A Room at the Top - Cover

A Room at the Top

by Pontifex

Copyright© 2009 by Pontifex

Romantic Sex Story: Divorced and disgraced Adam Kaid makes a new life for himself as a computer graphics artist. He meets Phyllis de Costa and he rents a room on the top floor of Phllis' house. Her niece Violet comes into his life.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Romantic   .

A young teacher does not earn very much, even one with a degree in math and software design. Even after twelve years in the service, his salary doesn't amount to much. So there I was, thirty-six years old and divorced, the father of two daughters who were given by the court into the care of their rich mother. My folks often told me 'never marry above your station' but I chose to ignore the advice, much to my regret.

In exchange for my not contesting the divorce my ex-wife waived all alimonies but I had to give up both my daughters although I very much wanted to keep my youngest child, Lucy. I think my Ex insisted on taking her out of spite because Lucy was never her favourite and close to me.

Anyway I moved into a rented room and continued to teach for a living while I began to study programming seriously. I took courses and even got special training from an expert.

"You have a talent for visuals Kaid. You should consider it seriously," my pet Geek told me. Now that I was alone I spent most of my spare time polishing my talent.

My Ex used to berate me for my 'doodling' and for wasting my time 'playing' with my computer, nagging me everyday that I should resign my teaching post and seek employment with her daddy, a successful business man. Bad enough being a government flunkey and a teacher, but it would have been worse to be the family drudge. It would have destroyed my soul to be subject to a constant barrage of slurs and innuendos from my brothers-in-law and their sycophantic hangers-on.

Having mastered programming and design I went into visuals and then into computer generated animation. I discovered very quickly that I had a flair for it. About a year after the divorce I got a break. Someone approached me and asked if I could do a job for him. He needed a 30-second animated presentation to advertise for his product and he would provide the story-board too. How much? Er ... how about five thousand, he mumbled. I stared at him in disbelief and he misunderstood my stare; I though he was joking and he thought that I wanted more. OK, OK, he bleated and upped the ante to seven thousand just like that. Payable on delivery, he said, and not a cent more. I said OK but I said I wanted it on paper and I would provide the work order. He wasn't happy about that but he agreed.

I rushed off to see Vikram, or Vick as we all called him, my old school chum who was a lawyer.

"What I don't want is for that bastard to steal my stuff and not pay me," I explained.

"Actually all you need is a written order from him stating that he will pay you so much on delivery of the item. Not much chance for him to do what you're worried about but one never knows. I got just the thing for you right here. It says that he has to pay you in full on delivery of the product and that there is a 15% penalty if he rejects your offering. Also, if he shelves the thing or gets someone else to try and alter it then he pays a large penalty ... say an additional fifty percent over the actual price of the product."

"That's a wicked contract," I said. Vick grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's a wicked world out there. You should know," he countered making an oblique reference to my divorce.

"OK if I pay you after he pays me? I'm skint at the moment."

Vick shrugged again, grinned and said that's what friends were for. No matter! The guy liked my presentation so much that he signed and paid for the product on the spot. He did not spot the fine print that said he could not alter it in any way for future presentations. In other words he had to come back to me. I gently brought his attention to the clause and watched his face change. The old rascal had actually entertained the idea.

I suddenly realised I had a skill that was worth a lot of money. I began to steep myself seriously in my new 'hobby'. I began to resent being a teacher because it took up so much of my time and so when I had accumulated fifty thousand in the bank I quit. I reckoned that if things didn't work out I could make a living teaching nerdy kids about computer-generated stuff or even give math lessons to those who could afford to. It was that first hit that attracted other commissions and soon I was making good money and I was able to get a new car.

I moved out of my room and looked for a bigger one since I needed the space for my work. It didn't take long to find my new place. It was convenient, very private and I liked my room, which was on the third floor of a pre-1940 shop house. There was an open terrace right behind my room, which was very convenient for muggy nights. On such nights I often rigged a cloth canopy, opened my folding cot, and slept there on the terrace. Also I liked my landlady.

Phyllis De Costa owned the house and she shared it with her niece, a sixteen-year old girl who had the disposition of a spitting cobra and the manners of a bus conductor with blue balls. Phyllis De Costa made sure the girl did not go out very much, which did not improve her amiability quotient. You know what they say about caging wild animals.

