California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 18

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

Four touchdowns and several head collisions later, things started to get ugly.

The Cougars were winning by two touchdowns, and our guys were not going to let them win. It was half time. That meant the half time show.

An easy, but complicated, routine to Inspector Gadget. It was full of basket tosses, single libs and cradles, and of course, the wackiest dance moves you have ever seen.

The song started with a one, two, three, then a "boing." We started in formation. There were sixteen guys, and sixteen girls, that meant sixteen possible single base stunts. There were eight single bases, and then a V formation that on the "boing" all did popcorn toe touches.

Leo and I were in the group that was doing single base stunts.

The announcer told everyone to focus onto the middle of the field where we would be doing our routine.

I got kind of nervous as we all ran out onto the field, clapping and cheering for the Angels. It was kind of gay sounding, to be cheering for a bunch of hot, buff guys, and calling them Angels.

We got in formation. Crouched down, Leo's hands on my waist, ready to toss me up into a single base.

The music started, and up I went on the "boing".

During the first half of the song, before the repeat of the motions, we were in the stunting group, then we would end the dance as the stunt group too. In most squads and dances, they switch, but we decided that we would be staying in our groups for this one game. We went into single extensions, lips, and then cradles.

Brisk walking to the stunt group, and then basket tosses. An easy toss into a layout back twist. My ponytail came around and smacked me in the face. Easy stunts, ones that I had done tons of times in a row.

When they set me out of the cradle, I had a split second chance to look at the crowd. Everyone seemed to be watching me, and the rest of the flyers. I knew from experience that flyers were the ones everyone watched, and the points of the formations.

Then we went into one of the most complicated stunts I had ever been in, and I had to be on the top.

We had our three strongest guys on the bottom. Anthony, in the middle, had the foot of two girls on him, and then the other two guys had the girls' other foots. It was the start of a pyramid, like two person shoulder stands with three people. Then I was sent up, with the tallest guys, into a full, and then had to go into a shoulder stand between the two girls. With a boom at the end of the song, I was up, put one hand behind my head, and the other pointed straight out. The position my old squad had always done for booms while in stunts.

To get down was the hardest, I had to fall. A simple lean back, and fall down into the arms of three guys. Talk about scary, falling three people lengths high in the air. It was horrifying. But I made it to the ground safely.

And the game ended in a boom.

The last six seconds, and we made the winning touchdown. Actually, Joey did. Who happened to be Lucy's boyfriend. You should have seen the congratulations make out she gave him. It made us all cringe.

We ran over, cheering like we were supposed to, and finding our guys.

I ran over to Kyle, and almost jumped on him. "Congrats!" I yelled in his ear over the roar of the crowd.

"Thanks babe."

Right then and there, he kissed me. I laughed.

"Now we have something to celebrate tomorrow," I reminded him and the rest of the gang, who we had managed to round up.

He slipped an arm around my waist, "And we will definitely be celebrating."

We laughed, and headed off to the locker rooms.

It was all over school the next day.

The Angels had beat the Cougars. We had won our first football game, at this point we were undefeated, and had a chance at the Semi Finals, Finals, States, Nationals, and everything. The Cougars didn't. At this point we were still in the running.

Us cheerleaders decided that we would all wear our cheer leading shirts to school the next day, along with a cute skirt or jeans.

I wore khaki capris and navy slip on sneakers with my top.

We all laughed at the sight of each other in our cheer leading tops.

It was weird to notice how all of the cheerleaders and football players all sat at pretty much the same table. And the rest of the cheerleaders and the guy cheerleaders were sitting at their own table, with all of their girlfriends. I saw Leo and Jessie, surrounded by all of these other couples, trying not to look at each other, and couldn't help but feel bad.

"Hey guys," I said to Charlotte and Brittany. "Think we can ask Leo to come sit with us?"

Brittany gave me a look, "Why?"

"'Cause he has to sit there with all those other couples and then Jessie."

"Look Sophie, I know you want to be little miss nice girl, but the Seniors would totally not allow it."

"Why not? He's a junior anyway."

"I know, so let him wait until next year when he has run of the school then he can chose to sit at the popular table on the first day of school like he is supposed to."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, you'll understand next year when it's the first day, and you actually know what's going on. But at this point, we can't control any of that, only the Seniors can."

"Okay, whatever you say."

"Just be happy you're popular," Charlotte said, and passed me the ketchup.

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