Reminiscences of My Rapturous Days With Ranjani - Cover

Reminiscences of My Rapturous Days With Ranjani

Copyright© 2009 by Ramprabhu

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - This ia an account of my pleasurable days with a little girl,who was my aunty's neighbor. I had gone to my aunty's house at Trichy and stayed there for some 10 days when I had nice fun with this girl aged about 12 years. She obliged me nicely and it was very lovely.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   Oriental Male   Oriental Female   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Squirting   Water Sports  


Sunday morning I took my position in the bed and waited for Ranjani to climb and sit on the tree branch. This day also I had worn dark glasses shielding my eyes. She saw me and this time she did not turn away but steadily looked at me. I called aunty and she came inside. Seeing my pose she asked "what — are you going to repeat yesterday's play?". I said "yes — but today I don't have to go to office — so there is no hurry to get out my water — do it real slow". She hesitated and again advised me in very dear terms to desist from doing it before the eyes of the girl. I was in no mood to listen to her sermon and chided her for spoiling my pleasure. Then she masturbated me with slow jerks, often stopping it to delay my climax and nicely built the pressure in me. It went for about 20 minutes. When I could not control it any more I requested aunty to increase the speed and soon I reached climax in Ranjani's full view. All this time Ranjani sat watching it and she did not even once open her book to read. Then I went for my bath etc.

That Sunday was a festival day. I do not remember clearly but it was either Amavasya (new moon day) or Pooram ( birth star of Goddess Andaal) in the Tamil month of Aadi which are festival days for Hindus. Aunty prepared some special items for meals. So I had my meals late that day. While I was taking meals Ranjani came with a plate containing some sweet eatables prepared in her house for the festival which they wanted to share with us ... Aunty asked her to eat some special items prepared by her and she asked the girl to sit and take it. She declined but when aunty pressed her she sat near me and started eating the sweet dish. Then aunty went to the backyard of the house for some work and we were alone in the kitchen. I winked and grinned at Ranjani and she blushed. Then I asked her "will you come to play carom board with me now after we finish our meals". She said "no anna- I have got to go because I have work". I told her "what work you have on Sunday — remain here and we can play". She shyly said "no — you will do wrong things and I don't want to see it". I laughed and said "I promise I will not do any mischief — further aunty will be there — so how can I do wrong thing before her". When she remained silent I said "please come — we will play". Then she said "okay — but you should not do bad things". I said "sure". Then aunty came and gave some of our special preparations to her. Ranjani took it to her house and while she left, I reminded her to come back.

After this I sat in hall watching TV for some time and aunty after her food was sleeping in bedroom. Then after sometime Ranjani came along with Booma and Anandhu. Anandhu is the brother of Booma and he was some 10 years old studying in 4th or 5th class. I was disappointed that Ranjani did not come alone but kept quiet about it. We paired and played carom board in the hall. We kept bedroom door closed for not disturbing aunty's sleep with the noise of our play. Anandhu is a wonderful player and he always won with whomever he paired. He cleared the entire board on getting the striker for the first time. I could not win even single game against him and after a few games I got very much bored and did not show interest in the play. Then Booma and Anandhu left because their father called them. Me and Ranjani continued to play for sometime.

Now being alone with her I wanted to do naughty things with her. So during play I slowly started to caress my cock. She did not protest and we continued to play. Then I slightly opened my dhoti so that the bulge of my cock inside my jutti was seen by her. She stiffened and said in low voice "I find you are starting to do bad thing — please don't do it". I grinned and said "I am not doing anything — I felt some itching and I am scratching there — that is all". She kept quiet. Then I boldly pulled out my cock from inside jutti and allowed it to dance in open before her. She immediately closed her eyes and said "anna — close your dhoti — otherwise I will go". I then closed my dhoti covering my cock and said "it is hidden — you can open eyes now". She opened her eyes and we continued to play.

