California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 31

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 31 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

I woke up the next morning to the sunlight that was streaming in through the double French doors. I rolled over onto my side to find myself staring straight at Craig.

Then I noticed I didn't have clothes on, and the memories of last night came rushing back.

Craig and I had done it. We had had sex ... I was officially no longer a virgin.

But I was still happy. I loved him, and he was the exact guy I had wanted to lose it with.

I rolled over onto my stomach, and scooted over, resting my head against his chest. He was on his back, his head facing the double French doors. I half fell asleep again.

Eventually I felt his hand rubbing my hair. And I knew he was awake, but I was so close to sleep I could touch it, and wanted to fall back asleep so badly. I felt him move slightly, lifting me up as he slipped out, and then resting me back down against the pillows. And I fell asleep.

I woke up, and heard the shower shut off. A few minutes later, Craig came into the room with one of my towels around his waist.

"Morning sleepyhead," he said, coming over and kissing my on the forehead.

"Morning," I smiled, and kissed him.

He slid in next to me, and rested his head on his hand where his elbow was propped up. "So last night..." I loved his grin more than anything.

"Yeah," I said.

"We did it."

"We did," it was really dawning on me when I heard him say it. I was no long a virgin, I have had sex. I won't be a virgin when I get married, so saving it for my wedding night is no longer an option.

"Sophie..." he sounded hoarse.

"What?" I looked at him.

"We did it."

"I know," this conversation didn't sound good.

"I love you Sophie and I would never want to do anything that hurt you."

"I know. I love you too."

"I'm just scared. I don't want what happened to Mike and Kaitlin to happen to us," he voiced what I had been feeling.

"I'm scared too," I said. There was a pause. "Do you regret it?"

"No. Not at all."

"Are you sure?" I had a feeling that he was.

"Yes. I love you," he paused. "Do you?"

"What? Regret it?"

He nodded.

"Not at all. I love you Craig. I'm happy you were my first."

"I just feel..."


"I don't want you to regret it later."

"Don't worry. I won't. I promise. We had sex, and it was amazing. I don't regret it. I would tell you if I did."

He nodded. We lay there for a few minutes, and then I slipped out of bed, pulling on my bathrobe. I was feeling weird about something, and had to check up on it. "I'll be right back," I told him, going out of my room, and shutting the door behind me.

I walked past a few bedrooms, and then up one more flight where there were some random rooms. Two guest bedrooms, and then a fitness type room and a couple other random ones.

I opened up the door to each guest bedroom carefully. Mike had asked me at some point if he could use one of our extra rooms. I know it sounds horrible, but he was asking me if he and Kaitlin could use it. You know what I'm talking about.

They were in the second one, both still asleep. Kaitlin on her stomach, her face turned away from him, and he was on his side, with his arm draped across her back.

I shut the door behind me, and quickly went back downstairs. Thank god I wasn't running into anyone on my little excursion.

I headed back into my room, and into the bathroom. "What happened?" Craig asked.

"Kaitlin and Mike are here," I told him quietly as he came in, and pulled himself up on the bathroom counter next to me where I started brushing my teeth.

"They are?"


He gave me a questioning look.

"Last night Mike asked me if he could use one of our extra rooms. Him and Kaitlin..."

He got it. "Oh."

"And they're up there right now, asleep."






I rinsed out my mouth, and then washed my face. I really wanted to take a shower. I decided that I would just jump into to soap down, no need to shave and what not.

"I'm going to take a shower. You can sign on, do whatever. But maybe hang out in here, we need to figure out how to explain to my parents why Kaitlin and two guys are in our house."

He nodded, and headed back to my bed.

I got in the shower, and turned it on. God the water felt great. I could just rinse off everything, and then be fine.

I soaped down, washed my hair, used conditioner. The usual.

And then I got out of the shower to find an odd sight. My brother and Craig on my bed, watching television. My brother!

Thank god Craig had put on some pants though.

I shut the door most of the way, and lathered on lotion, listening to the quiet hum of the television. God, why was Peter in here? What on earth?!

I wrapped the bathrobe back around me, and tentatively went out into my room.

"Hi," I said, going over to my closet.

"Hey there little sis. What's new?"

"Not a whole lot, how about you big bro?"

"Not a whole lot, just catching up with Craig here."


I found some clothes, consisting of jeans and a simple tee shirt. I went back into the bathroom to get dressed, and muttered to myself about how annoying this was that he was in there talking to Craig.

And then he was standing next to me, and the door was shut.

"Sophie, what is going on here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing innocent.

"You know what I mean. Why was Craig in your bed?"

I sighed, and started in on my makeup.

"Sophie. What happened last night? You have to tell me."


