Columbus - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by sam177

Chapter 33

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 33 - A girl forced to join a colony mission has premonitions of doom. What will happen to the girl and the other colonists. What surprises await them on the planet, if they reach it? Note: The codes will change as the story progresses.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Science Fiction   Group Sex   First   Petting   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Foot Fetish   Nudism  

December 12th 2043

Winter is rapidly becoming my least favorite season. I have to dig myself out so I can struggle getting the snowmobile out. Then I drive it up onto the plateau where I dig out the solar panels and make sure my chimney is clear. All the while being on the look out for hungry animals. Then I drive back down, taking any critters with me or not as the case may be, dig out my cave again so I can struggle with the snowmobile again. All so I can do it again tomorrow. (grrr) I wish I'd brought a snow shovel. Or even a snow blower. That's what I need, a snow blower! I have no idea how I'd have brought it with me but I sure could use one right now. (sigh)

Fortunately my wood supply is holding up okay but I don't know what I'll do if the snow gets too deep to dig out. Probably have to cook over the fire again and use lanterns for light. Baths are going to be pain though. Well, an even bigger pain than they are now. I would so love to have a bath. Heck I would even love to have a shower right now. Maybe the next time I dig my way out I'll go to my pod and get a shower. Hmmm A nice long hot shower.


Unfortunately I don't have room for one even if I had gotten a shower unit out or had a tub. I've been toying with the idea of digging another room, on the bedroom side of my cave but I don't want to hit a water main or anything. I don't think there's one there, but still ... why take chances? If there is and I hit it, I ruin my cave and everything in it. I have tried to use my metal detector to find out but it only detects metal, naturally. (sigh) Oh well. At least the sponge baths are keeping me clean even if they're not the most relaxing.

December 14th 2043

I so need to get a better doorknob. Since it's just me, the wolves, and Ducky, I've been saving myself some work by going around nude. It's not like they haven't seen me nude before, besides going nude means I don't have to do any laundry. Besides running the washer/dryer uses up a lot of electricity. The problem is the wolves have figured out to open the door -It's just a simple latch so it's not hard - and I'm getting pretty tired of banging my head on the bottom of the table, or the inside of a cabinate, every time I get down to get something. It's not like I can't help jumping. After all it's pretty shocking suddenly having a cold nose pressed up against my pussy. It's pretty shocking having anything pressed up against my pussy when I'm not expecting it. I suppose it could be funny though. If it weren't my head smacking against things that is. It hurts smacking my head against things.

December 15th 2043

I don't know what to do. I really don't. I feel so dirty and ashamed of myself. What am I going to do? Put a better doorknob on for one. But still what do I do about Shemp? It wasn't his fault but I can't help flinching when he comes near me and I know that hurts his feelings. I feel so awful! But what do I do? He didn't know it was wrong. Wolves aren't supposed to lick people there. Well he is just a fuzzy person and I'm just another female to him but still ... I shouldn't have let it happen. Not that I knew it was going to happen when I started. I was just having some ... personal time when it happened. Still ... I should have stopped it.

I'm not making much sense am I? Don't worry. I'm not making much sense to me either. I guess I should explain. Not that I want to. And if you dare tell anyone, and I mean, anyone I'm using you to start a fire with. I mean it!

Here goes...

Um ... well ... you see ... it had been a while and I was in the mood. I tend to get that way at times. Even before I arrived on this planet. Especially when I'm ... never mind. You get the picture. Besides everybody does it. I was in the mood, and I didn't have anything else I needed to do, so why not?

So after feeding everyone, I washed up and put on some soft music. Then I lay down on my bed, closed my eyes, and let my fingers run lightly over my body, imaging my dream lover was touching me. (No, I'm not telling you who he is.) After a while I started feeling really good. I also got really into my fantasy. So when I felt my dream lover's weight at the foot of the bed I naturally spread my legs. Then I spread them more and moved my fingers away, and up to my breasts, when he started licking me. I suppose that should have been my first clue something was wrong. My dream lover never made me feel that good. He also never licked me that deeply either. Still it felt so good!

