An Uncommon Precedence - Cover

An Uncommon Precedence

Copyright© 2009 by Yoron

Chapter 2

Alene gave him another dose of those measured, impressed wide open eyes, filled to the brim with admiration and wonder, and he started to laugh. "No really, it was a Kraken, wasn't it girls. Come on, back me up a little." As the girls kept on discussing their adventures and chatted away like all women do whether they have a chance to it or not Leonard studied Alene. He didn't try to hide his interest in her, after all, the girls would soon see through any subterfuge and himself, well what was the use of hiding anything those days?

Alene who felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze in the end looked at him askance. "Leonard you better stop it. I'm the healer here, not your bar-wench begging for attention." "Sorry, but I, ah, we need you Alene." Now the others stared at him. If I ever heard a Freudian slip then that must have been it thought Leoine as she watched Leonard's tries to seem all cool and adult. "And through which head are you speaking now, oh wise one?" whispered Magma sweetly in his ear with Loise desperately trying not to crack up. "Come on girls, it's fate and you know it." tried Leonard. "We need a guide don't we. Well, here she is, and..."

Loise had by now started to laugh so hard that Magma lost it too. Alene studied him again. "So I would be your 'guide' then Leonard? To what one might wonder?" Leonard couldn't help it. "Hidden treasures?" he suggested, his face deadpan, giving her the same innocent gaze she was laying upon him. Now the whole table broke up in laughter. After a while Loise, who was the first to collect herself, tried to explain. "I'm afraid we've corrupted him Alene, before he used to be an innocent but lately he seems more of a leering satyr than our innocent lamb. But he's quite docile when correctly supervised, almost domesticated in fact." "I'm no one's livestock" Leonard started to protest, but in vain as the girls choose that instant to assault him, tickling him everywhere they could reach.

Alene who was the only one not joining in took the moment to consider her own agenda. She had been happy here but as Leonard had said, there were some changes in the air. She needed to do a new scrying she thought as she studied the scene in front of her. That young boy attacked by some of the mightiest witches she had meet in her life. Not that she was weak herself, it was just that she preferred to held her power close to the chest, not intimidating those around her. But she had a feeling that both Loise and Magma could hold their own against anything this world could throw on them and with Leoine joining them they must be the one of the most powerful covens this world ever had seen. And all of them sharing that same boy? And they all seemed to enjoy it too. There was a strangeness here she thought as she studied them some more.

There were no powers to him that she could detect and there seemed no hidden purposes either. In fact, the only thing apparent about him was his affection, and devotion, for his lady's and as it seemed, interest in getting her to join them? She had had some intimate contact with mundane's before but knowing the way time ravaged them she had kept it casual. Those girls on the other hand seemed to be in for a long time commitment. She looked at Leoine, her consternation evident. "I will explain Alene, but in the meantime I'll just, ahh. Helpp..." It was Leonard who took the chance to start tickling her back as she forgot about him, talking to Alene. After all, he knew her weak spots all to well, finding earlier explorations of her sweet emanation coming to good use. Alene who saw his triumphant glee gave up on understanding and just threw herself into the melee with abandon, promising herself that she would scry, but just not now.

"Get a room." Come a voice booming from the stairs. "But we have, we have a rooO..." a weak voice, raising in volume as some girl seemed to find a weak point, from under the heap of limbs and skirts covering a protesting Leonard. "Well, why not use it then? I came down to eat, not to watch this, this carnal circus? Whatever you're doing?" Came the captains voice as he lightly kicked into the heap of bodies. "Don't be a spoilsport Anwar, it looks fun." Said his wife reprovingly as she smiled down at them. The girls started to get up, one after another, leaving Leonard to be the last to stand, still with a firm grip around his newest assailant Alene.

"You're dead meat, girl." He growled in a low serious voice, sounding almost feral as he started to lead her up the stairs to their rooms. "You heard the captain, always obey the captain. Ain't that right mates?" he loudly asked the other girls surrounding him. Anwar stared after them as Alene was lead up the stairs, scandalized looks all around he thought as the other customers also watched the procession disappear. "Don't expect her to stay a healer here any longer than the townsfolk can throw her" muttered Anwar to Anna who smiled back nodding at his wisdom. "What do they feed that boy?" Anwar muttered next as they sat down. "You want me to find out?" Asked Anna slyly still smiling. "Envious are we?" Asked the captain studying her. "Not getting enough woman?" Anna started to laugh. "Captain, one of you is all I can take. But if you still want me to find out those nutrients?" "Nah, my sweet, just curious. I'm quite satisfied as it is."