But when I opened the dhoti again she stood up and said "I will go now". I was disappointed and said "no — you remain and play — I will not do wrong thing". I corrected my dhoti hiding my cock. She hesitated and I pleaded with her again and she sat and I continued to play with her. I tried to show my cock to her a few more times but every time she would protest. After sometime I told her "Ranjani - it is itching there very much — so I am just keeping it open in the air for some time — please don't protest". She weakly said "you are very bad — I do not want to play with you any more". But she continued to play. I let out my cock fully outside and she blushed very much but did not protest. I covered my cock with left hand and continued the play.

Occasionally I removed my hand to expose it to her view and again covered it. She saw my rocking penis in furtive manner. I enjoyed it very much and then I started to gently rub my cock She blushed but did not protest or stop the play. I got bolder and started to shake it a bit faster and she stopped playing. I was afraid she will get up to go but she watched my jerking with fascination. I slowly did it and I was very much enjoying it. But then aunty came out of bedroom and I hastily stopped it and pushed my stiff cock inside my jutti and covered myself by correcting my dhoti. But aunty had seen it before I could fully hide my cock. Aunty looked at us with irritation and anger. I felt guilty and averted my look. Ranjani felt shame and her face reddened. I was afraid aunty may scold us but she just asked Ranjani to have coffee with us. Ranjani declined and left to her house.

Aunty then berated me for behaving nastily with Ranjani and I weakly protested. But when she scolded me some more I became angry. I rudely replied "what is wrong with you - she liked seeing it and so I was showing it to her — why are you upset — when we youngsters have fun you old people should not interfere". Aunty said in a grim voice "why you get angry when I say for your good only — don't do such wrong things with her — she is young and does not know what is good and bad - I will keep quiet out of affection for you — but others will not tolerate it — if they catch you at it you will be severely dealt with". Then I felt sorry and apologized to her for speaking rudely to her.

In the evening me and aunty planned to go to a nearby temple for worshipping and also make some purchases. When we were leaving the house, Radha, Ranjani and Chitti came out of their house. Radha invited me and aunty to come to her house and so we went inside her house. There I met Seshan, his mother and his brother Veera Raghavan. We chatted polite nothings for sometime. Radha offered us coffee but we declined saying that we just had it in our home.

Then me, aunty, Radha, Ranjani and Chitti left for temple. First we went and prayed in a nearby temple. Being festival day there was lot of rush and we had to stand in long queue for doing worship. After this when we were returning I noticed a milk parlor selling ice cream. I asked Ranjani whether she will eat ice cream.

With eagerness Ranjani looked at her mother for permission. Radha did not want her to eat ice cream because then Chitti would also eat it and then he will get throat problem. So she said "no — let us go home". But with an uncanny understanding Chitti started howling and did not allow us to move even an inch from that place. Fortunately in a nearby shop they were selling hot chats and we decided to have sweets and hot milk there.

Me and Ranjani sat near each other and Radha and aunty sat opposite. Chitti sat in Radha's lap. I ordered hot gulab jamun and we ate it. We were in a corner and secluded place. During eating I caught Ranjani's buttocks, pinched and rubbed it. She pushed my hand away. When I did it again she kept quiet. For sometime I rubbed and pinched her buttocks and felt very nice doing it as she kept quiet. Then I inserted my palm between her bums and the seat. When I pushed my hand at first she resisted by tightly sitting on her seat. But when I pushed little more harder she then slightly rose herself from the seat. I fully pushed my hand inside and kept it palm upwards under her buttocks. Then she sat with her buttocks pressing my palm. I got the sweet pressure and heat of her bums on my palm and it was very nice to me. I then slightly raised my finger and tickled her cunt. She immediately stood up and I hastily took away my hand. She again sat and after a minute I again tied to push my hand under her buttocks but she sat very tightly pressing and unyielding. So I could not insert my hand inside her bums and the seat. Then I placed my hand on her thighs and she kept quiet. But when I tried to tickle her cunt she pushed my hand aside and when I tried again she very severely pinched my wrist with her sharp fingernails. I got a stinging pain and hastily took away my hand and rubbed the place where it was paining very much. Fortunately for me none noticed it. Then we ate hot sambar vadai followed by hot milk.

