Mornings on Horseback II - Cover

Mornings on Horseback II

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The second book continues where the first left off, finding Stephanie and her two boyfriends coping with the best and worst day of the young woman's life. You should read the first book in the trilogy before continuing past this point. The "Caution" code is used to avoid spoilers. See my blog for additional information.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/mt   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Caution  

"Did Chris tell you what we did today?" I was walking between my two boyfriends, towards the locker rooms after last class.

"Yeeeeah..." Mark chuckled and gave me a look. "I didn't know you were that kind of girl."

"Must be a Homecoming Queen thing," Chris said.

"Yeah," I giggled, "that's exactly what it is."

"I heard about the thing with Angie too." Mark gave my hip a bump with his. "What's up with that?"

"The vinegar thing?" Chris laughed.

"What?" I acted all innocent. "I spilled some vinegar on her. It wasn't a big deal."

"I heard you threw it on her," Chris offered and he was carrying my book bag.

"Who'd you hear that from?" I asked him.

"From Angie," Chris grinned at me and Mark laughed.

Chris knew her pretty good, which made me frown, cause it turned out their dads had been best friends in high school, which totally figured. They were both bullies, but Angie's dad was the worst because he was the county sheriff.

"Well, there you go," I shrugged. "I didn't do anything."

"Yeah, yeah..." Mark knew better. "What did she say to deserve that?"

"Nothing. She was just being herself, you know." I didn't really want to talk about Angie Stover and Mark knew I'd tell them about it when I was ready.

"Well, you're not being yourself," Mark laughed. "That's for sure."

"Maybe it's the new me." I stuck out my tongue and Chris was giving me my bag, since we were at the locker rooms.

"Oh yeah?" Mark kissed me then, before I really realized he was doing it, a good one too right in the middle of the hallway.

"Get a room ... Hey, Stephanie..." Two guys, other football players had been a dozen feet behind us and they pushed past, heading into the locker room.

"Ohhh..." I sort of gasped when Mark let me go.

"My turn." Chris pulled me to his chest and kissed me just as deeply, but softer, more tenderly the way he does.

"Hi Chris ... Having fun?" Stacy Martin and Linda Lyons, Stacy's best friend, were walking past us towards the girls' locker room, giggling.

"Ummm..." I licked my lips when Chris was done with me and I was blushing and feeling a little dizzy, actually. "We shouldn't um..."

"What, the new you doesn't make out in the halls?" Mark laughed.

"I think she does," Chris nodded and my two boyfriends were having a good time.

"Don't worry, nobody's around," Mark said softly. "See you after practice, okay?"

"Meet you outside, Steph." Chris smiled at me and I just nodded as they pushed open the door and went into the locker room.

"Yeah..." I breathed, mostly to myself, " ... The new me definitely makes out in the halls."

That was almost funny, except I was feeling pretty good. It was just a kiss, a couple of kisses, but we never kissed at school. I'd kissed Chrissy once, like a month before just to show off when we'd first started dating, but since then ... Maybe Angie was right, I mean in general. Why waste time? I wasn't going to be in high school forever and it was so much fun, but then I was walking towards the girls' locker room and thinking about how being the good girl at school really did make everything else easier.

I was a little confused, to say the least.

There wasn't much to the girls' locker room. I don't know what the boys' was like, but the girls' was just a big rectangle, basically, with lockers around three of the walls and long wooden benches in the middle. There were three other doors in there, all on the wall to the right, one for the bathroom, one for the showers, and one for a closet, and that was it.

Coach Hayden's office was just down the hall, across from Coach Potter's. He was the football coach and boys' gym teacher. Everyone called him Harry behind his back, but the best part about that was that his first name really was Harry. He didn't look anything like the kid in the movies though and everyone called him Coach to his face. He was big and strong and looked like he ought to be a professional wrestler.

"There she is." I heard Brittany's voice and I knew I was in trouble as soon as I walked into the locker room.

"Well, congratulations, Stephanie," Kelly said, rather sarcastically.

"Little back stabber." Brittany was definitely pissed and I'd been lucky all day long, avoiding the both of them, but I couldn't do it anymore.

About half the cheerleaders were in there, maybe a dozen girls, mostly Kelly and Brittany's friends. The others would already be outside waiting for practice to start. We were all dressed already, since it was Homecoming week and we all wore our cheerleading outfits everyday. I'd just come down to put my bag in my locker, but I thought maybe I should have just gone straight to the field.

