Mornings on Horseback II - Cover

Mornings on Horseback II

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The second book continues where the first left off, finding Stephanie and her two boyfriends coping with the best and worst day of the young woman's life. You should read the first book in the trilogy before continuing past this point. The "Caution" code is used to avoid spoilers. See my blog for additional information.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/mt   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Caution  

I missed homeroom, since I had a good reason, but I could have made it for the announcement if I really wanted to. Instead I opened my locker and got a birth control pill, before I could forget, and went to the bathroom. I was sitting in a stall, trying to clean my pinkish raw gooey sloppy sperm-filled pussy when I heard...

"Good morning, BI High, this is Principal Sanders and it's my pleasure to announce this year's Homecoming Queen, her hand maidens, and her consort ... s..." He sort of forgot that there were gonna be two of them for a second and I smiled.

"Our first handmaiden will be Brittany Cole..." He paused. " ... The second handmaiden is Kelly Albright..." Another pause, longer this time because everyone would be wondering now. " ... And the girl you voted our BI High Homecoming Queen is ... Stephanie Avery!"

There was another pause and I was laughing, all by myself in the bathroom like a crazy person, stuffing toilet paper in my messy pussy. I could hear the muffled sound of kids talking through the wall behind me, there was a freshman class in there and they were loud.

" ... Her consorts will be Mark Westin and Chris Wheelock. So congratulations to all of you for selecting your Queen and lets give Stephanie and her court a round of applause. Well done."

And that was the end of the announcements and the bell was going to ring in about three minutes, so I hurried and cleaned myself and wadded up some toilet paper to plug my pussy with, thinking maybe I should just buy some tampons sometime. I wondered how well that would work, since I just used pads when I got my period and that wasn't much heavier than a big load of Mark's cum inside my pussy. I wondered if I didn't have some pads down in my gym locker, actually, I'd have to stick it in my cheer shorts though cause it wasn't like that thong had a lot of crotch to...

Riiiiing ... Homeroom was over.

"Shoot." I frowned, finishing up quickly and pulling up my thong and digging my shorts out of my bag so I could put those on.

Of course a bunch of girls came into the bathroom before first class and so when I came out of the stall I was smiling and blushing and feeling, I don't know, a little strange. I mean, I was a beauty queen, and being the Homecoming Queen is sorta like that, but I hadn't even entered the contest, you know? It was so weird!

Everyone I saw was congratulating me and happy for me and all I could think of was that I had to call my dad. And then I thought I had to find Mark and Chris, cause wouldn't they be excited! And oh, God! I was like bouncing because it just really hit me when I saw all the other students and I went to the school office first, knowing I didn't have much time before my class started, but probably Mrs. Henderson would understand and give me a pass and...

"Stephy!" Mark was grinning when I turned around and I didn't care who was there, I just really needed a hug.

"Did you hear?" I asked and I was hugging my big boyfriend tight, right in the middle of the hall, and even a teacher wouldn't have minded right then.

"Hear what?" Mark laughed and I just shut my eyes cause dumb as it sounds I thought I might cry.

"God, I can't believe it," I said, but I doubted he could understand me since I was talking to his chest.

"You're the Homecoming Queen." Mark rubbed my back and I knew he thought that was pretty cool.

"I'm gonna go call my dad." I lifted my head after about a minute and Mark had to get to his class anyway.

"Your dad?" Mark grinned. "Yeah, you better."

Weird as it sounds, my mom isn't a pageant mom at all. I mean, she supports me and everything and she helps me a lot, but I don't think it really means all that much to her. Except that it makes me happy of course, and she's proud, but you know what I mean. My mom's pretty normal about it, unlike some of those other mothers I've seen. It's life and death for those women. They're kinda crazy sometimes.

My dad, on the other hand, isn't living or dying on whether or not I win a beauty pageant, but he is seriously into it. He thinks I'm the most beautiful, perfect girl in the world, which all fathers should think of their daughters, of course. He's the one who really gets excited when I win though, even more than I do.

I'm not sure why that is, exactly, or what it means, and he tells me before a pageant starts that if I don't win he's still proud, but I'm always nervous that I'll disappoint my dad if I don't. The following spring I'd be entering the Miss Teen New York pageant and that's when I figured I'd find out what disappointing him would feel like. I seriously doubted I'd win that one; there'd be like seventy girls, the most beautiful girls in the state, and I was just me.

