Riding the Stairway to Heaven - Cover

Riding the Stairway to Heaven

Copyright© 2009 by Wayne Gibbous

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Riding the bannister is just kid stuff. Unless you do it without panties. Then, I see my little sister in a whole new light.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Incest   Brother   Sister   White Couple   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation  

When I came in the next afternoon, the first thing Robin said was, "Did you get them? The condoms?"

"Gee, Robin, you really want this, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. Can we go do it?"

So, we went upstairs to her room and she got a large bath towel and placed it on her bed. We quickly undressed and lay down on her bed and played with each other as we usually did. She was rubbing me up and down and I was fingering her.

In a few minutes, I got up and began to lick her. She was really wet, I guess she was so eager for what we were going to do. Before long, she was wriggling around as I licked and tongued her, moaning softly; I could tell she was really wound-up.

So, I got up on my knees and put the condom on.

"Pull your knees up and spread out more. Yeah, that's good."

I got right up to her and began rubbing the head of my dick up and down her pussy lips and I could see Robin close her eyes. She moaned a bit and began to play with her nipples, lightly rubbing and pinching them.

Her slit was wet where I was rubbing up and down and I decided to try to push inside her. As I pressed forward, she moaned with pain and I asked her if she wanted me to stop.

"No, no, go on, just slowly. It hurts but not so awful much."

I pushed forward once more and noticed a drop or two of blood coming out around her pussy. I guess she still had at least some of her hymen but she's now officially not longer a virgin.

My cock is now in about a third of the way so I begin to take small strokes in and out with each push in putting me a bit deeper.

"Oh, god, that doesn't hurt now. Oh, that's wonderful. Oh, do it faster."

So, I picked up the speed some and was already feeling like I was going to cum. Robin was now enjoying our mating so much that she was swiveling her hips round and round which brought me even closer to cumming.

"God, Robin, I'm about to cum."

"Just do it like you are, fast, I'm about to cum, too. I ... UNHHH, UNHHH, UNHHH, UNH, unh, unh, oh my god, don't stop, oh, Frank, oh."

She had jerked her legs straight out and thrust her hips up and down so fast that it did me for sure.

I raised up as she arched her hips and she kept rotating her pussy around my cock until I simply exploded inside her.

"OOOH, OOOH, OOOH, ohhh, ohhh, wow, oh, wow, that was so ... oh, best ... was so ... I can't ... oh, Robin, you're ... oh," and I slowly collapsed forward over her. She was still moving her hips some keeping the feeling alive where we remained attached.

As she hugged me wrapping her legs around me, she whispered, "Oh, I want to just fuck you forever. That was wonderful. I've never felt anything better than that."

"It was great. I know it would be but it was even better than I'd hoped."

"Can we do it again? Are you hard enough?"

Well, I'm sixteen. So, I put on another condom and we did it again. Afterward, as we held one another, she said, "That was so good. It hurt some and I'm a little sore but I don't care. Boy, fucking is great stuff. Did you like being in my pussy?"

"Oh, Robin, you feel so good inside, so tight around me, when I go in and out it's like you're holding me tight. I'm glad you wanted to do this."

"See, even younger sisters have good ideas sometimes."

"You sure did this time."

Then, the next day, she suggested that she get up on top, one of her friends loved it that way, so she wanted to try it.

So, after I got he condom on, I lay there as she squatted over me trying to get my cock into her. It took some time but finally with a lot of squirming back and forth, she began to take my dick inside. She is really tight and this does feel great.

She started pumping up and down, not too fast, not too slow, and the feeling was incredible. Even better than yesterday. This added something to what we were doing but I couldn't really figure out what it was. All I knew was that I really liked my sister being on top.

"Oh, Frank, this is so good being up here. I love it this way. Is it good for you?"

"Oh, yeah, terrific. Feels so good."

We continued to make love to each other almost every day and Robin was now on the pill which made things simpler. As we did, however, something else came to be added to our sex. We were also falling in love with each other.

Oh, we know all the brother/sister stuff, yeah, yeah, but we couldn't help it. We knew people would think what we were doing was wrong. Hell, there are plenty of people who would think any teenagers fucking one another was wrong.

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