California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

When we got to Brad's house, I could hear the music from outside. It was loud.

There were a lot of cars, and people milling around.

We parked, and got out.

I finally got a good look at everyone.

Brittany and Charlotte looked good, just as I thought they would.

The guys though ... I mean wow. Kyle looked the best, as usual, but they all looked really good.

Us girls went into a huddle before we went inside.

"Oh my gosh!" Brittany squealed. "You are going to knock the socks off everyone here!"

"I'm looking forward to that," I said flirtatiously.

"And with that attitude, Kyle will be the envy of the town," Charlotte put in, laughing.

We laughed. Brittany's long brown hair was in a straight ponytail, and it swished between her shoulder blades when she walked. Charlotte's medium copper hair was straight, partially pulled back. We all looked really good, with our slight hints of body glitter, amazing perfume, and gorgeous outfits.

"Girls, are we ready?" I asked, putting a hand in the middle.

"Totally," Charlotte put her hand on mine.

"You bet," Brittany added hers on the pile. We added our other hands too.

I looked at the two girls who had become my best friends in less than a week. "Here's to best friends, and the night of our lives!"

"Oh yeah!"

We headed over to where the guys were standing, talking about who knows what.

We each grabbed our guy, and we were off the party.

Kyle looked kind of nervous, so I slipped my hand in his. He gave it a squeeze, and I squeeze back.

We rang the bell, and Brad answered. He had a drink in his hand, but you could tell he wasn't totally wasted yet.

"Hey! The Sophomores are here!" he yelled into the room. Everyone cheered, and went back to talking, dancing, making out, or whatever they were doing.

We headed upstairs, and put our coats in the coat room.

We headed back down, to go finally introduce me to the world of popularity.

Boy was I nervous.

Charlotte and Parker headed down into the room first. They kissed and hugged lots of people, and then turned.

Then Erin and Brittany. Same thing.

Then Kyle and I. It was really nerve racking.

Kyle looked and acted completely natural, while I was literally shaking from head to toe.

And I hardly remember my introduction.

But it worked.

The next thing I knew, I was in the middle of the dance floor with the gang.

I spotted Peter on a couch talking to Hayley.

I looked around me. There were way more than twenty four people there. I asked Charlotte. "Oh no, it's not just the main popular groups. It's the whole jock groups too. Everyone who isn't in the dork hallway."

"There's a dork hallway?"

"Exactly why you're popular babe," she laughed, and danced over to Parker.

We were all dancing together.

I realized that people all over dance the same, and I had no problem fitting in with their dancing.

We were all dancing in a group, and sometimes we would branch off.

Grinding. Interesting word, don't you think? Ha, the action is even better.

I was dancing with Charlotte and Brittany, and then I realized someone was behind me, dancing right behind me, moving right with me. I turned my head, it was Kyle.

"Hey," he yelled over the music. He put his hands on my waist.

"Hey. For a second, I was like, who is that?"

He laughed, and we kept dancing together. Grinding if you like calling it that.

The slow dance.

The group kind of dispersed, and some couples danced, while a lot dropped out to hook up or get something to eat or drink.

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