Then we made a few purchases in various shops. Radha wanted to buy a particular type of brass dhoop (aromatic) stick stand but whatever she saw was not to her liking. I bought and gave a small doll and a fancy whistle to Chitti. I bought and gave a bundle of color ribbons and a set of fancy color bangles to Ranjani. She thanked me very much. Chitti also became very happy and from that minute he refused to get out of my hand. In some shop aunty and Radha wanted to get something and they were bargaining with the vendor. We three stood a little distance away watching some color lights on display.

At that time Ranjani softly asked me "anna — did it pain very much where I pinched you". I said with false anger "you call it pinching? - you have cut my hand into two — what do you keep in your hand? — fingernails or knife?". She said "I am very sorry". I said "why you pinched me so very roughly?". She replied "see - you tried to touch my urine place - I did not want it - so I pinched you hard to stop it". I said "why I should not touch you there - what is wrong?" and she remained mum. I said "I pinched your buttocks — you kept quiet — so why make fuss when I touch your cunt". I said in Tami "naan unnoda kundila killinen — appo nee summa irundhe — appuram naan saamanaththa thotta maththiram yaen unakku kobham varudhu". She did not reply and I said to her softly "you see - I do it only with you — I do not do it to Bhooma — why — I do it to you because I like you very much — I get you sweets to eat — I give you color ribbons — it is all because of my liking for you — but you injure my hand with your sharp nails - is it the way to treat one who likes you so well? — I am upset very much by your behavior and hereafter I will not speak with you".

She felt guilty and softly said "anna — I am very sorry — I don't want to upset you - please forgive me". I was pleased with her reply and with false anger I said "no - I will not forgive you unless you allow me to do one thing". She asked "what is it?". I said "I should pinch your buttocks till you cry with pain". She timidly said "okay — do it and forgive me". She turned and brought her plump buttocks near me. I laughed and said "girl - how can I do it here in public road where all will see it — let us go home — there I will do it". She said "okay — but you should forgive me". I said "yes".

When we reached home Radha and Chitti entered their house but Ranjani said "mummy — I will go with anna to his house and come a little later". But Radha said "it is 9 PM — they should take their dinner - don't trouble them now". Then Ranjani looked at me with some consternation. I smiled at her and said "your mother is right — come tomorrow". Then she also entered her house and we came to ours. Aunty then asked me "what nonsense you did to her in the hotel?". I was a bit shocked and said "nothing". Aunty said "don't lie — she scratched you with her fingernails — you could not bear the pain and rubbed your hand - I noticed it - what for she did it?". I kept mum and aunty said "I don't like your behavior with that girl — stop doing nonsense with her". I grinned and said "okay".

Later while we were lying near each other to sleep aunty asked me "tell me what you did to her in the hotel". A first I denied saying nothing happened but aunty did not believe me. Then I said to her in detail what happened. She sighed and said "in the morning you got masturbated while she watched it — in the noontime you showed your naked cock to her — in the evening you have tried to poke finger inside her cunt — slowly you are increasing the severity of your ugly acts with her — and she has agreed to allow you to pinch her buttocks very hard when she comes here tomorrow — you will do it and I am afraid that you will not stop with it — you will find a way to push your finger inside her cunt - I now fear about what further you will do with her — I do not want it to proceed any further — tomorrow I will tell that girl not to come here any more and I will also tell Radha to suitably warn that girl". I became alarmed and I repeatedly assured aunty that I will not harm that girl in anyway. She doubted about the sincerity of my promise but kept quiet and she left it at that.

5. Monday

Monday morning I hesitated whether I should do nasty act before Ranjani. I had promised aunty that I will not do it. But I could not resist my temptatons and I again lied in bedroom naked and waited for Ranjani to climb the tree. That day I did not wear dark glasses as I felt it was not necessary anymore and I can boldly look at Ranjani while doing masturbation before her.

