The Trailer Park: The Fifth Year: Part 2 : Music and Lyrics - Cover

The Trailer Park: The Fifth Year: Part 2 : Music and Lyrics

Copyright© 2008 by Wizard

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Tony and company continue their voyage through their junior year of high school.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual  

"Stop drooling!"

I came back to reality. "I wasn't drooling."

Tami and her mother looked knowingly at each other.

"I wasn't ... I was just imagining ... I mean..."

"Tony, my future son-in-law, have you ever heard the expression quit while you're behind?"

I decided I had a very wise future mother-in-law and nodded. Tami looked satisfied.

"She was real excited, though naturally her father had trouble deciding between pride and paternalism."

Tami shook her head in awe. "It's hard to believe. A quarter-of-a-million."

Tami's mom had ridden to Seattle with Robbie's dad, then come back today with her dad and sister. Samantha had flown into Seattle from Brazil, where she'd just finished a photo shoot. On the way back, Samantha had told them that she'd been googled just over two hundred and fifty thousand times last year. I could understand her dad's confusion, whether to be proud of his little girl or mad at all the perverts who'd wanted to look at her in swimsuits and lingerie.

"How many of those were yours?" Tami accused.

"I, um..."

Her mom laughed. "Quit picking on him. He's had a long day." I decided that I needed to get her something real nice for Mother's Day. Do they have a Mothers-in-Law Day?"

"Tami, Samantha may be beautiful and sexy, but you have something she'll never have."

"Don't forget rich," Tami added. "What?"


"I wonder if I can trade him in on beautiful, sexy and rich," Tami asked her mother.

"Tami, my little muttonchop, you're already beautiful and sexy. And by the time you get your third or fourth Pulitzer, you'll be rich enough to support me in the style to which I want to become accustomed."

"My little muttonchop?" her mom asked with a laugh.

"He's been working on pet names. It's that, or my little jackalope."

"He needs to work harder. But now, it's time to kick you out 'cause you're not the only one who's had a long day." I'd walked Tami over from my house. It was after midnight.

I bowed, gave Tami a quick kiss, and opened the door.

"Oh, before I forget," Tami's mom said as I stepped outside. "Samantha also said she's going to be doing a USO show in March. Turkey, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Her dad's not real happy about it."

"I can understand that," Tami said. "But is he more worried about insurgents with guns or fifty thousand leering soldiers?"

"Both," I said. "I wonder if she has a talent. I mean, besides..."

"Good night, Tony," they said together.

I was dreaming.

I knew it was a dream. I usually know, but who cares.

It was spring. Baseball season. Fans were in the stands, the team was tossing the ball around, but I was lying on the grass between shortstop and the pitcher's mound, my hands behind my head looking up at three clouds as they played tag in an almost painfully blue sky. I was naked, my flag pole at attention and receiving a slurpy salute from Tami's tongue. Darlene, Allie, Mikee and Paula were in their cheerleader uniforms working the fans into a frenzy of applause for Tami's technique.

Now this was my kind of dream.

Tami's mouth had engulfed my rod and was working up and down, her tongue doing something different that felt incredible. It was a whole different technique.

The fans and cheerleaders went quiet as a Lake baseball player stepped into the batter's box. The pitcher wound up. I admired his form even as Tami's tongue tried to squeeze into my pisshole.

The cheerleaders started a chant, "Hey, battah, battah, battah..."

The pitcher brought his arm back, then over the top and fired. I saw the snap of his wrist, a curve ball. The ball rocketed toward the Lake batter, then trailed down and out...

"Battah, battah, SWING!"

The Lake batter swung. I heard the crack of contact between the aluminum bat and the ball. The ball shot forward, straight at...

I woke with a sharp exhale. Leave it to Lake to spoil everything. I lay on the sofa, not bothering to open my eyes, remembering the dream. I could still feel Tami's mouth surrounding my cock. I COULD STILL FEEL TAMI'S MOUTH SURROUNDING MY COCK!

My eyes snapped open.

"Hailey!" I said in a whispered shout, or a shouted whisper.

Hailey knelt next to the sofa, her mouth moving up and down my twelve inch shaft. Actually it was probably closer to six. I hadn't measured it in a long time. I'd decided that it was going to be what it was going to be. Besides, it made Tami happy, and it made me happy, so what more did you need?

"Hiacss." Which I think translated into "Hi Cuz.' I was amazed that she could talk with her mouth full and her tongue in hyper-drive. I guess she'd had a lot of practice.

