California Crew - Cover

California Crew

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 12

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Sophie Chapelier has always had everything she wanted and needed, her entire life. Born in Paris France, she has never left Europe her entire life. Now, when she is 16 years old, her father makes a startling announcement, her family is moving to America. To Beverly Hills, California.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic   Heterosexual  

The next day after school, we didn't have cheer leading practice.

We all got into Charlotte's convertible, and headed to Brittany's house.

I had a few sample shirts, skirts, pants, and shoes for them, and Char had brought a few things along too.

We were all going to figure out what we were going to wear.

We headed upstairs, after waving hi to her maid and little sister.

Brittany's house is a lot like mine, and our rooms are almost identical.

I couldn't believe how close we all have gotten in such an amazingly short time. I guess this is the way they do it here in America.

We all decide to let each other use our clothes and everything. This is going to be just like things were with Amanda and my other best friends in France.

We all get out our clothes and try to work on what to wear. Charlotte has decided on a cute black skirt (mine), and a white corset tube top. Can you say wow? She is also wearing some cute white sandals.

We work on Brittany next. We decide that she will wear a cute hot pink mini dress. It looks amazing on her, and she will wear some glittery sandals complements of Charlotte.

For me, we have a bit of trouble.

We finally decide that I will wear my tightest, hottest pair of jeans that have white stitching down the sides, around the pockets, and around the bottom and top. We find some cute shoes that I can easily kick off that look really good. The shirt is slightly harder. Remember how I told you I was kind of anorexic looking? Yeah, well they are too. I mean I have a nice build and chest and everything, but sometimes people think I'm too skinny for my own good. Whatever.

The shirt is still hard though. We decide that I will wear a really cute shirt of Brittany's. It is black halter top, with a really deep neckline, and a really low back.

I never thought I could look like such a slut, but hey, in the States anything is possible.

Charlotte drops me off at my house, with all of my clothes and the shirt of Brittany's that I am going to borrow.

It is about two hours until dinner. Pearl and Veronica are sitting in the living room, watching television together.

I say hi, and then continue up to my room.

I hang up the clothes I brought that we are not going to be using, and then start in on my homework. I finish in time for dinner, and go downstairs just as the phone rings.


"Sophie? It's Stephanie, from the twelfth grade."

"Yeah, hi."

"How are you?"

"Good, what about you?"

"Pretty good, I was just calling everyone to let them know who all got on the squad. We, meaning us seniors the cheerleader captains me, Lucy, and Vicky..."


"Well, we decided that it would be less embarrassing this way for the girls who didn't make it if it was not posted all over school."

"That's nice."

"So, we were just calling to let you know that you made the squad. Congratulations."

"Wow, thanks!"

"Don't mention it! Now, practices are three thirty to six every day after school, the same time as the boys' football team practice. Will that be okay for you?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Okay, sounds great. Call me though if there are any conflicts, k?"

"Okay, sure."

"See you in school!" She sounds like a total ditz.

"Okay, bye."

I hang up, and head into the dining room. Everyone else comes filing in.

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