The Sexual Awakening of Sophia - Cover

The Sexual Awakening of Sophia

Copyright© 2009 by Jacqueline_B

Chapter 3: A Weekend at her Aunties (part 1-A chat and shopping)

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Weekend at her Aunties (part 1-A chat and shopping) - The story of a young girls relationship with her favourite auntie and her best friend at school

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   True Story   Brother   Sister   First   Exhibitionism  

Sophia spent the rest of the week until she was due to go round her Auntie Jacqueline's thinking about what had happened the previous weekend. Even when she was at school she couldn't stop the image of her Auntie masturbating in front of her. When they'd had the talk in the garden she almost blurted out that she did IT as well. And as for what happened between her and Tammy ... well ... that was another thing. She seemed to spend the whole of her spare time going over it again and again in her head and touching herself; she had never felt that way before.

When she finished school on Friday afternoon she walked slowly the mile or so to her Auntie's house, one part of her hoping that it would happen again and the other half a little bit apprehensive. Her Auntie Jacqueline kissed her on the cheek as usual as she greeted her at the door, except that this time there seemed to be hidden undertones to the kiss and Sophia shivered inwardly.

"Well," Jacqueline said to her as she was preparing tea, "What do you want to do this weekend?"

Still a little unsure of herself, Sophia smiled shyly and replied, "You said you were going to take me to the pictures to see Hannah Montana."

Jacqueline slapped herself on the forehead jokingly, "Oh, I forgot," and she laughed, "When do you want to go and see it? Zoe's coming with us."

Sophia shrugged, the mention of Zoe brought images into her head of the two of them in bed and once again she had to force herself not to think of what they did in bed. "Dunno, tonight or tomorrow night I suppose."

"Alright, that's settled then, tonight it is," came the answer.

Zoe entered the room just as Jacqueline was dishing up the meal and kissed Sophia on the top of her head, "Hiya sweetie," she said, have a good week at school?"

"Nah!" replied Sophia, "Boring as usual."

They all laughed and sat down to tea. The weather was warm so they decided to walk the short distance to the cinema, Jacqueline brought the tickets and they went into the auditorium just as it was darkening and the main feature was just starting. Zoe shuffled down the row of seats first and Jacqueline sat next to her with Sophia on the other side. They were all soon engrossed in the film, it was one that Sophia wanted to see a lot.

After about fifteen minutes, Sophia glanced across at her Aunt and saw that she had her hand on Zoe's knee and was gently stroking it. For the whole of the film she kept one eye on the hand on Zoe's knee and the other on the screen but nothing else happened. When the film finished they went for a pizza and then went home.

Because it was almost midnight, Jacqueline said it was Sophia's bedtime, she could watch television in bed for a while. Sophia dutifully went upstairs and put her nightie on before she got into bed and turned the television on low. About half an hour later she heard the creak of stairs as they came up and went into their own bedroom. Sophia could hear the indistinct murmur of voices and she turned the sound on the television right down trying to make out what they were saying.

She silently got out of bed and knelt by the wall and pressed her ear right up against it. Only the occasional word came through and once she heard her own name.

A couple of minutes later she heard a light laugh and the bed creaked, followed by a sigh. Sophia looked over at the dressing table and saw a glass on it. She grinned and picked the glass up and brought it over to the wall, she placed the open top against the wall and pressed her ear against the bottom, she was rewarded by hearing the bed squeak more loudly, then a gasp, then even more squeaks. "Oh my God!" She thought to herself, "They are actually doing IT."

"Oh yessssss ... do it right there ... that's soooo fucking good," she heard her Aunt's voice gasp through the wall. As Sophia listened intently, her hand involuntarily crept under the hem of her nightie and she began to rub her aching pussy. The bed started to squeak madly now and Sophia increased the speed of her rubbing in time with the squeaks coming from the next room.

