Cherry Bomb
Copyright© 2009 by Three Sheets
Chapter 4
It was 8:30 and I heard the shower running. I looked into the open door of the connecting bathroom and saw a delightful silhouette on the shower door. Hauling myself out of bed, I padded down to the guest bath and had my morning relief. Going back to the Master Bedroom, I decided to see if Reggie needed help washing her back.
I slowly opened the door and just stood there in shock. I was looking at a vision. Her single braid was undone and her hair fell to well below her ass. Her waist line looked small enough to put my hands around and curved out to hips that were rounded and padded but not overly so.
Her legs were well toned and muscled and looked like she ran a lot. Throwing her hair back over her head she looked up and gave a little squeak of surprise as I stepped into the oversized shower with her.
"Care to have someone wash your back?" I asked, taking up the wash rag and soap. I leaned down and kissed her. Dropping the wash rag and soap, I couldn't resist just wrapping my arms around her and kissing her again, only this time much more deeply. Finally releasing her, I squatted to pick up the dropped soap and couldn't resist snatching a kiss or vice versa.
I did after all offer to wash her back. As I straightened up I took my time washing, caressing, her from her shoulders to the perfect globes of her ass. Not a bottom, not a tush or butt, she had an honest to God ASS. I continued down her legs and then finished with each foot as she balanced and held onto the hand grabs that were installed in the shower.
I asked why she was up so early only to find out she had been up for an hour, had coffee on, and was waiting on me to get my lazy butt out of bed.
Finishing our shower, we changed into some lounging clothes. In my case, a pair of sweats and Reggie put on scrubs. I raised an eyebrow and all she could say was they were comfortable.
We went into the kitchen, Reggie not only had the coffee on but had sausage cooked and set aside to drain. She found some biscuits and started them. She also started making gravy. Fifteen minutes later, I had Poor Mans' Eggs Benedict in front of me. That is biscuit, sausage, eggs sunny side up and gravy. Coffee to wash it all down and I was a happy camper.
It was going on 10:00 and I needed to do a few things around the house and Reggie needed to get to the hospital in a couple of hours.
"Do you want to ride?" I asked.
"That sounds like a good idea to me."
"Where do you want to go for dinner?"
"Anywhere NOT fast food."
"Well that's a relief since the bike has NEVER been in a McDonald's to eat and never will be. I'll surprise you though when I pick you up."
We continued to talk about the day's anticipated activities as we put the dishes into the washer.
Reggie changed into Levi's and put a set of scrubs into a back pack and we both headed out to get ready to leave. (Leather up. Whoever said they ride a bike for the convenience is talking only about parking. There is nothing convenient about putting on chaps, jacket, helmet and gloves just to go somewhere. Instead of just jumping in a car and going.)
As we pulled into the hospital, I was directed to the ER entrance. Finding an empty corner on arrival, I got off and Reggie slid off the back. Exchanging kisses that could lead to a lot if we were home, I told her I'd pick her up at 3. I climbed back on and headed for home.
I stopped off at a favorite coffee shop on the way and saw a couple of my riding buddies. They were just getting ready to hit the road for one of their weekly rides.
JJ wanted to know what happened with the accident since he was out to sea on a ship to ship refresher tour for returning sailors and marines when it happened. So after explaining what went on and what the witnesses said to the cops and such he seemed satisfied I had done everything right.
Alan was with him and wanted to know when I would be coming to the next meeting and dinner ride since I had been out of circulation for a while. I let him know I would be at the next one and may even go on the ride after.
"Come on with us," they both said.
I had to beg off since I did have a couple of things to do and I was picking up someone from the Hospital that afternoon.
"What the heck happened to Lynne?"
"She self-destructed. She went on a vendetta to get me off the bike. BIG mistake. Like that's ever going to happen."
"I know what you mean. You've been on a bike more than a car," JJ observed. "I never did see what you saw in her besides a cute ass. She didn't strike me as having a bike mentality."
"I think she was just waiting for the right opportunity to separate me from the bike."
"Who are you picking up from the hospital?"
"My roommate."
