Future Sex Coach Michaels - Cover

Future Sex Coach Michaels

Copyright© 2009 by Coach_Michaels

Chapter 17: Kilu Arc

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 17: Kilu Arc - Sex ed in the year 2063 is a bit... different... than it is today. Abstinence-only? Nope. More like "Drivers Ed for Your Sexuality" It isn't called a "participatory course" for nothing. Do these girls realize what they signed up for?

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Group Sex   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Teacher/Student   Slow   School  

Basement, Smith House

10:31 P.M. Friday, December 7, 2063

The first to speak, several minutes later, was Gloria. "I'm not a virgin anymore," she stated, as matter-of-fact as if she had been informing her friends that the sky was blue.

"Damn straight you ain't," Amy laughed, tears still on her face.

"Gonna be hard to wait 'till May after seeing that!" Amethyst exclaimed. "And you two!" she shot a look full of meaning at Amy and Genma, seated side by side.

"What did we do?" Genma asked, "I mean, except for..." Amy slapped him upside the head, and everybody laughed. "It was really hot watching all those hands on you, lover," Genma added.

"I liked it," his girlfriend admitted.

"Poor Veejay," Amethyst teased, "all this fucking, and I won't even let you stick a finger in."

"Hey!" the young boy glared at her, or tried to. His big grin was impossible not to notice. "We had fun."

Amethyst frowned, thinking for a moment. "It doesn't seem fair, actually."

"Hey Veejay," Amy called, "was that your finger inside of me before, or Ted's?"

"Ted's," answered Veejay, Ted, Genma, and Gloria together.

Six teenagers laughed.

"Ok," Amy started, "I guess Ted knows where his finger is, and Veejay knows where his finger isn't, and Genma, darling, I guess you could see. But Gloria, how did you know?"

"'Cause when he grabbed my ass, one finger was wet. Real wet."

Amy blushed deeper than she had the entire night. Still, she had made a decision. "Well, I was thinking that if Veejay wanted to, um, 'wet a finger, ' I'd let him."

Veejay thought, at that moment, that he must've lived a righteous life. How else to explain his good fortune? He'd seen more titties, more pussy, more everything in the last hour or so than he'd seen in his entire life. He'd touched more than he'd ever seen!

"OK, everybody!" Amethyst quipped, "Line up! We're all getting our fingers wet!"

"Amethyst!" Gloria laughed.

Amy looked at the younger girl through half-lidded eyes. "I just wanted to be fair to Veejay. After all, Ted had a turn, Genma gets lots of turns, and Gloria doesn't want hers."

Gloria nodded, several times. She liked Amy, but not in that way.

"But Amethyst, sweetie," Amy's voice dropped to a seductive purr, "you can wet a finger in me anytime you like."

For once, Amethyst Smith's smile faltered. Her violet eyes went wide and she blushed to a degree that even Lisa Lagrange would've noticed, had she been there to see it. She thought maybe the sophomore was joking, but then decided that she probably meant it.

Now, Amethyst liked being naked. She liked being looked at, and she liked looking. Seeing the other girls in class was always arousing, and she remembered when they had all looked each other over (hymens and all), under Coach's personal direction. She'd been so wet it showed. But actually doing something ... sexual ... with another girl? Amethyst wasn't sure about that. She'd never done that, even a little bit. The idea did seem exciting, and the boys would love to see it. She grinned. Yeah, they would at that. She looked at Amy, and saw that she was beautiful. Why not! It might be fun.

Amy saw her friend's reaction, and regretted her words. No, she wasn't joking. Yes, she meant it. Of course she was attracted to the over-eager little 8th grader! But she didn't want to even take a chance on messing up a friendship that had been building for five months. She was about to blow it all off as a joke, when her friend smiled back at her and stood up.

"OK," the younger girl agreed, "let's show 'em what two Amethysts can do!"

"Two Amethysts?" asked Ted and Veejay together.