Violet was a damned attractive girl and well developed. She turned me on, no doubt about that, but I was working hard at keeping my dick in my shorts. One bad marriage was enough and I could do without strange liaisons. Also she was sixteen; jailbait I reminded myself. So for remedying blue balls I resorted to that tried and trusted treatment — whanking to downloaded pics of teen hard core!

Phyllis' boyfriend was a very large offshore oilman from Norway, a huge bear of a man with a loud booming voice and an equally loud booming laugh. Ollie Nordstrum was a friendly sort of guy and he was enthralled by Phyllis because of her eternal itch and her size. Phyllis was a big girl. Not fat, mind you, but BIG; she wore 40D-cup bras, stood five eleven in her bare feet, big round hips and a nice round belly. If she invited me for a trip on the magic mountain it would be like I was trying to climb aboard Godzilla's sister. No, she wasn't ugly; she wasn't beautiful either, just attractive in a coarse sort of way.

Violet on the other hand was not your average Asian girl with her light olive complexion, very Caucasian features (from her Englishman father I was told) and a nice pair of tits. She had thick dark brown hair that she wore to her shoulders and she seldom made up; light touch up with lip rouge, face powder and a dab of perfume was the most she went for. I used to cringe when she put on that Follow Me perfume but then none of us were anywhere near well-to-do in those days and my idea of a classy deodorant was dabbing my armpits with medicated talcum powder. It worked too.

Me? Well what's there to say? I'm just your average guy, five feet eight and strong as an ox. As a teenager I used to spend many years as a lumberjack's assistant in my maternal uncle's logging camp in Pahang during my school holidays. Even after I got married I used to disappear for weeks into the jungle for a couple of rough weeks in Uncle Lim's lumber camp. My ex used to fly into a rage whenever I made off for a week or two. She just couldn't understand why I loved the rough life of a lumber camp. The workers and supervisors were real people not stuffed jackasses like my brothers-in-law and their retinue of ass lickers.

"Visiting my favourite uncle," was the excuse I used to explain my proposed absence. It didn't fool her a bit but I wasn't the meek and mild type she expected in a husband. I didn't beat her up or anything like that. I just smiled and ignored her totally, especially when she began to cut down on the night exercises so beloved of loving couples. As for my two daughters, the less said the better. You couldn't have found a more spoiled and petulant pair.

My eldest daughter Sally was so anti-daddy that it wasn't funny at all. Lucy the younger was a shy, introspective child and we were quite close. Her affectionate ways changed as she grew older. She began to avoid me. I often wondered why my two daughters disliked me so much. I tried to be a loving father to them but they always rejected me. So I sublimated as the psychiatrists like to say.

I am partial to violent exercise although I'm not on to contact sports so I began to study the martial arts — in particular aikido and stick fighting. I never did see the point of using your hands to strike hard surfaces like stacked bricks, jaw bones and so on. There is no sense using your feet and fists when a sturdy umbrella can do enormous damage in the hands of an expert. My umbrella went everywhere with me. By the time I was divorced I was more than competent in both arts. Nothing magical about that! There was so little going for me in that house that I went all out at the martial arts thing. What the average student learned in a year I mastered in three months. Until Ah See came on the scene.

I might as well admit that the only thing a little more than average about me (I'm talking size here) was my seven-inch dick. You would think my ex would have considered that a gift from heaven. Oh no, it was too big and too gross she said. When I think about it she did have a problem having an orgasm. After all, seven isn't huge, it is only a little above average. And there was that little matter regarding Ah See.

Ah See was eighteen and from a Chinese Girls' Orphanage. She was taken on as a maid and part of her duties was to sweep and make up the bedrooms. By then I had moved into a separate room, a small one in the rear of the house. I wanted our own place but my Ex wouldn't think of it. So there I was, a stranger in a strange house. I think it was loneliness and frustration that drew me to Ah See. She was a plain looking girl with a nice figure; correction, she had a terrific figure — thirty four inch tits, twenty-four inch waist and thirty-two inch hips. More importantly she had a fleshy, round butt. Butt-less women, unless they're under ten years old, do nothing to me.