He leaned over to kiss her. "There are more to a relation than just carnal knowledge dear." He whispered in her ear, and as he felt her nod he gave her earlobe a careful nip whispering. "On the other hand, do ask, and prepare yourself for a long loong night." Letting her go he studied the result of his bantering with satisfaction. "You know Anna, that shade of red fits you perfectly, gives you such a lovely glow." "You marauding old shipwreck, don't expect any answers soon." His wife answered, but as she saw his disappointed look she smiled sweetly at him adding "But we will see if you're up to the task tonight old man. If you are I just might ask, but if you're not I definitely will ask, and tell too dear..." That damned boy, why did he have to make a spectacle of everything? On the other hand, it did give some spice to life. He smiled at Anna. "As I said woman, prepare to be boarded."

The girls and Leonard now found themselves in Leonard rooms. Leonard smiled at Alene not letting her hand go as he lead her to the bed. "Captains order sweets." He explained as he sat, drawing her down in his lap. "Just look at yourself as my natural prey Alene." She started to laugh, helplessly looking to the others for support. "Is this how one join your coven?" she asked Leoine questioningly. Leoine stared at her for a moment before the light went up over her head, its light bulb blazing. "Coven?" She stopped, unable to speak any further for the laughter bubbling up. "Ah yes, it do seems the way, doesn't it sisters." She asked the others almost cramping from her efforts to keep her laughter capped. "And you're ready for the 'holy grail' then sister?" That was Loise, unable to hold her tongue. Now it was Leonard who started to redden, releasing his hold around Alene's waist. "Don't you listen to them Alene. I'm not like that, I was teasing you, nothing more."

As Alene observed his blushing she realized that he really seemed ashamed of the girls jokes. With a maternal although slightly wicked look she draw his head down to her whispering. "Ah, Leonard you've got it all the wrong way. It's you dear that are my natural prey. And your friends knows it too." And then she nicked him in the neck with two very sharp appendages suddenly projecting from her mouth. Leonard just stared at the girls in incomprehension as she tasted him with the tip of her tongue, frozen to the spot. It was Leoine who first said it. "Ah yes, she's of what you call vampire stock Leonard. But don't worry, she's no undead. Rather the opposite." She smiled warmly at Alene who also had observed his sudden stillness. "Don't worry dear, as I said he's mostly domesticated." Leonard looked down at the little woman in his lap. She was the farthest from any vampire he ever had imagined. Small almost childlike but very womanly with delicate features she seemed more like some innocent heroine in one of those old flicks, the one the hero would find bound helpless at the railroad tracks. He remembered something. "How strong are you Alene?"

She smiled up at him. "Oh I'm just a woman, I might have a bit of strength but it's nothing compared to an gallant gentleman like you. And no, I don't disappear in a mirror, that would wreck havoc to my morning toilette, so?" As Leonard looked at her laughing eyes he couldn't stop himself from smile back. "Well, you didn't need to nick me Alene." He said. "I already was your willing slave." Alene smiled back allowing two pointy slightly crooked pearly white teeth to grow a little. "One can never be to sure mundane." Almost making him jump of the bed. "Just joking Leonard, we're even now." With that she stood up to join her sisters at the little group of chairs surrounding the table and the couch beside the fire place. Leonard stayed on the bed nervously trying to sense if he was any different from before. After all she had tasted his blood, hadn't she? And then, would he become like her? A undead under her command. Shit, this wasn't any plan of his. He looked at Magma but both she and the others seemed oblivious to his presence as they sat there chatting.

He harrumphed a little but it didn't seem to help and in the end he just gave up on getting some attention and instead went down the stairs to join Anwar and Anna. "No staying power boy?" Asked the captain leeringly with Anna giving him a warm smile of welcome. "She's a vampire." He blurted out, unable to contain the news. "And?" asked the captain. "She bit me." He said showing his nick. "A love bite." Said Anna. "How romantic, she must like you." The captain seemed to draw back a little as he stuffed his pipe with some aromatic weed. The inn was starting to fill up with the usual thirsty crowd now that the breakfast was gone and some odd looks were directed at them from those hearing about the scandalous behavior before. As the captain at last seemed satisfied with his pipe he turned his attention to Leonard again. "You do know what that means?" he asked suddenly sounding very serious. "That I'm her undead slave?" asked Leonard fearing the worst.

