Tristan, Marisol & Lydia - Cover

Tristan, Marisol & Lydia

Copyright© 2008 by Anonymous Bosch

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A three dimensions Universe story - Marisol and Lydia, the hottest 17 year old BFFs in San Jose, decide it's time to accede to Tristan's every command.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   DomSub   Spanking   Light Bond   First   Sex Toys  

It was a beautiful day in May 2007 and I was out washing my car in the driveway. I heard a dog barking and caught a glimpse of auburn hair and a small black dog across the park next to my house. It was Marisol! What a hottie! Thinking fast, I hurried inside to change my shorts. I had a pair of jams that would be perfect. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut out the lining. Given what I had seen in the lockers, I was fairly unique in that my cock was really long even when flaccid. It was about 6" long and an inch in diameter when soft. When it was hard, I was about 2" and 8" with the head 2.5". I wanted to give little hottie Marisol a show. I ran my cock down my inner thigh and made sure it was easy to see. Wearing flip-flops and my jams, I went back to washing the car. I glanced up to see Marisol walking up the sidewalk towards me. She was a girl from the neighborhood who I had heard through the grapevine had a crush on me. Marisol had just turned 17 (I was 20) about 3 months before and had really grown up since I'd last seen her. About 5'7" with long auburn hair, light olive skin and startling green eyes. She had great legs, a nicely rounded ass, sweetly curved hips and teenage tits that were so perfect they looked like they were implants. All in all, an incredibly tasty morsel dressed in really tight yellow shorts and a white tank top that left her midriff bare. She didn't need a bra and she wasn't wearing one. I could almost see her aureoles through the top. Her dad is Cuban and her mom American. She was catholic and I suspected that Billy Joel was right, Catholic girls start much too late.

Looking at her, all I could think was "Pam." I had recently read a book called Ghost by John Ringo. The main dude in the book, Mike, had a couple of coeds on his boat named Pam and Courtney. He was into domination & submission and had trained these two coeds to call him master and submit to almost anything he wanted. Since I'd read it, I was dying to have my own little slave. And Marisol was BFF with Lydia, who was a smoking hot blonde. Hmmm. Pam & Courtney. Marisol & Lydia? Dressed like that, this girl was begging for it! It was worth a shot.

She said," Hi Tristan, nice to see you," as she discretely looked at my torso. Her Boston terrier 'Ripley' bounded up to me and I squatted down, parting my legs wide to play with him. I played with him as he jumped up and tried to lick my face, all the time looking her up and down. She could hardly miss it. I saw her glance at my crotch and knew see had seen the 'snake.' I said, "Oh my God, have you turned into a sexy girl," thinking, 'let's see how that flies!' She blushed enough to show through her coloring and mumbled something. I asked her what she had said. Finally I got it out of her that she had said, "I'm glad you think so." And blushed, squirming a little with her hands behind her back, pushing those awesome tits out at me. (Unconsciously, I think)

I'm thinking to myself, Jackpot!

I said, "You really are hot. Do you have a boyfriend?" She said, "Yes, but he's really immature..." I added "and it's time for a more mature guy?" She blushed and kind of mumbled again which I took as a yes as she glanced at my cock again. I said, "More mature guys want women, not girls. Are you a girl or a woman?" Very softly she said she was a girl. I put down the sponge, looked her up and down very blatantly. She squirmed a bit as I stripped her with my eyes. I said, "You know, I'd like to take you upstairs. We could have a beer or two. Then, when you're nice and relaxed, I'd take you onto my lap and kiss you." She was frozen, just looking at me like a deer in the headlights. "We would french for a while and then I'd start to kiss along your jaw line to nibble on your earlobes, then back to your mouth. Next my hand would slide up your arm to cup a breast and stroke your nipple with my thumb. When you began to squirm, I'd twist you around until you were facing me with your legs straddling my hips and kiss you hard and deep with my tongue. Placing my hands on both shoulders I'd slide my hands down to cup and massage both of those wonderful tits. Next, I'd pull you towards me so that I could kiss my way down your chest, stroking your back."

As I narrated this, I watched her closely. She was breathing quicker, a little sweat on her upper lip and her nipples where poking out a bit. She was also couldn't help glancing at the snake, which was thickening a bit as I started to get hard.