Anyway, Mark knew about my dad and he let me go, although I felt like I wanted the rest of the day off. School? God, how was I ever going to think about that stuff now? Luckily for me, I managed to avoid Brittany and Kelly, or more likely they were avoiding me, at least for the moment. I was dreading seeing those two girls, believe me!

"Hi Mom!" I said into the phone and Mrs. Henderson smiled at me and she was already filling out my hall pass.

"Take your time, dear," the secretary nodded.

"Stephanie? What's wrong?" Mom always assumed the worst. Well, who wouldn't? There weren't a lot of good reasons to call home from school, that was why this was so awesome!

"Nothing at all," I almost giggled. "Is Daddy there?"

"Your father? He's out in the pressing shed, why?"

"Okay, um..." I thought about it. "This is a secret, okay? Don't tell him."

"Tell him what? Stephanie, you'd better explain what..."

"I'm the Homecoming Queen, Mom!" I just about shrieked and then I lowered my voice, blushing and looking away from the people in the office who looked at me.


"I'm the Homecoming Queen. They voted for me! Can you believe it? They even changed the rules! I'm the Homecoming Queen and I'm gonna ride the float with Mark and Chris! I get two consorts cause I have two boyfriends! I'm gonna be the Homecoming Queen, Mom!"

"Yeah, slow down. I got that ... Uh, well ... Okay..."

"Isn't that great, Mom?" I was almost laughing.

"It is great. Yeah. I'm very proud of you, I just ... I didn't know you were running for..."

"I wasn't!" I did laugh then. "It was just all the other kids writing my name down, I got like two hundred votes, more than that! Way more than anyone else!"

"Well. That is something, honey. Congratulations. I guess, huh ... We need to celebrate, um, I'll cook something nice. You can have your friends over tonight, okay?"

"Yeah! Wow, okay and oh, jeeze ... I think, do I need a new dress? Hmmm ... I think, I'll have to ask..." My head was spinning. I didn't even know what I was supposed to wear for the parade!

"I'm sure we can find you a dress, Stephanie." Mom was shaking her head, I could tell, but smiling too, I thought.

"Ohhhh..." I stopped cold.


"We're going to Chris' house tonight for dinner. Remember I told you about that?" I frowned. I loved Chris, but his parents were like the last two people on earth I wanted to see on this particular night.

"Oh, right." Mom made a cheek sucking sound. "You could invite them over here, I suppose."

It was an offer my mom didn't really want to make, I knew that. Chrissy's parents had been over once, for a barbecue, and my dad had slept on the couch that night. Wendy Wheelock, Chris' mom, she was hazardous to my father's health. Georgie was dangerous to mine.

"No..." I sighed. "We can have a little party tomorrow night, okay? I'll invite some friends, is that alright Mom?"

"Sure, Steph, tomorrow is fine. It even gives me a little more time. Maybe I can bake a little cake, how about that?" My mom agreed and so it was settled.

"A cake? Mark will love it. Don't forget though, it's a secret!" I giggled, because not even Chris' parents could keep my spirits down right then. "I want to see the look on Daddy's face when I tell him."

"He's going to be thrilled." Mom laughed too. "I won't say a word."

"I gotta go to class. I love you."

"Love you too, Stephanie. Be good."

"Always!" I made a kissy sound and hung up the phone.

I spent the rest of the morning thanking people, accepting congratulations, and generally basking in the warm glow of being undeniably the most popular girl in high school. It was a bit sobering though; kind of, I don't know, frightening ... I mean, I'd be in a class with thirty kids and probably half of them had voted for me, more than half, and they'd had to go out of their way to do it. I hadn't even been running, or eligible for that matter, but they'd still voted for me. It carried some responsibility, I thought, but I just didn't know what kind.

I finally stopped worrying about it though. Like what was I going to do, start acting different? Nobody wanted that. So I figured my responsibility was just to keep being me, if that makes any sort of sense. I thanked everyone and in my trig class. Mr. Hodges actually had me make a little speech, which sort of freaked me out. But it was nice actually, because I stood up and just said thank you and asked the kids to help me cheer for the football team, and we'd have a really good Homecoming. It was nothing serious, just talking, but that seemed okay.

I was really glad I only had to do it once though!

Before my trig class, which was my class just before lunch, I had science, which was sort of biology combined with chemistry. As I said, I did a lot of smiling and saying thank you, and tried to make sure I was still being me, but it was labs again too. At least we weren't cutting up a frog, just mixing a few chemicals and writing down what happened, so it was easy. Unfortunately, with Angie Stover for my lab partner nothing was ever easy.

