California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 30

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

It was the beginning of April. There was a party, again. Doesn't this seem to center around the parties or what? That's because that is where all the excitement happens.

We were not going to be spending the night together this time, because all the girls were doing stuff at some point early in the day, except for me and Kaitlin. We had voted not to spend the night together, just to make life simple. We figured that we may end up sleeping over at each other's house or whatever, but we didn't plan it.

Of course there was the party though. And this time it was at my house. I know, how weird, but yes we finally had one of the parties at my house. Because Peter was a senior, he kind of had to host a lot of the parties. Thank god our parents had at first been wary about hosting one. But this time, I decided for them (and him) that this opportunity was too good to pass up. Instead of us getting ready, and all flocking to someone else's house, we were all going to be flocking to my house. Of course, his senior friends would all be there early to help set up, as my friends would.

Of course, I had to look great for this one. Peter and I would not only be representing some of the most popular people of the two oldest grades in the school, but we would have to represent our family, something that was also strongly emphasized. And then of course Adrienne would be there. How on earth could I forget? I always do though: forget that Adrienne is getting older, and is now in high school with me. She would also be out our party, being one of the popular girls in her grade at our school. And she has also been to some of these parties before, however not all of them. Her friends all like to hang out together at their mountains homes and what not.

As I sat there digging through my closet, I thought about how things had changed since almost six months before. Craig and I were still close, and everyone was still together as usual. I had talked to more and more of the gang since I had talked to Brittany, and they were all doing well. Things with Kyle were much better than things had been between Ben and I when I had left. Kyle had had a couple girlfriends, but I quickly learned from Brittany and Charlotte that those "relationships" were not lasting long, and were more like little flings.

I loved Craig. And it felt so great to say that. We had already said it, and we were really close. I know that it all sounds cliche and what not, but I really did love him.

Things were looking up, I think.

I showered, and blow dried my hair. I dug around in my closet for a bit, trying to find an outfit.

"I give up," I mutter

"Hey," he said, looking up as I came marching in. He had just gotten out of the shower, and was doing his hair. Our hair was always a good feature of our family.

"What do I wear?" I asked him, slipping on the bathroom counter next to him.

"Whatever you want," he obviously wasn't going to be of any help.

"Come on Pete. I mean like skirt, dress, pants."

"Something comfortable, but at the same time, look good," he stopped doing his hair, and looked at me, annoyed. "Soph, you always look good. Tonight isn't going to make a difference."

"Thanks for the help," I said sarcastically, going back into my room.

Adrienne stopped by my room a few minutes later. "What are you wearing?" she asked. God my sister looked completely different from the person she was in America. In America, not only was she tan, but got really skinny (probably too skinny). Now she was starting to fill out, and her muscles were toned and looked like she exercised a lot, like the rest of us. It was really weird for me, having my little sister on the squad.

"No idea." I continued to flip and then added, "And Pete isn't being any help."

She nodded. And then came into my closet, flipping. "What about this?" she held up a white skirt. It was short, and the bottom slanted from high on one thigh to my knee on the other leg.

"No..." I nodded, and continued flipping. I had a few shirts and skirts on the bed,

She went back to her room and soon came back with a handful of possible outfits. We laughed, and went to Peter's room to ask him what he thought we should wear.

I dumped my outfits on the bed, Adrienne following me. "Okay Peter, we've narrowed it down, now you pick."

"Are you kidding?" he asked from the bathroom. Was he still doing his hair?

He wasn't, thank god. He came out, still with a towel around his waist. "No, come on, pick. We still need time to get ready."

He sighed, and came over to the bed.

He sifted through the outfits quickly, and grabbed a couple for us to wear. "Here," he said.

I looked at what he handed me, it was a cute jean skirt. "You find a shirt," he said.

"I had been thinking about this..." I told him, and waited to see what he picked for Adrienne.

I knew my brother was always protective of us, but the outfit he picked cracked me up. He didn't even pick on in the pile, instead he went into her closet, and got a turtleneck and one of her oldest pairs of jeans. "Here," he said.

"Are you kidding?" she asked. We laughed.

"I can't pick anything out for you. I still consider you the youngest, and the one who needs the most of my protection."

"I'll handle it," i said, ushering him out of the room, and shutting the door behind him.

"Now, let's see what we can work up."

We laughed together, and started digging through her closet.

A couple minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Ladies?" Peter asked, holding up a big pile of the clothes that we had dumped on his bed. "Thanks Pete," I said, grabbing the clothes and shutting the door.

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