California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 4

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

We arrive in Beverly Hills at ten thirty AM, Paris time. In Beverly Hills it is actually six in the evening.

I almost can't stand up, I have been sitting for so long.

We get our things together, and get off the plane. We collect our baggage, and head towards the man holding the sign that says "Chapelier."

"Are you Brain?" Dad asks him.

"Yes sir," he replies, bowing slightly. He must be the chauffeur that our agent told us about would be there to take us to the hotel. He will be our chauffeur until the car arrives, and he will familiarize us with the city. He seems pretty nice.

He takes Adrienne's suitcase, and tries to take my duffel bag, but I stop him. "That's okay, I've got it."

He nods, and takes Mom's bag.

We head out to the limo.

Wow. I mean, I have been in a limo once before I think, but this is the definite best so far.

It is amazing. We climb in, and soon we are off.

Beverly Hills is amazing. Before we go to the hotel, which is actually supposedly the best and most expensive hotel in the city, he takes us around to some important places and stuff in the city. He drives past the house, but it is difficult to see in the dark. Everything, at least the things that I can see, seems so expensive, and ritzy.

We arrive at the hotel, check in, and then head up to our suite.

Knowing only some English, and having an unsteady voice when I speak, has made things only a tiny bit difficult. I thanked God that I had been studying English in school as one of my languages. Most of the time I speak in French, unless absolutely necessary.

The suite if amazing. It has four bedrooms, a dining room, living room, and kitchen. Everything is amazing. There is food all ready there, and everything looks like it has been made up just for us. It must have been Mr. Morison's doing, he is our agent.

We all get settled in, the chauffeur, Brian, I think is going to become like one of the family, he is staying with us. Maybe the food, etc. was his idea. Peter has his own room, Brian does, my parents do, and me and Adrienne are sharing a room.

We eat dinner downstairs in the dining room after we have unpacked and everything, and decide to turn in early.

Adrienne and I go to our room. I put on my pajamas, consisting of sweats and a tank top, and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I hear Adrienne moving around in room. I brush my teeth, floss, use mouth wash, wash my face, and head back out.

"It's all yours," I say, crawling into one side of the queen sized bed. It is so comfortable, one of the most comfortable I have ever been in, with a huge down comforter with a sheet and an extra quilt that goes over it, but that is rolled up and in the closet.

I turn off the light on my side, and stare at the wall while I wait for Adrienne to finish up and turn off the light.

She comes in, brushing her hair. She sets the brush down on the edge of the bedside table, and turns off the light on her side.

"Goodnight Sophie."

"'Night Adrienne," I roll over and face her in the dark.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

I fall asleep, and my first night in America passes.

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