Columbus - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by sam177

Chapter 32

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 32 - A girl forced to join a colony mission has premonitions of doom. What will happen to the girl and the other colonists. What surprises await them on the planet, if they reach it? Note: The codes will change as the story progresses.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Science Fiction   Group Sex   First   Petting   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Foot Fetish   Nudism  

November 18th 2043

Not a lot has happened the past few days. It wasn't like I could go anywhere any way. Fortunately my skin is healing well. I'm still pretty sensitive though. It's a good thing I have skirts because I'm not going to be wearing jeans for a while.

November 20th 2043

Still getting better. I'm not a 100% yet but I'm getting there. Fortunately, I haven't needed to go anywhere.

Since I can't go anywhere, I've just been hanging out here. I haven't just been reading and watching videos though. I've been grinding flour to make bread and meat into hamburger. Of course there's no beef but its still ground. Why is ground beef called hamburger anyway? There's no ham in it. Why not beefburger? And how about ground chuck? What is a chuck?

Anyway, it hasn't all been fun and games. I've also caught up on my laundry. Other than that, I have done a lot of reading and video watching. I've been trying to come up with a routine to keep my busy when winter really arrives. Which I'm sure will be soon.

November 21st 2043

It's raining and I'm not happy. Normally, I like rain but I'd left my wash out on a clothesline to dry last night so of course they got all wet. I'll have to see if I can come up with something to dry my clothes by the fire. Just in case, I can't go out to my pod. Maybe wedging some poles along the sides of the walls around the fire. I have to be careful though. I don't want my clothes catching fire.

November 22nd 2043

It's really foggy out today. I'd thought about trying to croquette or sew something. So when I went to my pod to get something to work I discovered I was fogged in. This isn't the first day I've had fog but it has never been this thick before. I could barely see my pod. If it weren't for the lights I probably would have missed it. It was really eerie too. It was so quiet. It gave me goose bumps and made my hair stand on end. I kept expecting something to jump out at me the way it was so quiet. I kept my gun in my hand the entire way too and back from my pod. I even used my wagon so I'd have my hands free in case I needed to shoot. Fortunately, nothing jumped out at me and I was able to bring a couple bolts of cloth, a bag of yarn and crochet hooks, and a sewing machine, and a disk of patterns. At the last second I added my hand powered sewing machine too, just in case.

About half way back to the cave, this gust of wind came up making me shiver. It also sent birds flying. I couldn't see them but I could hear them squawking and flapping. I stood there looking around for a moment before I got this strange feeling. I think it was Anna telling me to get inside. I took her advice, hurried back in and barred the door. I've gone to peek out the look out a few times but I haven't seen anything. Wolfie and the Stooges haven't acted as if anything is out there either but I think I'll stay inside anyway. I brought things in to sew and crochet with so I may as well get started on something.

(Giggle!) I just made a teddy bear. I really wasn't sure what I should make so I decided to make a bear. After finding a pattern in the computer that I liked I took some of Mr. Fuzzy's fur and started to lay out the patter on it. I've spent most of the day working on it and he's all finished. Which is good because my fingers are sore from being poked with a needle. I did use the sewing machine but some things I had to do by hand.

He's so cute!!! Okay he's a little lopsided and his smile is crooked but he's not too bad for my first bear. And he is cute. Of course, I had to name him Mr. Fuzzy.

The Stooges weren't sure what to think of him and Wolfie just shook her head at me when I introduced him. They have seen my, and Anna's, other fuzzy friends but I suppose they have to wonder about Mr. Fuzzy since normally he'd eat them. Mr. Fuzzy wouldn't do that though. At least he wouldn't now. He's had a change of heart. I think he and Anna's teddy are on their way to becoming friends. They look so cute together!

November 26th 2043

Happy Thanksgiving,

I'm not totally in the mood since I miss my family but I should thank God for keeping me alive which I guess is the whole point of Thanksgiving so I'm going to celebrate it. I'm taking Wolfie and the Stooges hunting and then I'll make dinner.

For tonight's dinner I will be having, roast duce, (I know turkey is traditional but I didn't see any.) mashed potatoes with turkey gravy, stuffing, peas and corn, candied yams, and buisquitts and jam. Except for the duce the rest was all canned, rehydrated, or instant but it was better than nothing. And it wasn't too terrible but I miss my parent's and grandparent's cooking. I miss Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa. I miss them so much! (sniff)

Okay, I can't go there. If I go there I'll start crying and if I start crying I'll be crying all night and dinner will be ruined. So I can't cry. I can't.

Darn it!

Okay. I'm okay. Not! But I've got my crying under control. Dinner is about ready. Wolfie and the Stooges have already had theirs but I gave them a nice big bone each. They look like they're enjoying them. Ducky has also been fed. He's also munching on a rib. I think he likes it. He quacks after every other munch.

November 28th 2043

It's been raining on and off the past couple days. There's even been some thunder and lightning. I don't mind the rain but I could do without the other two.

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