It began innocently enough. We were alone in one of the storerooms looking for one of my old boxes of books. She was helping me. There was an old bed with mattress in that room along with some old chairs and cardboard cartons of other stuff, As we rummaged in that pile of boxes and old furniture, she accidentally brushed her tits against my arm. I felt a jolt of electricity run up my arm. When that happened she gave me a little smile and she stood stock still looking at me in the eye. I was really desperate for sex so I snaked my arm round her waist and drew her close. She flowed into me and moulded her body to mine. I felt everything — her firm shapely breasts, her little round belly, her fleshy mound and her thighs against mine. The house was very quiet that afternoon. My wife and daughters had gone out with my mother-in-law. We kissed. She was clumsy at first but she learnt very quickly and after four tries you couldn't tell that she was a newbie.

"Do you want me?" she whispered as we mauled each other with our hands.

"Oh yes, I do — very much. Can't you feel my cock?"

She giggled and her eyes twinkled mischievously. "It's very hard."

"Have you done this before?' I asked. An old memory clouded her eyes for a minute.

"Yes and now I cannot give birth." The sense of loss in her words was palpable.

"Do you really want me to go on?" I asked anxiously praying hard that she would say yes. She did.

"Oh yes, I do," she smiled at me, "you are a good man and I like you. You do not treat me like I'm nothing."

She began to peel off her clothes and I started to do the same. She had two beautiful cones tipped with light brown nipples and they stood out straight. In her shapeless clothes she had a nice figure, naked she had a magnificent body — not big or voluptuous, just gorgeous. Her butt was amazing. She had round fleshy buns that were not typical of the average Chinese girl and I could feel her heat and the odour of her arousal. I had undressed with my back to her and when I turned round and flashed my Johnson at her, she gasped. Her eyes widened and in a reflex gesture she grabbed the long, thick rod of hard throbbing flesh in her right hand. Her eyes closed and a shuddering moan slid out of her lips.

We were eager to fuck and she dragged me to a bed by my cock and as she flopped into it she pulled me down to cover her. I felt my cock head lodge between her cunt lips and they were already hot and slippery. I pushed it into her. Although she wasn't a virgin, it wasn't easy to get into her all the way. She groaned as I forced myself in. Already her legs were wrapped round my hips and both her hands were on my buttocks pulling me forcefully into her flesh. Finally I was inside her all the way, the tip of my cock head lodged in the entrance of her womb and my pubic hairs crushed against the soft, springy cushion of her vulva. I lay still for several moments.

"Ah that's so good," she whispered. "Such a big cock. I feel like my pussy is going to split into two."

"You have such a tight little cunt hole," I replied. She giggled and heaved upwards, forcing my cock a fraction deeper into her womb.

"You are inside my womb. So nice."

"Me too Ah See. What a lovely pussy you have. So little hair, almost like a little girl's."

She pouted and made a face. "Chinese people say girl with no pussy hair bad luck for husband. You don't believe?"

"Such foolishness. Do you like my cock?"

"Yes and so big too. Please fuck Ah See. Want to fuck so much," she gasped as she began to hunch on my peter. I began to play hide the sausage enthusiastically while Ah See aided and abetted me eagerly. God, it had been so long since I felt a cunt wrapped round by cock. The sensation was mind blowing. I began to fuck her harder and harder and she kept on begging me to fuck her faster and harder. She really was a hot one. It didn't take us long to come. With a strangled groan I began to shoot my jizz into her pussy and she opened her mouth in a soundless scream of ecstasy. Her hips were churning madly in sync with my solid pounding strokes. I didn't stop there. My cock was still hard as a rock and I wasn't completely satiated. To her happy surprise I kept on fucking her until the sperm I had deposited inside her cunt hole began to froth and foam. It took us longer to come but the ecstasy when we both discharged was just as good if not better than the first one. With her arms and legs locked round me she refused to let me go. She shook her head triumphantly when I wanted to rise.

"No let go. Ah See want to feel your cock some more."

I put my weight on my elbows and looked down at the face inches from mine. She was almost pretty, her face glowing with happiness and relief. I kissed her and whispered, "So how times you came?"