"The Homecoming Queen, neat-oh!" Angie said, and she was teasing me, of course, while she was pulling her blonde hair back into a short pony tail, twisting a rubber band around it.

She'd dyed the edge pink, like the last inch of her blonde hair all around, or maybe more purple than pink. I guess it was supposed to look punk or something. Angie was wearing a little t-shirt, a pink one like her hair, that said "Baby On Board" except she'd used a magic marker to make a V between 'Baby' and 'On', and had written the word 'NOT!' above that. That was pretty funny, especially since she had a little pot belly and could have been a few months pregnant if you didn't know better. It was a cute belly though, just baby fat really, and she liked showing it off.

"Yeah. It's pretty weird," I smiled and shrugged.

"Old Sanders likes you, huh?" Angie grinned at me, leaning close.

"What?" I didn't get what she meant at first.

"You know..." She leaned really close and we were sitting high on these stools at the lab bench. " ... Did ya have to fuck him? Or just..."

"What?" I gasped.

Angie was sticking her tongue in her cheek, moving it around while she pumped her right fist close to her mouth. It was pretty disgusting and it made me blush after about three seconds of trying to comprehend it.

"Stop that!" I swallowed hard and looked around but most people seemed to be busy doing their work.

"Hey, I'm just askin' is all," Angie giggled. "You can tell me. I heard about beauty pageants and everything."

"Well, you heard wrong." I stared at her.

"Yeah right!" she snorted. "You weren't even on the list, so how did you get elected Homecoming Queen?"

"I don't know." I frowned. "People just voted for me. Let's do this stuff."

"Fuck that stuff; I did it last year, see?"

Angie slid her notebook over and I guess she had done some stuff in her science class the year before. She had all the results for the tests we were supposed to do, but I didn't exactly trust the notes of a girl who'd failed the class.

"We should do it anyway," I said and started reaching for a glass beaker.

"Whatever." Angie was bored with it. "So ... You find out who's fucking your boyfriends yet?"

"You're so weird Angie." I shook my head, determined to ignore that talk.

"I heard Mark's got a big dick." She leaned on her elbow, slouched to the left and watching me. "Like really big."

"Oh yeah?" I didn't look at her.

"Fucking huge, that's what I heard."

"I don't care."

"It's gonna hurt the first time he fucks you."

"Maybe he won't," I shrugged.

"Yeah, probably not, huh?" Angie giggled. "You're the one who's weird, Steph."

"I'm saving it, so what?"

"It isn't money, it's fun." Angie shifted a little. "You can't save up fun, that's stupid. All you do is miss out on it."

"Maybe it's special." I glanced at her while I waited for my chemicals to change color.

"It is special," Angie agreed.

"Then what's wrong with waiting?"

"Cause it can be special now, dopey!" she laughed at me.

"What do you care if I have sex or not?" I was writing in my notebook.

"I just wanna know if you're ever gonna fuck Mark or not," Angie said, like she was talking about the weather.

"What? Why?"

"Cause he's fucking someone and so he'd probably fuck me, if I asked him real nice." Angie gave me a look. "And if you don't care who he's fucking, then..."

"What?" I said in a low voice. I didn't like this.

" ... I don't want him to be my boyfriend. I ain't gonna steal him or anything. I just want to see how big his dick is."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm just saying I want to fuck him and I figured I'd tell you before I did it, you know." Angie was smiling. "So we can still be friends and stuff."

We were probably pretty lucky that we weren't dissecting something cause I'd have stabbed her, I think. Or most likely not. It was pretty tempting to grab that beaker full of blue vinegar and throw it in her face though. On any other day, I'd have done it. Maybe people believe that, maybe not since it's hard to imagine me doing something like that, but I would have, I swear. I had my fingers around it and I lifted it up a bit, but I was the Homecoming Queen now, and I was going to start a chemical fight in my science class? Not likely.

Maybe my problem is that I'm not impulsive enough. Any other girl in the world would have kicked Angie's ass for talking like that. Telling me she was going to fuck my boyfriend? Like she was doing me a favor? So we could still be friends afterwards? Jesus, you have no idea what that does to a person until it happens to you. I couldn't even breathe and I had to close my eyes and put the beaker down and just nod my head slowly, reminding myself that Angie was just being Angie.

"Well, thanks for telling me," I said, somehow, making it real sarcastic though.

"No problem," Angie giggled. "Hey! I can do Chris too, if you want. He's pretty hot."

I threw the blue vinegar on her stupid pink t-shirt.

"Oops! Oh, shoot..."

"Hey? Bitch!" Angie stared down at herself for a second.