"Sophie, tell me."


I told him, and also about Kaitlin and Mike.

"Okay..." he seemed to be coping with the fact that I was no longer a virgin. "God Soph..."


"I just can't believe it."


"That you're not a virgin."

"Don't even try it. I doubt that you are."

"Try me..."

One guess. "Hayley."

He stopped.

"Exactly. And I've known Craig a whole lot longer than you knew Hayley."

"Sophie, seriously. What are Mom and Dad going to think? And what about Adrienne? You have to tell Mom and Dad, it's not even funny."

"But like you said, what are they going to think? They won't exactly be jumping for joy."

"Agreed, but still."

"Still what? There is no still. I have to tell them, but I can't."

"Well then how do you expect to get two guys and a girl out of our house without them noticing?"

"I don't. I have to tell them."

"Okay, if you want to," he put up his hands like he was putting himself out of this.

I slammed the drawer shut, and went out into my room. "Come on Craig."

"What?" he asked, getting out of my bed, and pulling on his shirt.

"I have to talk to my parents."

"Are you sure you want to do that with me there?"


God were they upset.

I didn't think my mom could look quite so disappointed or upset before. They were not mad, just upset about it. Oh god.

They eventually seemed to accept it, and then pulled the whole "if you think that you were ready" card. And then they started talking about pregnancy and all that.

"Mom, Dad. We used protection."

"I know that honey, but you never know..."



"Ugh," I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"This is not an ‗ugh' matter," Dad said. "Sophie, this is serious. How long have you known this boy?"

I still hadn't told them it was Craig, I had made him wait outside. "My whole life. Mom, Dad, calm down." I took a deep breathe, "It was Craig."

"Craig Wilkinson?" Mom sounded shocked.

"Yes," I said. "And I love him, and have known him for my whole life. And I'm happy that we did it, and I don't regret it."

"Craig Wilkinson?" she repeated.

"God, yes mom!"

"He has good parents..." Mom said to Dad. It was like they were discussing whether or not he was good enough.

"We've known the family since she was born probably..." Dad agreed with her.

They turned to me. "Is he here?"

I nodded tentatively. "And one more thing..."

"Oh lord," Mom said. "What?"

"Kaitlin and Mike are here."

"They are?" Dad asked.

I also explained that all to them.

And then came the talk.

My parents had a talk with Craig, and I felt really bad for him. Pearl and Veronica were of course bustling about doing what they usually did. The living room looked surprisingly good. The couches had been moved back into the right place, and the trash was neatly collected into a couple of bags. My house wasn't trashed like they usually were when people had parties.

I ate an apple while they talked, feeling really bad.

Then they had a talk with both couples. And that was awkward.

I hated that I always felt the need to tell my parents everything. They always seemed to understand, and this time, they claimed that they were looking out for us by talking to us about it. All we could do was nod.

And then it was over, thank god.

We all sat outside on the steps leading up to the front door. We were pealing oranges for Pearl and Veronica who wanted to make some random new dish.

"I'm sorry guys," I said.

"It's okay," they said.

"I feel really bad about that whole talk thing."

"It's fine, really," Mike said. I nodded.

Now there were going to be two in the bunch.

Two couples who had done it, one of which had regretted it and then done it again. The other couple: it was still too soon to tell what would be happening.

Of course, we now had to tell them all. The whole gang had to know. Two out of five was getting up there, which meant that the others had to be told.

So I called Amanda on my cell phone, and arranged that we would all meet together at the play ground.

So Kaitlin borrowed some of my clothes, and the guys just wore what they had been wearing yesterday.

We all took my car to the playground, to meet everyone there.

And to tell them.

We all sat in a group.

"So what's up?" Ben asked, checking his watch.

"You have somewhere to be?" Kaitlin asked him.

He nodded, "Actually my parents are picking me up in an hour."

"Okay," I said, cutting Kaitlin off before she could get upset, which I knew she would.

"So last night was really fun," Amy said.

We all consented. "Sorry I couldn't find you before I left Soph, but my parents really wanted me home."

"It's fine, I totally understand," I said, stretching my legs out in front of me.

"So what's up?" Chris asked.

I looked over at Mike, who was going to tell.

And when he did, it was weird.

They just sat there looking at us.

Jackie got upset at Kaitlin though, because the two of them had been like best friends last year. "You didn't tell me. And I'm like you're best friend."

"We're all each other's best friends. Which is why we are telling you guys," I cut in.

"A little late huh Kaitlin?" Amy asked, sounding annoyed.

The guys were all sitting together, probably asking how good the girls were and what not. Guys could be so strong sometimes. They didn't care that it had been forever since Mike and Kaitlin first did it. They were just best friends who talked about everything.

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