Linda squeezed past me, being altogether too nice and probably too frightened to stay down there. She was a junior and tall and blonde, with blue eyes and kind of a boyish body. Small boobs and narrow hips, but really long legs. She was about as tall as I was and Mark and I had thought about asking her out, but she was pretty serious with her boyfriend, a senior named Ricky Quail.

"Why do you get to be the Homecoming Queen?" Brittany stared at me. "You aren't even supposed to run for it."

"I didn't run for it," I shrugged and walked slowly towards my locker.

"Then how'd you get elected?" Kelly was staring at me too.

"You probably didn't even vote for me like you promised, huh?" Brittany spat the words.

"She said she gonna vote for me," Kelly said.

"What a fucking liar!" Sylvia, one of Kelly's friends, shook her head. She'd never liked me for some reason.

"You both made me promise, what was I supposed to do?" I frowned and I had to get close to them, since my locker was right behind Brittany.

"You didn't have to lie, bitch!" Brittany gave me a little push.

"Didn't have to vote for yourself either." Kelly stepped closer, so the two girls kind of cornered me against the lockers.

"You guys should kick her ass," Stacy said and I knew she was saying that because Chris was my boyfriend.

She probably wanted to beat me up herself. Stacy only said it cause Chris wasn't around, otherwise she'd have pretended to be nice to me. I was getting kind of pissed, as anyone would, and I could feel that adrenaline rush, the old fight or flight thing, you know. I didn't think that being the Homecoming Queen was worth fighting over, but obviously Kelly and Brittany were of a different opinion.

"We should, yeah..." Brittany shoved me again, harder this time.

"You'd look pretty stupid on that float with two black eyes," Kelly said.

"Stop it..." I pushed Brittany back with my hand against her shoulder.

"Stop it!" Brittany made a whiny sound like she was imitating me and then shoved me again, even harder this time with her hand right between my tits.

"What are you gonna do about it, Steph?" Kelly pushed me too, on the shoulder and I was going to smack the hell out of one of them in a second.

"Slap her face!" Stacy said.

Some of the other girls had left, like Linda, not wanting any part of it, but there were still like four other girls besides the three of us and they were all just like Stacy, urging their friends to make me pay.

"Kick her ass ... Stick her head in the toilet ... Fight! Fight!" You know the stuff high school kids say when people are mad. Girls are just as bad as boys too, probably worse, except they don't do it on the playground. They do it behind closed doors in front of other girls.

"Where's all your friends now, huh?" Brittany did slap me then and I tried to duck, but her palm caught me hard, high on my left cheek and it stung hot and made my eyes water.

"She's crying!" one of the girls scoffed, I think it was Julie Curtain.

I wasn't crying at all. I was just totally pissed and I swung my hand at Brittany, wanting to slap her back, and I pushed myself off the lockers cause she was moving away from me. I caught her chin though, but only with my fingers mostly and then Kelly was grabbing my left arm and pulling me off balance.

"Let go!" I was yelling.

I half turned so I could slap Kelly's face too, but Brittany was grabbing my right arm and it was like a tug of war with me in the middle. They were both older than me, and while I was taller than either of the two girls, they were both a little heavier maybe, and just as strong as me. I was pulling at them and trying to kick and they were yelling at me and dragging me towards the bathrooms.

Stacy grabbed my right leg when I tried to kick Kelly with it and she was pushing me along now too, while I hopped on my left leg and tried to get away. The other girls, three of them, were following and laughing at me, all of them telling me I was getting what I deserved for being such a bitch, which I didn't understand at all cause I wasn't. I wasn't trying to figure it out though, mostly I was just seriously pissed off and a little scared actually too. I'd never been in a fight in my whole life, I didn't think, and this hadn't been much of one.

"Let me go! Let me the fuck go! I didn't do anything!" I was screaming and I figured the whole county must have heard me.

Where were all my friends? Where was Ms. Hayden? Wasn't she going to talk to these girls? I was getting pissed at everybody. I didn't ask to be the Homecoming Queen, and so what if I was?

"You stupid bitches! Jealous cunts!" I was yelling words I never used, and they just taunted me, dragging me quickly into the bathroom and Brittany grabbed me close, pressing her body against mine.