The gasp came louder and louder through the wall and Sophia moaned as her finger slipped inside her pussy, she tried to imagine what they were doing, she wanted to see but didn't want to go out into the hallway to see if her Aunt's bedroom door was closed, besides, she might miss something.

She heard her Aunt moan loudly and utter, "Ohhhhhh fuckkkkk Zoe yesssssss, lick me right there, push your finger right in." And Sophia suddenly knew exactly what they were doing. She pushed her finger deep inside her tight slit and frigged herself as she imagined Zoe doing the same to her Aunt Jacqueline. Sophia's breath was coming in pants as she worked her finger in and out of her pussy, her ear still glued to the wall.

"OH MY GOD!!!" It was almost a scream that came though the wall, "I'M CUMMINNGGGG," Sophia's hand almost became a blur as she finger-fucked herself still listening and she orgasmed at the same time as her Aunt, her breath left her and her eyes screwed tight shut in ecstasy as she collapsed in a dead faint against the wall.

Waking up in the morning, Sophia stretched on the bed, her nipples and her budding breasts pushing at the thin fabric of her nightie, the feelings coursing through her eleven-year-old body seemed to have change her somehow. She looked down the length of her young body, noticing her hard little nipples poking at the material and she rubbed the forefinger of her right hand over them, it sent a delicious tingle through her body. She made up her mind, if her Auntie Jacqueline wanted to ... or started something she would ... she couldn't finish the thought, even to herself.

She was absent-mindedly rubbing her nipple with one hand and the other had slid beneath the blankets and was idly rubbing her pussy through her nightie when there was a light knock on the door and it suddenly opened. "Come on sleepyhead, breakfast is on the table," her Aunt said as she poked her head round the door.

Surprised, Sophia jerked her hand out from under the blankets and stammered, "OK ... Auntie J ... Jacqueline, I'll be down in a minute."

Jacqueline closed the door and smiled to herself, she had noticed the guilty movement as Sophia pulled her hand out from under the blankets and she felt a sympathetic tingle in her own pussy. "Sooooo..." She thought to herself, "She DOES masturbate." She had also noticed the hard little bumps on the front of Sophia's nightie and she felt her own stiffen in sympathy.

Sophia came down about five minutes later and sat at the kitchen table. Jacqueline placed a bowl of cereal in front of her and kissed her on the top of her head. "Good morning darling, did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Yeh, OK I suppose," mumbled Sophia round a mouthful of cornflakes.

"Good," smiled Jacqueline as she sat opposite her with a cup of coffee. "You weren't too cold were you? And you managed to get to sleep easily did you?"

"Yeh fine," Sophia answered, too embarrassed to mention that they had kept her awake most of the night with their squeaky bed. She looked around, expecting to see or hear Zoe but there was no sign of her. "Where's Zoe?" She asked.

"Oh she had to go into town early," she didn't mention that it was agreed that Zoe would disappear for a few hour to give Jacqueline some time alone with Sophia because she wanted to have a good talk with her about what happened last Sunday. "So, did you enjoy the film last night?" she asked.

"OOOOOH yeh I love Hannah Montana," replied Sophia, "I've got some posters of her on my bedroom wall."

"I'll have to come over and see them sometime," Jacqueline said. What she didn't say was that she was more interested in Sophia's bed than her posters.

"Well, what do you want to do today Sophia," she asked, "Do you want to go into town this afternoon and meet Zoe for some shopping ... or do you just want to hang round the house and chill?"

Sophia shrugged her shoulders although she started to get excited when shopping was mentioned; her Aunt always bought her a present when they went into town. "Yeh! We could go into town this afternoon." She answered trying to sound nonchalant. "I'm still a bit tired so I don't want to do much this morning, just watch television."

"Alright then, that's settled," Jacqueline said as she stood up. "You finish your breakfast while I grab a shower and get dressed then you can have a shower or a bath if your want to then get dressed."

