Tenchi Muyo (All Good Things) - Cover

Tenchi Muyo (All Good Things)

Copyright© 2009 by Dreaming Bear

Chapter 119: 'Concubine'

"So, what happens now?" Tenchi asked looking back at Ena squarely.

"Walk with me?" She replied gently, gesturing the general direction of the temple grounds.

To which he simply shrugged in rejoinder, falling into step besides her having no real reason to refuse.

"As I have stated, there are a great many things of which you must be made aware." Ena began.

"Most political and esoteric matters I believe would be best related by your future queen in good stead..."

"Then why take so much trouble running Ayeka off?" Tenchi eyed her sourly.

"I fear the first princesses assessments of anything I could impart will be clouded by her disdain for me." She replied nonplussed. "And we have little time. Azusa will arrive some time late this very evening!"

"So what's up with that anyway?" Tenchi grumbled darkly.

"Why isn't he here already? They just, 'showed up' the last time they visited." He made an impatient gesture. "Why all the 'clock and dagger routine?"

"The emperor's last visit was fully sanction by the governments of terra." Ena informed him gravely. "Having their full knowledge, and consent." She punctuated the statement with a shrug.

"In this case, expediency did not allow for such forewarning."

"Meaning you're here without permission?" Tenchi shook his head, before suddenly stopping cold. A look of palatable shock, transforming his features.

"W-Wait a second! You're telling me ... They know?"

"About what?" Ena eyed him curiously.

"CUT THE CRAP LADY!" He suddenly yelled. "You're telling me the governments of earth, of, of Japan know about Jurians?"

"And at least six other extraterrestrial species that have or ARE currently visiting your world." Ena again shrugged helplessly.

"Six?" Tenchi mouthed.

"Most notably The Greys," She supplied apparently choosing not to notice his brain spinning inside his skull.

"Unfortunately, we don't have any formal relationships with THEM, they don't mix well with other humanoids. And their ruthless, to say nothing of inappropriate! methods of obtaining biological data..."

She visibly shuddered. "It's a genuine miracle we are not at war!"

"Th-they know!" Tenchi loudly continued to mutter, the statement just uttered apparently having floated by unnoticed... "They've been lying to everybody!"

"Well, what do you expect?" Ena admonished.

"Your race has only just sent manned missions to your planets moon! And they're individuals among you who dispute even that undertaking!

Do you really believe this collection of backward outer galactic hominids is ready to accept there are..." She made signs in the air.

"Aliens? Living and moving among them?"

"Well with a little education..." Tenchi huffed indignant.

"Pffft!" She snorted. "They would have to be dragged ... Kicking and screaming to adulthood!" She eyed him pointedly.

"And now is not the time, to debate such matters."

"Ok..." He muttered unhappily feeling at the moment he had some how failed to defend the planets honor. "So where is the Emperor right now any way?"

"The imperial dreadnought lays in the shadow of this systems largest planet, awaiting some final, if hasty arrangements so as not to panic the local populous."

"Arrangements? What sort of arrangements?"

"That any, shall we say 'archaic' seeing and listening devices are pointed in more harmless directions?" She then paused focusing.

"But enough of this. Certainly you have questions about tomorrow?"

"Not really," Tenchi shrugged. "From what Ayeka said, seems fairly strait forwards. As marriages go, minus the pomp and armed escorts I suppose."

"Jurian traditions are rooted in certain barbaric rituals." Ena nodded.

"As indeed are those of this planet. Full of symbolic gestures and the like I'm certain she has mentioned a few of them to you?"

"Yeah ... I've assisted grandpa in at least two Shinto weddings ... nothing I can't handle. Minus the wanting to run screaming into the hills part I guess." Tenchi paused looking at her speculatively.

"Ayeka did mention something called the blessing of Tsunami though?"

"Yes. The most sacred of Jurian marriage rituals." Ena breathed turning to halt before him, straitening her posture.

"The intended couple stand before he who officiates," She explained. "The emperor in this instance. Each then recites the tenets of their blood."

"Tenants?" He found himself frowning. "What are those?"

"A list, noting any individuals who stood out in their family's history or brought honor to their family name." Ena supplied.

"There follows a short pronouncement where the man tells his bride all that he shall accomplish for her, aptly called 'The justification'."