I really wanted to tell her to stop, but apparently when the little head sucks all the blood out of the big head, it takes the connection to the vocal cords with it. Hailey's tongue felt good. Really really good. I couldn't define it, but something she was doing was better than it's ever been before. I felt myself building to an explosion, it just felt so fucking good.

There must have been three or four drops of blood left in the rest of my body, 'cause that's when my big head took over again.

I put my hand on her forehead and pushed gently backward. Hailey looked confused as she sat back on her heels.

"Ahem," Cinnamon cleared her throat from the doorway. I looked from her, to Hailey, to my rigid shaft.

For once life wasn't complicated. "Control her," I said softly, then rolled onto my side away from Hailey and pulled the blanket up over me, not bothering for the moment to pull up my shorts and underwear.

"Hey! It was just a blowjob," Hailey said softly. Cinnamon said something that I didn't catch.

"I was just, like, trying to say thank you," There was a little whine in her voice now. If Cinnamon answered, I didn't hear it. As Hailey got up and walked away, I slipped into sleep.

This time without dreams.

I woke about eight, and from the silence in the house, I was the first. I threw back the blanket, surprised for a second that my shorts were around my ankles and my underwear around my knees. Then I remembered last night. I adjusted them, got up, and walked toward the back.

My door was ajar, and inside I heard the rhythmic breathing of the two girls. I slipped in and got clean clothes. The two girls were nestled together, with Hailey's head in the space between Cinnamon's head and shoulder, almost like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle.

I slipped out and took a quick shower, even remembering to lock the door. After I dressed, I put my bedding away, grabbed a coat and stepped outside.

It was ... pristine.

It had started snowing sometime in the night, and a blanket of white covered everything. The trailer park must be taking the day off, 'cause there wasn't a footprint or tireprint anywhere.

It was still snowing lightly. The air was brisk but not too cold, maybe mid-twenties. I grinned and stepped off the porch to make my mark on the world.

On my third orbit of the park, Tami joined me. Without a word she fell into step, her arm went around me, and her hand slipped into my back pocket. We walked without talking, just enjoying the nearness of each other, the snow, the quiet of the world.

After four circuits, Tami kissed me lightly on the cheek and peeled off back into her house for breakfast with her mom. Not a single word had passed between us.

I came in and stomped the snow off my feet before hanging up my jacket.

"How's Tami this morning?" Mom called from the kitchen.

"Quiet." Cinnamon and Hailey were sitting at the dining room table watching Dad fuss with the coffee maker and Mom inventory the pantry. Wynter and Traci sat on the sofa talking. I walked around and gave all the girls, even Traci, a hug.

I took a seat across the table from the girls just as Dad's stomach gurgled.

Cinnamon looked at me and whispered, "It's scary when they start making the same noises as their coffee makers."

I grinned and nodded.

"Can I talk to you?" She indicated the back with a nod of her head. I nodded again, stood, and led her to my bedroom.


"No," I said, cutting her off.


"It's not your discussion."

"I was just going to say..."

"No." I repeated. "Hailey's a big girl, and in case you haven't noticed, she's older than you. She can deal with her own mistakes. If she even realizes she made one."

"She does. She..."

I cocked my head and stared and Cinnamon stopped. "If Hailey wants to talk to me, I'll talk," I said after a few seconds. "If she wants to pretend it never happened, I'm good with that too."

Cinnamon gave me that dissecting stare of hers as she studied me. I worked on my breathing. In, two three. Out, two, three. I know it's an automatic process, but it never hurts to have a backup plan. After almost a minute, Cinnamon nodded.

"And Hailey doesn't need prompting from the audience," I said as I opened the door for her.

Cinnamon nodded. "You may give Robbie a run for her money yet."

Tami showed up as we were finishing breakfast. She knocked, then let herself in. I was sitting on the couch watching Mom feed Dad a last piece of toast. Tami sat across my legs giving me a quick kiss. "Gonna tell me about it?" she whispered.

I nodded. "Someday." I knew she could reach into my head and pull everything out, but sometimes she liked to leave me the illusion of privacy. I gave her butt a quick pat and she stood.

"Hailey, you and I have an appointment in the Sinai." Hailey looked resigned but nodded. "Trace, why don't you teach the others how we play Monopoly in the Pacific Northwest?" Traci nodded and now Tami looked resigned. I returned her kiss with a smile.

"Get comfortable," I said as I closed the door to my bedroom. Hailey grinned and grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt. She lifted it up past her belly button, then changed her mind and let it drop again. She sat on my desk chair and looked up at me.

"I was thinking," Hailey said, interrupting my train of thought about whether to go back over what we'd talked about yesterday or start where we'd left off.

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