Mornings on Horseback II - Cover

Mornings on Horseback II

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 2

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The second book continues where the first left off, finding Stephanie and her two boyfriends coping with the best and worst day of the young woman's life. You should read the first book in the trilogy before continuing past this point. The "Caution" code is used to avoid spoilers. See my blog for additional information.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/mt   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Caution  

Chris was a cheerleader now, which was seriously cool, and even he had to agree that it had worked out a lot better than he'd first imagined. He wasn't a girly cheerleader at all either, mostly he was just in the background with Jeremy, the other boy, and they'd help us do lifts and throws and catch us. You know, stuff like that. Chris wasn't out there dancing or waving pom-poms around, which was what most people thought of at first. He was hanging out with the twenty four hottest girls in two counties everyday after school.

It won him a lot of admiration and some small bit of jealousy from the other boys. It made Chrissy a lot of friends too, which was only natural really. He was good looking and nice, not stuck-up at all, and so it was easy for people to like him, much the same way Mark was popular, and me too, for that matter. Even the idea that I was dating both Mark and Chris wasn't bad once people got used to it. A few kids couldn't wrap their little brains around it, like Angie or Rocky, people like that, but for most of the students, it didn't mean a thing.

People will get used to anything, once the newness wears off.

The hard part for me, and for Mark and Chris, but especially for me, was being good. When I was just dating Mark it wasn't so bad. I'd only see him once in awhile between classes and we'd say hi and maybe walk together a bit down the hallway. Now I had Chris too, and I saw him a lot, since we were both in tenth grade. It made me seriously horny and I didn't understand it. Not just for Chris, but for Mark too. I mean, I'd see Chris and really want to kiss him, and then I'd turn a corner and spy Mark and ... Yeah, wow ... Like I wanted to kiss him too. Or worse! Like rape those guys sometimes, it was totally insane!

Some people say familiarity breeds contempt or whatever? But not for me, not with my boyfriends. Familiarity was just breeding desperation and it was an awful tease being that close and not being able to do anything more than smile and say hi and maybe walk close enough for a minute or two just so I could smell them, or brush my hips with theirs. They wanted more too. I could tell from the way they looked at me, it was in their eyes, the both of them. It wasn't just sex, it was being in love. Life seemed like it was never going to be long enough for us to be together as much as we needed to. You know what I mean?

Lunchtime was really hard, because I would sit with my friends on one side of the cafeteria and Chris would sit with his new buddies on the other side. Mark had the lunch hour after ours, so me and Chris always faced each other, but we were so far away. We'd just look at each other and pretend like we were listening to whomever was talking, but mostly Chris and I were just talking to each other, like silently. We had entire conversations just with our eyes and our smiles, and the little gestures we made across that crowded lunchroom.

"God! You never listen to me anymore!" Sandy said and I sort of blinked at her because I'd been looking at Chris.

"What?" I asked sheepishly and everyone sort of laughed at me.

We were sitting with a bunch of other girls, all fifteen and sixteen, the usual suspects and mostly good girls like me. They complained about not having boyfriends, or how their boyfriends were never the boys they really wanted, stuff like that. At other tables sat other girls, like all the bad girls kind of congregated together in the corner, because they wanted to have their secrets. Most of the cheerleaders sat together in the center of the cafeteria, because they wanted the attention. I just sat with the kids I'd grown up with, but some of the other cheerleaders got on me for that. I guess wherever you get more than a dozen people together, they have to form their little clubs.

I hated that stuff, really, but it was one of the reasons I had a lot of friends. It wasn't like a plan or anything either, it was just the way I was, that's all. I sat with different kids every day, except Sandy, we always sat next to each other because we were best friends, but the other girls, it didn't matter really. I'd smile and laugh and talk with any of them and I don't want to sound conceited or anything, but they liked that, it made them feel good. I was the local beauty queen, the quarterback's girlfriend, and a cheerleader, and whatever. It sounds silly, but it all meant something to other people and they liked my attention as much as I liked theirs. It's normal.

"I asked if you were going to Amanda's Homecoming party?" Sandy repeated.