"I'd slide my hands down and up to ease your top off, freeing those gorgeous tits and trapping your arms behind your back. Then I'd kiss, nip and suck all over them, circling around your nipples until you began to try to move your nipples into my mouth. Taking the nipple, I'd suck gently, then lick hard and fast until you began to sigh and gasp. The while I was licking, my hands would cup and massage that sweet ass of yours. When you were really aroused, I'd cradle your back in my arms, twist around and lower you back first on to the couch. Crouched over you, I'd kiss my way down to your belly button, swirling my tongue inside. Then slowly down to lick and nuzzle your pussy through your shorts."

It's like she'd been mesmerized. I asked her softly. "Have you ever had your pussy licked? Women say it's the best feeling ever."

She seemed to jolt out of trance. Marisol began to stammer and then said. "I think I'd better go." She turned and seemed ready to flee in confusion, so I said, "Stop. Tonight, when you're in your bed, think of my tongue stabbing deep into you, licking the sides of your pussy lips and then on up to suck on your clit. Fantasize about coming in my face. Think about a hard cock in your hand and the tip in your mouth as you suck on it. Dream of my hard cock deep inside you. Then, when you can't stand it any more, come and tell me, 'I'm ready.' Just make sure that you are ready. Because you'll have to do whatever I ask." She turned and hurried away around the corner. I thought, damn, I blew it. She had run. Damn.

Well, at least Marisol's male relatives hadn't shown up to break my kneecaps. And, I think my little adlib plan backfired. I couldn't get her out of my mind. I jerked off every night fantasizing about the combination of her smoking hot body and apparent innocence. I was between girlfriends and no relief in sight.

Ring Ring.


"Tristan, it's Marisol."

"Hi! It's great to hear from you. I'm glad you called. Listen, about the last time..."

She cut me off. "I'm ready." She said.

Oh wow.

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yes, the last month has been..." she trailed off.

"Hell on earth? Me too."

"What do you mean?"

"Since I saw you last, all I can think about is you. Every night I ... ah ... fantasize about you."

"Oh wow"

"You have no idea how devastating you are in person."

"I've been fantasizing about you every night and I can't take it anymore." It came out in a rush.

"Okay then. Cool. But there are rules and a promise."

"Rules? What rules? Promise?"

"This is about sex for fun, which is very different than making love."

"That was pretty clear from the beginning." she said tartly.

"I want to do both with you."

"Hmmm. Well, what are these rules?"

"First - You do as you're told. What I say, you do. Second, when I tell you to do something, you have to ask permission to do it and you have to talk really dirty. Really dirty. Pussy, fuck, cock, cunt, tits - the dirtier the better. Third, you will address me as Sir or Master. Those are the rules. Here is the promise. I will never do anything to harm, injure or humiliate you. Anytime that you wish to quit, say 'Red Rover, Red Rover.' And the roles will stop. Instantly. No questions asked. If you agree to this, you will have the most mind blowing sex that you can stand."

"This is ... I don't know ... What IS this about?"

"It's about dominance and submission. I dominate, you submit. There is no guilt, no inhibitions because this is a role that you are choosing to play. They are skins we put on to play a part that we can cast aside at will. They have nothing to do with who we really are. This way you can be a nasty, dirty little slut if you wish and it's not who you are, or will become. It's true freedom. I can be a domineering male tyrant and still be the man with the feminist mother who would be appalled at my behavior. Dominance is a promise to see to your pleasure and submission is about agreement, not coercion."

"Why can't we just make love?"

"Because you and I aren't there yet. All we've done is fantasize and masturbate about an image and an idea."

"I ... I need to think about this."

"Maybe this will help. Buy a copy of Ghost by John Ringo. It explains everything. Be well my lovely." I hung up.

The next day

It was pouring rain as I drove home. As I turned onto my street, I saw a pair of female legs below a raincoat and umbrella. Nice legs. Great legs! I pulled into the driveway, collected my stuff and reached for the door handle, there was Marisol looking at me through the window. My heart skipped a beat and I felt a surge of hope. I opened the door, got out as she held the umbrella over me.

"Hey beautiful, what's up?" I said. Hoping.

She looked at me intently, dropped her eyes and said, "I read the book."


"I'm ready, Sir"

"Ready for what?"

She looked at me, blushed and said, "I want my pussy licked, Sir"

"Ask for it." I said.

"Please lick me."