"Owww! Stop!" I wailed and I was almost crying because she twisted my arm behind me and someone grabbed my left leg, pulling it back, so all of a sudden I was almost falling forward, face down.

"Now you're gonna get what you deserve!" Kelly was saying.

"Swirlie time!" Stacy was giggling and she'd kind of lost her balance, letting my leg go and Kelly was dragging me into one of the stalls, shouldering the green door open.

"No! Nooo fuck you!" I was really thrashing then, cause I knew what they were going to do and I almost got away, but there were three girls holding me and then Stacy grabbed my free leg again, so four girls had me.

"No! Fuck you, Steph!" Brittany laughed and she was shoving my arm into my back and it hurt a lot.

"I wish we could fuck you!" Kelly laughed and she was pulling my left arm out of my shoulder, it felt like.

"Should get our boyfriends in here!" Julie was saying.

"Yeah, stuck-up bitch!" Someone else laughed, either Tina Hopkins, or maybe Vicky Lawler, the other two girls who were watching.

"You oughta get raped, Stephanie!" Brittany's mouth was close to my ear and I jerked my head, catching her nose hard with my skull. It kind of hurt, but I didn't care, I got her good!

"Oh! Ow!" Brittany let my arm go and I think she was bleeding. I hoped I broke her nose.

I started falling then, since the other three girls were still holding me up, and they sort of dropped me, and that hurt a lot as I landed on the cold tiled floor hard. I was scrambling though, thinking I could get up and start fighting again, but Kelly grabbed my hair and some other girls, Stacy probably and someone else were getting my legs again. I was kind of hurting and a little dizzy and even though I was struggling, I couldn't really stop them.

Kelly was yanking my hair out by the roots it felt like and I screamed as she pulled my face towards the toilet just a few feet away. The other girls were shoving me forward and even though I had one hand free, I couldn't really do much with it.

"Get her! Push!" Brittany must have been holding her nose cause it sounded like she had a bad cold.

"Push her in!" Kelly was yelling and I couldn't stop her from shoving my face into the toilet, but I sure tried.

It was clean anyway, sort of. I mean, it had been flushed, put it that way. I was crying then, hurt and pissed off and totally feeling humiliated, but that just made me madder and mostly it was frustration. I couldn't stop them and I could smell that toilet, you know? Not like a super disgusting smell or anything, but it was a toilet and it smelled like one. Cold and porcelain and then I was screaming bubbles as my face went into the cold water.

I closed my mouth, but I know I got some in there, but I tried not to. I was shaking and kicking and my one hand, my free hand, was holding the toilet seat, trying to push myself back out, and Kelly was holding my other arm, twisting it back the way Brittany had twisted the other one, while she held a fistful of hair tight against my scalp. I was burning with rage and I swore I'd kill all those bitches for this, but I still couldn't stop it and I was face down in the toilet holding my breath.

And then someone punched me.

It had to be Brittany, that bitch! She punched me right between the legs, with her fist. As hard as she could, the girl punched me in the pussy and it felt like I'd been kicked by a horse or something. It hurt worse than anything in the world and I saw stars and my lungs just emptied with a big bubbling whoosh and I couldn't help but suck cold toilet water back in. It hurt so bad and my whole body went tense, probably, I don't really know for sure. I just really remember it hurt really badly and then I couldn't fight or breathe or do anything.

I was choking on the water, drowning in it as I'd taken a breath and I don't know how long they held me there, but I was seeing black and then I was lying on the floor, coughing and gagging and curling up kind of. My pussy throbbed with pain and my lungs burned, which seemed weird cause that water was cold, and I was sobbing and puking up water and tasting bile too. Sour and acrid and then my stomach just emptied and the girls were laughing.

"That's what you get for being such a bitch!" Kelly said.

Brittany kicked the back of my thighs. "Maybe you're not a virgin anymore, huh?"

They all laughed and I think Stacy spit on me, but they were leaving, that's all I cared about and I wasn't ever gonna move.

I did move though, after about five minutes, or maybe longer. I got up weakly and the pain between my thighs was mostly just a dull ache now, like a cramp. I was hurting a lot worse inside. I felt sick to my stomach, even though I'd already vomited. I'd never had anything like that happen to me, never even seen it happen to anyone else, and being disliked that much made me feel incredibly depressed. That and being so mad and frustrated and full of hate myself. I didn't want to hate anyone. I didn't like the way it felt, like a cancer or something eating away at me.

