The Abroad - Cover

The Abroad

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 5

The next thing I knew, we were pulling onto the docks in the Coast Guard boat, with the Cleopatra hooked up and following.

We were going at top speed, trying to save him. The ambulance was already there, and I got in with everyone, leaving the Docks' workers to take care of the Cleopatra.

Kyle was going to the hospital, because of the shark. We didn't know if he was going to live or die, but we did know that Dad had to shoot the shark four times with a pistol before it finally died, or just swam away.

Kyle was unconscious, because he was under water for too long. He was scratched up too, by tooth marks that had not punctured his skin, but made bad marks in it.

I was almost crying, Adam was, and Mom and Dad were looking really worried.

When we got to the hospital, Kyle was rushed to the emergency room, and we waited outside. Mom handed me her purse. "Go call Kyle's parents using a pay phone. The number's in my wallet."

I nod, and hurry off.

I put in the change, and dial the number, and wait.

A guy's voice picks up the phone.

"Hello?" It has to be Rob.

"Is this Rob?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"This is Charlotte Rowe, your brother is staying with my family as an exchange student."

"Oh yeah. What do you need?"

He sounds really nice. "I need to talk to your mom or dad, it doesn't matter which one."

"Okay, hold on."

His mom comes on the phone, "Hello?"

"Mrs. Davis?"

"This is she," her voice has a nervous tone to it.

"This is Charlotte Rowe, your son is staying with my family as an exchange student."

"Oh yes. Well Charlotte, it's great to finally get to talk to you. You're Kyle age, aren't you?"

"Yes ma'am, but I have some bad news about Kyle."

I hear her gasp.

I explain all that happened to her. " ... and my mom thought I should call you to tell you what was going on."

"Well, tell your mother thank you very much, and we would appreciate it so much if you kept in touch with Kyle's condition. We are really worried about him. New home, new state, new country."

"Well Mrs. Davis, don't worry at all. He is getting along really well here. The kids at school love him, he is all caught up with everything. It's going really well. But we went out on the family boat, and he tried to save my little brother..."

"Well, I am happy to hear that he is doing well. But dear, you must call when you get more news on his condition."

"Don't worry Mrs. Davis, we will keep you fully informed."

"Thank you dearest."

"You're very welcome. We will call with anymore news."

I hung up, and went back to the waiting room.

Everyone was sitting around, waiting for the news.

Mrs. Davis put down the phone, her face gray and white with terror.

"What wrong Mum?" Rob asked her.

"It's Kyle..."

Right away, Rob knew something was wrong.

"What happened?"

"He got attacked by a shark, trying to save the little one, Adam."

"Oh Mom..."

"They're at the emergency room, and Charlotte said she would call back if they got any news."

"Thank god..."

"Yes. Well, we had better keep the phone line free. I'll tell your father, if you'll find your sister. We must keep at least one line empty."

"Okay Mom."

Rob wondered to himself. They had received information on Charlotte and her family. They were eoing well with Kyle. They seemed to have really clicked with him. When Charlotte had called, she seemed like she was really upset about what happened to Kyle. Even though she hadn't told him, she sounded really upset.

Maybe he would like her a lot, maybe too much. But she probably already liked Kyle, she wouldn't like Rob, he was too old for her. What am I thinking?he mumbled to himself. She's a foreign exchange student, I can't fall in love with her. Yeah, whatever.

I looked around me. Seeing people sitting around, some in tears, some looking very happy, etc.

I was worried about Kyle.

After he and I had had a fight, things just weren't right. I would feel horrible for the rest of my life if Kyle died, or something bad happened to him. It would just be better if things were right between us.

The doctor came out, and walked over to us. I jumped to my feet, "How is he? Is he going to be okay?"

"He's fine," the doctor said with a smile, and we all sighed with relief.

"But, he is a bit exhausted, he had something wrong with one of his intestines, too much sea water, but he'll be find before long. You all can go in and say hello to him, but you have to make sure not to startle him, or make him too upset."

We promised, and then went to his room. We had to go in one by one. Dad went in, was in for almost ten minutes, then came out. Mom went in, then went to call Kyle's parents. Adam was in for a while, and I finally went in to tell him his time was up.

I found him sitting on the edge of Kyle's bed, and Kyle was showing him this really weird looking coin.

They looked up when the door opened, "Come on Adam, I think you've been here long enough."

He nodded, gave Kyle a hug, and then skipped out. I rubbed his hair as he passed. I shut the door quietly behind me.

"Hey Char."

"Kyle... Â I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. You didn't do anything. It was me. I was scared about the truth. Just like you said. I can't handle the truth. I knew what the truth was, but I didn't want to admit it."


"No Char."

"Kyle, stop this. Please," I felt like crying. I went and sat on the edge of the bed. "Kyle, you just don't understand."

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