"I'm supposed to... ?"

"We have already written YOUR particulars." Ena smiled at him.

"You may read through it and make any suitable additions or deletions of course."

"Gezzz..." Tenchi shook his head.

"Additionally, given the decidedly hurried nature of these proceeding demand some compromises." She nodded gravely.

"In short, it was agreed before hand that the reading of the tenants will be waved in this case."

"Ah." He acknowledged tightly. Having lived the better portion of his life believing his family to be Japanese, Tenchi felt his grasp of the observation of traditions and in cases, oddly 'apparent' rituals to be solid enough.

"Concluding that," Ena continued. "Ayeka's father will take and place within her hand a single Ouke-no-ki seed, then place your hand over top of hers." Ena paused, drawing and releasing a single breath.

"It is at this point you will receive the judgment of Tsunami."

"But I thought you rendered her..."

"It is only symbolic." Ena chided, with the raise of a hand.

"After all there are literally hundreds of Jurian weddings each and every day. How could even the goddess attend everyone?"

"Nice, that you've manage to cover all the bases." Tenchi murmured bitterly.

"Just how long do you intend to keep Sasami in time freeze?"

"Till the conclusion of the ceremony." Ena replied quietly, obviously suddenly uncomfortable. "So that she simply will have to accept what has transpired."

"Elegant." He eyed her flashing a humorless, rather nasty smile. "Why don't you just keep'er in the fridge?"

"I, I beg your pardon?" Ena mildly stammered.

"Beats having to pack'er kicking and screaming all the way back to Jurai!" He said baldly.

"Tenchi..." Ena faltered.

"Or would that be towed?" He sneered sideways at her. "Since all you seem to see her as is some kind of an organic device?"

"Sasami, is as dear to me as if she were my own child!" Ena cried angrily.

"You have," He leaned forward directly into her face. "A 'damn' strange way of showing it!" Tenchi concluded. His gaze held her till it overpowered. Forcing Ena's eyes downwards.

"My god!" She sighed privately. "He IS! Every bit as delicious as Azusa!"

"Damn strait!" Ryoko's thoughts readily agreed. "I know quality when I pick it!"

"My heart is actually pounding!" Ena continued to her sister in meld.

"I want to rip off my clothes and scream TAKE ME NOW!" From some where in the 'ether' there came a notable pause. And then.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Might I remind you?" Ena thought her reply coolly. "That YOU are merely a mental clone of Ryoko in MY mind?"

"THIS ISN'T FAIR!" The silent voice continued after another slight pause.

"The 'only' way YOU will EVER get to have him is if I..."

"THAT'S IT! I want a lobotomy!"

"And don't call me by my name!" Tenchi added angrily, of course totally unaware.

"You haven't earned the right!"

"Yes!" Ena breathed huskily, "My lord." She fixed the honorific quickly hoping her 'excitement would be mistaken for abashment.

Tenchi curtly nodded. 'Liking' under the circumstance the tone of submission he heard in her voice. The moment lengthened, his gaze upon her remaining harsh till Ena's eyes ventured cautiously upwards.

"Oh Tenchi!" Ryoko breathed behind Ena's gaze. "Look at me! Can't you see?"

"What are you doing?" Ena mentally rasped.

"Reaching out with my heart!" Ryoko's shadow whispered urgently. "TENCHI! It's me!"

"Well stop it!" Ena commanded, panicking as Tenchi's expression began to shift from one of anger to puzzlement. "Behave yourself!"

"W-What are you?" He asked. Continuing to study her eyes.

"Yes!" Ryoko begged. "I'm right here! Inside this old blue bag!"

"INDEED!" Ena snapped silently indignant.

"Its ME! Its RYOKO!"

"I..." Tenchi murmured, his eyes seeming to glaze.

"He sees me!" Ryoko's shadow cried. "I know he sees me! TENCHI!"

"Tsunami!" Ena silently breathed, seeing a look of almost childlike wonder forming upon Tenchi's face.

"Ry..." He sighed, barely a whisper. "Oko?"

"YES!" Her shade elated. "Its ME! I'm HERE!"

Tenchi was in the act of leaning forwards, lips starting to part aiming presumable in the general vicinity of Ena's own. When his gaze suddenly cleared an instant before he visibly shook himself.