But I hated those girls.

I could barely stand to look at myself in the mirror. I just leaned on one of the sinks, spitting first and then turning on the water and washing my mouth out and then my face. I was using soap on my tongue and it tasted horrible, but all I could think about was that I'd had my head in a toilet. I was washing myself almost violently, crying again and wondering how Mark or Chris were ever going to like me after this. They'd never want to kiss me, I knew that. Everybody would know too, like the whole school. I was feeling pathetic and sorry for myself.

When I did look in the mirror my face was flushed and puffy, and my eyes looked like they belonged to an old woman, all baggy and red rimmed from crying. My hair was soaked and stringy, clinging to my face and neck. My top was wet too. I was ugly and stupid for thinking I could be the Homecoming Queen, for thinking it was so cool. All those stupid kids voting for me, why did they do that? I hated them for it.

I hated the whole world and how come Mark wasn't there? He was supposed to protect me. Or Chris even, it was his fault too. That stupid Stacy Martin had done this to me just cause she liked him. He should have told her to fuck off right away. But he was always so nice. And Mark was too busy playing football. It was both their faults. And Ms. Hayden too. She should have known better than anybody what Kelly and Brittany were like. Psychotic bitches! Where was Ms. Hayden at?

I just stood there, holding my face and crying and looking down and being mad at everybody. That was how Ms. Hayden finally found me.

"Ah ... Shit," she said and then she was holding me, even though I didn't want her too. I might have tried to shrug the woman off, but I didn't have that much fight left in me.

She didn't ask me who'd done it, but Ms. Hayden didn't have to. She knew it was Kelly and Brittany, and she knew who their friends were. Ms. Hayden didn't say anything though, except to shush me a little as I cried in her arms. I felt like I was being a big baby, but I couldn't help it. I knew I should have been stronger than that, all they'd done was stick my head in a toilet for a minute, punch me in the pussy. But it felt a lot worse. I can't explain it, but I think probably the only thing that it could feel like was if I'd really been raped.

"Come on, we'll take a shower, okay?" Ms. Hayden was leading me slowly out of the bathroom. "Beth's taking care of practice."

Beth Talbot was a senior and the captain of the cheerleading team and she was seriously good at that stuff. Her great-grandfather had owned the land where Talbot Pond sat and so she was part of that family, which went way, way back to four hundred years ago when the first settlers came to western New York.

"I'm sorry," I was saying, but I didn't know exactly why. All the hate was going away finally under Ms. Hayden's gentle hands.

"Shhh ... You don't have to be sorry for anything," the woman was saying.

I sat on a bench just outside the community shower, where the little drying off area was, and Ms. Hayden was undressing me. I didn't resist her, I just felt numb mostly, and I lifted my arms or whatever, letting her move me the way she wanted to. She pulled my top over my head and then squatted down a little between my open legs, it kind of hurt when I closed them. She took off my shoes and then my socks, stuffing them inside my Skechers and pushing them under the bench. I still wore my shorts and skirt, my thong underneath, and my bra.

A moment later the woman reached around me with both arms, leaning forward so she could reach the clasp of my bra behind my back. Ms. Hayden undid it easily and the stretchy material went loose, and my bra was slack around my breasts. I didn't move or anything. I felt slow and dumb, really, my mind just didn't want to work and it took me a few seconds to realize that Ms. Hayden wasn't standing back up.

She was rubbing my back with her fingertips, just lightly up and down and I shivered and licked my lips because it felt good and she was so close to me. Ms. Hayden was between my spread thighs and her arms were underneath my armpits, her elbows and biceps rubbing the soft skin just above my ribs. Her breasts were close enough to touch mine, beneath her t-shirt, drawn tightly to her form, and my bra was sliding around and falling down, just a fraction as Ms. Hayden moved her body slightly.

"You don't have to be ashamed of yourself," Ms. Hayden said softly and I was looking down, so she lowered her head slightly, catching my eyes with hers.

"They stuck my head in the toilet..." I swallowed hard and her eyes were bright brown, almost orange it seemed like, and it was a pretty color.

