The Perils of Being a Teacher - Cover

The Perils of Being a Teacher

Copyright© 2010 by niteowluk99

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A 26 year old teacher desperate to have a child gets some unexpected help and has to deal with blackmail at school.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   Humiliation   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Size   Teacher/Student  

Next morning Pauline woke up with much more vigour and energy than she could remember for a quite some time; she was busy in the kitchen preparing her and Jack's breakfast when he popped his head around the door. Seeing his wife so perky at this time in the morning; even he noticed the difference and cheekily asked if anything happened last night. Pauline smiled to herself as she answered, "No, Lover boy; nothing out of the usual happened!" Jack never spotted the sly smile and thought he had done his duty the night before and had excelled for once.

Pauline arrived at school a little exhausted from her activities last night with her father and the fact that she had some more powerful erotic dreams; which led to her masturbating most of the night and to this she felt different in herself, she could swear she felt the tiny seed of life starting inside her body; impossible I know but she was convinced her father had done his work so well that she would soon announce her impending baby. As she turned the corner near the cycle shack she saw literally collided with a coloured youth.

His name was Leroy and he stood six feet tall slim build and was usually in trouble one way or another; but such was her haste to get to the teacher's common room that her force of colliding with him caused him to drop the magazine he had been so engrossed in. She bent and picked up the magazine and was about to hand it back to Leroy when she noticed it was a porno magazine. This led her to demand he empty his pockets; to make sure he was not carrying anymore of this filth; she explained to him. There was nothing untoward found apart from a white envelope and her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the envelope to protests from Leroy that it was private. She replied that if it was private why did he bring it to school.

The envelope contain some pornographic pictures; they were actual photographs and all the same topic of black males fucking white females; this made Pauline blush slightly; she shoved the pictures back into the envelope and turned her attention back to the magazine.

She opened the first page and was shocked to see a blonde haired white woman about to suck on a large black cock; her first thought was fuck me he has even more cock than my dad; she quickly recovered and told Leroy he knew these things were not allowed at school and as such she was going to confiscate them and he was to come to her classroom at the end of the day for a detention.

She then continued on her way to the teacher's common room having pushed the magazine and envelope into her bag; she had intended to destroy the magazine and during the detention give Leroy a lecture on the evils of pornography. As she sat in the common room her mind went over the changes to her life of the last 24 hours; if anyone would have said that not only would she fuck her own dad but she would enjoy it so much and actually hope he had made her pregnant; let alone deal so calmly with a coloured boy looking at porn, she would have said they were crazy.

She sat a little uncomfortably because such was the images she recalled from last night that she found herself a little turned on; she knew she could not sit here much longer or people would know she was feeling horny. She decided to go prepare for her first lesson of the day Female physical education, a double lesson. So she headed off to the gym and putting out the vaulting horse and some benches; she felt good to channel her thoughts away from her own feelings and now made her way off to the female locker room and her little office there.

She tossed her bag onto the little desk in her little office; quickly undressed and slipped into her gym kit; she caught a glance of her tits in the small mirror and noticed the slight bruising near her nipples and two things hit her; one they were made by her own dad's teeth as he nipped and sucked her nipples and the fact the dark bluish black bruise was not that far removed from the colour of the boy she had taken the magazine off. The magazine; of course she had better remove it from her bag or anyone who saw it would swear it was hers and not something she had confiscated.

She took it from her bag and absentmindedly flicked through a few pages; the white woman on page one about to such the large black cock on later pages took more and more of the clearly eighteen inch cock into her mouth. Pauline wondered how a small woman like that could get so much into her mouth for the last picture she glanced at showed the girls nose pressed against the pubic hairs of the black man. Closer inspection of the picture clearly showed the throat of the girl was bulging obviously with the cock in it; It suddenly hit Pauline she felt admiration for the girl having the talent to swallow such a large cock. She opened the desk drawer and tossed the magazine into it before turning her attention once again back to the envelope and the pictures; She closely studied the pictures and swore the girls face looked familiar but for the moment she could not place the face. So she put them back into the envelope and added them to the magazine before closing and locking the drawer.

