Mornings on Horseback II - Cover

Mornings on Horseback II

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - The second book continues where the first left off, finding Stephanie and her two boyfriends coping with the best and worst day of the young woman's life. You should read the first book in the trilogy before continuing past this point. The "Caution" code is used to avoid spoilers. See my blog for additional information.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/mt   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Caution  

"Mmmm..." I scooted my butt over, close to Mark as he started his truck. "Are your balls aching?"

"Oh, Stephy..." Mark grinned at me and we followed Chris slowly out of the parking lot as he was driving his mom's car.

"I said I was gonna tease you, remember?" I rubbed the obvious bulge in his jeans and his cock had to be hurting all trapped like it was.

"You are a tease." Mark put his arm around me once we were on the county road and he didn't have to shift anymore. "I can't believe you and Chris fucked in the gym."

"I want to fuck you too," I said. "We need to figure out a way."

"Twice a day isn't enough?" Mark laughed at me. "You're turning into one of those nymphomaniacs, Stephy."

"No, I just want to be a bad girl," I sighed. "Just a little. Just for you guys. I don't know why I like it so much."

"You don't need a reason," Mark shrugged. "You just need to be careful ... We need to be careful. I don't want you getting in trouble."

"I know." I massaged his cock hard under my palm, enjoying it.

"Especially now." Mark turned his head to glance at me. "You're the Homecoming Queen, you have to be a good girl."

"Oh God." I rolled my eyes.

"What? I thought you were excited about it."

"I was ... I am, yeah." I cleared my throat softly. "I just, um, I don't know. It's weird."

"It's pretty cool is what it is."

"I gotta tell you something," I said. "Something else that's weird."

"What's that?" Mark asked and he knew something was up anyway, but he was being patient.

"Miss Hayden and me, we had sex," I told him, knowing I could just say it. "Down in the locker room today, during practice."

"What?" Mark laughed and kind of jerked, like he was startled, the truck swerving just a bit to the left for a second, then he righted it.

"I don't know how," I giggled. "I mean, it just ... Happened."

"Wow, okay." Mark was looking at me. "What was that like?"

"It was different. Way, way different." I felt Mark's cock seem to pulse and I was tempted to unzip him. "She licked me first, well, we kissed first, then she licked my pussy."

"Oh yeah?"

"She's awesome at it too." I made a happy sighing sound. "God! She was like ... Hmmmm..."

"Yeah yeah..." Mark chuckled and he knew he wasn't very good in that department. "Did you lick her?"

"Oh yeah! She was teaching me." I grinned up at him and his cock was definitely hard now. "You like that huh?"

"What?" Mark made an innocent face. "You're rubbing me. What do you expect?"

"Nah ... You like that idea, huh? Me and Ms. Hayden having sex."

"Well, she is pretty cool, you know."

"For a teacher?" I giggled.

"For anyone, yeah," Mark shrugged.

"Anyway, I licked her and then she fucked me," I nodded. "Like on my back, legs up, you know."

"What?" Mark looked a little confused.

"With her pussy on mine, it was intense. I mean, she wasn't in me or anything, but I could feel her clit, cause it's kinda big..."

"How big?"

"I dunno, like this..." I held up my little finger and pinched it with my other hand, just at the first knuckle.

"That's not big!" Mark laughed.

"Bigger than mine!" I stuck out my tongue. "Anyway, yeah. I could totally feel it and we came too, both of us, like right inside each other sort of."

"Shoot," Mark sighed. "That's pretty hot."

"Yeah," I nodded. "I think it was just a one time thing though."

"She said that?"

"Not really, but she's a teacher." I snuggled a little closer. "She'd get in so much trouble if anyone found out. I don't think she meant to do it, you know?"

"Just couldn't help it, huh?"

"Well, I mean, I knew she liked me anyway, but not like that." I tried to figure out what I meant. "I think it just sorta happened, that's all. She's not like some weird sex fiend or anything."

"Yeah," Mark agreed. "Sometimes stuff just happens."

"Like with Sandy's brother; it wasn't like we planned it, you know?"

"I know." Mark moved his arm so he could shift gears, since we had to turn onto another road and we were getting close to Chris' house now.

"Anyway, I don't think Chris would understand." I frowned a little.

"Maybe. I don't know." Mark looked at me. "You don't want to tell him?"

"I do, but..." I sighed, " ... not yet."

"Chris is pretty cool."