I saw Ranjani climbing to the top of the tree and taking her position. She looked at me and smiled and I grinned at her. My cock was exposed and rocking and she saw it with interest. I hesitated to call aunty and for sometime I played with my cock while Ranjani watched it. Then getting bolder I called aunty inside for giving me handjob. Aunty came inside but she refused to masturbate me and said "what about your promise to me yesterday night". I lamely said "aunty — please be assured — I will not harm her — but this is simple fun only — so please don't feel bad — come and do it to me". Aunty said "no — I do not like what you do with the girl — I do not want to be a party for you to corrupt her".

I was a bit upset and pleaded with her but she refused. Then I told aunty "okay — it seems you don't like me staying here — I will ask office to arrange hotel room for me and I will go and stay there". Aunty was very much upset by my words and said "why do you speak so heartlessly — will I not get pain if you go and stay in lodge when I am here?". I said "in same way I get pain if you refuse to fulfill my simple desires". Aunty said "your desire is bad — you are trying to spoil a little girl — don't do it". I did not like her words and so I said sullenly "you either do it or go away — don't give me lecture - I can do it myself". Aunty glared at me but then she came and masturbated me to my satisfaction and all the time Ranjani remained watching it.

Later while having my breakfast aunty again advised me to behave properly with Ranjani. But I told her "leave it to me — you only do what I say and don't interfere — when that girl herself is interested to see it, what is wrong in having some fun with her— I will stay only a few more days here — I am not forcing her in any way and she is not complaining and we both enjoy it — so you need not feel bad about it - you don't advise me further in this matter". But aunty again advised me against my acts. I got really irritated and hotly shouted at her "why do you sing same old song repeatedly — that girl likes what I do — so what is the problem for you — so you simply do what I say — help me to have more fun with that girl — even tell me a way to nicely give her a good fuck — you help me for these things if possible - otherwise keep your mouth and asshole tightly shut and remain quiet".

(In Tamil I said ean pazhaya pallaviye thirumba thirumba paadare — naan pannaradhu avalukku pidichu irukku — appuram unakku enna pirarchinai — adhanale pesama naan sollaradhai nee seyyu — ava kooda innum jolliya irukka help pannu — innum avala pottu nalla okka vazhi ennanu sollu — mudinja nee enakku idhukkellam help pannu - illatti onnoda vaayum kundiyum irukka mudikkittu summa iru.)

My hot words really stung aunty and she looked at me with disbelief and pain. I could notice her eyes becoming wet with tears in her sadness. I immediately realized my mistake and felt very bad about it. My aunty is very dear to me and I never wanted to give her pain and sadness anytime. I have hotly spoken with her many times and she also shouted at me with equal vigor but later we always forgot it with a good laughter. And I have never used such words anytime previously that brought tears in her eyes. With wet eyes she turned to move away from there.

Seeing her sadness I felt very guilty. I stood up from my plate and caught and stopped her from going. I caught her with my left hand because my right hand was smeared with the food I was eating. I said in a choked voice "aunty — forgive me — I spoke without thought — I apologize — after all you are more dear anytime to me than that girl — I will never fight with you because of her — so please forgive me"

Aunty stopped and wiped her eyes. Then she said "it is okay — but why did you get up from eating — sit and finish it". I said "no — you first accept my apologies". Aunty said "you first sit and eat — stopping midway and getting up from your meal plate is insulting Goddess Annalakshmi — don't do that". (In our belief one should not stop eating midway and get up from the eating plate. Such acts are considered as insulting the Goddess Annalakshmi (Goddess Of Food) which will make her angry. She will then curse such person and throughout his life he will have to starve without getting any food to eat).

I said in emotional voice "I will sit and eat only if you say you have forgotten me — otherwise hereafter I will not touch food come what may". Aunty was moved by my words and she said "I am not angry with you at all — how can I ever be angry with you — don't you know me — I will never do anything which you do not like - so don't have any worries — now sit and finish your meal". She then pressed my shoulders and I sat to resume eating. When I again apologized to her she said "okay - hereafter I will not speak to you about what you do not like — nor I will stop you from what you do with that girl - but be careful when you play with her — do it secretly so that nobody will know about it". I was quite pleased with her words and grinning I said to her "now you are again my golden aunty". She laughed and affectionately patted my head.