Before long, I could feel my orgasm building and I started to move my hips. I wanted him to lick my clit and make me cum. Only he wasn't getting the hint so I reached down to direct him to my clit. Only it wasn't his head I reached. Oh how I wish it was! Then I wouldn't be in this mess!

When my fingers made contact with his head, it wasn't his head. It was ... it was ... My eyes flew open and I looked down to see ... to see ... to see Shemp licking me.

I was so shocked I just stared down at him for a few moments before yelling, "Shemp! No!"

The problem is, when I called his name, Shemp looked up still licking, and he licked my clit giving me ... giving me ... I'm so ashamed to say this, giving me one heck of an orgasm.

That was bad enough but Shemp liked the results so much, he started licking me with even more enthusiasm. You can imagine the results.

I did try to push him away. I really did. But it just felt so good! He made me cum a second time and then again. He made me cum so many times I finally had to roll away and cover up because I was too sensitive and it was getting painful. Then I started crying. I'm still crying darn it! The first one could be excusable but what about the second, the third, or the fourth?

What am I going to do?

And poor Shemp! He thinks I'm mad at him. I'm not. I'm mad at myself but how do you explain that to a wolf?

Oh ... what am I going to do?

December 18th 2043

I've made up with Shemp. With all the wolves really. (I hope!)They've been kind of tense around me since I've been tense around him. I couldn't help it though, you know? Still, it broke my heart every time Shemp would hang his head and whine. Finally it got to be too much and I went over and hugged him and apologized and cried a lot. He hugged my back and then licked my face. Which was yucky but still made me laugh. I did make him and the others promise not to stick their nose, and their tongues, were they don't belong though. To help I've been wearing panties. I can at least rinse them out in the sink and hang them up to dry. Try doing that with a pair of jeans.

Since it is the Christmas Season, I've put up some of Anna's Christmas Decorations. I wasn't sure about them at first but now I'm glad I have them. It makes the cave seem less like a cave and more like home. I wish she was here to enjoy them. Some how I think she likes how I put them up though.

I do have to say all the twinkly lights are pretty. I just followed the ones from Halloween so I could use the same hooks and outlets. I left the Halloween lights up so I won't have to put them up next year. I'll do the same with these lights so all I have to do it plug them in and turn them on.

December 19th 2043

We all went outside for a walk today. Ducky too. I was a bit nervous letting him out but he didn't wander too far. I think he likes the dried fish.

Fortunately, it hasn't snowed in a couple days, so I didn't have to dig us out. We wondered around a while with no real destination in mind. Then I drove over to visit Anna. I did say hi to Eric. Just to be friendly. Most of the time though, I spent chatting with Anna, telling her about what's been going on. I'm sure she already knew but it was nice to talk to someone.

After I ran out of things to talk to Anna about I just looked out over my beach and the ocean. It looked so cold. Of course that's because on land was covered in snow but still ... something about the way the waves were white capped and coming in so fast made me uneasy. Or maybe it was the complete silence and chill in the air. There wasn't even the sound of wind whistling through the trees. There wasn't any wind for that matter. Whatever it was, it was giving me goose bumps and making my hair stand on end. I get the feeling a big storm is coming. I don't know if it'll be as violent as the other big storms we've had but I get the feeling it'll be bigger and last longer.

I stayed a little while longer before saying bye to Anna, and to Eric. Then I drove over to the garage to pick up some fuel pellets for the kerosene lanterns. Then I made sure I had everything out of my pod that I might want to use and locked it up tight again. After that I plugged my batteries into the charges to make sure they were charged up. I have a feeling I'll be needing them.

December 21st 2043

The storm is pretty bad. I really hope I don't have to go out into it. Ducky and the Wolves don't seem to like it either. They're keeping pretty quite. I am too. So far power is holding out though.

December 23rd 2043

The storm is over but I'm snowed in. The power's holding up but I don't know how long it will. I've turned off everything but the CO2 monitors and batter rechargers. I don't want to suffocate from smoke. I kind of miss the Christmas Lights though.

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