An American War Hero - Cover

An American War Hero

Copyright© 2009 by itsdodge

Chapter 6

David found Mavis in the typing pool. As he came to the entrance, many of the girls looked up at him and smiled. "Good morning Colonel" chirped a particularly top heavy Veronica Lake lookalike. "my what big teeth you have grandma" thought David as he smiled and asked to see Mavis.

As rgw flurry of looks subsided from his entry, the typists got back to banging hard on their typewriters. Numerous carbon copies meant they really needed to hit those keys hard. The clash and typewriter bells ringing made for quite a noisy atmosphere. The girls all seemed cheerful and chatted above the noise around them.

Across the typing pool from David a burly Marine corporal stood guard before a door entitled importantly "War Room". Moving in and out of this doorway, various ATS, WAAFs and other women in uniform hurried — placing reports on secretaries tables or picking them up.

David made his way between the tables and came to Mavis table. Like the others she was busily typing away. Soon though, she finished her report, stretched her arms and cracked her knuckles. Standing up she spoke to David. "Your Ambassador phoned and asked if you could be..."

Before she could any anymore, David spoke loudly. "I'm sorry Miss could we speak somewhere else — its very noisy in here!" She smiled and said "Of course, follow me." Another door of to the side led into a small kitchenette. Mavis busied herself making a cup of tea.

"Let's see if I remember David, milk and no sugar?" When he nodded, she turned away to add the milk. "It's just as well considering the sugar shortage!" Her back was to him, and he couldn't tell what was going on in her head. "Julia", he began. She turned quickly, interrupting him. Colonel, I hope you like the tea."

As he leaned towards her to collect his mug, she whispered, "It's over David. It was over a long time ago." She then spoke normally. "I guess you want to hear what your Ambassador had to say." "By all means" replied David.

"Your Ambassador wanted to remind you that at all costs are you to expedite your mission promptly. Something to do with a Senate enquiry?" David smiled, "could you please pass on to my Ambassador, if he calls again, that I am following all lines of enquiry." David finished his tea. "Would rather have a coffee, nice tea though" As he handed his mug back he slipped a note into her hand.

She looked down at her hand, looked at him, rolled her eyes and whispered "So now the fun starts!"

As he turned to leave he stopped and asked in what he thought was a casual manner, "By the way Mavis, your friend Liz, I don't see her in the Pool." "Colonel" she spoke in a warning low tone. "Liz isn't in the pool because she isn't a typist. She is our mechanic and makes sure our generators keep running smoothly." "Not only a beauty but handy with her hands as well" David spoke lightly" "David, Liz in not for you" spoke Mavis protectively. "She is well out of your league and way too young for you, you old lecher!" "David placed his hand over his heart "I am hurt by your suspicious and totally unfounded concerns. By the way, where are the generators?"

Out in the typing pool there are sounds of commotion. Mavis brushed past David, "What's happening girls?" she called. From the gabble of responses, David could make out that the Russians were flying over for a daylight raid. "Britain might be down, but she certainly is not out" thought David. "I'd hate to one of the men in those large Russian bombers." Britain's airforce, quite rightly was a feared and fearsome enemy. "They must have a target they really want to hit" thought David. "I'm glad I'm down here, damp as it is — no bombs or firestorms here!"

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