Anna started to sputter just as she was in the process of sipping from her tea, then she looked at Leonard saying weakly. "Don't take this the wrong way now." Before bending double in helpless laughter. The captain gazed at her himself almost unable to hold from laughing too, but with a otherworldly effort he succeeded. He looked at Leonard compassionately as he shook his head. "She's tired Leonard. How do you feel boy, dizzy? Any sweating, yet? Yes, you do need to prepare yourself. There are some well known tales from your home. Ever read count Dracula's memoirs?" Leonard who by now indeed had started to feel both dizzy and sweaty could only shake his head. "Doesn't matter boy. Nothing and no one can help you now. Although..." Here he stopped to draw an thoughtful puff at his pipe looking at Leonard in a serious contemplative manner. "What? What do you mean?" asked Leonard now feeling worse than ever.

"Well, I've heard that those strange white onions might? Nah, that's before isn't it, and by now you probably can't stand it, heh Leonard. But still, it never harms to? Right boy?" Leonard was on his way to the bar before even the last words had left the captains mouth. Anna who still hulked bent over the table looked up at Anwar weakly whispering. "That poor, poor boy, how could you..." before beginning to laugh helplessly again, having to visualize Leonard at the bar as she was to weak from laughter to be able to actually look. "Not a word woman. Not a single word about this. You hear..." Said the captain studying Leonard coming back in triumph wearing two bands of garlic around his throat, and one lose in each hand.

"Nope, I'm not allergic captain, look..." As he took a large bite from one. The face he presented to those watching, which that was quite a few by this time, was a sight to see. Turning first red then almost white as the impact of fully seasoned raw garlic hit his taste buds contracting all muscles in his mouth and throat. "I feel ... Goo, ah, good..." wheezing it out between compressed lips accompanied by Anna weak but futile tries to stop laughing and the captains thoughtful puffs from his pipe. Just to be sure Leonard put a few clefts of garlic in his beer before drinking thirstily. "It do give you a worrysome thirst captain." He admitted afterwards. "But better thirst than sorry, right?" He added with a shaky smile already feeling the beneficiary effects from the garlic, or possibly the beer, or both?

As the girls came down late they found Leonard, garlic bands all over him and the table, doing his best to explain to the captain and Anna how one should win fame and fortune. "Pirashy ish all good and well shaptain, but ash a man of the worlshd." Here he leaned over the table conspiratorially breathing stale beer and garlic right in the face of the captain. "Ash a shman of the shord,." Stopping, desperately trying to remember what he was saying. "Yesh." Saying so very decisively ready to throw himself into his explanation again but then spotting the girls coming. "Hi shweetsh." Bleary eyes trying to sort them out in the expanding haze that seemed to have laid itself over the room. "Shee, Shtill the shame old me..." Lifting his garlic bands proudly. "Hive me a shiss baby"

Alene incredulously stared at Leoine. "Does he have a drinking problem?" Leoine abruptly shook her head feeling confused. "And what's with all this garlic? He stinks of it." Magma seemed to remember something but kept her silence, instead studying Anwar with a thoughtful expression on her face. The captain who felt the heat of her scrutiny tried his best innocent look as he smiled blandly. "Alene." Said Leonard triumphantly. "Swatch." As he took another big bite. "Shee, I'm shwell, ah, welssh, no weshll shit. Shomeshing anysway." Smiling at them. Seeing his condition Loise quickly decided to take the reins delicately delegating the tasks needed to her friends. "Alene, Leoine, take him up please and get that ridiculous garlic of him."

