California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 15

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

Kyle and I stood in front of my house.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, grinning.

We both glanced over at the car, where the gang was sitting.

They were dropping me off from the party.

Kyle and I kissed, hearing our friends whistling.

We laughed, and he hugged me.

"I'll call you later," he whispered in my ear.

I nodded and waved bye to the others, and then gave Kyle a kiss on the cheek.

I unlocked the door, and went inside, laughing to myself.

I shut the door behind me, and leaned against it. I heard the gang calling out to Kyle, and him responding, his voice getting further and further away, until it was the same volume as theirs. I heard the car start and speed off.

I hurried upstairs, seeing Mom and Dad watching a movie together, wrapped up in each other's arms.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad. I'm back," I say, going into the living room.

"Hi honey," Mom looks at my slightly wet clothes, and laughs. "How was the party?"

"Great, we had a water fight."

"Oh. Well, it's good that you are getting out and having fun with your new little friends."

I nod. "I'll be upstairs if you need me."

They nod, and I head up to my room.

I throw my purse onto my vanity, and head into my bathroom. I strip down, and take a really quick shower, slipping into my fluffiest bathrobe. I brush my hair, and wrap it up in my Twirly Towel. I head back into my room, and sign online.

No one from Paris is online, because of the horribly weird time difference.

There are a lot of people from here online though.

Erin instant messages me.

surferErin765: sry if i got u wet.

I respond.

cheerangel22: its fine, lol

We chat for a little bit. One by one, the gang starts signing on.

Brittany makes a chat, and we all go in. Here is everyone's screen names.

Erin: surferErin765

Brit: cheerchick15

Parker: surferPark19

Char: cheerdoll14

Kyle: surferKyle4

Me: cheerangel22

I know, all the guys are surfer somethings. Coincidence? Sure. And all of us girls are cheer something? Yeah I know. It's kind of freaky.

I talk to a few other people on the side. Then Kyle calls me.



"What's up?"

"Nothing really. My parents were like, 'it's so nice that you are getting out and having fun with your new little friends!' They're so weird."

Kyle laughed. "Yeah..."

We were quiet for a couple of minutes, except for the sound of both of us typing away.

"So, this was a good start I guess, don't you think?" Kyle finally asked. He sounded nervous about my answer.

I smiled to myself. "It was. I had fun, and I finally found out what a United States party is like. It was a learning experience for me, and a chance to have some fun."

We laughed. "Glad to be of help with the learning."


"Well, I think that some people are going out for pizza on Friday. Do you maybe want to go together?"

I smiled to myself again, "Sure."

I heard a sigh of relief from his end. "Okay, good. I'll pick you up at seven okay?"

"Sounds good."

We talked for another half an hour about everything.

It was getting near one thirty.

"Look, I have to go, but I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" I said.

"Okay. Night."


I hung up, and collapsed on my bed, clutching my phone to my chest.

I sighed, a sigh of love.

I realized that I was not only falling in love with a guy when I thought the only one for me was Ben, but I was falling in love with America.

The next day, I woke up at eleven thirty.

I headed downstairs, to find everyone up but Peter.

"Where's Pete?" I asked.

"Not feeling too well. Your father knocked on his door earlier this morning, and all he heard was a groan."

I laughed. "Let me go see."

I raced back up the stairs.

I slowly opened Peter's door, and then raced in and dove on the bed.

My brother rolled onto the floor. He groaned some more.

I slipped from the bed, and plopped down on him.

"Morning sleepy."

He groaned some more.

"Aw ... little baby. Does Baby Petey have a hangover from a party last night?" I loved talking baby to him.

He opened his eyes a crack. "Don't tell," he croaked as he pushed me off him, and climbed back onto his bed.

I nodded, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. I didn't know a lot of the things my brother did.

But I knew for sure, that my brother didn't drink while he was in France.

I called Charlotte.

Breakfast had passed, and I had made up some story that Peter had a stomachache. That would do him some good to have the sleep, and give him at least two hours.

Her mom picked up. "Hi, may I please speak to Charlotte?" I asked.

"Hi Sophie, sure just a minute." In less than a week, we had all learned each other's voices.

I opened his door again, and took some Advil and Sprite into him.

"Hey sleepy head, brought you some feel good medicine."

He grinned, keeping his eyes shut.

"Thanks Soph. Just put it on the desk, will you?"


I hear Charlotte's mom call for her, and then her answer.

The next thing I know, she picks up.


"Hey, what's up?"

"Not much, did you have fun at the party last night?" she sounds like Amanda used to, again.

I laughed. "You have no idea. It makes me want to have one like every night!"

We laughed. I heard a beep. "Hold on, I have call waiting."


I clicked for the other line. It was Brittany. "Hey, I'm on the other line with Charlotte, let me conference you in."

I pushed a few buttons, and then we were all squealing at once.

I plopped down into to the chair in front of my desk, and signed on.

I have DSL, I swear I couldn't live without it.

"So guys, I hear we're all going out for pizza next Friday."

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