Olivia - Cover


Copyright© 2010 by Gurl Luver

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Olivia is tricked by her doctor into taking hormone treatments which have dramatic effects on her burgeoning sexuality. Her escapades quickly spiral out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Fiction   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Lauren was still feeling awful as she turned into her driveway. Her head hurt, her body hurt everywhere, especially her pussy. Her mouth tasted like she had drank industrial bleach cleaner. It was a rough drive back from the beach, she thought she might have to pull over and throw up more than once. All she could think of was having a hot bath and going to bed. "What a way to spend your day off," she thought.

Olivia was worried about her mother. She knew that she had passed out after the guys had started fucking her, and she should have been more worried about what they did to her, but she wasn't. She figured if it felt good to her then her mother ought to feel the same way. She never went out with guys and as far as she knew, had never had sex again after she had been born. "What a waste," she thought to herself, thinking of the countless orgasms she had experienced over the last few days, all the guys, and all the cocks that had brought her so much pleasure.

She had lost count of how many guys she had been with already, all those faces that she was starting to forget. It was easily over two hundred so far. What was the number they had figured out this morning? A hundred and thirty two in the previous twenty-four hours was it? Well, add to that the guys from the beach from this afternoon and it has to be over a hundred and fifty. "How many guys were there today?" she wondered, trying to think back. "There were ten guys there when we got there, plus the three from the beach plus God knew how many showed up afterwards.

She remembered taking on groups of guys, three at a time for what seemed like an hour or more. She always saw the faces on the guys she gave bj's to, and usually saw the face on the guy she was squatting over who was fucking into her pussy, but the guy in her ass, she almost never saw who that was. She knew there were some big cocks roaming around today; a couple of them really stretched her ass out good.

She was really starting to like the anal fucking, it felt completely different and it gave her space to play with her pussy and clitty while they fucked her back there. She had some big orgasms that way today!

Olivia helped her mother get out of the car and up the walkway. She was really moving slow. "No wonder, you took on a mile of cock mother dear. Not a good thing to do if you're practically a virgin," she thought.

"Can you help me run a bath honey? I feel crappy and need some rest and I think a bath would do the trick."

"Sure mom, of course, anything you need."

Olivia helped her mother into the bathroom and started the water for her. She hadn't intended on sticking around but as her mother undressed, she thought she saw something she hadn't noticed earlier. It looked like a black smudge on her back. Olivia looked closer as her mother took off her shorts and saw that someone had written on her mother's back with marker. "Thank you for fucking all 18 of us!"

"So that's how many guys there were," she thought to herself. "Seemed like more. Eighteen is nothing for a seasoned pro like me, but mom's poor twat will be sore for a while."

Olivia watched as her mother eased her bruised body into the warm water. Her hips had red welts on them that would surely form into bruises, likely from all the hands grabbing her as she got fucked form behind. Olivia grabbed the soap and washed her mother's back, paying attention to the marker that was starting to come off.

"Thanks dear but I think I can handle it from here," she said as she leaned back revealing the damamge to her tits. Olivia could see the welts and bruises where they must have been pinching and grabbing at her breasts pretty aggressively, but more importantly, "Holy shit mom has big tits!"

Olivia couldn't taker eyes off her mom's tits. As big as hers had grown, they paled in comparison to her mother's beauties. Immediately she started hoping hers would get that big. She unconsciously grabbed her own feeling their weight, checking to see if they were still growing bigger.

"Honey, you're embarrassing me. Do you mind not staring at my boobs, please."

"Sorry, mom, I've just never seen yours before. They're really pretty."

"That's not appropriate, but thank you," she said noticing for the first time the red marks scattered around her bosom. Olivia turned and left heading toward her room.

Olivia was mesmerized by her mother's breasts as she walked into her room stripping off her bikini top so she could inspect her own set. She hadn't done her squeeze test yet today and they did feel bigger. They were certainly more than a hand-full for her small hands. She grabbed one of her new 32C bras and put it on, realizing she hadn't worn a bra in more than 24 hours. She snapped the hook through the eye and adjusted her boobs in the cups. She had to use the last set of hooks to clip it together, but it still fit fine, well maybe it was just a little more snug than when she bought it just a few days ago.