Seeing Alene hesitate she flashed her a friendly smile. "Give him some time girl, he will grow on you, I promise." then nodding to Magma. "Whilst you and me Magma. I think we will have a little talk with our friend here." nodding to the captain who now looked like a schoolboy found out by the principal. "I'm sure we will get a very good explanation, right captain?" Anna who had watched the whole thing leaned over to whisper, loud and clear. "Do you think this is a good moment to ask about Leonard's nutrients dear. Or do you want me to wait?" The captain stared first at her and then at the other two women, finding himself helpless to avoid the catastrophe. "You too Anna?" he asked giving up. "Okay, I'm sorry. But it was just a joke friends, a small joke." "Why don't you tell us about this, joke, then." Said Magma sternly as she sat down on one side of him, Loise on the other side. Anna laid a hand on Magma whispering "Don't be too hard on him girl, he's just bored out of his skull." Nodding in a friendly fashion to Loise whilst declaring. "Time to do some shopping I think. I'll be back soon love." Blowing a kiss to the captain as she left him to his destiny.

As Leonard woke up he found himself unable to move, boxed in on both sides and with a awful taste in his mouth. To his left was Leoine softly snoring and on the other side, spooning him, was another girl. Carefully turning around he found it was Alene serenely sleeping at his right side. Starting to remember he franticly started to search for his garlic but it was nowhere to be found. Realizing that he probably already was to late anyway considering their placement he gave up on finding it and went back to the bed. Studying her closely and freely he thought that he could have done worse. Absolutely, if one now had to be someone's slave he could have done much worse watching her little bosom peacefully raise at her slow relaxed breathing, very sweet and innocent under her sheets. But the way her hand had held him, not letting go of him even as he had turned on his back, left very little to his imagination about her seriousness of intention. Getting back under the sheets he carefully lifted Alene to place his arm under her head and turning a little he then did the same to Leoine, finishing he soon fell asleep again whilst stoically and bravely accepting the way faith, or was it kismet, had turned on him.

He woke up in the middle of the night finding only him and Alene in the bed. She was spooning him again with her hand at that same intimate part of his anatomy as last time. She sure was one seriously dedicated woman he thought as he tried to relax. But he couldn't stop it, the damned thing kept stubbornly to its task and nothing seemed to help, counting sheep's didn't. Thinking of the time his mum had came into his room unannounced finding him with a, well, it didn't help either. Nothing did, and now his hand seemed to have reached a life of their own as it started to carefully wander exploring her sweet lines hidden under the sheets. Turning around he found her awake, watching him. "I'm sorry Alene, the idea of you being a vampire sort of threw me off a little. But I'm adapting and."

She smiled a little. "It's okay Leonard. I've never been to your world but Magma told me about your ideas about us, so I can see why you got worried. The captain asked her to excuse the little joke he played on you with his advise, but as he pointed out. It was your own choice taking it." So it had all been a joke then, what all his sheep counting hadn't done embarrassment finished in a blink. Alene pouted a little sensing it. "Not happy to see me anymore?" she asked. "I'll kill him." He muttered hotly but considering the captains size changed it to. "No, I'll hire someone really big to do it, or two. Or, maybe I should get three, just to be sure? What do you think Alene?" She smiled and kept on caressing, soon she could feel his proud results from her gentle persuasion. "Oh, I just think he was a little envious Leonard. One guy and so many fine looking women? I can see his point, can't you?" "Well, maybe I'll let him live then." Muttered Leonard as he looked at Alene.

"So, am I yours alone now?" she looked at him uncomprehendingly. "I mean you bit me, right. And in all stories I've seen, when that happens you're doomed." "Doomed?" "You know, losing ones free will, having to obey your masters smallest wish like. You know, don't you?" Alene felt a small wicked smile creep over her lips "Yes, let's see about that." She said. "Down slave, please your mistress." Lifting her sheets to show him his proper place. After some considerable time, licking and nipping, intermingled with small shouts of joy blended with worlds like "Yes. Yes yes, yess" and "Ahhh, just there." He came back up to see a very happy looking, sweetly unlimbered woman smile at him.

"Yes." He said, a very earnest look on his newly washed face. "It was so easy obeying Alene. It seems very clear to me that I must be your slave, and you know what? That abominable power of yours seems even to have made me enjoy it. Terrible thing isn't it?" "What is?" she asked uncomprehendingly. "That power you hold. Your ownership Alene." She smiled a little lazily, somewhat unsure of what exactly that he was alluding to, while starting to caress him again. "Ownership? Oh yes Leonard, it sure is, but it has its compensations."

