Tenchi Muyo (All Good Things) - Cover

Tenchi Muyo (All Good Things)

Copyright© 2009 by Dreaming Bear

Chapter 139: Rabbit Run

Only a few hours later, inside the more mundane portions of the Misaki home, Hero looked up expectantly from where he knelt at table side.

Waiting patiently within the small dining area, he nodded respectfully to the queen as Funaho was first to arrive fresh from the bath. Noting Misaki trailing less than a step behind.

Taking the moment also of delighting privately as any man would upon the arrival of so many healthy females, attending Tanzuru aside.

"And where have you been all this time Sirrah?" Ayeka greeted him pleasantly as the princess too made her way inwards, recalling their last meeting days ago in front of the shrine.

"I've been using the line graciously granted by the imperium to get in touch with my immediate superiors my lady." Hero told Ayeka directly.

Noting the princess looked the picture of contentment as indeed did all the women arriving at roughly the same time. Even officer Makibi seemed more relaxed to his observation.

"It seems, presently that they've managed to media-shield ... Nearly every loose end." He dutifully continued.

"Though in most cases just barely."

Hero paused, quietly wondering if any of this however remotely, would even trouble the queen.

"I however still foresee 'fallout' inevitably for years to come!" He cautioned carefully.

"Each of these problems will be dealt with in its own time." Funaho replied smooth and obviously unconcerned.

"Now that the major crisis to the family has been averted."

"Yes..." Hero muttered, taking a moment to brood.

Considering the 'mess' all of this was still only too likely to cause. To say nothing of how much of 'the blame' weather real or merely assigned was likely to trickle down on to him.

"And as to that your majesty?" Hero acknowledged respectfully, thinking that this was a suitable time as any.

"I had hoped now might be a good time as to inquire... ?"

He trailed off ... eyes riveting to where the small precession had just parted.

Thinning as various individuals casually dispersed to reveal Ryo-chan suddenly pausing, in the act of regarding him in turn.

The soft house robe she presently wore was a radiant yellow-gold, matching her astonishing eyes. Her normally wild mane was tightly pulled back, held neatly up and in place by a blue swath of material and some strategically placed wooden pins.

She seemed to study him in turn for a moment, before her breathless expression migrated into a welcoming smile.

"Are you certain that it can not wait young man?" Funaho lilted carefully after glancing that way.

"Indeed..." Hero murmured enthralled, while rising to his feet.

"You will excuse me your grace?"

"But of course." Funaho smiled, finding she herself like the match. Being of non-Jurian descent, she held a good many of the imperialistic views in mild contempt. At least privately. Watching as Hero made his way past.

"You look wonderful!" Hero told Ryo-oki as he drew near.

"Meow..." She whispered shyly lowering her eyes.

"They're certainly getting along." Ayeka smiled, as Hero lead Ryo-chan by the hand through the living room, seeking the privacy of the front porch/patio area.

"Hmmm." Ryoko sort of grunted. Now staring hard that direction.

"Don't tell me that you object?" Ayeka gasped, taking care to keep her voice low.

"No, that's not it." Ryoko muttered, sparing the princess a single annoyed glance.

"Just wondering if I shouldn't sit 'Oki' down 'n have a little talk."

"She seems to be 'handling it' just fine." Sasami joined in, smiling as the young couple disappeared.

"Yeah, but she's got zero experience when it come to men." Ryoko replied, looking curiously at Sasami, still unused to her almost being at eye level.

"And what do we really know about that young man?" Ayeka herself then reasoned.

"Tenchi seems to trust him." Sasami shrugged.

"That's good enough for me! Besides I got a good vibe telling me Hero's a absolute gentleman!"

The sentence hadn't properly had time to audibly fade. When a low sound issued from somewhere towards the patio. Rapidly rising in volume and intensity till there could be no mistake as to its author.


"Ryo-chan?" Hero's voice immediately followed heralding the reappearance of Ryo-oki as she literally stomped angrily back through the living room heading towards the entry hall.

"Course I've been wrong before." Sasami muttered, instantly starting the direction of her departed friend.

"Ryo-chan, honey? What is it?" Hero pleaded as he too came bolting afterwards.

"What's wrong?"

"That cad!" Ayeka sniffed angrily.

"You just hold on a second buster!" Ryoko called, sailing up and through the rooms ceiling, even as the princess began moving purposefully after her sister.

"Never a dull moment." Washu added dryly the general direction of Misaki and the queen before slowly heading that way.

Standing perplexed for a moment longer Funaho, Ena and Misaki glanced between each other for a few seconds. With a mildly consensual shrug before they too gave chase leaving Kiyone and finally Mayuka bringing up the rear.

Once assembled outside however it quickly became abundantly clear that whatever was 'up' with Ryo-oki had little to do with any action of Hero's.

