Columbus - Cover


Copyright© 2008 by sam177

Chapter 13

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 13 - A girl forced to join a colony mission has premonitions of doom. What will happen to the girl and the other colonists. What surprises await them on the planet, if they reach it? Note: The codes will change as the story progresses.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Reluctant   Mind Control   Drunk/Drugged   Science Fiction   Group Sex   First   Petting   Bestiality   Pregnancy   Foot Fetish   Nudism  

May 30th 2043

I ejected the forward heat shield today. Part of me was reluctant to do it but it needed to be done so I could close the upper panels to completely use the solar panels — I'd only had one closed - and still use the heater/air-conditioning unit. There's a vent opening for it at the front. With the heat shield off, I'll also have an easier time getting my bike out.

I sat in the cockpit seat and hit the eject button for it. There was a loud whoosh followed by a thud. Then I lowered the window cover and looked outside for the first time. The view was nice. I went out and looked at the heat shield. I know it's supposed to be pretty light but it still buried itself a couple inches in the dirt. I think it'd make a good doghouse if I had a dog. It's too short to be a shed.

After getting my bike and trailer put together I road around a little. Then I went up to disconnect the parachutes and their bags. I'd just managed to get one undone when this shadow went over me, startling me. I jumped and grabbed for me gun. Then I looked around and not seeing anything looked up. When I saw it, I was totally shocked. It was another pod. A really big one, bigger than a family pod. From the size, it could be either a stores pod, a barn pod, a garage pod, or a school pod. It might even be a medical pod but it looked too big to be one.

A stores pod would be great because it would have lots of supplies. A barn pod would have animals, a garage pod would have vehicles and lots of tools and parts. The school pod would be divided up into small classrooms. A medical pod would be nice. It would also have lots of supplies. It's also divided up into a small waiting and exam areas. There's even a small area for dentists and a birthing room. The upstairs has surgeries. The school and medical pods wouldn't help me too much though, other than give me a bigger home or place to store things. Any food and first aid supplies would be good though. Of course, there could be people on them. They are used as emergency life supports pods after all. That could be a complication. I won't know until I get there though.

I stared up at it in shock until it finally registered what it was. Then I scrambled off my roof and inside to grab up my binoculars. Then I went running for the plateau. I got there in time to see it disappear behind the hill. I figure it's up northwest of me towards the pass. I figure it should take 3 or 4 days to get there. I'm tempted to being bring my bike but I can't hold a gun and the handlebars at the same time, so I think I'll walk. I might bring my wagon though to carry any supplies back with. I'm not sure the pod will be movable.

After checking my backpack and packing up some extra water and supplies, I went out to block up the heat shield. I didn't want anyone moving in while I was gone. Then put my bike in the cave and locked the door with a pad lock. I didn't want anyone getting in their either just incase another pod landed while I was gone. I just secured my pod and I'm already to go so I guess I'll be heading out. I'm pretty nervous though.

Well I made it pretty far. My pocket pedometer says 12 miles. That's pretty far. My legs and arms insist we went further though, especially my arms. They're really sore from pulling my wagon. I had to switch pulling with different arms every so often but they still tired fast. After a while, I even put my backpack in it and pulled with both. That seemed to help but I'm wondering if I can make something make it easier to pull with both hands.

When I started out, I walked along the cliff up the ramp to the plateau. Once I got up onto the plateau, I kept close to the edge until I came to the edge of the plain. Then I stayed pretty close to the middle of the fields. There's a natural road of sorts going through the trees here. The grass here isn't as high and I had a bad feeling about getting too close to the trees.

The trees are closer here but that bad feeling isn't as high. Still I'm going to build a fire and sleep lightly tonight.

May 31st 2043

I didn't sleep to well last night as I kept waking up to check on the fire. Still I'm alive so that's good. I even managed to build a 2-handed handle thing for my wagon. I tied a stick on to the handle and then 2 more and 90 degrees to that to pull with. I put another one at the end so they would wobble. Now I can pull with both hands. I can even change the position of my hands when I want. It's working out pretty good so far. I made it pretty far today. 16 miles according to the pedometer. I'm still pretty tired though. I'll be glad when I get to the pod and can rest a couple days.

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