California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 28

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 28 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

I rolled over on my side, and woke up, finding myself in Jackie's bedroom.

Only Kaitlin was awake, and she was staring at the wall. We had managed to fit the four of us in Jackie's monstrous bed. And we were comfortable, just couldn't spread out very much. From left to right it was Amanda, me, Jackie, Kaitlin. Kaitlin rolled onto her back, and stared up at the wall.

"Kaitlin," I whispered. She looked over and smiled.

"Morning," she whispered back.

"How long have you been awake?"

She shrugged, "Maybe ten minutes."

I nodded, and managed to slip out of the bed by getting out on the end.

She got out too. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table, and she got hers before we went downstairs. We just lounged on the couch, watching some Saturday Morning Cartoons. We laughed that we were actually awake when the cartoons were on.

Eventually Jackie and Amanda came downstairs too.

We went into the kitchen where we found her cook Lauren had set up a huge breakfast ordeal, kind of like a buffet. We thanked her, and then dug in. We were all sitting around the dining room table eating when her parents came down.

"Good morning," her mom said to us, smiling and accepting a cup of coffee from Lauren at the same time.

"Morning," we all said back, still eating.

When we were all moderately done, we went back upstairs to her room. Amanda immediately went to the bathroom, and I cringed with the thought of what she could be doing in there, and I prayed to god I was wrong.

We all sat on her bed, finishing up our coffees.

"So do you guys think we should call Ben or Amy?" Jackie brought up.

No one looked particularly excited about the thought.

"I don't know, what do you guys think?" I asked them.

"Maybe wait until she calls us," Kaitlin said.

"What do you think Amanda?" I called to her in the bathroom.

She opened the door, and finished drying her hands on a towel. "Think about what?"

"Should we call Amy or Ben?" I repeated for her.

"Oh. Um, whatever you guys think I guess."

"So we should just wait until she calls us?" Jackie brought up the only solid idea we had.

We nodded, "But what if she doesn't call?" Kaitlin brought up, bringing down her own suggestion.

I shrugged, "Well, let's see if she does."

We all agreed on it.

We packed up most of our stuff, gathering up party clothes from where they had littered the floor.

"So how was the party guys?" I asked them, brushing my teeth.

"It was good. I have definitely been to better," Amanda said.

"I thought it was fun, but I wish you hadn't left," Jackie said, giving me a fake pouty face. We laughed.

I washed out my mouth, and then looked at Kaitlin for her opinion.

"It was fine," she said. There was something up with her, I could tell.

I nodded, and Amanda and I exchanged a glance.

I felt something vibrating from where I had flopped down on the bed, and then I heard Jackie's ring tone bubbling out from underneath me. I rolled over, finding her phone. I looked at the screen, "It's Luke," I said, handing it to her.

She answered, "Hello?"

We got half the conversation.

"Good, they're just getting some of their stuff together, what about you guys?"

A pause. "Cool."

More pausing. "Um..." she turned to us.

"Do we want to hang out with them?"

"Ask where," Amanda said.

She nodded, "Where?"

More pausing. "He said just maybe the park or something."

We all looked at each other and nodded. "Sure," I said.

"Sure," she repeated to him.

Then more babbling between the two of them, and she hung up.

"They're coming by to pick us up in a half hour."

"That soon?" Amanda yelped.

We laughed.

We, of course, all had bought clothes to wear the next day, a couple of outfits we could wear depending on what we would be doing.

Out of my bag I got jeans, a simple tank top, and a zip up jacket. I slipped on some flip flops. It was cloudy outside today, not exactly prime weather, but warm enough for flip flops.

We all got ready, brushing our hair, touching up some lip gloss maybe, even though we weren't wearing anything that we needed (which was nothing). So we really just had a couple hints of blush, maybe a mascara or two. Hardly anything at all.

A half hour later, the guys rang the bell. Since when did they ever ring the doorbell? I grabbed a different purse out of my bag, one that was simple and went with the outfit adorably. I stuck in my cell phone, lip balm and gloss, credit card, a few dollars. The usual.

I zipped it up, and hurried down the stairs after them. Actually only Luke had come to ring the bell, the others were still in the cars. The guys were in two cars again. I hated it when they did that, it made us all seem so separated. Craig was in Mike's car, and Chris was in Luke's, opposite of last night, minus Ben.

We of course got in with our guys, not that Craig was actually my guy yet, but we were on our way.

"Hey," Craig said, grinning at me. He was always grinning, and looked absolutely amazing doing it too.

"Hey," I said, having to smile back.

I loved how he made me smile, even if I didn't want to.

Kaitlin was looking weird in the front seat, especially when Mike slipped an arm around her.

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