Angrily moving to the side of the walk she continued to glare, stalking about. Obviously searching for something.

All the while, doing everything but ignoring Hero's repeated attempts to communicate with her.

"Why are you angry all of a sudden?" He was asking plaintively, trying again to interpose himself between her and whatever she was searching for.

"Can't we even talk about it?" Hero asked a tad more forcefully, finally reaching out to touch her arm.

"Meyow?" Ryo-chan suddenly stopped, at last looking right at him. Almost as if just seeing him standing there.

"No, no." Ryo-oki signed, suddenly very aware of how agitated Hero now was.

"Its nothing like that!" She added adamantly.

"Well, could you kindly explain just what its about?" Hero countered, more than mildly flustered.

"Now what's going on?" Funaho asked excitedly. Obviously getting caught up in all the unexpected drama.

"It's sign language Mother." Sasami supplied.

"Ryo-oki has trouble speaking normally."

"Oh, the poor thing!" Masaki cried.

"Due most likely to a mental block of some kind." Washu muttered loudly from the side.

"No flaws in my design I can tell you that!"

"Uh!" Kiyone groaned, rolling her eyes. "Try to at least contain your modesty professor!"

"Well, what are they saying Sasami?" Ryoko asked perturbed.

"You know I can't read that stuff!"

"That's cause you keep falling asleep in my classes!" Washu interjected.

"You should apply yourself more little girl!"

"Make the damn things less boring and I just might!" Ryoko snapped eyeing her mother creator ruefully. "Danged old wind bag!"

"Its something to do with a black rabbit it think?" Sasami focused, attempting to just ignore all the hubbub around her.

"Oki's kind'a upset, she 'signing' faster than I can read!"

"And yet he's keeping up with her?" Ayeka mouthed.

"My word that is impressive!"

"Boys a trained diplomat." Kiyone grumbled darkly. "What do you expect?"

There was a slight pause while the Princess, Ryoko and Sasami were suddenly studying her.

"I thought you didn't like him?" Ryoko grinned.

"I always acknowledge ability!" Key sniffed, instantly disdainful.

"Hey! You don't suppose it's THAT black rabbit?" Sasami Suddenly wondered aloud.

"The one that took her carrot?" Ryoko mused, glancing back Sasami's direction.

"That was three years ago!"

"How long do bunnies live?" Ayeka wondered quietly.

"This is all quite beyond me!" Funaho complained.

"But immensely entertaining I should think?" Ena shrugged, obviously enjoying the exchange.

"Are these 'rabbits' as they called them ... large creatures?" Misaki asked suddenly. Eyeing the foliage about with some increasing concern.

"Three foot tall, glowing eyes, razor sharp teeth." Kiyone monotoned dryly.

"Small terrestrial herbivores, your majesty!" Kamadaki supplied quickly from the side. Casting a single annoyed glance Key's direction.

"Quite harmless." He added emphatically.

"THERE YOU ARE!" A new voice suddenly shouted prompting everyone turn as one with the exception of Misaki who nearly jumped out of her shoes at the sudden noise.

Up the flagstone path towards the house Nagi the bounty hunter was advancing.

Glaring at everyone present with a gaze that would fairly serve to boil iron!

"I would like to know when I'm going to be allowed to leave!" She snapped, not even attempting an illusion of protocol. Though the sudden descending of several battle staves in from of both the queen and Ayeka seemed to register on her somewhat.

Enough that Nagi halted her advanced just shy of the imaginary line. The one she was certain that her crossing would have initiated a full scale 'free for all' that even she might have found unpleasant.

"It is quite alright." Funaho nodded, waving an assent to her assembled guards.

"I fear she has a legitimate grievance with us!"

It was enough. At least that the twenty some odd Tanzuru, which had almost 'magically' appeared, seemed to marginally relax.

"DAMN STRAIT!" Nagi swore adamantly.

"You Jurian pinheads have got a lot of nerve! You got your damn booty! Your demon! And had your little blaster-point wedding!"

She paused taking a sharp breath.


"With apologies bounty hunter..." Funaho bowed, allowing an instant for the echo to fade.

"I fear that the shield was released just over an hour ago as the locals measure time!"

She stopped long enough to helplessly shrug.

"I regret that I was preoccupied with family matters to an extent that I simply forgot to have you informed."

"Probably just senility!" Nagi hissed uncharitably, to a general undeniable growl from most of the Tanzuru standing about.

"She is allowed her anger!" The queen conceded forcefully to her guards.

"But I agree," She then continued coolly, directly to the bounty hunter.

"Her departure is long overdue!"

"Meyow?" Ken-oki attempted. Having moved well past where Nagi fumed. Now standing only a few feet from where Ryo-chan and Hero still stood. Bringing both their attentions his way.