You could have heard a pin drop. The place got so quiet, at least it seemed that way; maybe it was only our table.
"ROOMMATE? You've been without Lynne for a month and you already have a new roommate lined up? You Dawg, you!"
"Three weeks," I said.
"Three weeks, that's how long Lynne and I have been split up."
"Ok, spill it, what the hell is going on Dom? This is NOT like you. You don't just pick up with a gal and then move in or let her move in. You were with Lynne for almost two years and she never did more than spend the occasional night."
"Who says it's a girl?"
"Yeah, right, Dom," JJ scoffed.
I laughed and then went into a little detail and both of them were laughing so hard, they didn't know if they should feel sorry for me or be glad. I did mention her father was a San Diego detective and JJ may know him. This brought on a whole new round of ridicule since I couldn't gracefully dump her without getting shot. Dang I never thought of that.
I begged off the ride for the day due to the, aforementioned home projects and the fact that I had to pick her up that afternoon.
As I left, all I could hear were the imitation clucking of someone saying I was henpecked already.
I stopped off at Southern MC Sport Shop and picked out a new Mesh jacket with a removable liner. I had the girl behind the counter come out and try one on for me as she was about the same size as Reggie, only she sported a rather impressive set of store-bought boobs so the jacket was a little snug. Lucky jacket.
I also picked up a Cool Vest since they were on sale.
I picked up my oil and filter then headed for the house so I could get a few things done before I picked up Reggie.
I had just backed into an open space in the ER parking lot and watched as the local EMS wagon pulled away from making a deposit. I didn't have to wait long as Reggie came running out to me and jumped at me from 6 feet away.
"Did you miss me?" she asked, while checking out my tonsils and wrapping herself around me.
"Of course I missed you. How often do I get to park illegally and not be harassed because someone important told the local rent-a-cop to leave me alone? I just love being a VIP. What were the rounds today?"
"Would you believe it was a kid who thought he could do the body slam he saw on WWF? He totally wrecked his shoulder; he'll never be able to throw a ball again and he's a senior on the varsity team. He just blew a full-ride baseball scholarship. I doubt seriously if he could get an academic scholarship and with this shoulder I can guarantee it won't be athletic."
All I could think of was what a waste.
We pulled out of the lot and I asked Reggie if she liked steak.
After hearing her say yes, we headed south to the house. I wanted to make a side trip to my favorite restaurant and we made it just in time for happy hour.
"You are exposing me to places I never thought of, first the Overlook on Ortega, now this. I never knew this place was here," she said, as I took her steak from the indoor grill.
I had just cooked a steak and was in the process of cutting into it. "You'd be surprised at the places we have that serve good food cheaply. Look at the size of this steak. I know if I were to buy it at another restaurant it would run $25. Here, it's $9 but I have to cook it myself so no sending it back."
Barring emergencies, she had clinic hours for the rest of the week. I asked if she wanted to be exposed to a bunch of bikers the next evening. We were having a staff meeting and it was a good way to meet a few folks at a time and not have to be thrown into the fray without a life jacket. This way she got to meet the leaders of the group and with very few exceptions, they were all ok.
"Sure. You are also going to be introduced around to a few folks soon. I want folks I work with to, at least, know you if you have to call or call in for me so they'll know you are legit. You would not believe the grief I took this morning when I walked in wearing leather with a helmet in one hand and a back pack in the other. Most of the staff thought I had gone over to the Dark Side. They know me but then they don't "KNOW" me. I had a lot of fun with them, letting them know that this was going to be the new uniform for the ER crew including helmets with dark visors when we get in gang-related shootings and full moon Friday nights.
"Since this is the first time I have ever arrived in anything other than scrubs, that, in itself, raised eyebrows but leathers and a helmet? That was fun just to see what they looked like. I had everything covered.
"I did field some questions concerning the new look, I just said new boyfriend. That brought a laugh since I had never had any boyfriend here.
"Let's go home."
"Ok." I said as we headed out and 5 minutes later, I was pulling into the garage.
After getting rid of the leather, we grabbed a couple of iced teas and went into the living room and just settled down to watch the news and unwind a little.
