Columbus - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by sam177

Chapter 4

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A girl forced to join a colony mission has premonitions of doom. What will happen to the girl and the other colonists. What surprises await them on the planet, if they reach it? Note: The codes will change as the story progresses.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Science Fiction   Group Sex   First   Petting   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Foot Fetish   Nudism  

May 6th 2043

Last night was fun. We goofed off in my pod for a while but they decided space was too limited so we went over to Lou's. I felt a bit bad but they told me not to worry about it.

"We never stayed in the bedroom at any sleep-over I've ever been to. That would be too boring." Liz said.

That was both a relief and embarrassment to me to know that.

So Lou's became our family room for the night. We ate junk food, danced to music, told stories, and watched movies. It was totally fun. Of course the guys crashed it but we forgave them since they brought pizza. I couldn't help laughing a little when Brian hit the door bell saying, "Telegram for Liz." and then asked, "What's a telegram?" after Liz opened the door. I was the only one to know what it was.

I suppose that isn't odd though considering there haven't been any telegrams sent since before my parents were born. Lots of old services aren't available any more. Even snail mail is almost extinct with delivery and pick-up limited to twice a week. I suspect that even it would go completely if some remote places didn't still need it. The same goes for telephone land lines too. Everything's gone digital, at least in our country. I think it's a shame really.

Anyway, we watched movies until it was late. As we did I couldn't help noticing as much as Liz smacked Brian around earlier, she was leaning against him as we watched and that he had his arm around her. When it got really late we went back to my pod to go to bed. We didn't let Brian or Charlie join us even though they gave us the big puppy-dog eye look.

After they'd gone, I went in and was surprised when Amy called dibs to share my bed with me and jumped in to it. I had offered to share or sleep on the floor earlier but they wouldn't let me. So her calling dibs surprised me. It surprised the others. Liz protested that she was going to call dibs but Amy said, "Too bad. I called them first." And stuck her tongue out at her. Then she held up my blankets and said, "Come on My. There's room for both of us." while Liz made a rude gesture with two of her fingers. Sarah giggled and Lou rolled her eyes and said, "We should get some sleep."

I couldn't help blushing but I climbed in with Amy. She's scooted all the way to the window and when I got in, she wrapped her right arm around me. I don't think she meant anything by it but it made me feel weird. Sarah and Liz settled on the floor while Lou waited to turn out the light. Then she climbed into her sleeping bag.

It took us a while to get to sleep because we told scary stories and joked until we fell asleep. I slept well though. I think the others did too. It took ages to get Liz up. She's even less of a morning person than I am. Talk about grumpy!

Waking up was pretty strange for me though. Not only was I in bed with someone but that someone had their hand on my breast. Amy's hand had crept up while we slept. Part of me wanted to move it but I didn't know how without waking her. Besides it felt ... nice. I kind of liked it. Don't you dare tell anyone though! I'll deny it if you do.

We went back to Lou's after getting dressed and had breakfast with the guys. Then we went up for classes and PE. So over all, I think it went pretty well. I've got to go get ready for work period now.


May 14th 2043

The captain announced the other day that there will be an arrival party tonight. We won't actually arrive in Columbus orbit for another couple of days but once we do, we'll be too busy preparing to depart the ship and landing on the planet to have a party. So the crew is giving us one before we enter orbit. I think that's pretty nice of them but I can't seem to get very worked up about it. I'm so tired! The nightmares have gotten really bad now and they're so often that I've barely gotten any sleep. When I do finally fall asleep, I wake up screaming. The last good night's sleep I had was the night of the sleep-over. I didn't have any nightmares then.

I hadn't planned on going to the party tonight, even though the others all said I should but Amy asked me to go with her last night. She actually asked me out. Me! Can you believe it? I was so surprised, I said okay. I wish I could talk to Mom about it. She'd be thrilled even though my first date is with another girl and she'd know just what I should wear. I really don't have a clue. I want to look nice but I won't have time to change after my shift. It doesn't end until after the parties have already started. Amy's going to meet me there. Dress is supposed to be casual though. At least for our party. There're really several different parties throughout the ship because there isn't enough room for everyone to be in one spot. Since the captain announced the party, it's been the main topic of conversation. I've heard some people planning to attend all the parties one after the other. I know our governor is supposed to be making the rounds. I would think it'd be awfully tiring.

I'm going to go get ready now. I'll let you know about the party later.

May 15th 2043

I feel so violated! How could that do that to us? How could they?!

I suppose I should explain since you don't know what I'm talking about but the thought of it makes me, sick. I suppose I should start with getting off my work shift.

