The Abroad - Cover

The Abroad

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 3

"Adam is eight years old, the baby of the family. The only baby of the family. Sometimes I feel bad for him, because we are all always so busy," I explain to Kyle as we walk to the drug store.

We are going to pick him up some school supplies.

"Yeah, Cary is not so much the baby, just because she is close to our age, but Adam is really young."

"Exactly. I think it's good that you guys hit it off really well, because Adam needs someone who is a guy, who will teach him stuff. Mom and Dad always have cases, so they are constantly busy, but there are often those moments of quality time, you know?"

"Of course. My parents are usually busy too. I'm glad you are also spending a term in Sydney. You would be great for Cary, like you said. She needs someone to look up to, besides our mom."

"I agree. What about Rob? How does he take it?"

"He always loves when I take after him, but sometimes I can't. He used to get in trouble a lot, until my parents almost forbid him to go out with this one girl." He acts like he slipped up on something, and tries to cover it up. "He has always been a trouble maker, but I'm sure you won't have any problems with him."

"How can you be sure?"

"He doesn't fight with girls." Five word answer.

I nod, wondering.

In the drugstore, we get him the supplies and stuff that he needs, and then stop by the house to get our backpacks. We go to the library. We spend the rest of the day there until dinner.

I photocopy notes for him, show him some things in history or whatever subject, and we get all of his stuff ready.

When we leave, I say, "I think you are going to be the best prepared foreign exchange student they have had in a really long time."

"I agree. Is it going to be a problem that I am starting the first term more than three weeks late?"

"I doubt it. We have already made all of the arrangements. You and I have most of our classes together, but there will be a few when you're by yourself. I'm sure you are going to click with the other kids really well."

"I hope so too."

"Don't worry about it."

"I won't."


School started. I got up at six. I took a shower, and dried my hair. I put on the blue kilt, and the white sweater with the light pink tank top underneath. I put on my Adidas with the navy blue strips. My school isn't one where you really have to dress up, but I think they like us to look pretty nice and descent. The girls like to wear skirts, because it's cooler than pants, and the guys wear shorts.

I go downstairs to find Kyle and Adam already down there. They were eating some cereal. Kyle raised his eyebrows at the skirt, and Adam was trying to imitate him the whole time, eating like him, talking like him, etc.

I got some orange juice and cereal.

We were finishing up when Mom comes downstairs, dressed in her dress suit.


"Yes, the most important one."

"Good luck."

"Thank you darling."

"Good luck Mrs. Rowe," Kyle says.

"Thank you Kyle. You don't have to call me Mrs. Rowe. Call me mom is you like."

He looked at me, I shrugged, so he nodded, "Uh ... sure, thanks."

She gets some coffee, and a danish out of the cabinet.

We finish up, and Adam and I give her a kiss before we leave. Mom makes Kyle give her a kiss too, and once again, I see the shyness returning.

Maybe because it is his first day in a new school.

We drop Adam off at the lower school, and continue on to the upper school.

I take him to the office, where he is given a locker and a bunch of other stuff.

Courtney and Mike appear out of nowhere, and join us.

We get him all set up. He even sticks something on the door of his locker. I look closer at it, it's a photo of his family.

"How sweet! The family photo," coes Mike.

"Shut up, my mom made me bring it."

"Oh, okay man, whatever you say!" he puts his hands up in fake defense.

We laugh.

We go to homeroom, where we give our advisor a note from the principal about Kyle.

"Welcome to Malibu High Kyle," she say, giving him a stupid smile.

"Yeah ... thanks..."

I'm sure he thinks she is a freak or something.


Kyle had a great first week of school at Malibu High. He told me so.

That was really great to hear.

I got even more happy when I found out that we had a long weekend for some stupid thing, it was like teacher appreciation or something, I don't know. But we had no school.

That meant a trip in the boat.

I packed a duffel. I put in a few pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, a bikini, a bathing suit, a few tank tops, and other clothes, but not a lot. We never keep clothes on the boat, because Dad sometimes does fishing and stuff, and when they are out on the water for a long time, it gets really gross.

I went downstairs, finding Mom and Dad ready.

"Char!" Kyle's voice comes from upstairs.


"Will you come here a minute?"

I run upstairs. "What is it?"

"My sweatshirt. The one from Australian Outback. Have you seen it?"

"No. I can't say I have. Why, did you lose it?"

"I think so, because I can't find it." He was digging around in his closet and drawers, looking under the bed.

"I'll ask around and see if anyone has seen it."

"Okay, thanks."

I go to Adam's room, finding him almost done with his packing.

"Have you seen Kyle's Australian Outback sweatshirt?" I ask him.

He takes it out of his bag. "Yeah, here it is."

"Why do you have it?"

"I borrowed it."

"Without asking him..."

"Yeah, I just thought it would be cool to wear his clothes."

"Kyle! Found it! Come in here and talk to Adam!"

I go back downstairs, leaving them to solve the problem.

Kyle is really great with Adam, he is really great with people in general, except for my parents. Why?

The boat. It has an auto pilot. Every trip, we go ten miles out, and then return.

I put my bag on one of the bunks, and then go back up. The sun is shining, and the sea is glistening.

The Cleopatra is almost ready to take off. Mom just came back from the store, and Dad is still down at the office, taking care of some stuff. I check the gas and stuff up in the captain room. Everything looks ready. I radio into the office.

"Can we go now Dad?"

"Char! Get off the radio! I'm on my way!"

"Thanks Dad, sorry!"

I log off.

I go back down to the main deck. Adam is still on the dock, watching some fisherman bringing in their catch.

We are also going to fish on our trip.

I check the closet. There are the fishing rods, and a few extra ones. One looks like it would work for Kyle perfectly.

Mom comes from up in the captain area.

"Anyone seen Kyle?"

"I think he's on the front deck."

"Thanks hon!"

A few seconds later, I hear her yell, "Kyle!"

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