.

A few minutes later and she had another orgasm, this one much better than the last. "Oh yes, I'm on my way..." she thought. As she came down from her orgasmic high, she thought about keeping her arousal level up and seeing what trouble that could get her into. She pulled the egg out of her purse and slipped it inside, the cream easily lubricating the passage of the smooth device.

Olivia grabbed her purchases and headed for the lockers, she didn't want to be carrying all her belongings with her when her brain went on sexual-autopilot. She found the lockers over by the administration offices in a secluded hallway that ended at an exit leading out to the parking garage.

She had just finished stuffing the last of the bags into her locker when the egg came to life, dropping her to her knees.

"Are you okay dear?" Olivia heard from behind her as she felt a hand grasp her by the arm, steadying her. Olivia looked up and saw a kind old man staring down at her as he helped her back up. He wasn't staring at her eyes though, rather down her top as it tented forward, her magnificent cleavage on full display. Her Victoria's Secret bra was pushing her breasts up ever so slightly, enhancing her already significant bust line. She couldn't blame the old codger for looking, after all they were pretty spectacular.

"No, I'm fine thank you. I just lost my balance is all," she replied.

"Sure dear, just wanted to be sure you're fine," he said as he released her arm and glanced around. "Have nice day then," he said as he reached up and patted her on her bare butt cheek. His eyebrows rose as he realized he had touched her bare skin. His mind quickly determined she was either wearing a thong, or nothing at all. "Forgot something today did you dear?"

"I beg your pardon?" Olivia asked as the egg sent vibrations throughout her pussy. Her attention to the old man was seriously undermined by the activity below. She had felt his touch on her butt cheek, but it seemed harmless enough and she brushed it off as just an old man copping a quick feel.

"I do apologize. You can forgive and old man for being forward, but I believe you forgot to put on panties today," he said as he drank in her beauty. She was really something as he scanned her from head to toe, his eyes noticing the slender toned legs and returning to the first thing that caught his eye, her ample bosom. He saw plenty of pretty girls every day on the job as the mall's general administrator, but this girl topped them all.

"Oops, must have forgot," she said as she reached for her purse looking for a quarter for the locker.

"It's a shame you're going to cram all those nice purchases in that tiny locker. I'm sure they'll just end up and wrinkled and creased. If you want, you can put those in my office. It's just across the hall. They'll be safe and you can come back anytime and pick them up. Oh, sorry, I'm Fred Murphy, the building administrator," he said holding out his hand.

Even in her highly aroused state, a girl still understands the value of keeping her clothes looking nice. "Yeah, sure, that sounds like a good idea. I'm Olivia," she replied shaking his hand. She immediately started pulling bag after bag out of the cramped locker.

"Wow, you sure had quite a spending spree today, didn't you? That must have cost a lot of money."

"A few hundred dollars. I've been saving my babysitting money up for it," she replied, lying through her teeth, and doing her best to keep focused as the egg buzzed away. Gathering up the bags, she followed the man through the doors marked Administration and followed him down the hall to a spacious office at the end. It was your typical office - beige carpet, bookshelf along one wall with pictures of the family and friends from some bullshit vacation that nobody really enjoyed, but the photo reminded him of how much fun it should have been. A couple of fake plants situated in the corners to add a little color, also to help hide a little safe over in the one corner. A big desk kept neat and tidy with a big phone with all those extension buttons on it, some certificates on the wall from some community college business program he took back in 1973, and a big leather chair in the corner. It was one of those gigantic ones that you sunk into and instantly fell asleep on. What captured her attention more than anything was the bank of monitors sitting atop the credenza behind his desk.

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