"Oh." I shrugged and smiled and I really didn't know. "Uh, whatever Mark wants to do. I think he wants to go to Kyle's party."

There were like four parties going on Friday night, after the Homecoming football game. The Homecoming dance was on Saturday night. Amanda always had parties, she didn't even need a reason, but when one came along, she was really happy. Kyle was one of the football players, a linebacker and co-captain with Mark. There'd be a lot of beer at his party; all the football players were going, as well as all the cheerleaders, since we were all dating football players. That meant most everyone else would show up too, since everyone wanted to be where the so-called 'cool' people were.

"Is Chris going with you guys?" Carol asked, she was fifteen and tall with short red hair. I loved her hair, it was feathered and I don't know how she did it like that.

"Yeah," I said. "Of course he is."

"That would be so cool, going out with two boys," Vicky sort of sighed. She was a little chubby and pretty quiet usually, the kind of girl a cheerleader was supposed to ignore, if you believed that stuff.

"Yeah, it is." I smiled at her. "Except they like to tease me."

"They do?" Vicky didn't believe me; she probably figured a girl like me had never been teased in her life.

"Oh yeah," I nodded seriously and of course the girls wanted to know everything because most of them didn't even have one boyfriend, at least not a serious one.

"Do they, um ... I mean, do you, kiss them?" Jane was asking me and she was cute, a smallish blonde girl. "And stuff?"

"Well, we kiss, yeah," I nodded. "But not like, you know, and stuff." I giggled and lied because everyone thought I was a virgin, even Sandy didn't know I'd gone all the way, but she suspected sometimes. She knew me pretty good.

"I can't believe they don't get mad at each other." Lori was shaking her head, she was sort of Todd's girlfriend and Todd was Mark's best friend.

"They don't." I shrugged. "They're just friends now."

"My boyfriend gets mad if another guy just looks at me!" another girl, Theresa, was saying.

"I just wish I had a boyfriend." Sandy made a face at me and I thought I knew what she wanted.

Sandy was my best friend and so she kind of figured I should introduce her to Chris, or something. She hadn't come out and just said it, but she hinted about stuff, you know. Like maybe she could hang out with me and my two boyfriends, especially Chris. She knew me and Mark were in love, but Chris was new. If all four of us were together and I kind of let Chris know it was okay, and then he'd like Sandy and then ... There was no way. But that was what she wanted, or what she expected maybe. Why should I have two boyfriends when my best friend didn't even have one?

I didn't have an answer for that, but it made me kind of sad. Chris might like her, I didn't know, but he and I were in love too, so it wasn't going to happen. I was a good girl, but I was pretty selfish too and as much as I loved Sandy like my own sister, I couldn't do what she wanted. It sort of drove us further apart too. I mean, ever since I'd started dating Mark, I'd seen less and less of Sandy. And now that I had Chris too? We really didn't spend much time together at all anymore. That made me sad sometimes and I didn't know what to do about it.

I wished Sandy would just get a boyfriend, cause it wasn't like she couldn't. She was sixteen and pretty with long straight blonde hair, really fine hair and almost white in the summer, but in winter it would get some gold color to it. Sandy had green eyes and sort of an oval face, one of those really open faces, like you could see everything she was feeling on it. A nice smile, a nice body with small boobs maybe, but a nice butt and long legs. She was almost as tall as I was and a lot of guys liked her.

Sandy could have had a boyfriend in an instant, if she just didn't want one of mine. I didn't know why she was so picky. She went out a couple times, with a couple different guys after her sixteenth birthday, that was like the magic number for parents around there. But they were always just one date and then Sandy would tell me it didn't work, for whatever reason. One guy had tried to kiss her right away, or another guy had acted stupid, you know. So ever since school started Sandy had been trying to stay close to me, especially once I started going out with Chris, and ... Yeah. It sucked.

I was thinking I'd have to find her a boyfriend.

"Hi, Chris." Stacy Martin was all smiles and I felt a twinge of jealousy, even though I knew better.

"Hey! Hi, Stacy." Chris smiled at her.