"He's seriously cool, I know, but I kinda asked him about it, you know? Like what he'd think if I did it with someone else and he told me he'd be pretty jealous."

"He did?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Are you jealous?"

"Me?" Mark laughed. "Uh, no. I just wished I could have seen it. The Homecoming Queen and her cheerleading coach getting down and dirty? Baby!"

"Oh, jeeze!" I squeezed his dick hard, making Mark squirm a little. "We were in the shower, nothing dirty about it."

"No. So long as you're my girlfriend, I'm never going to be jealous," Mark said. "Not of Ms. Hayden anyway."

"But another boy?"

"Depends on the boy," Mark shrugged. "I don't think I'd like it if you fucked like half my football team."

"That's not gonna happen!" I laughed.

"Whew ... Good," Mark chuckled.

"Nice to know you'd be jealous though."


"Why?" I made a face at him. "A girl needs that! Seriously. What good is having a boyfriend if he doesn't get jealous?"

"Yeah, but being jealous..." Mark shook his head.

"What? Now you're saying you wouldn't be jealous?" I giggled. "Make up your mind."

"I think I'd be jealous if, um, well like if you didn't tell me. If you kept it a secret, that would hurt," Mark said. "Or if you were serious..."

"I was pretty serious with Ms. Hayden," I giggled. "And Jim wasn't making me laugh when we he fucked me..."

"You know what I mean," Mark said. "Like if you had sex with someone, oh ... Kyle. If you fucked Kyle and then started seeing him like every day, or whatever. Yeah, I'd be jealous then."

"So I can fuck a guy once in awhile, just for fun and..."

"It's your body, Stephy," Mark nodded. "I told you that before."

"You sound like my dad," I laughed.

"Your dad tells you its okay to fuck other guys?" Mark grinned at me.

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah, I'm just saying I trust you," Mark told me seriously. "I love you and I trust you, and that's why I don't have to be jealous everytime some guy says hi to you, or wants to have sex with you, or whatever."

"There's a big difference between saying hi and having sex!" I giggled.

"Yeah, but you know what I mean."

"And you say I'm weird?" I could see Chrissy's house through the windshield.

"You are weird," Mark said. "Especially lately."

"Well, Chris would be jealous. So don't say anything, okay?"

"I won't, but secrets..."

"Are bad, yeah. I know," I sighed, knowing I was keeping a secret from Mark right then. "I'll tell him soon, I promise."

"Okay." Mark let me sit up and we were slowing down.

"And if you have sex with someone, like Angie Stover..." I looked at Mark closely.

"Angie Stover?" He looked confused.

" ... I'd be jealous. I wouldn't be able to help it," I told him. "So don't."

"I guess that's good to know then." Mark laughed. "Angie Stover, huh? It might be fun seeing you jealous."

"Ohhhh ... Don't even think about it!" I warned him, but only half playfully.

"We'll see," Mark said, grinning at me. "Love is a two way street, Stephy."

We were crunching gravel under the tires as we drove up the long drive to Chrissy's house and right about then I think we'd both have been much happier going someplace where we could just be together and talk. We did that a lot, talking, in between all the sex, I mean. You can't have sex all the time anyway and it was healthy talking about stuff, it was why we'd been going out for well over a year already and hadn't had a single argument about anything. Not even a little one.

"A two way street? Yes, Daddy." I giggled, because that sounded exactly like my dad. I gave Mark's dick one last squeeze and I wondered if he was teasing me, or kinda serious.

Chris lived in a haunted house.

That was my opinion anyway, ever since the first night Mark and I had come there and met Georgie and Wendy Wheelock, Chrissy's parents. There was something different about them and it had made me uncomfortable right from the start. It didn't help that they knew Mark and Chris had sex with me, and that made them unique among all the people who lived in Iroquois County. Nobody else had a clue, I hoped, but we'd ended up letting them know, mostly so that Chris could become a cheerleader.

That sounds pretty weird, I know, but it's the truth and probably typical of how strange things seemed to be around that house. I tended to avoid the place, although I felt bad about that. I loved Chris a lot and it didn't seem right not wanting to visit him, but he understood and was even a bit relieved by it. Chris knew better than anyone what his parents were like. So I'd only been over maybe half a dozen times in the month we'd been going out, and those times had been just quick visits for the most part.