"I know, but that doesn't matter." She offered me a little smile. "You're still beautiful, Stephanie. So beautiful, it hurts me to see you like this."

Her hands were moving more, and not just her fingertips, but her palms now, soft and warm and I needed that touch like you wouldn't believe. It was a craving, a need to be assured that I wasn't dirty or diseased or anything like that. I felt so embarrassed by what had happened and I'd been blaming everyone, even myself, and having Ms. Hayden holding me and telling me it wasn't my fault, I really needed that.

"Let me make you feel better, okay?" Ms. Hayden was whispering. "Let me help you. We'll make it go away together, alright?"

"What are we doing?" I asked, but my words were more like thoughts and I wasn't even sure I'd said them out loud.

When Ms. Hayden kissed me I wasn't surprised. I'd seen it in her eyes that she wanted to. I felt it in her hands and I felt it inside me too. I did want to be kissed and I would have given anything to have Mark or Chris, or both of them with me, but it was Ms. Hayden who was there and she was going to make it better. I had to believe her. I was desperate for it, and so when she put her mouth on mine and kissed me I didn't try to stop her. I let her do it and at first I just sat there, but after a few seconds I felt her tongue and I opened my mouth for her and then I was kissing her back.

I couldn't imagine I tasted very good, not after what I'd been through, and especially after washing my mouth with soap, but Ms. Hayden didn't seem to mind at all. Her tongue was soft, like a butterfly trapped in my mouth and I felt my heart speeding up. She was exploring me so gently, it was like kissing Chris, except different, Ms. Hayden's kisses were even more tender than his.

My hands went to Ms. Hayden's shoulders, and then on up to her neck and into her short black hair. She was hugging me, her fingers and hands moving along my back and I held her mouth to mine as we kissed deeper. She made me moan into her mouth and I played my tongue over hers, chasing it finally into Ms. Hayden's mouth. I was kissing her now, tasting her warm and wet and sweet inside, like butterscotch maybe, or caramel. Something sweet and good and totally unlike my boyfriends.

I'd never kissed a girl before, but it didn't bother me. I hadn't ever done it simply because I'd never met a girl I wanted to kiss, not until right then. Ms. Hayden was thirty years old and pretty enough in her way, but I'd never looked at her as if I'd find her attractive. She had black hair, as short as some of the boys, cut above the shoulders and around the ears. Nice full breasts and not so much a narrow waist, she was just fit and trim and healthy. Round hips and a nice firm butt and smooth legs. Yeah, I thought while we kissed, she was pretty, she was attractive to me.

We were still kissing, just parting our mouths briefly to catch air every now and then, when I felt Ms. Hayden's fingers working to pull my shorts down. I moved for her, lifting myself blindly, a little awkwardly, and she pulled them and my thong down at the same time. I smiled and she gave me a little laugh as she moved back enough so I could put my legs together. The pain wasn't even noticeable then and I nodded when the woman pulled my short and panties all the way off.

"I've never been with a girl," I breathed and Ms. Hayden sighed, her hands stroking my thighs, pushing them open again.

"It's okay," she promised. "I'll make it good for you."

Ms. Hayden smiled up at me, like she wanted to make sure I was watching before she started kissing the inside of my right leg, moving her soft lips up my thigh slowly. I did watch her too, the way she made love to my body, getting closer and closer to my sex until I could feel her humid breath across my vulva. I looked swollen down there and maybe a little discolored, bruised from Brittany's fist, but I didn't feel anything but good. My heart was going a hundred miles an hour and my stomach was roiling like a whirlpool with excitement.

I'd never imagined having sex with another girl, at least not beyond maybe finding a girlfriend that Mark and I could share. But that had been abstract, nothing specific. I hadn't fantasized about making love to a woman and most especially not one of my teachers. It was insane and I didn't understand exactly how this was happening. It didn't seem like it should have been. I'd been beat up and humiliated and crying and now, somehow, Ms. Hayden was kissing my injured pussy. I was panting and licking my lips and I shrugged my bra off because my nipples felt like someone was holding a match to them.

"Poor baby ... Poor sweet baby..." Ms. Hayden was murmuring and I gasped as I felt her mouth on my clitoris.