Brian was nice enough to offer to put the water and fertilizer cans back for me so I gratefully accepted his offer and went to the locker room to change out of my coveralls. It's still pretty embarrassing having to share locker space with the guys. I haven't showered or anything with them like some of the others girls do, but it's still pretty embarrassing having guys look at me while I change clothes. Don't get me wrong. I'm flattered guys check me out but it's still embarrassing.

Anyway I quickly changed into jeans and a green knit sweater. I chose the sweater because it makes my figure look better and it brings out my eyes. I undid my ponytail and shook my hair out and added a little lip-gloss. I don't wear a lot of makeup. Then I pinched my cheeks for a little color, and a deep breath later I was heading for the party.

You could hear the music long before you got to it. By the time I arrived at the cafeteria, the noise was almost over-powering. I stood off to the side of the entrance a while trying to adjust to the lights and sound. The cafeteria had been transformed to look like a club, not that I've ever been to a club, much less inside one. It just looked like clubs do on TV and video, dark with lots of multi-colored flashing lights. They even had a disco ball and a strobe light going. It took me a while to adjust.

I'd just thought about looking for Amy when she bounced up calling my name. I couldn't help smiling when I saw her. I hope she didn't notice my blush.

She gave me a big hug saying, "My! You're here! I'm so glad you made it! Isn't the party great?" She had to get close to my ear and almost shout for me to hear her. I couldn't help but notice how she pressed against me or the scent of her skin.

I blushed more and nodded. Actually I thought it was noisy and that if I stayed too long I'd get a migraine from the noise and lights, but I didn't tell her that.

"How was your shift?"


"That's great!" She grinned and grabbed my hand. "Come on! Let's dance!"

I tried to protest but it didn't do me any good. She dragged me with her into the throng of bodies. Now don't get me wrong, I wanted to dance with her. It's just that I don't know how. The only dancing I've done is with my parents and grandparents during special occasions and it wasn't the dancing they were doing here. I also have what Mom calls an unconscious grace. Each of them can twirl me around the family room with ease. They lead, I follow. Simple. But when they try to teach me to dance, I'm either tripping over my feet or stepping on theirs. It's a wonder I haven't maimed any of them.

When we reached the spot Amy chose for us, she started moving with the music. I stood there wondering what to do. Amy smiled and put her hands on my hips. Leaning in she said/shouted, "Close your eyes and just move with the music."

I tried but I couldn't help noticing how her hands felt on my body or how close she was. Especially when her right hand moved to my back and her body pressed against mine. I felt my face and my body get hot with embarrassment and something else. I did let her move me though and soon I opened my eyes and I was kind of dancing like everyone else. I wasn't quite keeping up with everyone but I don't think anyone noticed unless I tripped or stepped on someone's foot. Besides it wasn't like we were synchronized or anything. It was just a mass of people bouncing to music.

We danced to a couple songs, I think. It was hard for me to tell when one started and the other stopped, much less tell them apart. The changes were more felt than heard and they were pretty well blended into each other. After we danced a while, Amy asked if I was thirsty. I was. I was very hot and thirsty.

When I nodded in agreement. Amy said, "Let's get something to drink."

I nodded again. Then she smiled and said, "By the way! You look great!"

Even though I blushed shyly, I couldn't help feeling pleased. I wasn't the only girl in jeans but most of the others were in skirts and a few were even dressed for clubbing in short tight dresses. My knit sweater may not have been the best choice of clothing to wear but I'm glad she liked how I looked.

I let her lead me off the dance floor by the hand and she led me to the drink machine where we each got a cup of fruit punch. It tasted really good and made me feel all warm and tingly. That should have had alarm bells ringing! I didn't worry about it though since I knew nobody could have tampered with it as I picked it out myself.

Our drinks seemed to vanish in no time. After a second cup each, we dropped them in the recycler and headed back out on the dance floor. This time I felt much more relaxed and the music seemed to flow through me. I also welcomed Amy's touch and pressed closer to her as we danced; sometimes letting my hands roam her body the same way hers were roaming over mine. I felt very hot, and it wasn't all caused by the dancing, or the number of warm bodies in the room.

We would dance until we got tired or thirsty, get a drink and rest, and then go back out on the floor again. We didn't just dance with each other either. We also danced with other guys and girls when asked and sometimes I wasn't sure who I was dancing with. I also didn't object to their roaming hands either. Normally I would have but I didn't this time, and I think my hands did their share of roaming too. Things were kind of hazy but I know I remember feeling very sensual, especially on the slow dances.

By then most of the lights were low and all the dances were slow. Lots of couples were making out while they danced. Amy and I even kissed some. Okay, we kissed a lot. I don't remember leaving the dance floor but we were still kissing a while later by the booths when I started to feel a need to go. I ignored if for a while though. Amy was making me feel way too good to want to stop. Eventually though, my bladder demanded my attention. Amy noticed my discomfort and asked me what was wrong.