Sitting close to Reggie is a joy. She is so damned cute you just want to hold her so I did. I had an arm around her and we sat comfortably. Every once in a while, one of us would make a comment about the lying sacks of shit that we call elected officials.
We talked more about each other and ourselves.
Reggie had always been an adventurer but she wasn't a tomboy. She loved to dress and put on the dog but she also wanted to play without worrying about what others would think. She enjoyed taking pictures and sewing, of all things. I thought she was fooling about the sewing machine but I soon found out that she had a machine that would be considered industrial by most standards hooked to a computer that could run a small country.
I let her in on a secret that, while I enjoyed eating, I preferred my own cooking to just about anyone else's. Obviously, there are a few exceptions but I would introduce her to those as they came up.
She already knew I would rather ride than drive. She also found out that I wanted to just cruise the states, the lower 48 then Canada and up to Alaska. While I used to be in the military, I told her to just talk to her brother if she wanted any of the gory details of my life in the Navy. I was not an angel but then I wasn't a total loser either. I just "Enjoyed Life" and sometimes that involved raising a few tempers and blood pressures.
"What did you do in the Navy that put you in a position to write a book?"
"Well, I was a Radioman, I enjoyed communications but I spent most of my time underway on board ship. Your brother obviously pissed someone off to be the Shore Patrol Officer for the time I was in San Diego raising hell.
"I also taught certain skills at the Amphib Base for three years. Then I went back to sea, and I ended up here for my last tour of duty. That's where I got to know the Master Chief a lot better. We had run into each other a lot in the time I was running around here. We both had reputations on the water front, his for being brilliant when it came to managing people and allocating assets. Mine was more rough around the edges. If you wanted something done and done right the first time and didn't worry about a few noses being out of joint or a few egos being bruised, you called on me.
"I spent 6 months going from one ship to the next on Temporary Duty, getting ships ready for InServ. That is a VERY important inspection that tests equipment and people in the radio shack to make sure they are qualified for everything and the equipment will do what it's supposed to do.
"I virtually guaranteed they would pass with no less than a 95% if they left me alone to do my job. If some shaved-tail rookie tried to get in my way, I usually had words with the Executive Officer and the problem went away. I didn't care about fitness reports, I wanted results and I got them. I am NOT politically correct and that caused a little problem when I would tell a female sailor to get her ass into the space and pay attention. But that's life in the big city.
"That reputation, coupled with the fact that I did know what I was doing, caught the Master Chief's attention. So over a couple of beers we started comparing notes. There were a few questions I wanted answered and he had a few, also. We put our heads together and the next thing you know, we're writing a book and the Master Chief is in DC trying to get it accepted. That's all there is to it really.
"After I got out, I did a couple of jobs that were interesting and had a few other job offers that were even more interesting. I turned those down. Because of some skills I acquired in the Navy, I type 100 words per minute. I figured I could do a McJob and just kick back as a male secretary. I went to work for a company and as soon as the owner figured out I knew a lot of the same people he did, I started getting called on for a lot of things that involved more than typing.
"I did some underwater survey work for him and inspected a couple of the ships the company built or were going to repair. That caused me to look into the hyperbarics. The rest as they say is history. I'm on the road one or two weeks a month but not all at once.
"We are coming into the time when I am going to be here doing the admin crud that goes along with the job but the pay is good and I don't have to go far to get to work.
"There is also a 365 day golfing and riding season. What could be better?"
"A 365 day diving season?"
Laughing, I said, "For that you need Palau or the Marianna's and no typhoons."
"Dom, I do have a question that I haven't asked and I really should have once I made up my mind that you were the one I wanted." She was looking down at the table watching the coaster absorb the sweat from the beer bottle.
"Ask anything, I'll answer it as honestly as I can."
"Have you ever been married?"
I thought for a minute as to how to phrase my answer. I did not want to answer the question with a simple yes. Like everything, there is a story.