The next day she took Magma aside to talk with her. "Why does he say he is my slave?" She asked worriedly and a little disgusted with the idea. Magma stared at her, then a sudden light seemed to dawn on her as she remembered some of those books Stanizlaw had forced her to read before coming to the mundane world. "Oh, I see." She started to smile, a most mischievous smile. "Well, the tales they have of your kin is sadly twisted Alene. And in them they state that the mental power a vampire gets over anyone bitten by them will make the mundane a mindless slave to their wishes." Alene stared at her even more deeply disgusted by the sheer notion. "Don't worry though. I'm sure Leonard have realized that he still have a free will Alene. It's probably some sort of power-game he's playing with you. Let him play and if you don't like it just tell him. I'm guessing he's exploring, he's young."

Alene seemed more relaxed with the situation hearing the explanation but she still seemed unsure if Magma was entirely correct. Going back to the others she suggested to Magma that they should take her newfound 'powers' to the test. "Leonard." she said in a clear and commanding voice. "Come." And then she went in to the adjoining room. It took just some seconds before Leonard came in, "Yes Alene?" "By the power of the undead, on your knees slave." Leonard listened to her, a stupefied look on his face. Wasn't this taking a bit far? "On your knees you worthless scum or I will take your thoughts away from you." She said, a stern and forbidding look on her face.

Shit, could it all be true then? He started to feel a little dizzy again thinking of it, and was in fact almost ready to do what she asked too, when his natural born stubbornness kicked in. "Nope Alene, and I don't like the way you speak either. That's no way to speak for a girl like you." Alene smiled, relaxing again. "Good Leonard, would you settle for giving me a hug instead?" Watching her transformation from dominatrix to a young girl he relaxed too. "I'm the one that should say sorry." He whispered a little later as they were comforting each other. "It was just such a golden opportunity for some role play." "Role play?" As he explained the idea and procedures of role plays and the games he used to play she quickly seemed to reach an understanding of it. She smiled a little and then whispered enthusiastically in his ear. "We are going to have so much fun Leonard." She stopped and looked into his eyes. "Now Leonard give me a honest answer. Will you be mine as I be yours?"

As she seemed very serious when asking him he gave it some serious though, at least four seconds worth, before admitting his feelings about her. "You are like my wet dream come true girl. I knew it the first time I laid my eyes on you." Hearing him she started kissing him all over and as she came to his ear she nicked his earlobe lightly and then started to suckle on it. He felt a slight dizziness overcome him, and as he woke up he was in the bed, undressed with Alene on top of him, her diminutive form evocatively suggested by a very thin purple dress. "Yes Leonard." She said. "Some of the things they say are true, and the bonding created by blood is one of them.

But you're no slave and neither will I be your mistress, except perhaps in play? I really liked that idea you had about role-playing by the way, do the others know of it too?" As Leonard tried to remember he decided that this was a thing he'd missed talking about. "Don't think so Alene, what do you mean by bonding?" Suddenly he heard her inside his mind "Mating the old way we can, if need be, talk directly mind to mind." "What old way?" "Sharing fluids." she said pointing to two cups on the nightstand.

"You will remember it, but it will take some time for those memories to set in. Mating as we have done is extensive work, hard on both mind and body." As he tried to move he found that she was right, he felt exhausted. "Were are the others?" She smiled. "They knew my traditions and so left us to our own, they won't intrude on us until our ceremony is finished." What the heck is she talking about now, wondered Leonard. What ceremony? The only ceremonies he knew of was the ones in church. "Are you saying we are married or something?" Looking at her lithe body with her small but well shaped breasts pushing out her little dress he could feel his friend staring to waken.

"Something yes, in our way we are although I doubt your church would sanction it." He opened his arms to her smiling. "Well I sanction it girl, come here." She melted into his arms and as she did her sweet little bum lifted partway giving his friend just enough place to raise to the occasion, meeting its rebound ever so happily as she came down on him. After some mutually satisfactory intercourse, as the technical term says, Leonard found himself resting beside her once more with her hand at its usual place, caressing him. "Do you ever get enough girl?" he whispered. "Oh, its been some time since my last Leonard, and it's such a nice way to work out, don't you agree?"

