Dead Man Walking - Cover

Dead Man Walking

Copyright© 2009 by Da Womby

Chapter 1

Dead Man Lives

K'chee's time as Abbot of Healing at the Falor Clan Chee was nearly up. 10,000 years old and time to hand over to his sub-Abbot, who after 4,000 years of apprenticeship and mind transfer was ready to continue her work for the next 5,000 years. The first thing the new Abbot would have to do would be to appoint a new sub-Abbot, but that was her responsibility now. It was time for K'chee to take on a new role. It was time for his final walk, that of a Dead Man.

As he was preparing to leave, his comm-P'son flashed, a message from the Abbess, leader of the Abbots of the Falor. Teleporting to her Abbey, K'chee presented himself for admittance. The Abbess didn't keep him waiting, nobody asks someone who is on their final journey to wait.

"Come in please, K'chee. Sit and refresh yourself."

"Thank you Abbess. How can I help you in my last days?"

"There has been a change in protocol, people on last days now may take an option. We have agreed to host an Eldar Citadel on Falor, to help protect us from the coming of the Coalition of Species. Part of the agreement is that people on last days have a choice. You may continue your last days rites or travel to the Fendaril artefact of Olympus and attempt to find and join the Knights Eldar. If you are successful, then you will no longer need to finish the rites and may continue to live as an Eldar.

"You time with us is appreciated, and we realise you have prepared yourself for the final walk. The choice is yours. You are the first we have offered this to. It will be opened to all, but I feel many will not take it up and those who do will fail. I need your answer now. Transportation to Olympus will be available only 5 minutes."

"Abbess, I have served the Falor to the best of my ability for the last 5,000 years as an Abbot. I have trained my successor and handed over to her the mind imprint of the Abbey of Healing. I must admit however, I am not ready to end. I will take you offer and see if we can teach some of these Eldar a few things about the use of Psioncs they may not have realised, for all their age and power."

"Go with my blessing, K'chee. From now on, you must leave your name behind, and pick a new one."

"I will take a new one if I am accepted, until then I will remain Dead Man Walking."

Grinning the Abbess rose and gave the newly named Dead Man a warm embrace. "Give them hell my friend, and don't forget us."

"Farewell My Lady, your guidance and comfort has always held me well. Please be available for my new replacement. She will be like I was to start, very unsure of herself, even with a 4,000 year apprenticeship."

With that, K'chee, now Dead Man, turned and left the room. Outside was a Fendaril Starforce officer who handed him a crystal map P'son. "It is my understanding you can use this. Good luck. They will inform you of the rules of Olympus when you arrive."

Dead Man merged with the map and realised the destination point. Bringing the map to the new reality of his destination he cast his P'sense to the end point to check for matter in the way, locked in the start point for the teleport and jumped. This took longer to describe than do. To the Starforce officer it looked like he took the P'son, blinked and was gone. "I gotta learn how to do that, Talent sure can't".

The Abbess heard what the officer said and beckoned him over. "If you are serious and wish to learn Psionics, we can train you in a year. Some of our Abbeys can train you in being an Arch-Witch in two. Let me know your decision." She then teleported out, returning to her work.

Arriving in a busy star port on Olympus, Dead Man was met by another Fendaril officer. "Abbot K'chee, we were told you might be joining us..."

Dead Man raised a hand to stop her. "Abbot K'chee is dead. I am Dead Man Walking."

A quick double take and the officer continued "Of course, Dead Man Walking. We were told you might be joining us, we don't see many Falor on Olympus except as body guards If you will come with me, I will take you to the rest of your party, You are the only one at the moment to 'Take the Road' in search of a Citadel, but we would ask a favour of you and the rest of the party. All will be explained."

Following the officer to a diverse group of beings he found himself amongst 5 of the strangest people he had met. There were two Furmurr, giant earth tiger like beings, fierce and war like. There were 2 Humans, Terran from there dress and aloof mannerisms, and a humanoid, possibly Enhanced Humanoid, possibly on of the Fendaril base forms. Six fingers, pointed ears; Elandril base but heavily modified.

The Fendaril officer began: "Welcome gentle-beings. I am Major Smith. We have a small problem we would like you to attend to on your trip today. We will pay you the standard Mercenary rate, plus 50% for a Hazard Level 2 situation, plus the expenses you have incurred in getting here and while you attend to our little matter. We will also allow you to equip your selves from the level two armoury, civilian enhanced, within reason, and provide transportation while you are here.

"Please remember you are on Fendaril soil and Fendaril laws and regulations apply here. The exception is in various embassies, Terran, Furmurr, etc. and other sanctuaries you may find. I'll introduce you to the normal levels, and briefly describe your know racial and professional abilities. Person information, beyond use names, will be up to yourselves.

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