"Yes, I was married for almost 10 years. She decided she didn't like me anymore. I'm sure I contributed but she is the one that made the decision. Then when I accepted it, she got scared of being alone and wanted me back. I let that happen for six weeks. She then decided she didn't like me anymore again. So I left, got on with my life, did not oppose a divorce but flat out refused to pay alimony. She did try her damnedest to get half of my retirement but since she filed, she jumped the gun a bit. If she had waited for three months, she would have had half of my retirement. A slam dunk, but she was a little impatient. She wanted spousal support, she had to prove that I was unfit and at fault, she just couldn't do it. She also made a lot more money than me and the judge said she should be paying me spousal support since I made 1/3rd of what she made. He also informed me that I could file for half of her social security and retirement. I just said I wanted my life back and asked the judge to ensure that there could be no claims on my retirement/social security and word it the same way for me against her social security and retirement. That let me get on with my life and I don't even get a Christmas card from her. There were no kids so it was easy. I took my clothes, one car and motorcycle and my hunting/fishing gear and I left.
"Is that what you wanted to know?"
"Yes, was it really that bad?"
"Well you are the first person to get past the move-in stage in over 14 years. Lynne was only an occasional visitor. You are also the first person who even comes close to keeping a conversation interesting. I don't do dumb and I don't enjoy someone who just says "yes dear" or "whatever you want" so she can get her way later. I want a true partner. I can be a little over bearing at times and I will say that if I disagree or don't want something to happen it won't happen. Although for the most part I'm pretty easy-going. I do want you to know that if I ask a question, I want an honest answer, not something you think I'll like. If you don't want to go somewhere or do something, tell me. If I could read minds, I'd be making decent money at the track.
"Just remember this, 'Assumption is the Mother of all Fuck Ups.'
"Ok, Love, now you know just about all there is to know about me, other than the fact that only one parent is still alive and lives over 1000 miles away. Ain't life grand?"
"Let's go to bed."
We went to the bedroom and I was again treated to the delicious show that was offered up as Reggie slowly undressed. All I could do was stand there and drool. The clothes came off, revealing something straight from Victoria's Secret. While Reggie was only a couple of inches over 5 feet, I think most of it was leg, or at least that is what it looked like. Perfect legs, nicely rounded ass, great tits and no need for a bra but she still wore one, more to showcase the goodies than anything else.
I quickly stripped and jumped on the bed as Reggie tossed me a brush and undid the braid she was wearing. While her hair in the braid was as thick as my wrist, it was also down to the rise of her ass. Once it was loose, it fell well-below her bottom and she could sit on it if she chose. I started brushing once the braid was completely undone.
This was a labor of love since I could only think of Reggie lying on the bed and her hair completely fanned out around her to form her bed. I slowly finished my task and we sank into each other for the night. I was thinking this might not be a bad long-term deal.
I was up at 6 AM and did my thing in the bathroom before waking Reggie with a kiss and a tickle. I was greeted with arms around my neck and a quick snuggle that almost pulled me back into bed. I succeeded in getting her up though and into the bathroom without incident.
I was sitting at the table when Reggie came in wearing Levi's with a back pack over her shoulder. I correctly assumed she was carrying her scrubs in the pack. After a bowl of Cheerio's, we left for the hospital.
The ride in wasn't bad at that time of the morning but it could have been a lot better. At least the hospital was close to the highway. I moved to a frontage road and then just drove directly into the ER parking lot.
I let Reggie off and got my parting toe-curler, then left before I got arrested for jumping her bones in the parking lot.
I went back to Chula Vista and took my turn off the highway to work.
I went into the office and caught up on some mass mailings I was getting done. I checked with the boss to see what kind of travel he had me set up for the next 6 weeks. I also let him know there was someone at the house if he called looking for me.
I saw a message to call Bill Toomy to set up an appointment and demo of the chamber for the Olympic training site that was being built locally. I returned the call and made the appointment for the following week.
I finished up and decided I could afford a light lunch so I went to the Marina and had a meal while looking out over all the boats. I was beginning to get the bug again and needed to start looking at a live-aboard that came with parking for a bike and a couple of cars. Actually, it was just a dream that ran through my head every few years. The only thing I wanted in the line of a boat was a good dive boat and or fishing boat for the local lakes.
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