Mark went over there more often, but I didn't know exactly how much more. Probably several times a week, I figured, judging from how my boyfriends talked. They were pretty close, all of us were now, and that made me super happy, especially since I'd been a little curious how Mark and Chris would get along. They were great though and in love, I could tell, and it wasn't a sexual love, like they loved each other cause they were gay, I really don't think they were. They loved each other because of who they were, if that makes sense. Anyone of us could have been a different gender and I think fate would have brought us together anyway.

At least I liked to think so, and so did Chris, because we were both pretty romantic about stuff, Chris maybe even more than me, sometimes. Not so much Mark though, he'd agree with that probably, but he was a total farm boy too, so he had to be more practical in how he expressed himself. Mark would just say it didn't matter that Chris was a boy, or I was girl, he'd love us even if we weren't. But that's pretty much the same thing, isn't it?

"There's the kids!" Georgie Wheelock said in his usual exuberant way, and he'd been sitting on the front porch of that big old farm house when we pulled into the drive, and now he was smiling as we walked towards him.

"Hi, Dad," Chris said dutifully.

"Good evening, Mr. Wheelock," Mark nodded and I just smiled, because I was always determined to be nice, if nothing else.

"Evening boys," Georgie nodded, but his smile was for me. "Hello Stephanie."

"Hi," I replied, ignoring the look he was giving me.

I got a lot of looks and all the time, but my boyfriend's dad should have better manners, I thought. Georgie could at least pretend like he wasn't staring at me. Like Rollie, the farm hand who lived with Mark's family? I knew he liked looking at me a lot, but it never bothered me because I couldn't hardly ever catch him at it, and I tried sometimes just because it was fun. Chris' dad, on the other hand, he didn't try to hide his interest at all and that wasn't fun at all.

He was a big man, and good looking, but nothing like Chris who took after his mother. Georgie was tall, with dark hair and eyes, and big square jaw. He'd been the star quarterback in high school, and gone to college to play quarterback there. He'd married a cheerleader, Wendy, and two months after the wedding Chris had been born. I guess none of that was too strange, but exactly why Georgie had moved his family back to the country was a little mystifying. He had farming in his genes, but not in his blood, as my daddy would say.

"Chris, why don't you go fetch us something to drink? It's nice out here tonight," Georgie said. "And see how your mother's doing with that dinner."

"Oh! Maybe I could help her?" I offered, since sitting on the porch with Georgie didn't sound all that attractive, but the man wouldn't have it.

"Nah. She's all fine by herself," Georgie assured me.

"Okay, sure," Chris nodded. "Um, Cokes?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," Mark answered for both of us and Georgie was leaning over, patting the empty chair beside him.

"Have a seat, Stephanie. Pull up a chair, Mark. So what's new at old BI High these days?" Georgie was all smiles.

"Oh, uh, Stephanie had some big news today," Mark said and I gave him a little frown as I sat down in the chair next to Georgie.

"Oh, what's that?" Chrissy's dad was watching me intently, especially the hem of my short skirt.

"Uh, well, I'm going to be the Homecoming Queen," I said with a nervous laugh and a little shrug, crossing my legs quickly.

"Is that right?" Georgie leaned forward a little, turning his chair more towards me and putting his elbows on his knees.

"Uh, yep," I nodded. "And Chris and Mark are going to be my consorts, they get to ride on the float in the parade, and..."

"Shit! My boy's going out with the Homecoming Queen!" Georgie laughed. "Don't that beat all."

" ... we'll have the first dance on Saturday." I just kept talking. "It's pretty cool."

"It's way cool, Stephy." Mark moved his chair closer too.

"I remember your Aunt Sharon when she was the Homecoming Queen," Georgie said with a grin. "We had a good time that night."

"My Aunt Sharon was..."

"Oh yeah," Georgie nodded. "That was the night she finally gave it up too."

Georgie was laughing and it took me a second or two to understand what he'd just said.

"She was having so much fun. Got herself so damned excited..." Georgie was looking me right in the eyes, " ... she just forgot how to say no, I guess."

I was blushing hard then and I looked down quickly, really not wanting to picture my mom's older sister losing her virginity to Chris' dad.

"I guess you don't have that problem though, huh Stephanie?" Georgie was still laughing and I was ready to ask Mark to take me away from that place. I'd apologize to Chris later and he'd understand.

I gave Mark a glance and he was already there.

"I think maybe I ought to be taking Steph home now, Mr. Wheelock." Mark was starting to stand up. "She's had a long day, you know."

