California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 13

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

Our first cheer leading practice

We gathered on the bleachers next to the field where the guys were practicing.

I looked around me. There were only the twelve girls, and a few others who made it because their jock boyfriends made the football team. They were more of the people who were popular in the jock kind of way. Then there were all the buff guys. We had a squad of 32 people, 16 guys and 16 girls. The 16 guys were the popular cheerleading guys. They were just huge and buff, and awesome for stunts.

Lucy, Stephanie, and Vicky headed to the front, and yelled for us all to be quiet. I sat between Charlotte and Brittany, wearing shorts and a tee with sneakers.

They start going off on this whole speech about what will be required of us, because we are officially representing the school, its best girls, and its most popular ones. See? I told you that being popular got you everywhere here in America.

We started off by doing some stretches, and then coaching on some stunts.

They had me, Charlotte, and Brittany be the flyers. We had more experience than the freshmen, but were smaller than the juniors and other girls.

For the first time since we moved here to America, I was having the time of my life.

The party.

We had finally made it through our first week of sophomore year!

When Charlotte dropped Brittany and I off at our houses, I was really starting to miss France. I mean, I was literally forgetting everyone from there. Sure, their pictures still covered my bulletin board and filled my picture frames, but I was forgetting what it was like to be with them. I have to say, Charlotte and Brittany were turning into my best friends.

We decided that we would all be spending the night at my house after the party.

I shower, and blow dry my hair straight. I sign online while I get dressed. I talk to Amanda for a little while. Supposedly, Ben has found a new girlfriend. For some reason I got extremely crushed at that. I yelled to Peter.

"Guess what?"


"Ben got a new girlfriend..."

I started crying. Ben had been like the best boyfriend ever, and I missed him so much.

"Shh ... Soph, it's okay. You have to get over that guy. You're not going to see him for quite a while. I mean, you've moved on too, with Kyle..."

"But Ben..." I wailed.

"Sophie, get over him. We live in the U.S. now, there is no turning back."

I nodded, wiping away the tears that were streaming down my cheeks.

"Now, come on. We have a party to get ready for. It will help you put Ben completely out of your mind."

I nod.

I get dressed. I put on the tight jeans, the halter, and the shoes. I do my makeup, I spray on my Clinique Happy Heart with a mix of Chanel Chance. I know, ritzy but this was what I needed to do.

Brittany signed on, and instant messaged me right away.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Almost. Things are looking good though."

"Great. I think we're coming by at like 7:45 ... is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Just call when you're on your way."

"Will do."

We don't talk for a minute.

I dig around in my bathroom drawers, and start working on my makeup. Not a lot, I really don't need any, but just enough to "highlight my features" (as my mother says).

I stare at myself in the full length mirror of my closet.

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