Olivia was thinking about the marker on her mother's butt cheek and thought about checking her own. She dropped her miniskirt to the floor and then pulled her bikini bottoms down her toned thighs. Her bottoms had become glued to her to her pussy lips and perineum from the drying cum that had seeped from both of her orifices. She felt a little pinch as the crust broke free, separating her sensitive tissues from the hard crusty crotch of her bottoms. Olivia spun her naked form around so she could inspect her round butt in the mirror. Sure enough, she had black ink on her bottom also. She didn't remember anyone writing anything on her, but then again she knew the guys had been spiking her coke all afternoon and two hits of meth probably left her memories a little hazy. She backed her ass up closer to the mirror and saw something written on her ass as well. There were several names written on her ass, and more than a few phone numbers. She moved her butt around trying to see them all and had to lift her legs in some funny positions to see the rest.

She saw Ryan's name and number, and the other three guys who were renting the house with him. The rest of the names were completely anonymous. She might have recognized some of the faces if she saw them again. A couple of them were pretty good looking. She might have to call some of the numbers and make dates with the guy one by one and try them out again to see which ones were which. "That might be a fun little game," she thought.

Olivia was questioning the writing on her mother's butt now, since hers said eighteen and she had, what seemed more than eighteen names and phone numbers on her butt. She thought she remembered way more than eighteen guys there. Maybe they all fucked her mom too? Or maybe there were more guys that didn't bother signing her butt, she would never know now.

She touched her crusty pussy and as she looked at her graffiti covered ass, she thought it would be a good idea to get rid of the evidence before her mother saw it. She headed downstairs to the other shower to give herself a good scrub and to try to get rid of the ink.

Olivia wondered what her mother remembered from this afternoon's events? She certainly didn't seem to be acting different, even though she just got fucked by eighteen guys. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her torso and headed down the stairs.

The hot water felt great and fortunately the ink wasn't permanent and came off fairly easily. It felt good to scrub the crusty semen from her genitals as it was starting to irritate her well used pussy. She looked down and thought she could see her pussy lips starting to become a little more prominent. They were starting to lose their little girl look and were starting to look more mature. It looked like her pubic hair was beginning to get a little thicker too! She teased her fingers through her pussy lips feeling the delicious sensations that it generated. A busy as she had been lately, she knew she wouldn't be getting through the night comfortably without more attention to her kitty. And surprisingly, she wasn't sore down "there" from her gang bang today, a little tender maybe but definitely not sore.

Olivia threw her towel around her chest and headed back upstairs. She saw that her mother had left the bathroom and looked in her room on her way down the hall. She was in bed curled up in a ball under the covers, and appeared to be fast asleep.

Olivia threw on some pajama bottoms and a t-shirt and went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. She took her evening pill and fixed a sandwich and returned to her room. She checked her cell phone and saw several text messages. She had a few from the guys from the church, one from Stacy asking her to text her when she got home, and one from Steve. His said check this out and it had a link to a YouTube video.

She clicked on the link on her iPhone and up came a video of her pulling a train from this afternoon. It was a series of clips taken of her fucking guy after guy. They even showed the guys writing their names and numbers on her ass. She was able to identify some of the faces with the names she had written down. One of the guys was really good looking and had a big cock, she made a notation next to his name on her list. "That's fucking awesome," she thought as she watched herself take on guy after guy. "Oh, I'm cumming there!" she squealed. She watched the video in amazement as she could see her whole body shudder, and her eyes screwed tight, as she went through her orgasm. "I look so hot," she said to herself as she watched the video several times, unable to stop watching herself as she fucked all those guys.

"I should be in porno movies. All the guys would love to watch me fuck like that," she thought. "I gotta call Stacy and get her to watch this," she thought as she switched over to the phone application.

Stacy answered her phone on the fourth ring, she sounded out of breath. "He, hel-lo?"

"Stace it's me, what's wrong?"

"Nuh, nothing's wrong, ohhh"

"Are you fucking someone right now?"

"Kinda, I'm getting my pussy eaten out."

"By who?"

"My sister, she's getting pretty good at it too!" she grunted as her orgasm approached.

"What! Your sister! What the fuck are you talking about?"

"We've had a busy day, can you come over so I can tell you about it?"

"Nah, my mom isn't feeling well, she's resting. We kinda had a busy day too."

"Yeah, I know, I saw the video of her getting gang-banged."

"What? Her video? You mean my video don't you? What are you talking about?"

