Initiation at Thirteen - Cover

Initiation at Thirteen

Copyright© 2009 by Muffmate

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Young curious boy caught playing by housemaid and punished to his satisfaction, relationship develops, boy becomes adept at oral satisfying both housemaid and her sister, progresses to sexy cousin, discovers mother's secret...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Cousins   Spanking   First   Oral Sex  

When I got home that night, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking Wow! A couple of times I must have drifted off little only to come awake with a jerk, immediately thinking that it was all a dream. My prick was rock hard and I had a firm grip on it inside my pyjamas. Then I'd grin to myself, wising I could boast about my conquests to my friends. That's right I'd think, not one beautiful woman at the tip of my tongue but two!

I'd twist and turn and unravel the bedclothes from around my legs. And then start all over again.

Eventually, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen for some water. At least that was the original intention. Somehow, I found myself outside Anne's room. I suppose I was still too young and inexperienced to open the door and go in to have a little more time with Anne, but this time in her bed. I reached for the doorknob, shaking and wondering what she would say.

As I did I heard a moan, which almost caused me to piss myself. I jerked my hand back and looked around to find out who had spotted me. There was no one there! I stopped still and cocked an ear. There came another moan, this time followed by a sharp Shhh! That's when it hit me. Anne has someone in her room.

My built up elation at my conquests has now deflated and I'm thoroughly pissed off. After the night we had she went and picked up someone new! I put my ear to the door, curious as to who she has in there. The stupid floorboards pick that moment to creak. Shit!

I'm not stupid and immediately run, skipping around the corner just as the door opened. Before they can get to the corner, I've disappeared into my room, quietly easing the door shut behind me. I didn't hang around and dived under the covers not knowing why I expected anyone to check on me.

I continued my tossing and turning but this time angry and annoyed. Any self confidence that was creeping into my make up was thoroughly eroded and the fear that there would be no more adventures with Anne and her fantastic sister was foremost in my mind. Why? Oh Why? Oh Why? I tried to listen out for the front door signalling the departure for her guest. I planned to see who it was from the window. I waited for ages but finally drifted off to sleep with tears in my eyes.

When I finally awoke in the morning, my eyes were sealed with dry tears. I didn't want to see her and considered skipping breakfast and heading off to meet some friends. After dressing I was almost out the door, when Anne called from the kitchen. Shit! No escape now. I thought. So I about faced and headed for the kitchen. I'm not sue what I expected or rather feared.

Anne was her usual bright self. Boisterous and full of bounce and energy. I avoided looking at her and let hep place my cereal in front of me at the breakfast bar. I grabbed my Dad's paper and tried to focus on the sports page. She bustled about cleaning the surfaces and piling dishes for later cleaning. I gulped my breakfast and slopped milk about on the counter. I couldn't look at her or keep my eyes off her. I struggled to eat my cereal at a record pace, shoved it away and raced out.

She called out to me again. I banged the door shut and booted it.

Rather than go to my friend's house I changed direction towards the lake. It was time to think.

She's fabulous looking, I thought. I wondered why she went after me when she could have anyone she wanted. I thought a lot about the man in her room, and especially the risk she took. Jesus if my Dad knew, he'd kill her.

It was only then I remembered that my Dad was away for a few days. While I like my Dad a lot I never spent anytime with him. He only ever asked me about my school work. His particular question was how I ranked in my class. To this day, I hate comparing and ranking people.

I thought about how long I remained awake in my room. I never did hear the exit of her man. In different circumstances I would have considered my father as her amorous visitor. But that was impossible. Hashing and re-hashing the possibilities wasn't getting me anywhere. But I couldn't get it out of my head. Disappointed as I was, I wondered if she would want to continue with me now that she had someone else. Someone grown up!

I burst into tears again, trying to keep away from other walkers and their prying eyes.

I determined to ignore her. As I write this now I cannot help but wonder at my naivety. It would make more sense to try to continue the good thing that had happened, rather than let my pride mess up a sure thing! The irony was that I was effectively back where I had been for the last few weeks. I had made no progress in my relationship with Anne at all, except for my liaison with Eve her sister.