"Please lick my pussy, Sir." I said.

"Please lick my pussy, Sir." She said.

"And then?

"Then I want you to fuck me."

"You want me to fuck you? Take your virginity?"

She paused, and then burst out, "Oh please fuck me, I can't stand it any more!"

"Tired of masturbating?" I asked.

She blushed and stammered. "Well, yes."

"Yes Sir." I said.

"Yes Sir."

"I jerked off every night since then fantasizing about you, Marisol."

"That excites me, Sir." She looked at me with a smoldering gaze.

"Come on." I took her hand and led her onto the porch. She folded the umbrella and opened her raincoat, as it was quite humid. I saw she was wearing a mid-thigh length pale yellow sundress with buttons up the front. The yellow went beautifully with her olive skin and green eyes. I could see her nipples poking out of those wonderful, firm teenage "C" or maybe even "D" cups.

"Wow, you look so beautiful."

She cast here eyes down, smiled and said, "I hoped you'd think so, Sir"

I opened the door, ushered her through and up the stairs to me apartment. As she went up the stairs I saw that her calves and feet were wet. We walked into the kitchen. I reached out and helped her out of the raincoat, and she turned around to face me. God she was a doll; so innocent, so nervous, and a moment ago asking me to fuck her. The combination was deadly. I had an idea of how to put her more at ease. I walked over, grabbed a towel and knelt in front of her. I gently began to dry her right calf. When I lifted her foot to take of the sandal, she placed a hand on my shoulder for balance. She had slim ankles, pretty feet and dusky orange toenails. I gently dried her foot, then between each toe. It was an incredibly erotic moment for me, and I think her as well. She gripped my shoulder a little tighter as I ran my hands over her calf. I removed the next sandal, then dried her other leg and foot. I wanted to suck on her toes. I was kneeling in front of her, looked up into her green eyes and ran my hands up the outsides of her legs to mid thigh, caressing as she held onto my shoulders. The moment was electric and erotic beyond belief.

She said, Thank you, Sir"

I stood up slowly. I was already hard as a rock and making a tent out of my shorts. I hadn't even kissed her yet, but I just couldn't help it. She glanced down and I saw a little nervous look on her face.

I reached out, folded her into my arms and kissed her. Her arms went around my neck as I held her back. We kissed for a long time: then I probed with my tongue and we french kissed as our bodies mashed together. My cock was standing straight up and lying against her tummy. I thrust forward my hips a little bit and she pushed back. Pretty soon she was thrusting her hips to feel my hard-on against her tummy. I slid my hands down to cup each cheek of her sweet ass and rubbed my cock against her. She moaned into my mouth and kissed me wildly. Gathering with my fingers, I pulled up her dress and cupped her ass again - and then my hands were on her smooth bare ass. I slid my middle finger a couple of inches down the crack of her ass and she moaned and jerked her hips forward.

I thought, "Wow, she is on fire!"

"Marisol, take off my shirt." I said as I looked into her eyes. She ran her hands down my chest to my waist, caressing as she went and said, "May I take off your shirt, Sir?" She then pulled the T-shirt over my head and raked her gaze over my torso.

"Touch me. Feel me. Lick my chest. Suck on my nipples."

"Please may I touch you? Lick you? Suck your nipples, Sir?"

Oh, she was into it!

"Do as you're told, little girl."

And she did. She stroked my back and alternated sucking my nipples. She sidled around to my back and held me tight. She pressed her tits against me, kissed my back and stroked my belly. Her hand grazed against the tip of my cock and my cock twitched. Her hands on my belly were making it quiver and jerk back against my spine. I glanced down and saw a stain of pre-come on my shorts. Her hands raced over the front of my torso as she pressed her cheek and breasts against my back. The stain got bigger. I reached around behind me and cupped her ass, pressing her tummy against my ass. We were both breathing fast and I massaged her butt so that she gave out a soft moan. I turned around in her arms and kissed her long and hard.

When we came up for air, I said, "Take off my shorts."

"May I strip you, Sir?"

"Do it now!"

She gave me another one of those smoldering looks. Then she looked down and saw the stain at the tip of the tent in my shorts.

She gave me a funny look. "Did you... ?"

"Come in my shorts? No, it's pre-come. A lubricant. It's to help get my big cock into tight little places." I leered at her.

She kind of chuckled.

