California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 16

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

A month later, after our routine three hour long "girl time," I arrived home to find myself thrown into "family time."

Things had gotten so much better for us in America. My friends and I had gotten closer, so I began to feel the space growing between myself and my French heritage.

We had decided a routine. My friends and I would go out Friday night, do sleep overs, then spend the next day at the beach with all the other popular kids. Then that night we would all go out. Sunday was spent doing homework, shopping, and then Sunday dinner with the family at the club.

Now it was time for family dinner at 6:45 as usual. We always left at 6:15.

I glanced at my watch as I headed upstairs to get ready. Four forty five. I had enough time, I hoped.

I wrapped the towel around my head, and went to pick out an outfit while my AOL signed on.

I decided on a tan, knee length skirt; a white halter top; some white, strappy sandals; and my brown purse to match the tie belt that fell around my waist.

I glanced at the computer screen. Ben, Amanda, Brittany, the rest of the gang, and several other people were on.

Kyle instant messaged me, and so did Amanda.

I replied a "hey" to each, then got dressed. I did my makeup while I talked to Amanda. I really wanted the dirt on her, Amy, and Ben.

"What's up?" she asked.

"About to go out with the fam, u?"


"Cool, w/ who?"

It took her a while to answer. I dusted on some blush, then was starting on my eye shadow when she answered. "Just some people."


"I dunno, Ben, Amy, Chris."

"Chris Jesuit?" She had liked him forever, but they never went out, because he was like obsessed with me.

"Yeah, didn't you know? We're going out now."

My eyeliner pencil slipped and almost stabbed me from the shock. Sloppy seconds, I thought.

"Oh, who else is going out?"

"I know you're upset."


"About me and Chris."

"Remind me why..."

"You wish it was you he was dating."

"In what world?" I hear Mom yelling from downstairs. "I have to go."

"See? You're mad because I'm right."

"Screw you."

I signed off with steam coming out of my ears.

My best friend had obviously changed, or maybe I was the one who had changed. DId I really act like that when I was her best friend?

I stuffed my cell, wallet, and hair clip into my purse, then headed downstairs. I was so confused.

Adrienne and Peter followed shortly, and soon we all piled into the car, and headed off to the club.

We arrived right on time, and settled into our table overlooking the pool, and further, the ocean.

The meal was spent discussing the previous week, and our plans for the week ahead.

Us kids went first.

Adrienne informed us that she and her new best friend Julia had formed their own doubles team on the school tennis team. They were having their first tournament on Tuesday. She was going to a friend's party Friday night, and they would sleep over afterwards.

Then my turn. They guys were having their first football game on Thursday, and us cheerleaders were doing the half time show, because we were the home team. The after party was Friday night, and Kyle and I were going together.

And so on.

About halfway through the meal, I went to the bathroom.

On my way back from primping, I was surprised to see Kyle with his family on the other side of the dining room.

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