"Oh. Sit down, son." Georgie waved his hand. "Nothing to get upset over. I'm just having a little fun with the girl, that's all."

"I don't think she..."

"What happened?" Chris was coming through the screen door onto the porch, carrying some cans of Coke and a beer for his dad.

"I made a bad joke," Georgie said, almost apologetically. "Ya'll sit back down. Dinner's going to be ready soon."

"What did you say, Dad?" Chris looked pretty unhappy and he just stood there. Mark was still standing too.

"Nothing worth spoiling your mom's dinner plans for. Now come on, sit down and relax a little." Georgie reached for his beer. "Your girlfriend was just telling me she's going to be the Homecoming Queen."

"Yeah." Chris gave his dad the beer and then stepped close, handing cold sodas to Mark and me. "She wasn't even on the ballot."

"Is that right?" Georgie snapped open his drink and watched with a satisfied smile as Mark sat back down slowly.

"It was a write-in thing, I guess." I just played with the top of my can, kind of snapping the metal tab nervously.

"Well, you must be real popular," Georgie said. He took a swallow of his beer and then looked at Chris. "And so you're going to be in the parade, huh?"

"Well, I was going to be in the parade anyway, Dad." Chris shrugged. "All the cheerleaders are."

"Right, but now you'll be on the float with your girlfriend. I guess we'll have to find you some special clothes for that," Georgie said. "What are you going to wear, Stephanie?"

"Me?" I blinked. "Uh, I don't know. I'll, um ... find something. A white gown probably. I have some clothes from pageants and stuff."

"Sure," Georgie nodded. "White would suit you just fine. Something virginal, eh?"

"Dad..." Chris brushed his hair back, which he did when he was a little nervous.

"What?" Georgie glanced at him. "That's what it is, everybody knows that, and Stephanie, well everybody knows she's a virgin, right?"

Chris' dad chuckled and drank his beer, and this was going about the way I expected. A lot innuendo, a lot of humiliation. He just couldn't leave it alone, seriously. Georgie had some sort of chip on his shoulder and I didn't know why. I wondered if he acted like this when I wasn't around. I mean, not specifically, since obviously his comments were all aimed at me, but in general. I wondered if he looked for ways to embarrass Mark when it was just him coming over to see Chris.

"Who's a virgin?" Chrissy's mom surprised us as she stood behind the closed screen door and I had no idea how long she'd been there.

Wendy was giggling and from what I could see, looking very much like she always did, ready for someone to throw her on the floor and do bad things to her. She was an attractive woman anyway, with large perfect breasts and a sexy, voluptuous figure. She had blonde hair to her shoulders and blue eyes above her high cheeks. Chris looked a lot like her that way, but where he was rather tall and lean, Wendy was curvy and, well, voluptuous, as I said, and she didn't look nearly old enough to be my boyfriend's mom.

She was wearing a yellow shirt, probably one of Chris' I thought, but unbuttoned and just knotted between her heavy tits. It showed off Wendy's soft tummy and a lot of pale skin below that as she was wearing some red hipsters, the suede kind that are really soft and skin tight. They fell so low around her hips and stomach that I seriously doubted the woman was wearing any panties, I mean, I could see the beginning of her mound, the little swell of fat just beginning above the little silver snap of her pants.

"Well, it sure ain't you, Wen!" Georgie laughed. "How's that dinner coming?"

"Fifteen minutes," Wendy replied. "I need some butter though, I forgot to pick some up. Chris dear, think you could run and buy me some butter?"

"Uh, yeah." Chris closed his eyes for a second. "Sure, Mom."

"Oh, well, we can go with you," I said, probably sounding a little too hopeful for my own good.

"Oh, no. You two just take a rest," Wendy was saying as she opened the door. "Chris is a big boy, he can manage by himself. Here's some money and drive carefully, no need to go racing for butter."

Chris stood up reluctantly and took the money from his mom's hand. He gave me an apologetic look, but it wasn't like any of us could do anything about it. Neither Mark or I were much accustomed to being disrespectful to parents, ours or anyone else's, and being in the Wheelock home was probably the one time a long streak of bad might have come in useful. As it was though, we did as we were told, hoping we could survive the next hour or so and get away with little more than something new to shake our heads over later.

"I'll be right back," Chris said to us and Wendy was smiling, giving her son a kiss on the lips, and giving his waist a little squeeze. She was about the most touchy-feely mom I'd ever seen.