"What's funny, little girl." I did my Jove impression.

"I was talking to Lydia the last night and I showed her Ghost and told her all that you had said. The rules, the promise, everything. She asked me why I didn't just let Jeremy fuck me. Jeremy? Hah! The last time I was with him I let him take off my bra. He sucked on the nipples too hard and then when he touched my pussy..."

"He came in his pants!" I laughed.

"The little twerp!"

"At his age, looking at you, I might have too..." I mumbled.

"May I please take off your shorts, Sir?"

She slid her hands down to my hips and looped her fingers inside the elastic band of my shorts. I looked down and could see her nipples were hard and poking out of her dress. She was flushed and there was sweat along her hairline. She looked me in the eye, said "Yes, Sir," and knelt in front of me. She slid her hands around to the front and pulled my shorts away from my belly to free my raging hard-on. The tent of my shorts with the stain from my pre-come was right in her face. She pulled down on my shorts slowly, looking up at me the whole time. Marisol gasped as my cock popped free, almost hitting her in the face.

"Oh my god, it's huge, Sir" she said.

I'm larger than most men - about 8 inches long and 2 inches thick.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

She was transfixed, looking at her first cock at close range. She ducked her head, pushed the shorts down my legs. The top of the head brushed against my hard on, making it twitch. She helped me out of my shorts and sat back on her heels. Marisol looked me all over, licking her lips, flushed and breathing hard. Her right hand raised a little, she flushed red and it dropped back onto her leg. Almost, I thought to myself.

"Do you like what you see?"

"Oh yes Sir. Your body is..." she said.

"Is what?"

"Hard. Sexy. Masculine ... Do you know that every woman in the neighborhood watches when you run by in those little shorts?" she stammered.

"Including you?"

"Oh Yes. You have the most amazing body." She raked you gaze up and down, licking her lips. And then she said, "Please turn around."


"I want to see your butt, Sir."

I turned around and stopped. She ran her hands and my thighs and then all over my cheeks and I heard her sigh.

"Oh, your ass is so nice. So tight. I love the dimples on the sides ... and your shoulders are sooo wide..." And she kissed me on the ass cheeks.

I turned around, looking down at Marisol on her knees staring at my cock. "Touch me. Touch my hard cock."

Her hands started at my calves, stroking up the outside. She kept licking her lips. (My mouth was dry too) She gazed up at me with those green eyes as her hands slid up to caress my thighs. My stomach fluttered and my butt cheeks hardened in reaction, thrusting my hips out a little and making my cock twitch. There was pre-come all over the tip, smeared by the shorts coming off. I was almost panting from the sight of this beautiful teenager's face in front of my cock. Marisol saw that and licked her lips again. Her hands slid up to the tops of my thighs. The eroticism of the moment was so intense I almost came. She looked into my eyes and the fingertips of her right hand brushed along the shaft of my cock. It twitched. She giggled a little, and then her hand wrapped around the shaft. She could just get her fingers all the way around it. I moaned. Her left hand slid over and cupped my balls. She tightened and stroked once with the right. Her face was inches away from my cock.

"Oh, it's so soft ... and so hard, Sir."

"Run your palm over the tip."

She grinned up at me with those green, green eyes.

"May I use both hands, Sir?"

"Yes, you bad little girl."

And she did, smearing the pre-come all over the tip the palm of her left hand as she stroked the shaft with the right. The sensation made my knees buckle a little.

"The tip is so soft ... I like it..."

"Now spit on your hands, grip my cock tighter and stroke with both hands."

"May I jerk you off, Sir?"

"Do it, you dirty little girl."

"Yes ... I AM a dirty little girl, Sir." She spit on her palms and wrapped them both around the shaft. With the tip of her tongue sticking out, she gently stroked the shaft up and down making me gasp and moan. Her left palm scraped over the head of my cock on each stroke and the sensation was incredible. I felt like she was worshipping me and it was an incredible turn-on.

"Now stroke with your hands and lick the tip."

"I want to suck it."

"Suck what, you little slut?"

"I want to suck your big, hard cock, Sir."

"And if I let you suck it, what will you do when I come?"

"What do you want me to do, Sir?"

"You are going to swallow every drop, you nasty little slut."

"Ohhh ... Yes Sir. I'll swallow it all. I want your come in my mouth. Fill my mouth - please!"

