California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 21

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

Seven months later.

I woke up at six thirty like usual, showered, blow dried my hair, and got ready for school.

Today was the day that I would have to break the news. That I was moving back to France at the end of the school year.

I had to tell everyone. Kyle already knew, and had known since forever ago, when he had first told me he loved me.

Today was May second. I put on khaki capris, a simple bright blue tank top, and my Adidas.

I headed downstairs, to find Peter and Adrienne downstairs.

"You guys ready to break the news?" I asked them.

Adrienne looked like she was about to start crying, and Peter wasn't looking too good himself. He had to change for his senior year. The bad thing was, since this year he was supposed to be a senior in France, he would have to be a senior again with the kids in the grade below him. He had the frozen look on his face, the kind that a lot of guys get when they are trying not to show any emotion, but there is really a ton of it bottled up inside.

Mom and Dad came down. Mom was wearing a dress suit, and Dad had on a tie. "Case?" I asked Mom. Since we moved here, she had focused more on her lawyer career than acting career, even though she still did some acting.

"The last big one," she said, crossing her fingers. "You're father also has a meeting to talk to the company here about moving back to France. Hopefully all goes well there too." She crossed the fingers on her other hand.

"Well, I think we will all be having our fingers crossed today. Us kids have to break the news, you have some huge events, let's just hope all goes well," Peter said, his voice like stone.

I looked at him. My brother had changed so much in the time we were in America. Not only had he practically found a soul mate, Hayley, but he seemed to enjoy life here so much. I had never seen him happier.

Now we all had to leave. I had already called Erin and told him not to pick me up, that I was going to get a ride with Peter. Mom and Dad had decided to buy yet another car about four months ago. Us kids drove it to school, and took it wherever we really needed too. I guess you could call it the kid car.

Adrienne checked her watch. "We have to go," her voice almost cracked.

She grabbed her bag, and marched out.

I put my stuff in the sink and followed. I gave Mom and Dad a kiss on the cheek, and followed her. I grabbed the keys from off the foyer table, and headed out into the driveway with Adrienne. We put down the top of our convertible, and then she got in the back. I climbed into the driver's seat. I started the car, and leaned my head against the steering wheel. I could hear Adrienne sniffling, trying not to cry. I turned in my seat, to see my sister there with tears streaming down her cheeks.

I put my arms out, and she came to them, hugging me tightly.

Peter came walking down the path, and automatically climbed into the front passenger's seat. He didn't even stop to complain about me driving as he often did.

He shut the door, put his bag on the floor, buckled his seat belt, and sat there staring straight ahead.

I looked at him, and then snapped to attention. Mom and Dad would have to get their cars out. I buckled my seat belt, adjusted the mirrors, and then put the car in reverse and drove out of the driveway.

We went to school in silence.

I saw my five best friends in the hall, hanging out around our lockers, just chatting.

Erin looked over, saw me, pointed me out to the others. As everyone else looked over, I burst into tears.

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