A Cloud Over Brenham - Cover

A Cloud Over Brenham

Copyright© 2008 by Wandering Lanes

Chapter 3: Lake Town

I was back in a green glade of trees and bushes. In front of me, seated on a throne made out of living wood, was the Green Lady, and beside her stood The Red Queen. Both looked concerned.

"Well, Lord John, how do you feel?" The Green Lady asked me.

I frowned, "I don't understand. I was just healing a man who tried to attack Saul, and then..." I looked around the glade in puzzlement, "Why did you bring me here?"

The Red Queen shook her head. "We didn't. All of a sudden, we were called to the glade, and when we arrived, you appeared. From what we can gather, you were working under a compulsion. But it's not of our making."

I sat down on the grass and began thinking. "I'm not sure who it would be. I know the Supreme One is more interested in the spiritual aspect of Brenham, so I think we can discount him ... or her. Bran o'the Forest takes care of the land and animals, but he's like you, so it can't be him ... hmm." I looked at the Green Lady, "What if there is something else on the planet, not under any control but itself?" I suggested.

She shook her head. "We have received no reports of any such manifestations before. Why would something happen now?"

I had wondered that myself. "There isn't any real reason why it would happen. I don't know why it picked on me, but as I think about it, there was something familiar about it." I began thinking again and then I saw the events unfold. It was as if I was a passenger in my own mind.

'I allowed you to remember because you are working for the good of the land.' the voice sounded inside my head.

'Who are you?' I sent back

'I am the true spirit of the land — as the Supreme One looks after the souls, I ensure that the land does not suffer. What your son is planning will bring devastation to the land, something that must be stopped.'

'That is what I am going to do, but I don't need interference. Please let me do this my way. By the way, what is your name?' I asked the voice.

'In your world you have a name for me. It is Gaea. Since your world moved away from me, I used the portal systems to find a new home. This world is relatively untouched by man and so is still useful to me. However, your son is planning on bringing into this land the foul factories and machineries, and this is not right, as the people of this world do not know how to use them wisely. I need to remain here for several centuries to recover from the injuries I received on your world, but when your son took over I knew I had to do something.' Gaea sounded regretful as she said this.

"Will nobody believe that I would sort out my son?" I asked out loud.

'Of course, for that is what is in your heart. It's just that sometimes you need a push in the right direction; I know that you are aware of this but sometimes you need a nudge to remind you.' Gaea's laughter sounded within my head. 'I have also given you something else ... but you'll find out more later on. Go in peace, my hero.' The presence left me.

I could see that The Green Lady and The Red Queen were watching me closely. "I'm okay, but it seems that the spirit of the earth has decided I need a kick in the pants. She's telling me to get on with the job and not to be complacent again. I think I need to get back." I concentrated and then opened my eyes again.

I was in the cart looking up at an upside-down view of a concerned Thomas, who was holding my hand. I gave a smile and patted her hand. "Sorry about that. Just needed to recharge my batteries."

Thomas frowned. "What does that mean?" she asked.

I contemplated talking about batteries and how they get recharged, but then decided it was better not to. "I needed to sleep for a few moments. How are we doing?"

"Saul has been taking us into the woods following the road; Mistress Genius has taken the reins for show. She's been telling stories ... did you really go to a world of metal?" I could hear the doubt in her voice.

"The lands beyond the portal are many and strange. The world was not made of metal but those living there are artificial people, but they look just like you or me. It was due to their work that they became aware, and so they were rewarded with a world that they could call their own." I tried to explain.

"But if they were like us ... why was it called a metal world?" Thomas enquired.

"Because others can't see how alike we are. Whether we're made of flesh or artificial, the end result is the same; we're all intelligent beings, no matter how we're made."

"Do they believe in the Supreme One?" she asked, frowning.

I smiled, "Not in that name, but they do have a belief closely allied to him. Now, why do you ask about these things?"

"Well, Mistress Genius said you were going to Lake Town and that we might go through the portal to another world. Is that true?" Thomas's eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought.

"I wasn't planning on leaving this world until I'd finished, but you might be safer elsewhere."

"No! I'm staying with you. Granny said I had to." Thomas grabbed hold of my arm as she said this.

"And your Granny was a wise woman. Very well — you're staying with me. But you will obey everything I or Genius tells you, understand?" I kept the smile on my face to show her I wasn't annoyed with her.

"Yes, Lord John. I promise," Thomas said, but I was sure she hoped I hadn't seen her crossed fingers as she said that.

"All right, now I'd better get up and help Genius." I matched actions to words and climbed back onto the board that acted as a seat.

"Now what, Lord John?" Was the first question that Genius asked me.

"Well, we're going to start a rumour. The loss of the church will cause problems," I told her.

She shook her head. "Yes, but how did you manage that? I didn't think you would have enough power to destroy a building like that." she regarded me with a searching look.

"Oh, I didn't destroy the church. It's just in a pocket, keeping safe until the time is right," I said, not really telling her anything about the spell's effect.

Genius looked at my jacket. "But you're not wearing pockets. So what do you mean?"

I laughed, "There are more pockets than those in clothes," was all I would tell her.

I called out, "Elfin folk come near."