"Okay," I said and Mark just sort of looked at me and it was always weird being in a friend's house when the friend isn't there.

We all sort of watched as Chris walked off the porch and to his mom's car, that Honda sedan, and Wendy gave her son a little wave as he glanced back at the porch before getting in. It wasn't a long ways to the crossroads where the store was, maybe ten minutes each way, probably less if Chris drove fast, like I hoped he would. Five minutes in the store and ... I sighed softly, not wanting to be impolite.

"Oh, I just remembered something else." Wendy rolled her eyes. "Georgie, I need some help with a pickle jar."

"A pickle jar?" Georgie looked at her. "Why didn't you bring out here?"

"Because I was thinking about butter!" Wendy giggled and it sounded exactly like Chrissy's, which always surprised me.

"Well, I'm comfy now, and I'm entertaining our guests," Georgie said with a curt nod and a wink at me.

"Georgie..." Wendy gave him a wifely warning, but her husband ignored it.

"Nope." Georgie shook his head. "I got my chair, my beer, my sun going down, and..."

"Never mind, I'll use a hammer..." Wendy sighed dramatically.

"I can open it for you, Mrs. Wheelock. If you want," Mark offered, but only because he was brought up that way. Still, I wished he hadn't.

"Oh, would you Mark? You're so sweet." Wendy turned on her smile and it was a good one, as good as any of mine I was sure, and I didn't like it.

"Uh, sure." Mark glanced at me. "Be right back, okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"We'll be fine." Georgie said, smiling all the while. "Go help Wendy with her big pickle problem, son. I'll hold down the..." he looked at me, " ... fort, so to speak."

"See, Georgie? That's called manners." Wendy clucked her tongue and held the door open for Mark. "You're a real dear, Mark."

And then they were gone, the screen door closing softly behind Wendy and leaving me alone on the front porch with Georgie Wheelock.

"Well now, alone at last." Georgie smiled like a crocodile and patted his thigh. "Why don't you come on over here and sit in my lap, we'll have ourselves a little talk."

"What?" I almost laughed.

"It's about time we sorted this whole mess out, don't you think?" he said patiently. "Come on over here now, I won't hurt you."

"I don't think so, uh..." I shook my head, " ... what mess?"

I had no idea what he was talking about or where he might have gotten the idea that I'd ever do something like that, but there was no way I was going to sit on Georgie's lap.

"Oh, I think you'll change your mind, Stephanie..." He reached out quick and grabbed my right arm, pulling me out of my chair easily. He was big and strong and obviously determined.

"Hey!" I started to protest and for a second I even thought I could fight him off, but Georgie didn't even have to get up.

He pulled me close and spun me around, with his left arm going around my waist, pinning my own left arm to my body and then holding my right arm, like he was a snake, one of those pythons, wrapping me up so quickly I barely realized what was going on. I started to scream because I was suddenly frightened and my heart was pounding, and Georgie did have me on his lap, just like he wanted, with my ass squirming on his hard bulge and my back against his broad chest.

"Shhhh..." Georgie's right hand clamped over my mouth, actually half my face, as it was so large, and anything I might have said was useless, and all my screams for help were wasted.

He held me tightly and just chuckled as I fought against him, shaking and using up precious energy. I wasn't going anywhere and he knew it. The man was big, bigger than Mark or even my dad, and a whole lot bigger than I was. He was willing to wait for me to figure that out and after half a minute or so I finally stopped. My body burned with fear and humiliation and my eyes were wet with hot tears. I wondered where Mark was, why he wasn't coming back, and I felt pangs of self-pity again, since it was the second time in one day, and only the second time in my whole life, that someone had done this ... Thing. Whatever it was.

"Now, that's better," Georgie whispered with his mouth close to my right ear. "We don't have a lot of time, so pay attention. I'm gonna let go of your mouth, but don't you go screaming, you understand? You start yelling for that boyfriend of yours and I'm liable to forget my good manners."

I blinked hard and nodded and Georgie relaxed the hand covering my mouth so I could suck cool air into my burning lungs. I thought about yelling for Mark, but I was too frightened. Georgie had to be crazy, I thought, grabbing me like this. He could hurt me if he wanted and I didn't want that, I just wanted him to let me go and I was so scared of him right then.

