Fund Raising Redone by Roxanne - Cover

Fund Raising Redone by Roxanne

Copyright© 2009 by Jaqi

Chapter 12: The First Match

Linda took a running start, charging at Rox. Rox just stood there and watched her coming. Linda held her arm out chest high, hit Rox just above her breasts, and Rox was flat on her back. Linda grabbed at Rox's bra, pulled it up and over her head and removed it.

Dahman held the microphone to his mouth. "Stop wrestling. First round over. Total time for round and match, 16 seconds. One minute interval between rounds."

Linda helped Rox up. Rox was covered in mud from the back, but there wasn't a drop of mud on her front. Linda had a little bit of mud on her legs, presumably from the splash Rox sent up when she landed.

"Linda, please toss Rox's dirty bra up on the deck, anywhere." Jim announced.

I was amazed that Rox lost the first round so fast. She seemed to be OK as we walked over, and she seemed to be OK now, but I did not expect her to be half naked in sixteen seconds.

At the end of the one-minute interval, at Dahman's direction, Rox got down on her hands and knees in the mud. Linda got on her knees, with one hand around Rox's back onto her midsection, Linda's other hand on Rox's left elbow. On Dahman's "wrestle," Rox tried to skoot forward and out of Linda's grasp. She almost made it, but she slipped, and ended up flat on her back. As Rox tried to stand, Linda got her hands on Rox's waistband, and pulled her panties off.

Referee Dahman called the round over. The second round ended in 21 seconds, total time 37 seconds. I was beginning to worry. I didn't know Linda Muller at all. What I did know was she was making short work of our second best wrestler.

Without being prompted, Linda threw Rox's bottoms on the deck.

Between the second and third round, Jim drew a raffle ticket from the drum and asked the guy named to be at corner number 1 after the third round ended.

Rox started the third round on the bottom again. She moved better than she did in the first two rounds, and managed to escape to a standing position. She was covered in mud, but she was not so muddy as to hide the fact that she was totally naked. It looked like Rox was going for Linda's shoulder straps, trying to rip off her bra. As Rox leaned in towards Linda, Linda moved forward. Rox's knees buckled, and she ended up sitting in the mud, a surprised look in that part of her face I could see through the mud. Linda stepped forward, pushed Rox in the shoulder, and Rox fell back. Linda lay down on Rox's chest, her thighs over Rox's left arm, her hands holding Rox's right arm away from her body. Rox was kicking and bucking, trying desperately to dislodge Linda. Linda moved forward a few inches, still keeping Rox's left arm trapped, now under Linda's knees. This allowed Linda to straighten her right arm, and hold Rox's right arm out of range, and to use her left arm to trap Rox's right leg when she tried to kick out. Rox kept trying to kick or roll or move somehow, but she was really immobilized.

The referee's voice boomed over the microphone. "Wrestler is controlled, beginning to time thirty seconds."

Rox had only two choices, submit or wait for the 30 seconds to pass. She did the logical thing, and just lay there in the mud until Referee Dahman called Rox out. "Third round time 59 seconds, total time 1 minute, 36 seconds. Ms. Green is eliminated; Ms. Muller advances to the quarterfinals. Ms. Muller did not lose a garment."

Jim was back to the microphone. "Wow, good job, Linda. You made that look real easy. Linda and Rox, please stand inside the pit, over by corner number 1, until I finish my announcements."

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