Then I jocularly said to her "aunty — you know all about me — I have too much lust and I cannot control myself — and I like that girl very much — my cock gets tight whenever I see her — I cannot help it". Aunty laughed and said "it is alright — I know what all dirty things run in your mind". I grinned and said "I want to fuck her — will you help me". Aunty said "she is too young — you cannot fuck her - so forget about it". I said "don't say like that —I can do it - you only help me to get her alone for sometime — then you will see how nicely I fuck her". Aunty laughed and said "don't drag me into your nasty games". Then in very serious tone she asked me "are you really serious about fucking her — I hope you are only joking". I laughed and kept quiet. Then she said "don't try that — she is not fit for that — she does not have that age or body for it". Then I said "no aunty — I was just joking only — I know the limits — trust me". She looked at me intensely for a minute and I again said "sure aunty — I just want to have some small fun with her while I am here — but I will not do to her anything serious — please believe me". She sighed and said "I believe you — anyway keep my advice in your mind — be very careful in what you do with her — don't land in any serious mess". I assured her again. Later I left for office.

That evening I came home a little early. I found that Ranjani had come with the child Chitti. Aunty had purchased some lemon fruits and she was preparing lemon pickles. So she asked Ranjani to serve me snacks in the kitchen. I went to kitchen and Ranjani also came to serve me. I sat on the floor and started eating and she stood a little distance away with the child. The child did not remain idle and started pulling this and that in the kitchen. So she said "Anna — do you want anything more?". I replied "enough". She then said "I will go now — otherwise he will break something here and cause trouble to aunty". I asked "will you return? — we can play for some time". She hesitated and said "I have school lessons to do". I said "it is not even 5.00 PM — you can play for at least one hour".

I further said softly "what about your yesterday's promise?". She looked at me questioningly and I said "have you forgotten — you agreed that I can pinch your buttocks — I want to do it to get even with you". Then she shyly said "okay — I will leave him and come".

She returned after a few minutes and I also had finished eating the snacks. Radha also came with her and asked whether aunty would come to temple. Aunty replied that after finishing the pickle preparation she would come. Then Radha sat and helped aunty in pickling the lemons. They started gossiping also and I said to Ranjani "come — let us sit and play carom in the room". Aunty told me "why don't you invite Booma and Anandhu to come and play?". I got very much irritated by her words but did not show it out. Ranjani hesitated and looked at me and asked "shall I go and bring them". As I wanted to remain alone with her I said "no need — anyway you said you will play for a short time only — so come — we both can play". Then she came with me.

We both started playing carom sitting in bedroom. A little later aunty's work was over and they left for the temple. Aunty asked whether Ranjani also will come to temple. Before she said anything I promptly said "our game is half way though — let us finish it". Aunty looked at me pointedly and I avoided looking at her. Then she and Radha left. We played for sometime. Then I said to her "now what about your yesterday's promise?". She stood up shyly before me with her back to me. I laughed and said "now show me your buttocks". She then raised her petticoat over her hip. She was wearing a tight jutti which showed her plump and beautiful buttocks in good shape and my mouth watered at the sight. I wanted to kiss and bite her buttocks and so tried to pull down her jutti. She immediately turned and pushed my hands away. She shyly said "no anna — don't take away jutti". I laughed and said "okay — don't get angry — I will only pinch you" and she kept quiet. I gently patted her buttocks and she blushed. I told her to sit and she said "but you did not pinch at all". I laughed and said "it is okay — I am satisfied — now sit and play". She asked "you are not angry with me anymore". I grinned and said "how can I get angry with a sweet girl like you?". She blushed even more and we continued to play. After a few minutes I said "Ranjani - I feel very hot and sweating — let me feel a bit free". So saying I got up and raised my dhoti and pulled down and removed my jutti. On seeing this Ranjani lowered her eyes but I could see a shy smile on her lips. Now I sat wearing only dhoti and I saw that purposely it did not cover my lap fully. A slight opening was there through which my rigid rocking cock jutted out. She saw it. I thought she will protest but she kept quiet and we played the game for sometime.

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