"Clean off the tip, and then you may suck it."

"Yes ... Sir." and she did. Her tongue touched the tip and she tasted the pre-come. She made a little sound and then her tongue swirled all around the tip as her hand stroked. My head was thrown back in ecstasy. God it felt good. My butt and thighs were clenched hard. Her free hand raced over them and I was moaning. She stopped stroking and her head dipped forward. The tip of my cock slipped between her red lips. She began to suck and her head bobbed up and down. Her fingers closed in an "O" around the base of my shaft as she took more of the length into her mouth. I was panting, moaning, and stroking the side of her head. She sucked harder and my legs almost gave out. Marisol was making little noises around my cock. I looked down and she looked up into my eyes with her cheeks hollowing as she sucked. Her head bobbed up and down. I was looking down as this teenage smoking hottie blew me and I was in ecstasy. Having her beg me to do it had made me red fucking hot. She bobbed up and down and sucked, and sucked...

She began to slow down and then stopped.

"I'm sorry, but I'm getting tired, Sir. I love it but I can't keep it up and I want you to taste your come..."

"Okay, keep your hand where it is." I took her head in both hands and began to fuck her mouth, letting her control the depth with her hand. After a few minutes, I looked down and watched as my cock was sucked into her mouth. I also could see her left hand buried in her panties. She was masturbating too! That sent me over the edge.

"Oohhh God, I'm cumming in your hot mouth ... you nasty little slave" I managed to gasp.

A second later, the come went boiling up my shaft and I cried out, went rigid and came in her mouth. Four times my cock pulsed into her mouth. She swallowed a lot of it, moaning, as I cried out with each pulse. Some dribbled down her chin, because she was moaning too. She wiped off her chin with her hand. She looked at her hand, smiled up at me and licked it clean. Then she licked my cock clean, which was so sensitive I could barely stand it.

"Oh baby, that was fucking intense. Unbelievable."

"I'm glad this nasty little slave made you happy, Sir."

"Did my nasty little slave like the taste?"

"It's a little salty and has a strange taste. Strange but okay. And it came out of you. And I'll swallow your cum any time you want, Master"

Master. Way cool. She was really into the role now. Wow.

"And that was your first blow job? Damn. That almost turned me inside out."

"Master." And she bowed her head.

"Did I see you playing with yourself as you sucked my cock?"

"Yes, Master. I couldn't help it. When you came in my mouth it made me come too."

"I didn't order you to and you didn't beg for it."

"I'm sorry, Master. Are you going to punish me?"

Oh my. There was a temptation!

"Yes, you nasty little girl, you will be punished ... Later."

"What will you do to me, Master?"

"Nasty little girls get tied up and spanked when they're bad.'

"Please don't hurt me, Master!"

"I'll hurt you if I want to, you little slave."

She smiled at me slyly, still on her knees. I reached down and gave her a hand up, pulled her into my arms and kissed her long and hard. She was still fully clothed and I was stark naked with a softening cock. I took her hand and led her to the living room. Over at the couch, I sat down facing her with my legs spread. She was standing between my legs, biting her lower lip. Marisol was nervous again. God, what a picture she made. Her disheveled hair, flushed and sweaty face, aroused nipples and combination of innocence with rampant sexuality was such a turn on.

"Take off your dress. Slowly. Look me in the eyes." I said.

"May I strip for you, Master?"

"Strip, you sexy little bitch!"

Her hands went up the top button and still biting her lip, undid it. Some cleavage came into view. Pop went the next button, under some pressure from those firm tits. I could see her thin white bra and the swell of those great tits. Then the next button and some of her flat tummy came into view, along with those pointy nipples peeking through her translucent bra. My cock twitched. She saw it and smiled a really sexy smile. She was getting into the strip tease! She started to flirt with me. She gazed into my eyes, licked her lips and there went the next button. Her thin white panties appeared. The transparent white bra and panty set contrasted beautifully with her olive skin. My cock began to grow. She smiled at the sight of my hardening cock, arched her back to stick her tits out and undid the next to last button. Her breasts had pushed the dress wide open and I was enthralled. What a smoking hot fucking hottie!

She pulled the dress closed, stepped towards me and said, "Would you undo the last one, Master?" she said in a sultry voice.

