Missed Call - Cover

Missed Call

Copyright© 2008 by Ella Robbins

Chapter 16: But I'm Afraid...

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 16: But I'm Afraid... - Lauren's world comes crashing down when Natalie tries to come between her and Luke. As the missed calls, text messages and voicemails pile up, can she forgive him?

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Romantic  

It was about three weeks later.

Claudia and I had had our kiss and makeup session. She knew she was wrong to say those things in such a hurtful manner. I had faced my fears, and finally confessed that the things she had said were actually true. So we went back to being best friends.

My camp friend Justin called me. He was tall, good looking, and one of the most fascinating and coolest people I had ever met. He wanted to get together, go to dinner and a movie or something. So I told him to come to Nick' house two nights later, and pick me up. Nick was having a party, and I was going so we could hook up. Anything unusual there? And plus ... I was taking Claudia's advice ... getting myself more than one guy.

So at eight thirty two nights later, Justin showed up at Nick' door. We were making out, and Mike (remember him? Nick' best friend?) came upstairs to tell us he was there.

"Thanks so much," I said to Mike. He left.

I gave Nick a last kiss, before getting up and heading downstairs. He followed. As I walked down the hallway, I fluffed my hair, and added a coat of lip gloss. As I went down the stairs, I scanned the room for him. I spotted him by the door, looking uncomfortable.

I ran, and practically jumped on him. I was swept into the biggest hug of my life, with pelvic contact.

He looked amazing.

"Wow, you look great," he said, grinning. He had a great smile, and really hot dimples.

"Thanks! So do you!"

"Thanks," we laughed. Who knew why?

"Hi, I'm Nick," he introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Justin. Sorry to steal Laur away..." he slipped an arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip at the exact place between where my shirt stopped and my skirt started. His touch made me shiver, in a good way.

Nick' eyes darted to his hand and then back to his face.

"Would you hang on for just a second?" he asked, grabbing my wrist.

"Uh, sure, yeah. Laur, I'll be outside."

I nodded, "Okay."

He went outside, and Nick pulled me towards the stairs.

"I don't want you going out with that guy."

"Why?" I asked, flirtatiously.

"No, no joke. I seriously don't want you going out with him. There's something so fucking creepy about that guy."


"I can't figure it out ... but I don't want you going out with him..."

"Nick! Come on! He's one my best camp friends! I haven't seen him since the reunion! I'll be fine, don't worry about me. Okay?"

He half nodded. "I'll call you later," he said, kissing me one last time, but looking distracted. He was still thinking about Justin.

"Peace," I had picked up the 'peace out' from the guys. We were all starting to say it constantly now.

Outside, Justin looked great, and ready to go.

"Ready?" he gave me a cute smile.

I gave him my best smile back. "Definitely."

And so I went home that night, having gone to second with him. He had been really horny, but he wasn't getting anything from me. So after second, I had had enough.

"I need to get home," I said, checking my cell phone. I also had another text and voice message.

"All right."

He drove me home, giving me a good night kiss at the door. "I had an amazing time."

"I had a good time too. I guess I'll talk to you later ... enjoy Beverly Hills!"

"Thanks. Talk to you later."

And the night was over. And some part of me was kind of sad he would be going home ... he lived in New York ... I wouldn't see him until the next reunion, or if we all agreed to go back for the closing ceremonies, or what. Or maybe the next session, who knew.

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