Amy laughed, and the other two girls smiled, as did Genma. "Amethyst is the name my parents gave me," she explained, "but I've always preferred to be called Amy. Don't get me wrong; it's a beautiful name, but I just feel more like an Amy. And besides, as long as she has one name and I have another, people can keep us straight."

"Don't either one of you look too straight right now," Veejay pointed out. The two girls were standing less than a half metre apart, hands on each others' hips. "But hey, don't let me stop you."

The two giggled, then Amy drew her friend to her, and soon they were in a Sapphic embrace, and Amethyst found herself tilting her head up, not minding at all as her mouth came into contact with that of the other girl. Her eyes flew open as she felt Amy's tongue enter her mouth, but Amethyst just let herself give into the moment.

It was just as exciting as Amy always knew it would be. The way the younger girl would suddenly stiffen, almost pull back, and then continue was so cute! Her skittishness was a real turn on. The fact that it was the always eager, always ready, always wanting to go a bit further Amethyst who was now acting nervous and shy pleased Amy to no end. 'I'm doing this to her!' she thought as she thrust her tongue into the fourteen-year-old girl's mouth, 'I'm making the brazen girl blush!' and she shivered as Amethyst accepted her tongue and thrust back with her own.

This was utterly different than with a guy, Amethyst realized. She knew that some things would be different: she did feel boobs against her body; she did not feel a cock. And of course the shape of Amy's body was different than Coach's or Veejay's. But the entire feel of this, the entire ... she didn't know what word to use; it was just not the same. 'Not the same, ' she thought, 'but not bad. Not bad at all.' And the kiss was different, too.

Genma noticed that he didn't mind in the least watching his girlfriend kiss somebody else ... as long as that somebody else was a girl. He'd seen her kiss another girl once before, but that had been a little three-second thing done on a dare, and he wasn't sure there had even been any tongue involved. He knew Amy liked girls, of course, but he'd never had that fact demonstrated right in front of his eyes in such a blatant way. He liked this. He really liked this a lot.

The two separated, smiling, green eyes looking deep into violet. Amethyst couldn't help but giggle, and that set Amy off. They both tried to stop, and that just made it worse. Soon all the teens were laughing uncontrollably. When the hilarity finally died down, the two girls leaned in for another kiss, and found themselves giggling again. Again they tried; again they had to break for giggling.

"Veejay!" Amy called, still laughing, "Bring your fingers over here!"

Amethyst leaned in for another try, but Amy pushed her away. "Back! Back, you wanton woman!" The younger girl drew her face into an exaggerated pucker and, making silly kiss-sounds, started to chase her friend around the basement. "Ack!" the redhead shouted, "I've created a monster! A cute monster, but still!" Both girls would sometimes burst into laughter.

After a few circuits of the main room, Genma reached out and grabbed Amy. "I've got her, Amethyst!"

"Hold her tight!" the younger girl ordered. "I've got you now, my pretty! And your ... um ... well, forget the dog."

"Help! Help!" Amy cried, but not too loudly, for fear that somebody might actually come down the stairs to rescue her. "Somebody help me! I'm about to be ravished by a beautiful young girl! ... Wait a minute; that's a good thing."

Amethyst began running her hands up and down the fifteen-year-old's body. "I sure hope mine are this nice when I'm a year older," she cooed as she began playing with Amy's breasts, "I've always wondered what it felt like for a boy when he plays with these. I wonder if I dare..."

Three boys and Gloria watched as Amethyst bent her lips to Amy's left breast. Amy watched too, wondering what had happened to the shy, nervous girl of a few minutes ago.

"Amethyst! Don't you dare ... mmm ... don't you ... ah ... don't you dare stop that, girl!"

This felt weird. Fun, but weird. Amethyst's breasts weren't large enough for her to suck her own nipples, though she had tried. She was sure that Mary Kang did, she had such big tits. But Amethyst herself had never had a female nipple in her mouth. Well, not since she'd been a baby, and she couldn't remember that. It didn't feel bad, though, she thought as she gave a gentle bite. Amy let out a moan, and Amethyst felt so sexy. But there was a matter of fairness to consider.

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