California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 26

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

And the first party was here.

I packed a bag, and headed over to Jackie's to get ready. As I said before, we were all sleeping over at her house afterwards.

Amy was already there when I got there, and they were drinking Diet Cokes and watching television in her room.

Her maid greeted me at the door, and gestured up the stairs. I all ready knew where to go. We had all been friends since forever, and I had been to all of their houses too many times to count.

"Hey," they said, looking up when I came in.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Not much. What are you wearing?" Amy asked.

I pulled my outfit out of my bag. I was wearing one of those skirts that is tight around the hips and a little bit down before it goes out into a bunch of loose cloth that is swishy and swirls around. It was blue, and then I had a black tube top, and some black heels.

"Oh my gosh, I love your skirt! Where'd you get it?" Jackie came over, picking it up and going over to hold it up to herself in her full length mirrors that were really the doors to her walk in closet.

"Some random store in Beverly Hills."

She glanced back over at me before looking back, and moving her hips around to test the movement of the skirt, "Lucky! I love it!"

"I've seen some like it here," Amy said.

"Who are you kidding? They would never have something like this here. Think you can get me one?" Jackie said.

We laughed, "I'll ask a friend of mine if she can send one over."

"Oh my gosh, you would be my best friend for life!"

We laughed. Jackie headed over to her computer and signed off. "Want to go on?" she asked.

"Sure," might as well see if some of the California people were on. I immediately put them out of my head. I had to stop thinking about them.

"What are you wearing Amy?" I asked her while the computer signed on.

She headed over and dug around through her own bag. She pulled out a very cute mini dress. It was a tube dress, and was fitted down until on the bottom it was very spiny and chopped up looking, you know the kind. It looked cute. Her shoes were the kind that laced up your calf. She would look cute.

"Adorable!" I said, being probably too gushy. "What about you Jack?"

She went to her closet. She was wearing an adorable pair of pin striped pants that were pastel pink, green, and yellow. She was also wearing a tube top that perfectly matched the pink in the pants.

We laughed together at the beauty of our clothes.

At that point, Amanda came in, and I was signed on. A few people were on from Paris, a lot of people on with "getting ready for tonight" away messages on, and then a couple California people were on. One that shocked me was Leo.

Surprisingly, he instant messaged me. I was shocked.

"Hey!!!" I replied to his "hey!"

"How are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Good, good."

"That's good. How's school? What's new with everyone?"

"I tried out for football instead of cheerleading."

"I always knew you would with your strength."

"Lol," he was typing some more. "Jessie and I are kind of getting back together. I'm not sure though, there's lots of flirting, but I'll keep you posted on where that's going."

My insides were jumping for joy. I squealed, and everyone rushed over. "What?"

"My friend Leo from Beverly Hills is probably going to get back together with his old girlfriend! They were totally perfect for each other."

They all nodded.

"Tell me this though ... where did you sit the first day of school?"

"With Derek and them of course. Lol I know what you're wondering. Yes, Sophie, I sat at the popular table."

"Score!" I typed and yelped as Kaitlin came in. "Sorry guys," we laughed, and I went back to Leo.

"That's great!"

"Thanks. It's good. I guess the football requires it instead of the squad this year."


"So what have you been up to?"

"Not a whole lot, just getting back into the swing of speaking French all the time."

"Lol, sounds good. We miss you."

"Aww, thanks."

"Really, everyone misses you."

"Thanks. How's the gang doing?"

"They're good."

"Erin and Brittany still disgustingly inseparable?"

"Of course, you knew that."


The "gang" on this side of the world was starting to bustle. We were all sitting around drinking Diet Cokes and chatting. We still had a couple hours until the party. We always did that. Whenever we would get together before a party, we always went to the designated house really early, and just hung out for a while. But we were mainly ready, with showered bods and blow dried hair. Sometimes people would straighten their hair later to make sure that those fly-aways stayed down.

We were then showed what Amanda and Kaitlin were wearing.

Kaitlin was wearing an all white number that went really well wit her naturally dark Italian skin. Amanda was just the opposite with all black. They looked good, as we all would, of course.

I heard a few more alerts of instant messages. Leo was talking about the gang some more. "Charlotte and Parker are good. Kyle's not that great."

"What do you mean?"

"He really misses you Sophie."

"Is he okay though?"

"I guess so."

I didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go. I'll talk to you later though, okay?"

"Sounds good. It was good to talk to you. Bye."


He signed off, and my connection to Paris was gone.

Kyle really missed me! Yay!

Then Amanda mentioned that we should probably start getting ready.

I nodded, and signed off. "Computer's open."

Amanda took over, and signed on.

We opened up a couple more Diet Cokes, and then started getting ready. We all changed into our beautiful outfits.

We looked good, of course. Amanda squealed, and we looked over. "Chris is on," she informed us, before waving us back to our preparations while she turned to the computer.

I grabbed my makeup bag, and went into her bathroom, very similar to mine. The sink and counter stretched along one entire wall, which was all mirror, tons of space for us all to do our makeup. I didn't need much, like most of us, but still had a bag full of stuff that I used whenever I was going to a party or a nice event or something.

I rubbed on a little bit of foundation, a few sweeps of sparkly powder, some blush on my high cheekbones, and then the eyes. My eyes were always the best part of my makeup, because they were naturally beautiful without anything. The makeup only made them look even more amazing. I used a light color on the lid and brow that was a much lighter and paler version of the blue color of my skirt. Then eyeliner, and smudge it around with this little pointed cottony thing on the opposite end of the stick. It was a Stila, perfect coloring. I put on a tiny bit of mascara, never a lot because I always managed to smear it or something, and of course my eyelashes looked like they already had mascara and liner because of their natural shape.

I stepped back to take a good look at myself. It all worked, then the lip gloss. I pulled out one of those Stila that you twist the end and it makes this clicking sound, and then the gloss comes out in this brush thing on the other end. I put on some lip balm first, and then the gloss. I was almost complete. I slathered on my deodorant (of course we would all need it to party all night long), and then added the jewelry. I would save the shoes for later, who wants to purposely wear those shoes any more than necessary to pull off a look?

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