Saul had to stop, as our path was obstructed by the group of Fae who were looking expectantly at us.

"Ye called us, human? What do ye need?" the tallest of the group asked.

"Mischief and fun!" I said the magic words for them. "I need words to be heard in the town of Brenham. Whisper that the Supreme One has turned his back on them as their King has turned his own back on the Supreme One. If any demand proof, then tell them to go to the church and see what has happened."

The tall one rubbed his chin. "I ken of your actions My Lord, are ye sure ye not be working for a dark one?" he asked suspiciously.

I reached down to where the root of a tree was poking through the ground, I looked around and then held a twig on another tree, "By root and branch, I tell thee. I could only do that with the blessings of the Supreme One. The church that Bran o'the forest had built is safe. Wilt thou do as I request?"

His face broke into a smile, "Why, surely, Milord. The townsfolk are already a-twitter over the banshee. This news will spread like wildfire." With that, the group vanished.

"You knew how to show them, Lord John?" Genius asked and Saul was also watching closely

"They wouldn't believe me if I just gave my word. I had to show them that I understood their affinity with the land. Now, shall we carry on?" I got up and climbed onto the cart. Saul looked back at me. "Please, Saul, I do know what I'm doing," I assured him.

A small form joined me on the seat. "it's alright Saul. I trust him now." Thomas hugged my arm as she said this.

Saul nodded and took up the strain of moving the cart, and Genius gave a smile and then darted away as a wolf.

I looked down at the girl snuggling up to me. "Why did you say that you trusted me now?" I enquired.

Her face took on a far-away look. "I've seen your heart, and I can feel your anguish when you fight. I also know that you will protect me."

I patted her arm. "I hope you're right."

Private Journal of Harold — King Harold I of Brenham

This last night has been a restless one for us all.

After the attack by the unknown wizard and the damage to the gates which left us imprisoned we were subjected to a wailing noise on the battlements...

Harold put down his pen and thought about the events of that night

"What is that infernal noise?" He demanded of the guard stationed outside his room

The guard looked at Harold, fear was in his eyes. "I don't know Sire." He said knowing that if he had dared to leave his post he would have been punished.

"WELL GO AND FIND OUT." Harold ordered him but still he hesitated. "GO ON!" Harold demanded and the guard was about to when the Captain of the guard arrived.

"Sire. There is a banshee in the castle. The men are frightened, they say it foretells of death and misfortune." He said

"I know what a real banshee is Captain. This, I think, is a sending by the wizard. He wants to demoralise everyone in the castle. But it will not work! Do you hear me Captain? It will not work." Harold could see that the captain was dubious but then as a peasant it was his duty to obey the king.

"O ... of course Sire, I'll get on with it immediately." He said and ran off to rally the men.

Harold braced himself he knew that he would have to show these people what they were facing. he quickly dressed and left his chamber and walked off to the battlements with a fearful guard behind him.

It was cold and the wind was blowing from the north, the shape of the 'banshee' walking along the battlements wailing, with the wind making its ragged covering billow, the face was hidden by the flapping cloths.

"So, who sent you? Image of nothing." Harold called out

"Beware. Oh King, the fates frown on you tonight." The shade responded, "The Supreme One has withdrawn from this land and you are cursed."

Harold laughed, "Really? Well your words are naught to me. Return to your master and tell him that you have failed in your task."

"Oh mortal, you have much to learn ... I have no master. I belong to this castle and its rightful ruler ... which is not you, murderer." The shade responded

"I call you false — tell your master that we will not be cowed by such as you." as Harold walked towards the banshee but then the wind blew up and seemed to batter him back.

"My words are not for you false king, but for those who are below listening to me, your days are numbered that is my warning to you and your men, treat the folk of Brenham fairly and you might survive ... beware should you not..." And the shade vanished.

"Those are just words, words designed to frighten children. We are not children." Harold called into the wind, but he received no reply. He looked down at the guards who were on the ground looking up at me, "You see how I scared off this false vision? That is how easy it is to defeat these wizards." He tried to rally them but the cheers returned were weak and sounded false to his ears.

As Harold returned to his chamber he started to prepare for sleep, but then there was a loud banging noise from the turret opposite his, when he arrived there he found all the doors were opening and closing, banging against the frames as they did so. The guards were just standing in shock watching this, many of them making the sign to ward off evil.

"Stop that, we're not facing anything evil, it's just that wizard has laid a spell on the doors." Harold spoke and then realised that he was admitting that the wizard was more powerful than him.

"Shut the doors and bar them." He directed the men who did try their best, but several were injured as the doors struck them, but eventually all the doors were held secure.

Harold sighed and picked up the pen, writing in his version of the events, and then he carried on

... Our celebrations were short lived as there was a call of 'Fire' from the kitchens which none of us could ignore.

Some hours later, the fire was out but the kitchen was completely gutted, for some reason the fire didn't extend further, but this also meant that we had no food — except for the stock in the cellar, which we found had been flooded! If I could get my hands on that wizard, I'd have him drowned and burnt at the same time...

A soldier from the village rushed into the castle, finding no problems at all with the gate? But we had tried everything we could to open it! Anyway he had news that the Church had vanished completely.

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