"Hiya Stacy," I said, just to be nice and she gave me a smile.

We were in the gym for cheerleading practice, which we had every day after school, but usually outside. The football team was having a scrimmage though, or something, so they needed the whole field. That was okay, we'd practice our dancing and that was fun. Chris and Jeremy, the two boys on the squad, they didn't do any of the dancing, so they'd just hang out and watch. I bet Stacy was disappointed.

She was the smallest cheerleader in the school, just a little over five feet tall and thin, but seriously toned because she was into gymnastics big time. Her tits were too big though, or something, I was never really into that stuff so I wasn't exactly sure what that had to do with being a gymnast. She had big ones though, bigger than mine, and on her little body they looked huge. Stacy was cute too, seriously, with black hair a little shorter than mine, just past her shoulders, and really thick and wavy. Her eyes were brown and she had a pretty upturned nose that she liked to squinch when she smiled.

Since Stacy was so small, she got most of the lifts. Like Chris would pick her up above his head, or she'd stand on Chris and Jeremy's shoulders, stuff like that. She was good at it and liked to do flips and stuff when she dismounted, but it meant she spent a lot of time with my boyfriend, half of every practice at least, and I didn't like that. Chris had to touch her too, like on her ass, which according to him was just about super fine, small and tight and hard ... Bleh!

I was the most beautiful girl and school and there I was feeling jealous and unhappy, go figure. That's what girls do though, it doesn't matter what you look like really, it's just a girl thing. I didn't want Chris grabbing anyone else's butt except mine, it was that simple. Unfortunately I couldn't do a lot about it except watch. Of course Chris was always telling me it didn't mean anything, and I didn't think it did to him, but Stacy...

She was between boyfriends, since her old one had graduated high school the June previous and left for college in Syracuse a month ago. Stacy was looking and Chris was the finest boy in school, no doubt, except possibly for Mark, but you could say the opposite just as easy and a lot of girls did. Stacy was hot for Chris though, I could see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice, and worst of all, I could feel it when she touched him.

"My birthday's this Sunday." Stacy sucked her top lip briefly, looking up at Chris because he was nice and tall.

"Is it?" Chris smiled. "Cool. Happy birthday."

"I'm going to be seventeen," Stacy nodded. "Do you know what I want for my birthday?"

I rolled my eyes because she was practically purring and I moved closer to Chris, although we were close already. Close enough so our bodies were touching as we faced Stacy.

"Uh..." Chris shrugged.

"I want you," Stacy said, pausing just long enough for Chrissy's eyes to get big. "To come to my birthday party."

"Oh. Yeah..." Chris was blushing because he was too modest, and I mean exactly that. For being as attractive and nice as he was, to be that shy ... Well, I liked it a lot. Stacy did too. It made Chris seriously cute.

"I think he's busy that day." I smiled at Stacy.

"Well, you're invited too, Stephanie." Stacy smiled back, but we knew what was going on.

Stacy and I got along okay, but she lived in Clearview for one thing, which was half an hour away, and she was a junior, a year ahead of me, for another. So we didn't really know each other except by sight, at least until I'd become a cheerleader, now we knew each other better, obviously. Stacy had never been one of my friends, but I didn't have any enemies either, although that was changing fast.

"Okay. Thanks," I said, trying to keep the the sarcasm out of my voice. She wouldn't invite me to her party in a thousand years, except to get Chris there, and we both knew it.

"Maybe you can bring Mark along," Stacy suggested. "I wouldn't want anyone feeling left out."

Ohhhh ... I felt my face turning a little red and I think Chris could feel me getting tense suddenly. She hadn't been talking about Mark feeling left out, she'd meant me, like if Chris and I went to her party, I'd be a third wheel sitting all alone. Stacy didn't know Chris very well, or me, that was for sure, but I was ready to give her a lesson.

"That would be great, Stacy," Chris spoke quickly, and I felt his left hand taking my right and giving me a little squeeze.

"Awesome!" Stacy giggled and she thought she'd got me good.