"Ryoko," He restated firmly, straitening. "Wouldn't approve of what you're doing!" Tenchi took a moment trying to steady, appearing slightly flustered.

"Sometimes I almost think Jurai got what it deserved when she attacked all those years ago!"

"That remains to be seen." Ena sniffed, doing her best to also 'cover'.

"You are of course entitled to you view!"

"The bond you share with him is quite strong!" She agreed privately.

"It's the power of love..." Ryoko inwardly sighed. "What else can I tell yah?"

"That YOU will never try that little stunt ever again!" Ena growled.

"The very Idea! attempting to highjack my body!"

Of course within her most secret of hearts, Ena knew that such would never be so. The dynamics of her own persona were far too strong. In the days ahead as life continued its course, the apparent separate 'self' would integrate. Even as the shadow of her mind would fade into the real Ryoko's. Allowing each woman to draw upon the strengths of the other. It was a time of wonder that no non-empathic being could ever truly understand.

"What else do you have to tell me?" Tenchi snapped irritably still deeply rattled, not at all certain of what is was he had ... felt?

"About the ceremony?" She regarded him with an 'enforced' coldness. "Nothing of real import, I should think." Ena told him hastily.

"Perhaps, if we but had more time. I would however humbly suggest that my lord prince..." She halted.

"Yeah?" Tenchi pressed.

Ena ran her tongue over the insides of her teeth, realizing she had relaxed her guard. Allowed, the memories, the 'familiarity' she had gleaned to mislead her. She was not Ryoko! And therefore should refrain from certain modes of address!

"Work upon his attitude?" She finished the sentence, unable to think of a proper amendment.

"My attitude?" Tenchi snorted. "Oh, That's rich!"

"Merely a suggestion." Ena bowed curtly. "From one who knows the ways of the court?"

"Ah! So this is Advice, from the royal Concubine?" He sneered. "I'm so honored!"

Ena paused, her gaze narrowing.

"It would appear, my lord is uncomfortable with..." She paused a barest hint of a smile returning. "The 'unique' position I hold."

"Not to mention whose 'thing' your usually holding!" Came the unmistakable mental laugh.


"Oh! Why would you EVER think THAT?" Tenchi continued to fume, rising to her ire.

"You've got this 'lofty title', but in fact your no better than..." He suddenly stopped, his upbringing preventing him from completing the thought.

"A whore?" Ena challenged. "Or dose the word offend my lords ears more than its implications?"

"How can you, or anyone? Stand being nothing but a..." He searched angrily, a man clear waring with a deep sense of personal outrage. "A Love toy?"

"Love?" Ena scoffed, lightly mocking. "Can not my lord prince even say the word sex?"

"The point is..." He began before stopping, rolling his eyes angrily.

"I'm not sure WHAT the point is!"

"On that at least we agree." Ena nodded.

"Your nothing but a ... a possession!" Tenchi glared. "A plaything! For the emperor to do with as he pleases!"

"Aye." Ena smiled, lustfully unashamed. "I am the light in his eyes, the song in his heart." She then regarded him mildly.

"Perhaps my prince's very youth renders him incapable of understanding the value of such things?"

"I understand the value of Sex!" Tenchi snapped irritably. "I just think it sometimes gets over rated!"

"Spoken like a true priest!" Ena volleyed laughingly. "Perhaps I was misinformed about the Shinto religion?"

"And what the hell would YOU know anyway?" He demanded frankly more than a little tired of all the snide commentary on the subject of late. Ayeka he was willing to 'allow' but this?

"I beg your forgiveness then my lord." Ena bowed. "My purpose again is not to offend but instruct."

"Then instruct!" Tenchi hissed uncharitably.

"Very well," She conceded. "The purpose behind this enforced union have been made known to you ... The reasons for its urgency however have only been hinted at..." Ena chose that moment to pause mentally preparing.

"There have been ... ripples you would say. Murmurs in many circles as to the final downfall of Jurai."

"Is this more about the so called 'Conquering Hordes' The queen told us about?"

"In part..." Ena nodded, ignoring the sarcasm. "Such dangers however have always been with us even from the first tentative days of the empire." She conceded.