Alene had a problem. She hadn't expected the new 'prince of darkness' to attract her this much. When she first had heard of the new prince of darkness she had found it hard to believe that he could be chosen like that. And then seeing him recognizing him by the number on his brow. The luck of the damned she had. And the delicious plans for his training. The truth of it was that she had been thrown out from her teaching post for over indulging herself with one to many mundane's. She hadn't expected her 'pupil' to ever want to describe their wrongdoings but against all odds he, or rather she by that time, had came forward to warn the 'wheel of fortune' about her. She had barely got away with her clothes as it was, but here she was, only a few years later, and now with a opportunity of unheard possibility. She couldn't explain even to herself where it had started. For many years she had been a pillar of strength trusting in the law.

But slowly her resolve had crumbled and she had found herself attracted to the more questionable practices of her profession. As one wise man had stated once. "All ways leads to enlightenment if followed ardently enough." Using that as her excuse she had allowed herself to slowly wither from the inside mistaking fervor for emotion and falsehoods for truths. She had found certain dark needs fulfilled in her dominance over others, filling a emptiness that she couldn't define. 'Healer heal yourself' she thought, not without a certain irony. She had stayed at this post for so long striving for repentance, but in the end only to find herself offered the biggest corruption of all. Another irony being that no matter what the others thought to be true, she knew ways of corrupting her kin's old 'bounding's' just as Leonard's kin thought.

And, may the gods damn her, she hadn't been able to stop herself this time either. She had thought that her long stay would have given her some control over those nefarious demands dancing in her blood, but when making the sacrifices she had done it the vile way just the same. And the last and worst thing, damning her beyond all eternity, was that she by that also held the other lady's hearts in her hand. The only thing nobody could guard against was love, and those brave ones giving their hearts away also gave their power to the one holding them. And now it was her controlling him and by that also holding his loves in her thrall. And knowing that, how would she ever be able not to use it? She had suddenly the strongest power-base of anyone in this realm or any other she guessed, with the possible exception of heaven and hell. And even as she triumphantly was considering that she still found herself feeling sorely soiled by her doings.

Thinking of it she decided that she would do nothing for the moment being. She couldn't undo deeds done. They were hers now, to do as she wanted with, but she could at least try to moderate her behavior. "I'm tired Leonard, why don't you join the others while I try to get some sleep?" She had phrased it as a request but she knew he would have obeyed unthinkingly which ever way she suggested it. After he left she started to cry, a helpless lonely hulking sound leaving her empty and unfulfilled once more. "What's wrong with me. Why can't I ever do anything right?" Everything seemed destroyed again, her years of doing her best useless. Was there then ever any redemption for such as her? She couldn't stop herself from hating herself as she slowly cried herself to sleep once more, alone in her knowledge of her downfall.

As Leonard went down he still felt weak and his recollections of their consummate hazy and filled with gaps. And as he sat down with the others they too seemed to feel as if something was missing? "How is it with Alene." Asked Leoine. "She's sleeping." Answered Leonard. "But I wanted to see you." and he did want to see them he found. "I don't know why?" muttered Loise. "But I feel as if something monumental have taken place, but I just don't seem to care?" Magma nodded as she tried to pinpoint her vague foreboding. But it seemed as if she couldn't bring up enough energy to care? They sat for a while gathered together taking comfort in their bonding but in the end they just went up to sleep. Strangely enough all wanted to sleep together and as there was no bed large enough they just arranged one on the floor that they all fell asleep in.

Alene's uneasy sleep was haunted by daemons. They laughed and congratulated her, showing her images that revolted her at the same time as they exited her. She saw herself grim and commanding looking at him, a concentrated look filled with power. "You know your place don't you?" Then she found herself being in Leonards place where she found herself, or maybe him, helplessly moving down between her own legs. "Eat." He heard her voice and so he started. After a immense time he heard her voice again. Masturbate on me slave" as he found himself starting to masturbate he heard her voice again. "Not there slave, between my legs" obeying he kept on but found it impossible to come. "Good dog. Not before I tell you." he heard the voice. "Now." As he came she told him "We will tell no one about this Leonard. And you will learn to love it, won't you." She heard his voice coming from her mouth. "Yes Alene." "Not Alene. Mistress for you slave, but with the others you may still call me Alene. Now, forget about it but lick me real clean."

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