She kissed it lightly at first, then she was licking around it, like teasing me and I moved my hips without thinking, my body was feeling good now. I felt hot and hungry and sexy. She was making it better, making me forget everything that had happened. All the bad feelings were going away, replaced with a passion for the woman kneeling between my legs. I felt my clit buzzing, hard and standing stiff and pink from its little hood. Ms. Hayden was flicking her tongue across it finally, tickling it rapidly and it wasn't funny at all. I was squirming beneath her and she held me tight, Ms. Hayden's arms around my waist where my skirt was bunched up.

"Oh God..." I swallowed hard. " ... Oh that's ... Ummm..."

She was going to make me cum. My gym teacher and cheerleading coach, she was eating my pussy nice now and coaxing me to give her my first orgasm with another girl. She was lapping at my pussy eagerly, digging her tongue along my slit, splitting my labia and just at the top of every quick lick she'd flick my clitoris. It was crazy sex and I was bouncing as hot blood rushed through my veins. I had goosebumps on my skin and I was playing with my nipples, pulling and twisting them because that somehow made it bearable.

When Ms. Hayden put her mouth on my clit, sucking it inside and washing the little nub of super-sensitive flesh with her tongue, I lost it. I was cumming hard and I tried to close my thighs, pressing my legs against her hot cheeks. I had my hands on her head then, holding her to my pussy as it spasmed with delightful pleasure. She was the best, the most awesome pussy licker in the world. Better than Chris, better than anyone, and she shoved her long tongue into my hole even as the wetness gushed out of me. I felt like I was squirting almost, it was powerful, my cunt squeezing itself hard and it almost hurt. It did hurt, I was spraying cum, I swear, like a boy might do, right into Ms. Hayden's mouth as she tongue fucked me.

I was crying gain, but not because I was angry or sad, it was the same sort of crying I did sometimes with my boyfriends when they made me feel so good I couldn't show it any other way. It came out in my moans and in my orgasm and then suddenly it was coming out of my eyes. I couldn't breathe and my whole body seemed knotted up inside and my climax was like thunder, big and loud and overwhelming at first, and then echoing for a good long time with little shivers and shakes that wouldn't stop. My pussy was quivering and Ms. Hayden was lapping it up, swallowing my girlish goo like she was famished for it.

When I'd finally come down enough to relax my legs and let go of her head with my hands, Ms. Hayden lifted her red shiny face and smiled up at me, breathing hard. She knew she'd made it exceptionally good for me and I just stared into her pretty face, smiling and gulping air into my lungs and trying to understand how she'd made me cum so hard like that. It was way beyond anything I'd ever experienced with Mark or Chris. Not better and not worse, but different and it was like a whole new world was opened up or something.

I leaned over so I could kiss her and I think it surprised my coach a little, but it was a pleasant surprise and she welcomed my mouth with hers enthusiastically. I wanted to taste my orgasm in her mouth and she was wet inside with spit and cum, and she pushed it into my mouth and I pushed it into hers, sharing it the way Chris and I did with Mark. But this was all me, tangy and a little salty and reminding me once more of the ocean somehow. I sucked Ms. Hayden's tongue clean, swallowing my own orgasm out of her mouth while she massaged my left breast, squeezing my body hard and palming my aching nipple nice.

"Let's take that shower now," Ms. Hayden suggested softly and I just smiled.

I knew she wanted me to taste her as well and I was ready to try it. I wasn't going to be turning into a lesbian or anything, I knew that, but my life had definitely changed.

The showers were like any other, I suppose, a largish room tiled in light blue. There were eight shower heads arranged on the walls, three to left, three to the right, and two on the shorter far wall. I was nervous walking into the room, but a good kind of nervous. I wasn't afraid, I only hoped that I wouldn't disappoint Ms. Hayden somehow.

I think she sensed that and we were both naked, which was a little strange. I'd never seen any of my teachers nude and here was Ms. Hayden, who'd been my physical education the year before, and this year, as well as my cheerleading coach, without a stitch of clothing. Her body was firm and beautiful, I'd decided, and I especially liked the way her pussy looked. She kept herself smooth and clean shaven and it was so pretty like that.

"You don't have to be frightened, Stephanie." She was leading me by the hand. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know." I smiled for her. "I just ... I don't know what I'm doing here."

"Do you like girls?" Ms. Hayden was taking us all the way to the far wall.

"I don't know," I told her honestly. "I never thought about it."

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