Jacqueline left the kitchen and went upstairs to the bathroom, all the time trying to figure out how she was going to broach the subject to Sophia that was on her mind. She climbed into the shower, a picture of Sophia as she had seen her only minutes ago in her short nightie and pink fluffy dressing gown with her thin legs poking out underneath. As she soaped herself under the streaming water her hand kept straying between her legs. She was still wet down there from when Zoe had gone down on her when she had woken up. She dropped the soap and leaned back against the shower wall, letting the hot water cascade all over her body. Jacqueline wondered if Sophia had heard her and Zoe making love last night, the light was still on in the spare bedroom so she must have still been awake.

She let her hand drift back between her thighs and imagined Sophia listening at the dividing wall as she orgasmed. Her finger slid inside her blood engorged pussy lips as she imagined Sophia doing the same while she was listening. Jacqueline gasped into the flowing water as the tip of her finger touched her G spot just as Zoe's fingers did last night.

Her breath became ragged as she flashed her fingers in and out of her hot core faster and faster and she opened her legs further, giving her fingers easier access. One, and then two, and then three fingers disappeared inside her pussy, she moaned and re-doubled the speed of her fingers. Rapidly her orgasm started to build up and her legs became weak, her fingers a blur as they slipped in and out of her pussy. A groan escaped her parted lips as electric shocks coursed through her and she sank down into the bath, the water streaming unheeded over her and her fingers still sliding in and out of her pussy, but starting to slow down as she let the warm glow spread throughout her body.

Gradually Jacqueline's breathing returned to normal and she towelled herself dry and padded into her bedroom to get dressed. She went downstairs to find Sophia engrossed in the television, "You'll get square eyes if you watch much more television," she laughed, "Go and get a bath and get dressed."

Sophia laughed with her and jumped up, she crossed to Jacqueline and kissed her on the cheek then ran up the stairs. Jacqueline put her hand to her face where Sophia had kissed her, a wistful look in her eyes as she watched her eleven-year-old niece run up the stairs. She still hadn't thought of a way to broach the subject of last Sunday. What she hadn't realised was that Sophia was thinking exactly the same thing, she'd hardly thought about anything else all week.

Thirty minutes later Sophia came down all clean and fresh smelling. Jacqueline did a double-take when she realised that Sophia was wearing a dress, she very rarely wore one, nearly always wearing jeans. She made up her mind, the time had to be now for the conversation she wanted to have with Sophia. Nervously she called from the kitchen, "Sophia, come here a minute, I want to have a chat with you."

She came into the kitchen and said, "Yeh? What about Auntie Jacqueline?"

"Sit down please," her nervousness almost got the better of her. "Right..." she cleared her throat, "Right, now this is possibly going to be more embarrassing for me than it is for you, but there's something I need to ask you."

Sophia gazed at her with a look of pure innocence, but she had butterflies in her tummy. She knew what this was about. Feigning innocence she said, "Yeh? ... what?"

"Well, it's about what happened last Sunday," Jacqueline replied.

"Oh!" Sophia replied, her face colouring and looking down at the tabletop.

"It's alright honey, It's just that sometimes..." she struggled to find the right words, "Sometimes my urges get the better of me, if I am embarrassed you I am very VERY sorry, I wouldn't want to do that for the world."

Sophia looked up and shrugged, "It was just a bit of a shock to see you doing it." She whispered.

"Yes I know, and I apologise again." Jacqueline said.

Feeling herself blush again, Sophia mumbled, "That's OK."

Jacqueline leaned forward, "Besides ... everyone does it at some time or another ... it's just that I've got a very high sex drive and sometimes I get a little bit carried away ... and I'll even bet that you do it sometimes?" and she winked at Sophia.

Sophia went bright red in the face, "well ... but ... I..." She stuttered.

Jacqueline laughed at her expression, "There's no need to be ashamed or embarrassed, there's nothing wrong in masturbating ... you don't mind me using that word do you?" When Sophia shook her head she carried on, "There's nothing dirty in it, you won't go blind or anything."

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