Initiation at Thirteen - Cover

Initiation at Thirteen

Copyright© 2009 by Muffmate

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Young curious boy caught playing by housemaid and punished to his satisfaction, relationship develops, boy becomes adept at oral satisfying both housemaid and her sister, progresses to sexy cousin, discovers mother's secret...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Cousins   Spanking   First   Oral Sex  

God! How I wanted her! But I was too shy to ask, and too shy to lay a hand on her. For weeks I watched and hoped. I had begging eyes and I was very conscious of anyone recognising my hunger. My especial fear was that my mother would realise that my longing looks were more than a shy boy's bored stares. But even then I couldn't stop. I had no control. But she ignored me!

Every chance I got I ensured that I was around to watch her dusting and vacuuming. My particular favourite was when she had to polish the linoleum hallway. She did that on hands and knees and I think she deliberately pointed her ass at me to tease me. But she never encouraged my attention and I could never overcome my shyness enough to beg her to let me touch her again. I dreamed of putting may hand on her lovely arse. However, I was afraid that she would banish me from ever being with her again.

That was soon to change. One afternoon my mother asked me to go to her room to see if she was home. When I knocked on her door, it slowly swung open and there she was, standing in front of her mirror. She was almost fully dressed but without her blouse. She was cupping her bra enclosed breasts in her small hands. I had always suspected that she had a great bust but despite many attempts I had never seen them before. I could only compare them to those of the mannequins in my mothers shop. Hers were real soft and enticing compared to the mannequins plastic hardness.

She quickly turned to the door while grabbing her blouse to her chest. I was standing there with an open mouth, staring at the objects that I had been dreaming about. When she saw it was me, she grinned and slowly took her hands away. I could now see her cleavage properly, and I could only stare - dry mouthed.

She said: "Well, what do you think? Are they nice or what?"

I couldn't answer. Her grin widened: "Do you want to touch them?"

I was suddenly very hard, and uncomfortable in my trousers. I put my hand on my crotch to redirect my hard on upwards to a more comfortable position. She saw that and gave a short laugh. She started approaching the doorway. She stopped just inches from me. I could smell her perfume and a slight sweaty smell. Intoxicating, especially when delivered by such a voluptuous package. She was about 3 inches taller than me and her beautiful tits were almost at my chin. I was torn between looking down and the objects of my lust, her lips and her startlingly clear grey eyes.

I couldn't breathe. Part of me wanted to run away but I was afraid she'd laugh at me and I would never get a chance to touch her again. In stead, I leaned forward and rubbed my face on her bra, and then kissed the tops of her breasts. I couldn't believe that I did that and held my breath waiting for her to shout at me. "Where did the courage come from?" I wondered as I waited for the uproar.

She grinned at me again: "Oh that was lovely" and she reached for my right hand and pulled it up to lay on her bra. She held my hand to her breasts and she said: "Squeeze them!" I was in shock, I still couldn't believe that this was happening. "Squeeze them!" she said again, this time a little louder.

Oh those lovely breasts! I knew she was a 38DD from my previous explorations of her lingerie drawer. I lifted my other hand to her other boob and tested the weight of both fantastic tits.

I would have been there still, if I hadn't heard the door of the living room, downstairs, open. I, guiltily, let the objects of my lust drop just as my mother shouted my name. "Shit!" I gave them a last quick fondle and turned on my heel to run back downstairs. I slowed down before the last corner to make sure my erection could not be seen, and to make sure that the moisture I could feel at the top of my erection did not show.

"Well, is she there?" my mother asked. "Yes", I said. "Good" and she disappeared upstairs.

I watched her go up and hoped that this didn't mean trouble. I hoped Anne was now decent.

But finally, it appeared, my luck was good. She had asked Anne to "babysit" as she and my father had had a late invitation to dinner that evening. When she told me about her plans, she looked at me suspiciously as I had a shit eating grin, when normally I would be pissed off at the need for a babysitter.

She prepared a quick dinner for me, which I wolfed down, hoping that they (my parents) would leave sooner. I finally realised that my actions were increasing her suspicions, and started pouting and moaning. Relieved, they finally showered, changed and got ready to leave. After final instructions to Anne, and final warnings to "do whatever Anne tells me to do" (Yeah right!), they left.

After they closed the door, I immediately jumped to the window to watch them drive away and ensure they turned the corner. As soon as they turned the corner, I raced upstairs and crept to Anne's open door. She too was watching from the window, but this time was dressed in a silk slip. Inside I would see her bra strap, her panties, the top of her stockings and a garter strap on each buttock. This was such a sexy sight and I took in everything in a flash. It is such a shame that women don't wear slips anymore. I immediately shifted my hard on again as I silently watched form the doorway.

Did she hear me? I wondered as I tried to get my breath back. I stayed where I was trying to imprint that memory forever into my brain.

"What do you fancy doing now?" she asked without turning. She leaned further towards the window, if anything, increasing the sexiness of my view. At this point, my penis was throbbing and IK geared that I would come in my trousers. What a beautiful full arse she had!

She looked over her right shoulder, grinning. She had to know what she was doing to me. I was rubbing my crotch, cautiously so as not to bring about an eruption, as she slowly turned around. She walked towards me as she swayed her hips in a real exaggerated fashion. "Could this get any sexier?" I thought. She then drifted towards the bed, laid back on it so that her knees were at the edge. She pulled up her slip, all the time looking at me.

I had a lump in my throat as I looked again at that beautiful sight. Her pubic hair was trying to escape from the whiter silk panties. The whole picture was beautifully framed by her garter belt, and straps leading to her beautiful nylon clad legs.

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