"Three times I feel the thrill. I want to scream loud but afraid people hear."

"That won't be clever. Don't want people to find out, right?"

Having said that, I could have cared less if anyone found out about my liaison with this servant girl. My marriage was already a relic and the only thing that made me stick it out was my little Lucy. Somehow, I felt she cared. Sometimes when no one was around she'd steal a kiss from me.

My cock was still hard and to my surprise Ah See asked me to take it out.

"Do other place, Adam," she smiled wickedly at me. I unplugged and she turned over and asked me to stick a pillow under her belly. I was stunned. She wanted me to butt fuck her and who was I to deny her the thing she perved on? In the absence of KY I used a lot of saliva, lubricating my cock from time to time as I eased it into her little brown ring. Then she gasped "Oof" and my cock slid into her arse. She was no stranger to the perverse worship of Venus' altars. She loved it. I loved it. And we had to exercise all our control to keep our cries as soft as possible.

"How is this possible Ah See," I asked after we had unplugged and used her dusting cloth to wipe ourselves dry. "It didn't seem to hurt you at all."

"When I was twelve I work for very bad man. He took my virginity in both places. He hurt me a lot and now I cannot give birth any more. But after that I knew I liked to fuck. I suppose, one day I shall become the mistress of some rich man. Please do not protest. It is the best thing for me. I will make him want me and then I will get everything I need from him."

"It sounds like a good plan. Too bad I have no money otherwise I will make you my mistress."

She giggled and replied, "You cannot uncle. I like you too much. We fuck for love not money, OK?"

Then she gave me another of her big happy smiles.

It lasted exactly three months. As I said I wasn't really concerned if I was caught or not but I didn't count on the reaction towards Ah See. The divorce went through uncontested and in exchange for the girls my Ex waived all alimonies. Vick saw to that. He made sure that she couldn't claim anything against future earnings and so on. But the cost of the divorce almost emptied my bank account.

Babysitting Violet

Violet had quite a few boyfriends no mistake. Sometimes I wondered why Phyllis bothered to keep an eye on her all the time? This was one wild filly and it would take a lot of wild horses to hold her. So, when I took a room with her Phyllis immediately thought it a good idea if I could keep an eye on the girl while she took a weekend off. Mind you this occurred about once a month and I wasn't really bothered by it. It merely involved keeping an eye on the girl and receiving evil-eye stares from her whenever we met downstairs. So I became a sort of captive baby-sitter whose services were roped in whenever Phyllis skipped off for a spot of serious snogging and shagging with her Ollie. Before my appearance on the scene, they snogged in the house with a lot of shagging thrown in. But, as she said reasonably, a body needed to get away from time to time and so there I was ... demon computer animator and captive babysitter.

Things were OK for a time until one fateful weekend when Phyllis and Ollie took off for their monthly DWE (Dirty Week End to you).

'You don't mind, do you Mr Kaid?' Phyllis simpered. 'It's just that Ollie needs to relax a bit after so many weeks at sea.' Ollie worked on one of those drilling platforms in the South China Sea. He stood in the background grinning and looking at me hopefully. I hadn't the heart to say no but I made my little protest on principle. It wasn't likely that either would have a even the tiniest glimpse of the sea.

"Phyllis, you've asking me to look after a sixteen-year old girl and I'm a bachelor ... er ... well ... a divorcee. Are you sure? I mean..."

"Oh don't worry about a thing Mr Kaid. I'll warn her to be obedient and she will not give you any trouble. But there's something I need for you to do... (she dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper that was loud enough to be heard across the room) ... that boy, you know whom I'm talking about, that Jerry Lee, don't let her go out with him."

"I'll do my best Phyllis," I said with a deep foreboding in my heart. Violet was in the kitchen doing something so I thought she didn't hear what her aunt told me and I was wrong. She overheard every word. Out of spite she invited the notorious Jerry Lee Kam Seng to the house for a bit of pussy bashing. What she failed to consider was the possibility that he might want to make this a communal effort. So he brought along two of his friends for the free nooky party.