"I need to make a pit stop. Sorry."

Amy kissed me and told me not to worry about it and let me off her lap. "I'll be here." She said just before a guy came and asked her to dance. She looked at me and I kissed her cheek and told her to have fun. She grinned at me and took the guy's hand, nearly dragging him back to the dance floor. I headed for the restroom. When I opened the inner door to the bathroom I got a shock.

There was a girl sitting on the counter being fucked by a guy. Her skirt was up around her waist and she had her legs wrapped around him. She was clutching his arms as he thrust his glistening wet cock in and out of her. Normally I'd have been shocked and embarrassed at the sight and would have turned and left, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. I'd never seen two people having sex before. I mean, I've seen porn. You can't have an Internet connection and not see it and I've had sex ed class but I had never seen it live.

When they both moaned with pleasure, I moaned too as the warm heat inside me burst into flames. I was having trouble breathing, my breasts ached to be touched and my pussy needed to be filled. I'd never felt so aroused before. I wished I was the girl being fucked.

As I continued to watch the girl arched her back as she pulled him into her with her legs and moaned, "Oh yes! Yes!" A few seconds later the guy threw his head back grunted, "Oh fuck!" and went still, except for the occasional twitching of his hips.

I moaned to with the realization that I'd just watched them orgasm.

Then he slumped against her. She held him to her, running her fingers tenderly through his hair. The only thing is the moaning and grunting didn't stop. I looked past them and I saw that they weren't the only ones fucking. There was another couple further down the counter but she was bent at the waist, skirt flipped up, hands pressed flat against the mirror as he fucked her from behind. As I watched, he leaned over her to take hold of her breasts through her open blouse.

Yet another couple were against the far wall. He was holding her pressed up against the wall. His pants were down around his ankles. I couldn't help noticing he had a cute butt. In a corner, a guy had his back to me with a girl kneeling between his legs giving him a blow job. That wasn't all either. There was also more sex sounds coming from the stalls. By that time I was squeezing and rubbing my thighs together and it wasn't just because I needed to pee either. That need was still there but it had been temporarily superceded by my arousal.

I noticed movement by me again and I turned my attention to the first couple. He was putting his dick back in his pants and she was wiping her inner thighs and pussy. She looked up and caught me staring at her. She blinked and then gave me a smile and a wink. I gasped. Then she straightened out her skirt and turned to the mirror to fix her makeup. Once she was done, he took her hand and led her out past me. He gave me a wink too making my face go hot. She paused to lightly kiss me and whisper in my ear, "Have fun." I shivered and then jumped as I felt her pinch my butt.

As the door shut behind them I shook myself and I stepped further in to try to find an empty stall.

Some of the doors were closed but in the open ones I could see more people fucking. So there was nothing to do but wait and hope some of them finished soon. By the time I finally heard a scream of pleasure, I was almost dancing with the need to go. A minute later there was a flush and the door opened. Out came two women. The first's face was wet and shiny. The second had a dazed 'wow' look on her face as the first led her out. My mouth dropped open in shock.

I watched as they went over to the sink and the first girl started washing her face. I couldn't help wondering how it felt for the second girl to have someone lick you there, when I heard the outer bathroom door open. Fearing having to wait longer, I jumped into the stall and shut the door.

I normally put a seat cover over it before sitting down but I didn't this time. For one, I didn't have time and for two, the toilet hadn't been used that way so I felt safe enough. And when I finally got to go, it was such a relief that I let out a sigh that blended in perfectly with all the other sexual sounds in the room.

After, as I was patting myself dry, I was shocked to find myself rubbing my clit to the sounds of the fucking going on around me. Ashamed, I quickly jumped up and pulled my panties and jeans back up. Then headed to the sinks to wash my hands.

I was blushing as I headed between the girl being fucked from behind and the wall. A new girl was being eaten out where I'd seen the first girl. I tried not to look but I couldn't help peeking and wondering what it'd feel like to be one of them. My arousal level was quickly climbing again.

To try to get a hold of myself, I bent over and splashed some water on my face. I'd reached over and grabbed a paper towel, without straightening up, and was just drying my face when I felt a pair of hands travel over the outside of my jean, over my thighs, over my ass, to grab hold of my hips. I should have been outraged but instead I gasped as a wave of lust washed over me. I gasped again as he pressed himself tight against me, with a very noticeable bulge against my pussy. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I pressed back against him with a lust-filled groan.

He started rocking against me and I rocked right back against him. I think it's called 'dry fucking'.? When he leaned over my back to fondle my breasts through my sweater, I couldn't help gasping, "Oh yes!" and pushing back against him harder. I'd never been so turned on before.

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