Scout - Cover


Copyright© 2009 by aubie56

Chapter 5

Western Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Bill (Snake) Hartwick is the usual war vet of 1866. He's out of a job and the only solution is to go West. These are his adventures in the army, as a wagon train scout, and as a bounty hunter. Bill is nobody to mess with, as only too many bad guys find out, especially after he takes a partner. He even has some dealings with George Custer, and we all know what happened to him. This story was written without dialect, except where I screwed up.

Caution: This Western Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   Historical   Violence  

This set of tears caught me by surprise, and this time I asked the woman why she was crying. "This dress belonged to my sister. She and my mother were raped and murdered by those monsters. I was crying at the reminder of the horrible experience."

I almost cried, myself, at that statement. Instead, I introduced myself and she said, "I am Janet Wilford. All of my folks are dead, and I don't know how I will cope. I can't go back to the farm—my memories are too strong. Besides, by the time the Comanches got through, there was nothing left but ashes. They even burned the crops!"

"Well, you can stay with me if you want to until we find something better for you. I have a spare horse, so you won't have to walk any more."

"Thank God for that. My feet are in a terrible mess from all of the walking over rough ground. I had reached close to my limit for walking. You can't imagine how much I appreciate you rescuing me."

"It was my pleasure, Miss Wilford. I knew I was going to fight them as soon as I saw that you were a captive. Do you know what they had in mind for you?"

"Yes, one of them spoke enough English to taunt me with my fate. They looked for my maiden head and saw that I was a virgin. Thus I was of high value, and they were going to give me as a sex slave to their chief. This would bring all of them much honor and prestige. I had vowed to kill myself at the first opportunity, but you saved me from that fate."

"Well, I will do my best to protect you as long as you are with me, Miss Wilford."

"Please call me Janet. I feel like you are a close friend, now that you have saved me. May I call you Bill?"

"I would be pleased for you to call me Bill, Miss Wi ... uh ... Janet." Janet smiled at that, and we went on to talk about mundane things like whether she could ride a horse with just the pad that the Indians used until we could find her a saddle. She assured me that she could do so. We looked through the loot that the Indians had accumulated and actually found some boots that she could wear after she had wrapped her damaged feet in strips cut from a blanket.

We also managed to find another dress, some trousers, and a shirt. Janet decided that she would wear the trousers and shirt instead of the dress, since she was going to have to straddle the horse. She was not used to riding with her bare skin rubbing against a blanket like that, and she thought that the trousers would provide some protection. I didn't say anything, but I was sure that she had also thought of the amount of abrasion that her pussy would have to absorb if it was bare and rubbing on the blanket like that.

The Comanches had stolen a lot of meaningless items and left behind useful things like pots and pans. For example, there was a banjo among the loot, and I was certain that none of the Comanches could play it. I can't imagine why they would take the banjo, except for the pure novelty of the thing. The only other useful thing we found was a hat that Janet could wear, and she would need the protection from the sun.

I gathered up my possessions and rigged the pad for Janet to ride on. We left the area, since we did not want to try to dig graves for the Indians. By this time, it was late enough in the afternoon that we needed to start looking for a camp site.

I set up the tent, intending to offer its use to Janet, while I would sleep outside. Janet fixed supper, and I admit that the food was the best trail food I had ever eaten. Damn, but that woman could cook! Not only that, but she made coffee that tasted a hell of a lot better than the stuff I made.

We had just cleaned up the camp and were preparing for bed when a spring rain settled in. I wasn't familiar with what to expect from the local weather, but Janet announced that the rain would probably last all night, and it was a good thing that we had the tent. She crawled into the tent and looked back at me. "Well, don't stand there in the rain like a dumb jackass, come on into the tent!"

I protested, but Janet insisted, so I finally gave in and crawled into the tent with her. By this time I was soaked. She looked at me, shook her head, and said, "Men can be so dumb, sometimes!" Of course, I had no idea what she was talking about.

Janet said, "Bill, come on, get those wet clothes off before you catch your death of cold." I was so surprised that I just stared at her. "Come on, do it. I know what a man looks like under his clothes, so you are not going to shock me. Now take those clothes off, or I will do it for you!"

I just sat there in complete shock. Finally, seeing that I was not going to comply with her orders, Janet reached over and began to remove my clothes. She had my guns off and my boots almost off before I could say anything. "But, Miss Wilford, Janet, I'm a man and you're a woman!"

"Don't tell me you just noticed that. You saw me naked this afternoon, don't you think I deserve to see you, too."

Now, that was the one comment I never expected. My first reaction was: why would she want to see me naked? But, before I could think of anything to say, she had my boots and socks off, and was working on my shirt. She had my shirt off only a few seconds later. Janet sat back and said, "You can take off your own pants, but do it now, before I have to." In kind of a stupor, I started to take my pants off.

Janet had already taken her boots and foot-wrappings off, so, when she whipped her dress off over her head, she was naked again. Only a few seconds later, my pants were off, and we both were naked.

That was the signal to wake up a whole lot of things. First on the list was my cock. It had been sort of lying there not paying attention to anything, but having Janet naked in my tent seemed to wake it up. If I had been paying attention to it, I would have seen it kind of uncoil and grow to its normal erect length of just under seven inches. It also expanded to be nearly two inches in diameter.

Even if I had not been paying attention to it, Janet certainly was. Her eyes seemed to grow in diameter with the expansion of my cock. She began to finger her pussy as if wondering how something that large was going to fit into such a small hole.

The next thing to wake up was my brain. I don't know if the shock had worn off or if something else had happened, but whatever it was, I finally took a look at Janet as a sexual being. She was about 5'-5" tall and weighted maybe 100 pounds. She was not skinny, but was pleasingly plump in just the right places. Her tits were not large enough to hang from her chest, but jutted out like two large halves of fruit with little pink cherries stuck on at the point of maximum projection. Her waist was small enough that I could have put my two hands nearly around it, but her hips swelled out to a very pleasing size. When I first saw her, she looked like a naked human being greatly in need of assistance, but now she looked like a naked woman greatly in need of loving.

I still was bemused enough to be slow to react anywhere but with my cock, but Janet was determined to get me off dead center. She said, "Well, silly man, you have left your bedroll out in the rain, so I guess you will just have to share mine. Or was that deliberate?" I started to sputter something, but she smiled and cut off my stammering with, "Bill, I am 17 years old, so I know what sex is all about. I have had no personal experience with sex, but I have seen my parents make love many nights of the week as long as I can remember. I know my mother liked it because she used to tell me sometimes how wonderful it is to be loved by a good man.

"I also saw the rape and death of my mother and my younger sister, so I know how horrible sex can be when it is done with malicious intent. I've been watching you, and I know that you are a good man, so I want you to introduce me to sex. You will probably be my only chance to know the good side of sex, since I will never be able to marry a good man once word gets out that I was captured by Comanches. Everybody knows, or thinks they know, what the Comanches do to captive white women, so nobody will believe that I was never touched by one of them.

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