When Jerry turned up with his friends for his rendezvous I was out at the corner coffee shop having my dinner. I returned at about ten that night and the party was just about to start. I heard some altercation going on and a muffled scream. What the hell was going on? I saw three Yamaha 125cc motorcycles parked on the pavement so I knew that Jerry and gang were there. I opened the front door quietly but the living room was empty. The De Costa house was one of those 'heritage' terrace shop houses that dated to the early Forties. It was linear in concept and solidly built. The front door opened into the living room, then a sort of dining room, after which came a sort of open area which was the dining room and the kitchen. The air-well was located on the side of the party wall. It kept the house aerated and delightfully cool. The stairs gave access to the first floor, which was occupied by Phyllis and the girl Violet while I occupied the top floor that had a huge bedroom and a bathroom-cum-toilet with an open roof-terrace to the rear.

From the noise they made, I reckoned they were in the dining room.

I hefted my umbrella as the sounds of a struggle were now quite distinct. It was a rape. A struggling Violet was on the floor with two guys holding her down by her hands and her legs and Jerry was trying to push his 'wee willie winkie' into her twisting body. She kept yelling and cursing through the hand that muffled her. Finally just as I stood over them he lifted his fist to punch her and I whacked him on the wrist with the brolly and I must have cracked it. He screamed and the other two teenaged toughs surged to their feet and one of them had a flick knife. I took care of that one first with a thrust into his belly and then a whack across his head, just enough to knock him down groaning. The third guy was smart; he bolted. His retreat was accompanied by the high-pitched scream of a small two-stroke engine pushed to its limit. Jerry lay there holding on to his wrist yelling imprecations and trying to kick me. I cracked one of his kneecaps to discourage him and he got the idea. This time he screamed for his mother.

Violet got to her feet and pulled her torn clothes about her and she loosed a kick at his face. She was wearing a pair of cross trainers and her foot connected nicely — more screams of pain. I pulled her away and waited for the uproar to subside.

"Well boys, it looks like rape to me."

"What rape, she wanted to fuck, woh!" Jerry sobbed.

"But not your poxy friends you fucking creep," Violet shrieked.

"It's still rape. She's only fifteen," I reminded him, lowering her age on purpose. Violet opened her mouth and just as quickly shut it. She was smart. She got the idea quickly. I continued in a bored tone of voice, " ... and the courts take a very dim view about such things. Ten years minimum with a whipping thrown in. Do you know the number for the local police station Violet? You don't? Never mind I'll dial 999."

Would you believe it? The bastard didn't know how old she was. I took out my mobile phone and he went a pasty white. His friend had recovered and got to his feet. I pointed the umbrella at him and he lowered himself slowly to his haunches, nursing his head and rubbing his tummy at the same time. All fight had gone out of him.

"Wait, wait. No phone, please," Jerry said hurriedly, 'no need police. Better we settle matter, OK?'

"OK. You sit at that table and write a confession that you and your friends tried to rape this little girl and I'll hang on to that letter. After this if I see you anywhere near this girl, I'll make a police report and hand them this letter. That OK with you Violet?"

"Fine with me, don't want him near me again, bloody fucking animal."

He nodded his head sullenly and did as I asked. I made him rewrite that confession three times before he worded it the way I wanted. You know the kind of letter that goes 'We the undersigned do freely confess that... ' He even insisted on stating that he didn't know she was fifteen. I mean, how stupid can anyone get? His sidekick also signed the letter and I witnessed it. Then I made Violet write a To-Whom-It-Concern letter stating the bare facts of what had happened. I put the folded letters in my wallet and shooed them out of the house.

Jeffrey's sidekick had to help him out groaning and cursing from the pain of his cracked kneecap. At the door I said coldly, "Next time I'll cripple you for life. Understand?"

He nodded his head sullenly and I could see he believed me. I went up to my room, had a hot shower and went off to sleep. I was looking forward to tomorrow, Sunday. I was planning on a book-buying spree.


She pulled her thin blanket over her body and held it below her chin. She hadn't fully recovered from the attack. That bastard Jeffrey had managed to push his dick into her but Mr. Kaid had come in time and he had no time to fill her with his mother fuckin' cum. Fun was one thing and she was no virgin but an unwanted pregnancy was another. Then there were the other two bozos. They too would have wanted their bit of pussy and she wasn't planning on becoming the gang whore. She shuddered again. God they could been clapped up or AIDs carriers or whatever. No more casual sex, she told herself firmly.