"All right, cut the chatter..." Ms. Hayden, our coach, was coming into the gym and it was good timing. Most of the other girls were speculating about who was going to be the Homecoming Queen on Friday, which was a big deal for Kelly and Brittany especially. They weren't talking to each other, even though they were best friends.

"I can't believe her!" I shook my head in the passenger seat as Chris drove me home in his mom's car.

"Who?" Chris asked, but only reluctantly because he knew the answer.

"Stacy." I frowned.

"Oh, she's just..." Chris shrugged in the dying light of the sun, " ... Stacy."

"Yeah," I agreed. "She wants you to like her."

"I do like her." Chris smiled and then caught my look. "I know what you mean. You don't have to be jealous, okay?"

"I'm not..." I sighed. "I am jealous."

"I know you are," Chris nodded.

"Do you want to have sex before we go home?" I asked him, because maybe Chris did.

"No, I'm not really..."

"I'm not in the mood either," I sighed again.

"Look, Steph, people are people are people. I mean, you have guys talking to you all the time, right? We can't feel bad about it."

"Yeah, but they don't do it right in front of you," I said.

"Yeah, okay, but still ... We can't do anything about other people, just us, right?"

"I know..."

"So as long as we love each other and we don't hide anything, we're okay."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"I mean, that's what you and Mark told me, right? That's what you guys always say." Chris was talking softly and I was looking down.

"Are you mad?" I asked him, really wondering because I'd never seen him angry, so how would I know?

"What?" He almost laughed. "No. Why?"

"I mean, about anything?"

"I'm not mad at all." Chris was genuinely confused and maybe I was too. "I'm ... I dunno, flattered, I guess. The most popular girl in school is jealous because some other girl invited me to her birthday party."

"And I'm being a bitch, huh?" I looked up, leaning my head back. "I'm sorry."

"Nah, if you were a bitch, I'd tell you," Chris said.

"No you wouldn't!" I laughed then.

"I would, I swear." He looked at me and I felt it.

"Mark would." I grinned. "But not you."

"Well..." Chris shrugged, " ... I guess I'd tell Mark then."

"Pull over, okay ... Up there, at the landing." I pointed and Chris knew where I was talking about, a little secluded spot just off the county road.

"I thought you weren't in the mood." Chris smiled.

"I want to suck you." I was already undoing my seat belt, making a little chime go off like a doorbell.

"Do you want to make love?" Chris asked and I loved the way he always called it that. Mark called it fucking, but Chris, he mostly called it making love, like it was extra special and serious, and I liked it both ways.

"No." I was reaching for his pants, not waiting for him to stop the car or anything. "I just want to make you feel good, okay?"

"Ummm..." Chris giggled, the way he does and I could feel his cock not yet hard under the soft nylon of his cheerleading trousers. Neither of us had changed after practice.

"I wish we could do this at school," I said, mostly to myself as I unzipped his pants and Chris was making the turn towards some big bushes and poplar trees where we'd hide.

"You're a good girl."

"I know..." I was reaching inside, finding his briefs tight against his skin. "I wish I wasn't though."

"I'm glad you are, Stephy." Chris shifted a little and it was hard getting his cock loose.

"Really?" I smiled without looking up. "You don't wish we could do stuff in school sometimes?"

"Well..." Chris laughed. "Maybe, but I go to school to go to school, not so we can have sex."

"Heh." I laughed at him. "You're a good boy, huh?"

"No, come on, you know what I mean." He was stopping the car finally. "I have to be good if I'm going out with you, right?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "Lift your butt now."

We were both in the mood now, just like we always were, and I knew he wanted me at school, the same way I wanted him. We'd pass each other in the hallways or whatever and it was there. How important was school compared to love? That was how I thought about it and just once I wanted to know what it would be like to be a girl like Angie and not care. She fucked her boyfriend at school, in a big storage room behind the stage, which was actually in the gym, since we didn't have a proper auditorium.

How would that be, I wondered as Chris worked his pants and underwear down, sneaking into the storage room and fucking one of my boyfriends, or better yet, both of them? It wasn't the sex that thrilled me, it was the risk and I understood that. It was the possibility of getting caught, of being found out that I wasn't a virgin, I was a slut. The word, that simple word, it sent a shiver through me and I didn't know why.