Now Pauline came out of her office to a melee of noises as the sixteen year old girls were in various stages of getting changed for her lesson; at the top of her voice she screamed for them to keep the noise down and they had five minutes to be in the gym or face extra chores. As she walked to the gym she realised the pictures had an effect up her and she felt squishy in her cunt and made a note to make sure she did not display that to any of the girls.

Half way through the lesson she had cause to go to one of the girls who had tried to leap the vaulting horse and had crashed on the other side; the girl was laid winded and as she knelt beside her to make sure she was alright she suddenly noticed the girls face; it was the girl in the pictures; no it could not be but it looked so much like it was her. The girl was sent to the school nurse to be checked out and Pauline supervised the rest of the lesson but the thought of that being the girl in the pictures in the envelope would not go away; at the end of the double lesson there was a twenty minute break between change over lessons; so she went to the school nurse to make sure the girl was ok and when she got there she was told there was no damage done and the girl could return to her lessons.

Pauline escorted the girl back to the female locker room and when they arrived it was deserted; all the other girls had changed and moved out; Pauline took the girl into her office and sat her down and after ensuring she was not suffering any effects from her accident; she began to probe on a more serious matter.

In the finish Pauline explained she had confiscated an explicit magazine and photographs of interracial nature; from one of the boys this morning and had Susan anything she wanted to tell her. Susan blushed and began to cry; she blurted out that Leroy the boy in the picture had managed to get some personal details on her and had blackmailed her into having sex with him but she did not know he had arranged for someone to take those photographs and the first she knew was when he showed to her last Friday. Susan confessed that she had been made to perform on Saturday night for three of Leroy's friends and was seriously worried now that more photographs may exist.

Pauline promised to help her sort this out and promised to keep the information quiet; she now had a major problem with Leroy though; bad enough was the fact he was underage looking at pornography but now he was also accused of blackmailing other underage persons into the acts portrayed in those filthy photographs.

Pauline hugged Susan and the told her to leave it with her and get dressed and go to her next lesson; for Pauline that lesson was going to be teaching sex education to the mixed class which contained both Susan and Leroy. She needed to think how to broach the subject of respecting people's privacy without giving the game away.

She made her way to the next lesson; the sex education lesson in which she already prepared posters showing the internal workings of the male anatomy and similarly the female anatomy. Pauline sat with her back to them awaiting the arrival of the class; Pauline decided to deviate from her planned lesson just a little to talk about personal relationships.

She began by asking the class, "What is important in a relationship?" after several non descript answers; Leroy added his comment; she suspected to score brownie points with his peers; "Good sex is a good start!" he called out. Seizing on this Pauline continued; "OK Leroy and just what makes good sex as you put it?" she asked.

"Stamina and a good length!" he retorted almost grinning from ear to ear. Again Pauline seethed inside as she thought his attitude was almost typical of all the young men size may matter but feelings were far more important she thought.

"Stamina and Length!" she echoed, "A typical male response if I may say so!" she continued; "So Leroy; If I was to tie you upside down; stick a large sex toy up your arse and turn its batteries on and leave you like that for an hour or two; that would be good sex then?" she emphasised.

Now the class erupted in howls of laughter and Leroy scowled taking it that they were laughing at him; he finally snapped, "Just like to see you try it, that's all!"

"Oh but surely; all I need do really is find out something you would be ashamed of others finding out and then you would have to agree to my wishes!" she pressed home her point.

Leroy Glared at her and swore under his breath. "Listen I am not having ago at anyone here I am just trying to point out that there are much more important aspects of relationships than the sex side being as simple as a good length and stamina; it is much more rewarding to develop a trust and understanding as well as respect and care for each other!" Pauline explained; hoping now to lead Leroy away from his aggressive stand.

Now the class was silent and as she glanced round the room a lot of the students were nodding their approval. However Pauline knew she had to deal directly with Leroy's attitude; so she continued asking Leroy why he felt so aggressive about the humour of the class. Now getting very defensive Leroy simply said he did not like people laughing at him.

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