Violet guessed she owed the man something. All the time she had thought he was some kind of fag. He never had a girlfriend and his divorce was the scandal of the town at the time. It was the main subject for two days of headlines in the local sin sheet. His ex-wife made sure that the papers got all the details. She had caught him in her maid's panties. So what was the big deal? So he was fucking another woman, as if that was something special. Had to be a reason why he was fucking the maid.

There was a photo of his kids too. The older girl was what, eleven? And the young kid was maybe seven. That was only a year ago. Funny she should remember all the details. It was Aunt Phyllis who told her the story in detail, but Kaid paid top dollar for his privacy and Aunt Phyllis wasn't about to spoil that, so none of his marital problems were discussed in his presence or even hinted at.

She was still awed at the speed with which he demolished Jerry and his thugs. She knew that they were serious troublemakers and she had seen Jerry beat up a man a few years older than he. But that Kaid was something else; he was like a tiger — icy cold and utterly ruthless. She recalled how he beat Jerry cruelly, almost crippling him. It was so deliberate. Her crotch began to grow moist and her hand stole into her panties.


The knock on my door woke me up. Anyway I was already half awake. I yelled, "Hoozzat?"

A muffled reply came through and I took a chance and said, "OK. Come in." It was the girl Violet. She looked fresh and none the worse for wear. Most importantly she was carrying a steaming mug.

"Tea?" I croaked. She smiled and nodded. The smile made her look years younger and it made me wonder if she really was sixteen going on seventeen.


I sat up in bed and took the mug from her. Our fingers grazed. She gave me another smile from under her thick curving eyelashes. She stood there waiting for my verdict on the tea. It was hot but not overly hot so that I was able to take a sip of the brew. It was excellent.

"Erm, Mr Kaid. Thanks for helping me last night," she said, grateful but cringing a little in anticipation of the long lecture I was supposed to deliver. That was the last thing on my mind. She made a major error in judgement and she was lucky to get off lightly. So he had his cock stuck in her crack but that wouldn't have been the first time. As far as I was concerned she had learned her lesson and then again she might not have. It was her ball game.

"That's what we guys are meant for — rescuing damsels in distress. Hey, forget it. This tea is awesome. Thanks a bunch."

That took her by surprise. I could see that my reaction, or rather, my lack of reaction pleased her. You think that a long lecture would keep teenagers out of mischief? Do cats bark? I returned the mug to her and gave her a friendly nod.

"Er ... OK if I get up and do my morning thing? You know ... like brush my teeth, shave, get a bath?"

"Oh. Sure, Mr K," she giggled and left me. I did my 'morning thing' and went downstairs to get some breakfast at the roti chanai stall. As I got to the bottom of the stairs she yelled out.

"If you like eggs I've got some for you."

The aroma of fried eggs and ham wafted to my nostrils and drew me to the kitchen. There it was, two bull's eyes and a slab of fried ham — very bad for the constitution but what the hell. After all, the kid went through a lot of trouble to rustle up breakfast for me. It beat trekking to Rafik's roti chanai stall for a chunk of greasy flat bread and fiery sambal.

"This smells great. You're a terrific cook," I complimented her. She blushed prettily and gave me a shy smile. I was startled. I was seeing a different Violet. The spitting cobra was in its basket and something else had taken its place. I became interested and that has always been my problem. I like people, I like getting to know them and I get very lonely most of the time, living by myself. I love making friends and I have a horde of them downtown. Just ordinary people like me. We ate in friendly silence and when it was over I helped her with the washing.

"Whatcha doing after this Mr Kaid?" she asked.

"Dunno. I'm thinking of the second-hand book store in Central Market but it isn't much fun going around on your own I guess."

That wasn't bait. It was a statement of bald fact. What I did not expect at all was her reaction. After all she was only a kid of sixteen, maybe seventeen so I wasn't expecting her to pay attention to an 'old' guy of thirty-two.

There is more of this story...

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