Ryo-chan stared hard, studying the white hirsute stranger in the dark tailored 'Mao-suit' uncomprehendingly for several moments. Until something just clicked into place.

"YOW!" Ryo-oki cried happily. Instantly forgetting the quest for her nemesis. Moving slowly towards where he stood.

"Me ... Wow." She breathed taking him in, gesturing. A look of astonishment fixed upon her face, bringing the slightest of blushes to Ken-oki's own at her appraisal of him.

"It's ... been a long time." Ken-oki spoke to her directly, a pulsing empathy between the gems at their brows.

"You are far more beautiful than I remember!"

"When did you learn to take humanoid form?" Ryo-chan asked in complete awe.

"It happened about five cycles ago." He silently explained, clearly pleased and amused.

"A clash with a resilient bounty Resulted in our being hurled into an area of quantum flux.

I met up with what was essentially an alternate version of myself.

From what Nagi and I could tell, He'd been stuck in there for centuries! So long his version of Nagi had died!

We united, he and I. Became one and used our combined strengths to escape!"

Ken-oki then gestured at himself.

"I learned the trick from him. He'd taught himself over the ages to mimic people from Nagi's memories so she'd be less lonely."

He then paused in his 'sending' gaze centering squarely upon her.

"Does it please you?"

Hero in the mean time was at a complete loss. Watching the gems on both Cabbit's foreheads pulsate, aware that something was passing between them, and feeling awkward on top of resentful for the knowing.

"Who's this guy Ryo?" Hero finally attempted.

"Hmmm?" Ryo-oki murmured only mildly aware that someone had spoken. Ken-oki certainly had changed!

"Moh!" She started, suddenly realizing, and immediately thinking how rude Hero must think she was being.

"This is Ken-oki!" She signed to Hero carefully.

"He's..." Ryo-chan suddenly found herself hesitating, not at all certain where she should place their relationship. After all they were after a fashion, siblings ... Kind of?

"A friend." She concluded. Settling for what seemed the safer ground.

"Oh?" Hero murmured, suspiciously. But never the less stepping forwards and offering his hand.

"Well then, I'm please to meet you!" He added amiably.

"My names Hero Sheagame!"

Ken-oki looked down at the offered appendage with its pink skin and neatly trimmed nails. His crimson eyes then returned upwards. Regarding Hero with a look one possibly favors an open container of raw sewage.

He then responded with a mild clearing of his throat.

"And likewise I'm sure!" Hero smirked, withdrawing his hand while mildly shaking his head.

"Meyow?" Ryo-oki queried, glancing curiously between the two of them.

She was just about to inquire what was the matter when the bushes only a few feet away suddenly trembled.

"Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!" Mayuka called happily.

"Would you look at that!" Ryoko called from across the way. Pointing directly at what had suddenly revealed itself there.

It was huge, as rabbits go anyway. Two and a half feet from twitching whiskers to cotton tail and dark as a lump of charcoal. More like a rabbit shaped hole suddenly in front of the greenery.

"Must be the un-seasonal warmth caused by the shield." Washu muttered, amazed as everyone else. "Normally its too early for rabbits to be out and about like that!"

"Especially one of that color!" Kiyone exclaimed.

"I thought Ryo-chan was making it up!"

Ryo-oki on the contrary was quiet certain of the existence of this particular rabbit. Because the sight of it suddenly made what passed for her cabbit blood begin to boil!

"MEYOW!" She suddenly raged. Instantly fixing all attention in the vicinity upon her. Including that of 'bunzilla' as it turned to regard her.

If Key hadn't known better she have sworn the damn thing's posture alone in the wake of Oki's shout all but screamed 'Who, me?'

"MEEZE!" Ryo-chan snapped loudly, pointing for good measure. Insuring the next action taken by her quarry was an immediate bolt for the brush!

"Go get 'em girl!" A bemused Hero smiled. Administering a playful swat on her behind as Ryo-chan gave chase!

"I guess you can take a girl out of the country..." He laughed good natured, glancing towards Ken-oki.

Catching as he did a low rising growl that was punctuated when a fist suddenly slammed him full in the face!

His size belaying the obvious, the sheer force of Ken-oki's blow catapulted the hapless young diplomat backwards. Rocketing Hero into and through one of the patio's plate glass windows.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" A totally stunned Ayeka suddenly demanded. Instantly grabbing hold of Mayuka protectively.

"Duh! Ayeka!" Kiyone replied while surging into motion. "Figure it out!"

As a snarling Ken-oki already was stalking towards the hole Hero's body had punched.

"He'll kill him!" Sasami cried, starting that direction as well. Just as Ken-oki was disappearing inside.