"There were a couple of YouTube videos Steve showed us before he took my sister and I home. We watched your video and then your mom's. You looked way fucking hot too! Your mom looked passed out, so it was kinda boring, but yours was amazing. I thought the car load of Mexicans I took on today was exciting, but you girl, you rock!"

"You fucked a car load of Mexicans?"

"Yeah, Steve was too tired from fucking my sister so I had to find my own action, and they were the first to come along... , it's a long story."

"I have a gang-bang video on YouTube, so does my mom, and now Steve's fucking your sister. I think my brain is gonna explode. How did she get involved in this?"

Stacy filled her in on the day's events and how her sister was brought into the sisterhood of the raging hormones. While she listened to Stacy recount the day's activities, Olivia had her hands down her pants frigging away at her pussy, three fingers buried in her quim and the other hand giving her clit a go. Between the videos and the stories Stacy was telling her, her horny meter was pegged at the red line.

"Ok, I get all that," she continued. "But why is your sister eating your pussy?" she asked

"The little bitch is getting good at it, it seems she kinda likes it. It feels really good, I need it and she isn't saying no so I'm keeping her busy at it. Plus I figured she owed me from this morning when she left me short of my orgasm, and that forced me to take on the Mexicans," she said. "She's eaten me out to three orgasms so far, but I need cock soon, and apparently, so does she. I'll let you know how we make out, talk to you later girl, bye," she said and hung up.

Olivia was stunned by the turn of events, not that anything the pair of them did anymore should come as any shock. She pulled up the video of her mother getting fucked and as she watched it, she grew even more aroused. She started out on her hands and knees and seemed to be coherent and enjoying the sex, but after a few scenes, she was on her back and looked passed out cold. She watched as guy after guy filled her pussy with their seed, her gigantic titties rocking back and forth with the force of their thrusts. A couple of the guys had chosen not to deposit their seed in her pussy in favor of shooting it in her mouth. "That explains why she said her mouth tasted awful. Strange, I get turned on by the taste," she thought as her orgasm approached. Watching her mother taking it from both ends at the same time did it for her and she felt her orgasm flood through her as her fluids soaked her hands and her pajama bottoms.

Olivia was thinking about Katy and the visit they had to Dr. Sanders' office and the medicine he gave to her, as she stripped off her bottoms. She pulled one her new g-strings out of her drawer and pulled them on, "No sense making a mess of another pair of pajamas."

She was certain now that the medicine she was on wasn't an anti-inflammatory, but some kind of hormone pill than resulted in making her horny and also making her boobs grow. There was no doubt either that the cream was not just your everyday cream either. She was torn, she knew that she had been taken advantage of and that all her recent sexual behavior was directly related to the pills, or was it? She had been really horny to begin with, and if she had of fucked Steve without being on the pills, would she still have gone down this path? She thought there was a good chance she might have anyway.

She was having so much fun doing very adult things that other kids her age weren't doing. If she stopped taking the medicine, she might be able to put all this to a stop. Then again, would Steve let her stop? If she stopped taking the medication, would it still be as much fun? If not, she might find she didn't enjoy it anymore, but still be forced to have the sex anyway. Plus, what about her boobs? They had grown so much, and that would certainly stop, at least for now. She was thinking about her mother's enormous and beautiful boobs and thought about how much she wanted to look like that. She weighed the choices and found that she liked having all the sex, and she loved how her boobs were growing and how beautiful they looked.

No she would keep taking the medication. But what if Dr. Sanders wouldn't give it to her anymore? She could always fuck him to get more, that was easy enough. "Decision made," she thought as she adjusted the g-string over her crotch, splitting her pussy lips into two equal halves. They felt so sexy the way they pressed into her sex.

Olivia was still so very horny and went to her closet to retrieve her nipple clamps and her vibrator. "Might as well have some fun if I'm in for the evening," she thought.

Her phone rang, and she recognized it as Steve's house number. "Hi Steve," she answered.

"It's not Steve."

"Oh, hello Mr. Johnson."

"Please, call me Reed. Do you remember when I asked you if you were up for some more thrills?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Well, are you up for some tonight?"

"I'm not sure I can, my mom's not felling very good and I shouldn't leave her by herself asleep."

"It would only be for an hour, do you think you can sneak out for an hour?" he asked.

"I guess so, what do you want me to do?"

"Wear something simple, nothing sexy, like jeans and a t-shirt, put your hair up in a pony tail and wear light makeup. I'll meet you out front in my car. I have someone I want you to meet, then I'll bring you back home, easy as that," he said.