With shaking hands, I did. She stepped back, turned around and slowly eased the dress off her shoulders. Down it came, revealing a sleek back, then sweetly curved hips and a firm, high, round ass with the thong strap of her panties buried in her crack and then all of her as the dress dropped to the floor. I was raging hard again. She looked at me over her shoulder, grinned at my hard-on and said, "I like making you hard, Master."

I drank her in, started to stroke my cock and said hoarsely, "Turn around, slave"

"Yes, Master" she said playfully. Then she turned around with her hands at her sides. What a vision she was. I stored a mental picture away for my old age. Breathe heaving slightly and flushed through her olive skin, she was a sight to treasure. She had gotten so wet that her small pubic patch showed through the crotch of her panties like nipples at a wet t-shirt contest. Flat, toned tummy, tan lines, great cleavage and those green, green eyes.

"Oh my God, you are perfect. So sexy." She smiled and blew me a kiss, watching me stroke my cock. I slid my legs together and held out my hands to her. She reached out and I pulled her towards me. She stepped outside my outstretched legs as she came towards me. I eased her down so that she was kneeling on the couch and sitting on my knees facing me with legs spread apart by mine. I could smell her delicious sopping pussy - so sweet! Marisol bent down to kiss me as I cupped her breasts.

"My God, those are wonderful. What cup size are you?'

"This undie set is Lydia's. My "C" bras were getting too tight and I didn't have anything sexy that fit. Right now, I'm a small "D".

I stroked my thumbs across her nipples and she moaned into my mouth. I slid my hands up to her shoulders and pushed her bra straps down off of her shoulders. Feeling that, Marisol leaned back and dropped her arms. I eased the straps down her arms and they peeled the cups down from her tits. Bit by bit they eased into view. She had creamy swells above the aureoles and smooth beautiful skin. Then, tan bumpy aureoles with hard light brown nipples appeared. I was entranced as the cups totally flipped down to expose her incredible tits. They looked like twin grapefruits. Firm didn't begin to do them justice! I kissed her, and then kissed my way down her chest to her cleavage.

"Take off your bra."

"Yes, Master."

She reached behind her back with both arms and those incredibly firm tits were thrust into my face.

"Are those tan lines from a minikini?" Her tits had a teeny, tiny paler triangle around each nipple. My God. This chick in a minikini? My cock twitched at the thought.

"Yes, Master."

"And where do you wear it?

"We have a pool. I just don't wear when Dad's around. It's just too revealing for his baby to be wearing."

"Bring it next time, little slave. I want to see you in it and I want to peel it off of you with my teeth."

"Definitely, Master."

"In fact, wear it under your clothes."

"Oh yes Master."

Licking, kissing and nipping I circled around her tits, teasing her. I was cradling her back, holding her against my face and her arms were wrapped around my head. Marisol began to twist her torso, trying to get a nipple unto my mouth. She twisted and there it was under my tongue. I lashed it rapidly with my tongue and then sucked hard: she moaned and hissed out a long drawn "Yeeessssss. Lick them Master" I gathered her hair in my hand and pulled her head back. I left a trail of saliva over to her other nipple, lashed and sucked. I let go of her hair, and slid my hands up her thighs, then under her panties and cupped her ass cheeks; kneading them as I tongue-lashed her nipples. She moaned again, "Oh god, yesssssssss, that feels sooooo good ... don't stop, master ... harder ... faster..."

"Press your tits together. I want to suck both nipples at once."

She mashed them together and presented them to me to be assaulted by my mouth and tongue. They were not quite big enough and way too firm for her nipples to meet. I lashed back and forth between her hard little nipples. I slid my hands further under her panties and into the slick passage of her pussy lips and started rubbing her slit. She slowly went crazy. "Oh my god ... I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Her head went back, hair cascading down her back and she whipped her head around as she had her second orgasm. She writhed and cried, "Oh ... oh ... ohh ... ohh..." And then she collapsed down on top me and lay there, panting, tits mashed against my chest. I ran my hands up and down her back and ass. Telling her how hot she was, how sexy, murmuring, nuzzling her hair and loving the feeling. Here was this beautiful teenager in my arms, naked, except for a wetly translucent pair of panties, totally without inhibitions and in my control. What a feeling!

Finally she began to return from where ever she was.

"That was the most intense orgasm I've ever had. Thank you, Master."

"My pleasure. And now it's time."

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