"That's about the size of it." Nagi grinned nastily, seeming to enjoy the display.

"That's assuming the boys not dead already!" Washu interjected at Nagi angrily.

"Bounty hunter!" Funaho snapped. "Control your creature!"

"Moi?" Nagi gestured at herself innocently.

"Ken-oki's my partner, but he does what he wants!" She then mildly shrugged.

"I'm not holding anyone's leash!"

"CALL HIM OFF OR I WIll!" Ryoko suddenly roared angrily taking a step the bounty hunters direction, pulling Nagi's startled gaze directly to hers.

The moment held as full import of who was glaring at her sank home.

Ryoko ... looked so different! Nagi hadn't recognized her standing several feet away.

"Speaking of leashes." She began coolly, fingering the butt of her whip.

Whatever she was about to say was lost in the wake of a muffled roar reverberating from inside the house.

"Tsunami!" One of the Tanzuru who'd closed to investigate cried.

The man managing to fall flat to the ground just barely in time to avoid getting clipped as a flung Ken-oki violently exited!

The male cabbot's backward trajectory scattering the right hand edge of the ragged hole Hero had punched. Shattering the adjacent window as well. The force imparted, carrying him almost to the front fence.

"Ho-lee shit!" Kiyone rasped, having shoved Sasami instinctively behind her upon their arrival at the broken window.

Giving ground in awe, stumbling backwards as her hand dropping instinctively to her side as ... something big stepped through.

Kiyone grimaced as her right hand met the place where she usually slung her holster, realizing of course that she was unarmed!

Watching in mute astonishment as whatever it was had to duck low, straitened to its full odd seven foot height as it stepped through the remnants of the shattered pane!

"ALL RIGHT YOU LITTLE ASSHOLE!" The harry apparition roared in a voice no longer quite so human. "IF THAT'S HOW YOU WANT IT!"

If not for circumstance and the tattered remains of formal attire hanging from its bulging upper body, there would be no equating the creature which even now was beginning to stride across the yard as the diminutive young diplomat.

"H-Hero?" Kiyone gaped in sudden recognition.

"Sooooo, that's what a Jurian Wolven looks like!" She heard Washu exclaimed excitedly a few feet away.

The Tanzuru all about already in the process of forming a cordon, interposing their bodies between the preconceived threat and the Royal personages were less that enthusiastic however.

"Changeling scum!" Kamadaki muttered under his breath.

"Key get off!" Sasami suddenly wheezed. "I can't breath!"

Kiyone tore her gaze away from the insuring drama unfolding suddenly realizing why the ground here abouts seemed so lumpy and more precisely whom she was accidentally sitting on!.

"I hope you got an extra eight lives to spare Mr. kitty cat!" Hero rumbled as he lumbered forwards.

"Cause this ones just about up!"

Further commentary as to the pending maiming were cut unexpectedly short. When from where he had landed in a heap, Ken-oki's head suddenly snapped up!

Eyes blazing, his feline face contorting into the most inhuman of snarls.

All for an instant before he just as suddenly tensed and sprang with impossible agility strait into the air.

"Oh ... My ... God!" Hero pronounced slowly as he halted. Watching mutely as 'IT' hovered, while growing amid the sounds of shredding cloth and crystal chimes, changing and enlarging before his own transformed eyes.

Hero took to his heels as rapidly when an expanding shadow found and eclipsed him.

Just as a high pitched whine heralded two patches of the Misaki front yard several feet to either side of his current position suddenly 'woofing' into clouds of screaming vapor.

Metamorphosis completed, Ken-oki's spaceship form then ponderously pirouetted above before giving chase, main guns blazing. Harrowing the hapless hirsute up the paved road!

"Good thing he's as fast as he is strong!" Washu commented dryly. Noting that Hero's rapidly retreating form had almost made it to the distant tree-line.

"And that Ken-oki has always been lousy at ground strafing!" Nagi added with a laugh.

"Would some of you please do something?" Kiyone snapped pulling her glare from Nagi to the various Tanzuru standing around.

Perhaps she wasn't exactly in love with Hero, but all kidding aside what was happening was tantamount to murder!

"Our responsibility is clearly to protect the queen and crown princess." One of the their number offered. Yudai? Key believed was his name.

"Let the filthy Changelings kill one another!" He added coldly.

"I'm on it!" Ryoko snapped, leaping into the air. Even as Kiyone was just glancing Sasami's direction.

"Whoa!" Ryoko exclaimed. Suddenly finding herself almost seventy feet above the ground just like that!

"Must be that new symbiont!" She grumbled, astonished. Sure she'd never been exactly slow in the air. Not that she had ever exactly 'clocked her' self or anything. But on her best day she had NEVER felt acceleration like that!

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