" ... I'm so sorry, God! I didn't ... I just knocked it over!"

"You threw it on me!"

Angie was making a lot of noise, me too as you can imagine, and I was grabbing the roll of paper towels nearby and offering like I was going to help her get cleaned up.

"It was an accident, I'm sorry..."

Everyone was looking and a few kids were laughing and everyone talking, you know. People had to get up and see the disaster and Mr. Vaughn, our science teacher, was coming over, and Angie was super pissed, like she wanted to throw something on me, and I was trying to give her paper towels.

I did a lot of apologizing, not just to Angie, but to Mr. Vaughn as well. He was a young, thirty something, who had moved to the county from New York City with his wife and baby, and a pretty funny guy. I liked him. He liked me too, which once again shows the value of going out of my way to be a good girl. Plus it was my special day, and that didn't hurt, also the fact that Angie was a full blown bad girl, well ... I almost felt bad when it became obvious that her outrageous allegation, that I'd purposefully thrown dangerous blue vinegar on her brand new pink t-shirt, was falling on deaf ears.

"Let's try and be more careful in the future, Stephanie," Mr. Vaughn told me and then looked around the classroom. "Let this be a lesson to all of us; we're in a science lab people...

"I'll get you for this, cunt," Angie said under her breath and she was getting her stuff so she could go to the bathroom and try and clean herself up.

I was fairly certain her t-shirt was ruined forever now. If nothing else she'd smell like pickles all day long, and of course everyone would tell everyone else about how Angie had gotten blue vinegar all over her, and the big scene she'd made, and ... blah blah blah

I'd gotten away with it, at least so far as Mr. Vaughn was concerned, and that was all that mattered. Angie wasn't going to ever be able to 'get me' I didn't think. She had as much chance of getting back at me as she did of fucking one of my boyfriends, which was none at all, in my expert opinion.

That hadn't been the point of it though, since even if Mark did want to fuck her I probably wouldn't have gotten mad about it, well, maybe a little. It's nice to say I wouldn't, but probably I would, I don't know. We did agree though a long time before, that if we wanted sex with someone else it was okay, so long as we were honest about it. But I'd only really tested that once, with Sandy's brother, since Mark had been there when I did Todd. Mark had never tested me though, and the truth was that I didn't want him to.

Anyway, the point was that nobody should ever talk to me the way Angie had, and probably she only thought she could get away with it because I was such a good girl. After Angie left I started thinking maybe I needed to figure out a way to let people know that just because I was so nice and good and popular, it didn't mean people could walk all over me.

But how does a good girl get a bad reputation? And still be good, I mean. That was a toughie, but I started thinking I'd better figure it out.

"Hey..." I caught up with Chris as he was walking into the cafeteria.

"Hi, there you are! I was looking all over..."

"Let's skip lunch," I said softly and don't ask me why.

"What? Why?" Chris wondered, but I didn't have a good answer then, or now.

Chris probably figured it was the thing with Angie, which had gotten around the school fast because it was sort of funny and most people thought Angie ought to get a little vinegar thrown on her anyway. I wasn't avoiding anyone though, at least not because of that.

"Come on. Hurry up..." I'd made up my mind, pretty much in the instant between not seeing and then seeing him. In that split nanosecond between photons reflecting from his cute face, something clicked inside me.

"Where are we going?" Chris was letting me pull him by the hand and we were going to the gym, but I wasn't telling him that.

"Shhhh ... This way, we have to be sneaky."

Maybe it was because I was the Homecoming Queen and I felt bulletproof, so to speak. Like I was invulnerable, like Super Girl, you know? I could do anything on that day and nothing could hurt me. I felt like I was ten feet tall and walking on air.

Or maybe it was because I'd had everyone and their cousin telling me all morning what a good girl I was. What a sweet girl, so innocent and nice and deserving. I was a model for all girls everywhere, or so it seemed to some of those people, teachers and students. I knew I wasn't and so did anyone else with a bit of common sense. Nobody is perfect, certainly not me, so maybe I just wanted to prove it, even if it was only to myself.

I didn't want to be that super good girl all the time.

"In here..." I looked around and the hallway was deserted.

Everyone was either in class, or at lunch. Nobody was around and we were sneaking into the storage room, back stage in the gym. It was big and dark and full of props mostly, and stuff for plays and folding chairs, and mats. There was a big huge pile of thin rubber mats, blue and covered with vinyl. The gym classes used them sometimes, like for rope climbing and stuff. We used them for tumbling too, so we wouldn't bust our heads on the hard floor, you know.

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