"No, what I speak of is the recent rise even in galactic terms of New races and even 'individuals' who for one reason or another seek to destabilize the power structure for their own personal gain!"

Tenchi blinked, caught his breath almost telling her to stop. How much rampant paranoia was he supposed to swallow from these people anyway?

"Again, these sort of things have always been with us!" Ena continued seeming to sense Tenchi's impatience. "Though only now have any of these threats ever crystallize to any degree!"

She studied his eyes. "Your friend, The lady Washu? is a prime example of what I mean." She again paused watching him visibly bristle at the reference.

"The infamous 'Dr Clay of course being another." Ena press on when seeing that despite his obvious objection Tenchi offered no rebuttal.

"Yet even with my own abilities and the resources of the empire at my call I still have been unable to fathom where the man obtained some of the information he acquired."

"Lady Funaho seem content to just blame it all on Mihoshi..." Tenchi muttered quietly.

"Ah, yes!" Ena sighed, obviously amused by the notion.

"I however was unconvinced." She stated flatly. "Enough to arrange a face to face meeting with the man." She paused, her expression turning quite serious as Tenchi watched.

"What I found however was more than, 'disturbing'. The purely 'verbal' potions of the interview revealed nothing further. Clay's sole motivation appearing to balance between promise of profit while allowing some desperately desired revenge against his old rival."

Ena paused letting a slight smile cross her lips.

"From the absolute depths of his displeasure, plus other far more subtle references, one might infer volumes as to their earlier relationship.

"What are you driving at?" Tenchi muttered.

"Nothing of current importance." Ena nodded, slightly abashed, at her drifting from topic.

"Yet, I discovered hidden beneath the doctor's tirades, that his mind had been irrevocably, 'altered'."

"Altered?" Tenchi mused, only just then starting to really pay attention.

"How would you possibly know?..." He paused, studying her another moment, Ayeka's earlier comment about being a soothsayer trickling by his mind.

"Are you saying your some kind of mind reader?" Tenchi added with only mild disdain, really.

If the insanity that constituted his existence over the last few years had done anything, it had exhausted his ready supply of cynicism. For the second time in many minutes Ena's expression twisted, a sort of bemused half smile.

"As I have observed, there are indeed a great many things of which the prince must be made aware." She then observed for a moment, to see if the remark were well received.

"At any rate," Ena continued. "These 'alterations', if one could even call them such, were not subtle nor in anyway elegant. Almost as if they,"

She paused visibly again suppressing a shutter. "Or whom ever, wished them to be found. There are in fact gaps in Dr clays memories, appearing as ragged holes to one able to see. I suspect even he is mostly unaware. Unfortunately 'whomever' to continue using the idiom, did this in such a manor that very, very soon his mind will ultimately implode. Wiping all but the most basic elements of his personality, leaving in essence a living husk."

Ena's words trailed off, the frown finding purchase upon her features seeming to contain genuine remorse. "No doubt only his hatred of Washu will remain."

Tenchi continued to study her, his own face displaying a vague revulsion. He hadn't really met doctor Clay. Even going on just what Washu related in the aftermath of the whole 'Zero incident' He couldn't really say he was sorry to hear what Ena had told him. But even if the man was a total scumbag, did anyone deserve ... THAT?

"Even IF what your saying is true." He spoke at last. "What dose any of it have to do with me and Ayeka?"

"Clay babbled on mostly about his desire for revenge." Ena returned.

"Yet around the edges, he hinted at a vast reward he seemed to feel he would glean. Unfortunately even when asked under hypnosis or truth serum, he was incapable of remembering what the reward was to be..." She paused here for emphasis. "Or from 'whom' he would receive it. Yet I tell you the kind of casual destruction done to his mind hints at a power well beyond the scope of my own!"

"Sounds like you're up against some kind of powerful telepath." Tenchi supplied suddenly. "Maybe even a mystic!"

Ena started, obviously taken aback. "What would you know about such things?" She mildly gaped.

"Heh, guess you're a mind and not a Manga reader." He replied with a grin.

"And I have seen a few creepy things myself you know."

"So it would seem..." Ena returned, a little blankly. Vowing there and then to never again underestimate this young man.

"My investigations of Dr clay however, ultimately lead me into a corollary with those being conducted by Misaki."

