New World - Cover

New World

Copyright© 2010 by lordshipmayhem

Chapter 19: R and R

Mike and his staff already had their hands full with the survivors of the Bucyrus wreck. In addition, there was a sudden surge of visa requests in the aftermath of President Yamashita's highly-successful, heavily-(media)-covered, totally-(clothing)-uncovered diplomatic visit. And then the Firespike issue arose. It was the first time that he saw Yuki really raise a sweat, although she handled the additional requests with her usual aplomb.

One survivors' issue that quickly became history was that of nudity. When the hotel staff, fellow hotel guests, medical staff at the hospital, ambassadorial staff, Firespike crew and everyone on the local TV channels were all nude, it didn't take terribly long for the passengers and crew of the Bucyrus to adapt.

Patients in Spican hospitals wore nothing under the sheets. When walking around the halls, they only wore paper slippers. Doctors and nurses wore special sandals with an enclosed and hardened toe, a pouch around their necks with their ID and anything they thought they'd need immediately (pens, for example), and that was about it. Nurses wore nursing caps and blue wrist comm units, doctors wore red wrist comm units and a look of constant exhaustion.

The people of Spica II put out all the stops for the survivors of the wreck of the Bucyrus and the crew of the Firespike. The uninjured Bucyrus survivors were housed in a beach resort with a view of the reef and the ocean beyond, relaxing tropical breezes, a short walk to a sandy public beach and a very short tram ride to the hospital where the most seriously injured remained. As each of the injured was discharged, they too joined their fellow castaways in the lap of luxury.

Being Spica II, the survivors were expected to wear nothing more than sandals, sunglasses, smiles and sunscreen. It started at the space station, and was easiest on the worst hurt: their clothes were stained with blood and sweat and already ripped in dozens of places, so they were simply cut off, and besides most of them were still unconscious. The ambulatory and the uninjured were relieved of their clothes during the medical check, the clothes sealed in boxes and retained on the station pending their replacement ride.

The crew were in two similar hotels located further down the beach, enlisted in one and officers in the other. They spent a great deal of time on the beach, or shopping and sightseeing across the tropical island idyll.

Millie's class had volunteered to escort the visitors to see a staging of Noël Coward's Blithe Spirit that evening — it was felt that a good side-splitting comedy was in order. As a result, some of the Embassy's staff and their spouses showed up as well. Over in the corner Jane noticed one trio: the woman who had infamously put up such a fuss over going to "the nude planet", her husband and daughter. She was now laughing at the actors' antics, attention firmly focused on the stage, completely unconcerned that she and her family, like her fellow patrons and the actors on stage, were all completely nude. They had been on the planet for less than seventy-two hours. People seemed to adapt to a naturist environment fairly quickly, she observed, just as Radioman Robertson had predicted.

Mike sat in Kurt Meier's office, sharing tea with the Spican Minister for Foreign Affairs. The topics of discussion, after going through the convoluted but necessary business of discussing the health of family and the latest cultural events, were (1) the Bucyrus survivors' status, (2) the repairs to the Flower-class corvette SFS Firespike, and how the crew was adapting.

As the young secretary exited the room, Kurt harrumphed and started the business part of the tea. "Have you received any communication from the Bucyrus survivors' home planet, Arcturus?"

"Yes, they would like me to express their sincere thanks for all of the kindness the citizens of Spica have extended to their countrymen. I think Spicans should hear that, by the way."

"I can arrange for it to be read into the legislative record."

"That would be a very generous gesture. They have arranged with another shipping firm to pick them up from here. The SS Oswald will be arriving at the wreck site in a week, to perform salvage under the watchful eye of the Solaris Federation Navy. Solaris has been asked to perform the investigation into the wreck. If we could borrow Pearson Island as a venue for the court of inquiry? They'll have electronic depositions, but there will be a need to interview members of the crew and passengers, and they all happen to be here. Solaris will of course pick up the costs."

"Of course, we'll be delighted to. Hopefully this will result in diplomacy and trade with Arcturus."

"They probably cannot establish a full embassy right away. I understand the colony there is small and fairly recently established. It will be years before it's ready to send out its own diplomats, which is why we volunteered to step into the breach. I've been formally requested by Arcturus' ruling council to explore establishment of a trading route incorporating Spica's facility. They also need to replace Bucyrus. The shipyard at Mars Station has been engaged to build the replacement, and I understand they have subcontracted the environmental controls for this new ship to the same Spican firm replacing Firespike's EC unit."

"Excellent, truly excellent. You are a fountain of good news today."

And you probably knew this two days ago, Mike thought to himself. "I bring a message from our Fleet that should also please you. After the Firespike's EC unit failure, they've decided to replace all Flower-class corvettes' EC units and at the same time perform a detailed engine overhaul, and because the Spicans' unique and high-quality skills in this area, they've chosen your shipyard." He electronically transferred a copy of the contract file. "One ship per month until all 16 are finished. The plan is to send them here with skeleton crews, weapons removed."

That Kurt didn't know, and was impressed. Handling another nation's fleet's overhaul, even a partial one, was a feather in his cap, and would definitely make him and his First Minister look good to the Legislative Assembly.

"Do you anticipate any difficulty with social nudity with those crews?"

"I've been advised the chosen crews will be accustomed to social nudity. I take it they're planning on offering the position of Chief Engineer for this task to the Firespike's engineering officer, if she's interested."

Kurt nodded. "I hear she's earning respect from our shipyard workers. She isn't upset at the nudity like so many off-worlders can be, and works like a demon."

Mike flashed a small smile, and went on to the next topic for discussion.

Kurt took Mike by surprise with his next statement. "We have a girls' school here that has asked me to provide introductions, St. Albert's School for Girls. They're a boarding school that runs from Grade 7 to 12, which escalates right into the most prestigious university on Spica."

"Yes? How can I help?"

"Well, I gather that they've had so many requests from Solaria and some other star systems that they've decided to expand and add spaces for off-worlders. They will be accepting applications from young ladies twelve to thirteen years of age."

Mike considered for a moment. "We can co-ordinate the travel documentation through the school, which will make it easier for the parents. If the school wishes, it can be the contact point for arranging travel documentation for parents who wish to visit their little darlings as well. I'm sure we can come up with reasonable procedures. When would they like to meet us?"

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