"You really are something, Steph. You got 'em all fooled, don't you?" Georgie's voice was friendly, but he was holding me tight and his right hand stayed on my chin and loose around my neck. "The people around here got you so high up on a pedestal, I'm surprised you don't get a nose bleed."

"W-What?" I breathed, trying to understand what he was talking about.

"I go down to the VFW most nights. Have a few beers, talk to the fellas, you know?" Georgie continued. "And those stupid sonsabitches are always talking about you, did you know that?"

"No." I sucked my lips and my head was down.

"Well, they do. Like they're all in love with you and how pretty you are, and how good you are. Sweet as your mama's cherry pie, that's you, Stephanie, and those boys are so proud of you."

"I don't..." I shook my head because Georgie wasn't making any sense.

"They don't have the balls to say it, but I know they want to fuck you," Georgie laughed. "You know it too, huh? You've seen the way those men look at you and you like it. A little slut like you, playing the virgin and shakin' her ass at everybody like she don't ever give it up."

"N-No, I'm not..."

"And they really do think you're a virgin! That's the kicker." Georgie's arm tightened a little more and he shifted in his chair so that I could feel his trapped prick rubbing my ass hard. "But I know the truth of it. I know you love to fuck. Hell, you need it so much you gotta have two boyfriends keepin' that little puss happy. You're the biggest slut around, ain't you?"

"No!" I shook my head. "It's not like that."

"So I sit there and drink my beer and I keep that little fact to myself. I don't tell those boys what I know, because I'm watching out for you, Stephanie. I'm keeping your secret safe," Georgie sighed into my hair. "Now, all I want in return is a little taste of what my boy's been getting every day. That's not so bad for a slut like you, is it? Give old Georgie a little bit of that cherry pie down there between your legs? Hell, you might even enjoy something like that."

"P-Please ... No, we ... I can't..." I gave a little sob as I realized he was trying to blackmail me. He was going to tell everyone about me and my boyfriends and ruin my reputation. Ruin my life.

"Ohhh, I think you can," Georgie chuckled. "It ain't nothing you haven't done before. Now tell me how you want to be my little girl and ride your new Daddy's big cock."

"No..." I breathed, shaking my head because that was sick, " ... Fuck you."

I'd had it. I was thinking of what Kelly and Brittany had done to me, and now this. It was supposed to be the best day of my life and it was turning into the worst. I couldn't believe someone would do this, a parent, someone's father. Chris' father. It was insane and so completely wrong. I was crying and my body wouldn't stop shaking. I felt like something was clawing at my heart, ripping it up while my stomach got twisted into knots so tight I thought I was dying inside.

But I didn't care what happened to me. Georgie could say whatever he wanted. Fuck him! I'd tell my parents, and Mark's parents, and the Sheriff, and the principal at school. I'd tell everyone what Georgie had said and what he'd done and someone would care. I'd be a slut, my parents would be unhappy, my friends disappointed because I'd been a liar, but Georgie would go to jail. It was a fair trade right then. My life was ruined either way, but at least this way I'd get some satisfaction.

"Heh!" Georgie snorted. "You even think like a virgin, don't you? I guess that's why you sell it so good."

"I'm never going to let you fuck me," I promised him.

"We'll see," Georgie nodded. "How about this then. You give me what I want and I won't tell everyone about how you and that fag boyfriend of yours turned my boy into a cocksucker."

"Wha-What?" I jerked hard and he covered my mouth again because maybe I was going to scream.

"They make a cute couple, I give 'em that. Mark and Chris look good together." Georgie's lips brushed my ear. "You think I'm stupid just cause I played football? I can spot a couple queers like them a mile away and I gotta tell you, Steph, I wasn't too happy about it."

I was crying silently and wondering where Mark was. How long did it take to open a jar of pickles? And even if Mark did come out to the porch, what difference was it going to make? Georgie could blackmail all of us. I didn't know how he'd found out about Mark and Chris, but I guessed they'd given some clue, somehow during one of Mark's visits. However it had happened, Georgie knew his son and Mark were lovers and it broke me inside finally.

"Be a lot of bad news for everybody if that was to get out," Georgie kept talking softly. "At first I figured I'd have to do something about it, you know? It's a hard thing coming to realize my own boy's a cocksucker, but then I started wondering what you get out of the deal, Stephanie. You like to watch them fuck, is that it? I bet you do. I bet it gets you all hot and bothered watching those two boys go at it ... Now how fast do you think that little bit of news would get around, huh?"

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