"Am I having sex with this person?" she asked.

"Only if you want to," he replied.

"Duh, I fucked bums in an alley by choice, is there anyone I wouldn't want to fuck?" she thought. Olivia dressed as requested which was a dramatic change from the past few days, although she did keep the g-string on.

Olivia met Reed out front as promised and he drove off. He kept the conversation light and didn't tell her much about the details of her rendezvous.

Reed pulled into the parking lot of the Four Seasons, and got out, "let's go sweetheart." Olivia followed him through the ornate lobby complete with marble covered walls and floors. She had never been in a hotel this fancy before. Come to think of it, she had really only been in a few in her lifetime, certainly none this fancy. Reed ushered her into the elevator and they took it to the top floor.

Reed knocked on the door and it was opened by a grey haired man dressed in formal attire.

"Welcome, you must be Reed Johnson, and this lovely creature must be the young lady from the photos," he said as he welcomed the pair into his suite. "I've been looking forward to meeting you young lady, even since I caught sight of your loveliness today. I must say, you do move quickly Mr. Johnson," the man added.

"Olivia this is Mr. Adams," he is an admirer of young beauty.

"I can handle it from here Mr. Johnson. Would you mind waiting in the lobby? I'll call you when we're finished, ok?" he asked. Reed was a little leery about leaving Olivia with this man he had just met electronically. He was a friend of a friend of a friend, who was known in small circles that liked the company of young female acquaintances. He knew nothing of the man other than the obvious fact that he had money. He had emailed him a few of the pictures of Olivia, mostly with her clothes on, and a few with some of them removed. Certainly not the hardcore pictures with the various paraphernalia she stuck into her crevice. His reply was immediate, he wanted to meet the young lady as soon as possible, cost was not an issue. There was no request for sex, he just asked for her to spend some time with him at a specified place, and he would be paid handsomely.

"Fine, but she'll not be harmed in any way, or else you'll have me to answer to," he replied, his dissatisfaction obvious.

"Oh, you have nothing to worry about, she can have her cell phone with her at all times and if she feels the least bit uncomfortable, she can call you right away and she'll be off," he insisted.

"Olivia, are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied as she watched Reed Johnson head for the door.

"My dear, you are truly lovely, a sight to behold," he said as he directed her to sit on the couch with him. "I am simple man, I want to admire your beauty in any way you feel comfortable sharing," he said.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean by in any way?" she asked.

"I don't like to be too forward in such matters. In simpler terms, I would be happy to enjoy your company in any fashion that makes you comfortable. If that means you keep me company on the sofa dressed as you are, then I am fine with that. However, if you felt comfortable enough to share your beauty with me in other ways, you'd make this old man very happy."

"So do you want me naked or not?" she asked rather forwardly.

"Oh my, that would be lovely!" he squealed.

Olivia pulled her t-shirt over her head and unbuttoned her jeans, leaving her in one of her new Victoria's Secret bras, and the bright red g-string she had put on before Reed called. She twirled around showing off her tight, toned body. She could tell by the look in his eyes that she had him hooked. He had the same look as all the other guys from the club, and all the guys from the beach house. They all wanted her and she knew it, she relished their desire, it fueled her lust. She sought to tease and to please the old man with her display.

"Can you put on some music?" she asked. The old man fumbled for the remote and was able to put some music on for her.

Olivia didn't really know the song, but she moved to the beat using her years of dance training to find a rhythm that she could use to show off her talents, and her assets. She could see the old man squirming in his seat as he tried to make himself more comfortable with what could only be an erection in his pants.

Olivia danced over to him and plopped herself down on his lap, her crotch finding his as she ground her g-string clad pussy over his tented slacks. She draped her g-string split vulva over his pole, as she rocked her pussy back and forth over his erection. "Do you like that?" she asked.

"Oh, that feels so nice my dear."

"Do you want me to make you feel even better?" she asked, with a pouty school girl look.

"Oh yes, yes, please!" he begged.

Olivia unzipped his pants and reached in through the fly, finding his erection clad in a pair of boxers. She pulled his cock out through the fly and rubbed it up and down with her hands. She popped the button on his pants and started working them down towards his hips. She stood up and pulled on his pant legs as he lifted his hips up. His gnarled old-man legs came into view, but she didn't care, she was focused on his tool which still poked through his boxers. It stood at attention and called her name.

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