After many hours at the lake, throwing stones and generally splashing about between episodes of brooding and feeling sorry for myself, hunger got the better of me and I headed home. I still wanted to avoid Anne. I strolled back up High St trying to come up with a plan.

Matt! Matt! It sounded like Anne had found me and my heart sank into my stomach. I rapidly changed direction slipping down a side lane. I peered around, trying to see if she had spotted me. At the top of the lane was Vicky, my cousin that I had met at the cinema last night, not Anne. Hold up Matt! she shouted. I breathed a sigh of relief. Why were you avoiding me? she asked. I ran back to her saying I didn't hear you.

She looked at me oddly, and asked where are you off to?

Just getting a bag of chips I said. I was starving after all. Want to come?

Yep, let's go. She took my hand and dragged me back to the High St. I felt odd walking along holding hands with Vicky, my cousin.

She was moving along at a pace, and holding the back of my hand up to the side of her breasts. Vicky was about 2 years older than me, and while very pretty never seemed to have a boyfriend. I had always fancied her, and remembered when she first started developing boobs. She was embarrassed, especially with the leering looks all the lads gave her. When I realised just how hard that was on her, I tried not to do the same. I think because of that, I was probably the one boy who she trusted. I had almost got o the point where I didn't notice she had tits anymore. She was a friend and I wasn't going to mess with that.

But now, she was going against the mould allowing me to feel them. My hard on, had returned with a vengeance.

If I were really buying chips I would have gone to the take away. Now I was being dragged to a proper chipper with booths at the back. She ordered two plates of chips and two cokes at the counter on the way through. Then pushed me into the last booth, slipping in immediately behind me. She still held my hand, and I really liked that.

Vicky, as you might now imaging, had a large rack. They looked a little incongruous on her, because she was so slim. She had a very small waist, with slim hips and this enormous set of boobs. She was black haired and slightly sallow skinned, and would have been my ideal dream woman were it not for her glasses and that she was my cousin.

I loved her though and couldn't believe how my love for her had turned to this lusty, lecherous need of her. And all of this in five minutes.

So there we are, sitting breathless in the back booth, looking into each others eyes. I never noticed the depth of her green eyes, or the white of her eyes. She was red in the face; that may have been from the rush, or it could have been that she was as embarrassed as me from the new lusty feelings we both now had.

Still holding my hand she put both of our hands into my lap, where she felt for the first time my bulge. Luckily my new found experience allowed me to maintain some control and avoid a disaster. My cock bulged, while she abandoned my hand and groped my still rising bulge. She dropped her hand further to my bare leg, trying to get access through the leg openings. She turned to me and was leaning toward me, I think to kiss me, when the waitress arrived with our order.

We both quickly tried to straighten ourselves up, but her hand was caught in the tight opening of my shorts. The waitress dropped or plates and drinks, spotting how Vicky's hand was stuck, winked at me and returned to the counter.

God, that was close Vicky said. I didn't tell her about the wink. I leaned over to kiss her cheek just as she turned to me again. We touched lips, and I withdrew immediately in surprise. She followed me and continued the effort, pushing her tongue onto mine. So I snogged my cousin, sue me!

She's lovely, all thoughts of Anne had left my mind. We continued snogging for a while, and her hand returned to grasping my hard on. My hands were drawn like magnets to her wonderful boobs. She moaned, and I wanted to continue kissing her forever. I thought about invading under her jumper. But then realised we were in a chipper for all to see. And we were cousins, and well known at that.

Reluctantly, I pulled back, saying where can we go?

My parents won't be back until about 8, she said.

We agreed on that plan and ate our chips. Actually I think I ate most of hers too. Bringing our cokes with us, we agreed to withdraw to a more amenable location to renew our growing lustful attraction.

As we finally left the chipper, we met a friend of Vicky's, who wanted to come with us. For a moment, I thought that Vicky was going to agree, but after a while told her friend that we were going to clean up their attic and while she was welcome, she probably wouldn't enjoy it. She beat a retreat, while I enjoyed her tight arse, wondering if a threesome could be in the cards in the future.

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