"Mmmm ... God Steph ... You're so good at that now..." Chris sighed as I lowered my mouth around his cock, still not fully erect, but getting there quickly.

I moved slowly, being careful not to bump my head against the steering wheel. I'd done that before and it was annoying, but Chris was right, I was getting a lot better at giving him head. Mark too, although I still couldn't take as much of his big dick as I wanted to. But I could take all of Chris; I'd been getting a lot of practice since Mark and I had gotten our new boyfriend.

Chris had a nice cock too, long enough so that it took both of my hands to cover it, and then only barely, and thick enough so it felt good inside my pussy. It was curved too, upward like a banana, but not that much, just enough to make it interesting and I was licking him all over at first, getting him nice and wet and slippery because I was going to take Chris into my throat. I knew he liked that a lot and so did I.

I thought about asking him to talk dirty to me, I really did. Mark did it, sometimes, but not exactly like I wanted. I was nervous and a little shy actually, even though I knew better. I could tell my boyfriends anything, ask them to do anything, and they wouldn't refuse me. Asking Chris to call me a slut though, or a cocksucker, or a whore, it made my heart thump in my chest thinking about it, but I would have been embarrassed. If Chris asked me why I wanted him to say those things, I didn't know if I could explain it.

It was the only secret I had from him.

"What are you doing?" I blinked at Mark.

"Mmmphhh?" He looked up at me and swallowed hard. "Pancakes."

"He's hungry, dear." Mom smiled at me. "Sit down, I have a plate for you right here."

"We're going to be late." I suppressed a giggle and forced myself to frown.

"Plenty of time." Mark rolled his eyes and then looked at my mom. "These pancakes are great, Mrs. Avery."

"Thank you, Mark." Mom smiled and he'd just made her day.

We did have a lot of time and I think Mark had just come by my house early because my mom always cooked a real breakfast. So did Mark's mom, but he could eat enough for two people anyway. I sat down at the kitchen table and reached for the syrup and those blueberry pancakes did smell pretty yummy. My mom sat down with us, just having some coffee in her old pink bathrobe. She had a new one, but she liked the old one best.

It suited her too, that robe tied tightly with a sash around her waist, which wasn't exactly narrow, but Mom wasn't fat either. She was a good looking woman, even for being up and cooking at six o'clock on a Tuesday morning like she was, and earlier than that, since she'd already fed my dad. Her brown hair was brushed back and her blue eyes were bright. I'd gotten mine from her, and she was just motherly to me, but I could see how a man would be attracted to her.

Mark liked her a lot; I knew that, and not just her cooking. They were being good this morning, but he teased me about it sometimes. Like if my mom was younger, you know ... And my mom was just as bad. Telling me how lucky I was to have a boyfriend like Mark. I really did feel a bit jealous, or afraid maybe, like she was my mom, you know? I didn't want to compete with her for my boyfriend's attention, that was just too weird. But it felt like that, coming downstairs and finding them smiling together in the kitchen. Yeah, I know, I should have been happy they got along so good, and I was, mostly.

I just wished they wouldn't tease me about it so much, but I was probably overly sensitive too.

"What party are we going to Friday night?" I asked Mark once we were in his truck.

"Kyle's party, right?" Mark looked over at me, like it was my decision, but I didn't care. If I had my way it would just be me and my two boyfriends out by the old bridge.

"Okay," I shrugged.

"Why? Do you want to go to a different one?"

"No, just that Sandy was asking me," I sighed. "I think she wants to go with us."

"Oh yeah?" Mark kind of made a face, but only a little one.

He didn't like Sandy very much. They'd known each other since forever, like we knew most everyone else, and for whatever reason Sandy just rubbed him the wrong way. They were okay about it though, it wasn't like they were enemies, but sometimes I felt pretty stuck in the middle between my best friend and my boyfriend.

"Yeah, I dunno." I moved closer, because, "Something about blueberry pancakes..." I giggled and I was rubbing Mark's big bulge.

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