"Uh ... You mean Ayeka's mom?" He suddenly quipped, brows furrowing at the name.

"But of course." Ena responded, looking at him oddly. "She is the General of the imperial armies."

"Duh!" Tenchi moaned banging forehead with the heel of his hand. Truthfully though, his reaction could be blamed on Kiyone to at least a minor degree. What with her always calling him by his family name. His brain had shot off in the wrong direction just then.

"You needn't feel that way..." Ena smiled tightly. "The persona she loves to project tends to make one forget the brilliant military strategist hiding behind that 'happy nut.' Her investigations however focused primarily upon Washu's involvement in Ryoko's attack." Ena continued.

"While at the time there was little data, in the centuries since there have been enough incidents to reconstruct a trail. First to Arin Kogato and through him to Washu."

"To say nothing of having most of the 'blanks' filled in for you by little o'l me."

"I told you to be quiet!" Ena privately snapped.

"But Funaho told everyone..." Tenchi blurted.

"Your friend Mihoshi's exhaustive report however did 'fill in' and confirm many nebulous points." Ena supplied.

"Enough to remove any undue objections the league of confederated worlds might have imposed! The only reason we needed to consult them at all was out of some courtesy plus the fact that two of their officers were already intimately involved!"

"I still don't understand what any of this has to do with..." Tenchi finally commented, his expression pained.

"I'm afraid it all comes back ultimately to Ryoko." Ena told him, mentally bracing herself. "Or more precisely," She continued when it became apparent he wasn't going to explode. "Her Gems."

"Wha ... What about them?" Tenchi puzzled.

"Not even Washu can explain their origins it seems." Ena replied smoothly.

"I'm not sure I follow?" Tenchi muttered, then paused as another thought occurred.

"Where is Washu by the way?"

"Suitably detained as well." Ena informed him calmly. Hoping 'the lie' would sufficiently derail answering any further questions in that regard. Her instructions on that mater had been quite clear!

"Kogato was a raider of antiquities, however." She informed Tenchi gruffly.

"Even before the accident which transformed the son of a royal Jurian house into a life stealing energy vampire! Washu, on the other hand was and is a brilliant research scientist! One of the academies brightest!"

"She always thought so." Tenchi injected dryly, choosing to let the mater go, for the moment.

"Possessing a battery of doctorates spanning almost every known field of science and medicine!" Ena continued unabated.

"Doubtless it was her knowledge of genetic and bio-forming which allowed the engineering of the perfect host for the gems of power!"

"Ryoko..." Tenchi breathed sadly.

"Yes." Ena sighed.

"Ok, so this is all very fascinating." Tenchi pressed after a moment.

"Maybe I'm just being dense ... But So?"

"Among the many things our dear Ayeka has not informed you of, lays the fact that I'm also gifted with precognitive sight."

"Like Sasami?" Tenchi ventured. Finding nothing so startling in the pronouncement, other than the confusing route they'd taken to get here.

Such things while uncommon were scarcely unheard of. The effect of the inquiry however was surprising, for the second time in many minutes Ena's eyes widened.

"She is?" She gaped.

"Of course." Tenchi shrugged. "She's been having dreams of 'things to come' for years."

He paused feeling a slight surge of smugness at having the 'upper hand' for a change. "Didn't she ever tell you?"

"Nor Funaho or even her mother..." Ena murmured slightly distraught at the news.

"Well, don't feel too bad." He assured her. "She is bonded to the first tree after all!"

"Yes..." Ena agreed quietly. "Quite."

The suffixed word stating volumes as to the many things even she did not know.

"And, 'true precog'" Tenchi continued with emphasis.

"Isn't ALL that uncommon. I myself have had more than one vision."

"Oh?" Ena uttered, now totally 'off her game'.

"I am a priest of the order of Shinto!" Tenchi stated, gleaning immense pleasure from dealing some minor vengeance to the 'slights' he felt the religion had been taking of late.

"And Yosho's grandson after all!" He added with equal pride. Ena sat quietly observing him for a moment the 'remark' having sunk firmly home.

"Touche'" She grinned wryly.

"The point is taken, however it is with these gifts that I have sensed a gathering darkness. Which, when arrived will rival the horror that was Kain a thousand fold!"

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